def generate_data_UE(data=None,
    path = 'los_angeles_data_2.mat'
    graph, x_true, l, path_wps, wp_trajs, obs, wp = synthetic_data(data,
    x_true = array(x_true)
    obs = obs[0]
    A_full = path_solver.linkpath_incidence(graph)
    A = to_sp(A_full[obs, :])
    A_full = to_sp(A_full)
    U, f = WP.simplex(graph, wp_trajs, withODs)
    T, d = path_solver.simplex(graph)

    # cell locations
    cell_pos = array(wp.wp.values())

    data = {
        'A_full': A_full,
        'A': A,
        'x_true': x_true,
        'T': to_sp(T),
        'd': array(d),
        'U': to_sp(U),
        'f': array(f),
        'cell_pos': cell_pos

    if NLP is not None:
        lp = LinkPath(graph, x_true, N=NLP)
        V, g = lp.simplex_lp()
        data['V'], data['g'] = V, g

    # Export
    if export:
        if not SO:
            fname = '%s/UE_graph.mat' % c.DATA_DIR
            fname = '%s/SO_graph.mat' % c.DATA_DIR, data, oned_as='column')

    return data, graph
Exemple #2
def get_paths(SO, K, demand, return_paths=True, ffdelays=False, path=None, save_data=False, savepath=None):
    """This experiment does the following tests:
    1. compute the UE/SO link flows using node-link formulation 
    2. get the link delays for the UE/SO link flow
    3. find the K-shortest paths for these delays/marginal delays (used ones under UE/SO)
    4. add these paths to the network
    5. compute the UE/SO path flows using link-path formulation
    6. check if we get the same UE/SO link flow
    SO: if False, compute the UE, if True, compute the SO
    K: number of shortest paths
    demand: choice of OD demand
    return_paths: if True, return paths
    ffdelays: if True the k-shortest paths are obtained from ff delays
    Return value:
    print 'generate graph with demand', demand
    g = los_angeles(theta, 'Polynomial', path=path)[demand]
    if ffdelays: paths = get_shortest_paths(g, K)
    print 'compute UE'
    l1 = ue.solver(g, update=True, SO=SO)
    d1 = sum([link.delay*link.flow for link in g.links.values()])
    if SO:
        for link in g.links.values():
            link.delay = link.ffdelay*(1+0.75*(link.flow*link.delayfunc.slope)**4)
    print 'get {} shortest paths'.format(K)
    if not ffdelays: paths = get_shortest_paths(g, K)
    if return_paths: return paths
    for p in paths: g.add_path_from_nodes(p)
    print 'Generate link-path incidence matrix'
    P = path_solver.linkpath_incidence(g)
    x_true = path_solver.solver(g, update=True, SO=SO)[0]
    l2 = P*x_true
    d2 = sum([p.delay*p.flow for p in g.paths.values()])
    if save_data:
        U, f = path_solver.path_to_OD_simplex(g)
        if savepath is None: savepath = 'data.pkl'
        data = {}
        data['U'] = np.array(matrix(U))
        data['f'] = np.array(f).flatten()
        data['A'] = np.array(matrix(P))
        data['b'] = np.array(l2).flatten()
        data['x_true'] = np.array(x_true).flatten()
        pickle.dump( data, open(savepath, "wb" ) )
    #for i in range(P2.shape[0]):
    #    print np.sum(P2[i,:])
    return d1,d2,paths
Exemple #3
def test_helper(demand, paths):
    g = los_angeles(theta, 'Polynomial')[demand]
    for p in paths: g.add_path_from_nodes(p)
    P = path_solver.linkpath_incidence(g)
    l1 = ue.solver(g, update=True)
    d1 = sum([link.delay*link.flow for link in g.links.values()])
    l2 = P*path_solver.solver(g, update=True)
    d2 = sum([p.delay*p.flow for p in g.paths.values()])
    l3 = ue.solver(g, update=True, SO=True)
    d3 = sum([link.delay*link.flow for link in g.links.values()])
    l4 = P*path_solver.solver(g, update=True, SO=True)
    d4 = sum([p.delay*p.flow for p in g.paths.values()])
    return l1,l2,l3,l4,d1,d2,d3,d4
Exemple #4
def test_feasible_pathflows(SO, demand, random=False):
    """Test function feasible_pathflows"""
    paths = find_UESOpaths(SO)
    g = los_angeles(theta, 'Polynomial')[demand]
    l1 = ue.solver(g, update=True, SO=SO)
    d1 = sum([link.delay*link.flow for link in g.links.values()])
    for p in paths: g.add_path_from_nodes(p)
    P = linkpath_incidence(g)
    l2 = P*path_solver.solver(g, update=True, SO=SO, random=random)
    d2 = sum([p.delay*p.flow for p in g.paths.values()])
    ind_obs, ls, ds = {}, [], []
    ind_obs[0] = g.indlinks.keys()
    ind_obs[1] = [(36,37,1), (13,14,1), (17,8,1), (24,17,1), (28,22,1), (14,13,1), (17,24,1), (24,40,1), (14,21,1), (16,23,1)]
    ind_obs[2] = [(17,24,1), (24,40,1), (14,21,1), (16,23,1)]
    for i in range(len(ind_obs)):
        obs = [g.indlinks[id] for id in ind_obs[i]]
        obs = [int(i) for i in list(np.sort(obs))]
        ls.append(P*path_solver.feasible_pathflows(g, l1[obs], obs, True))
        ds.append(sum([p.delay*p.flow for p in g.paths.values()]))
    print d1,d2,ds
    print np.linalg.norm(l1-l2), [np.linalg.norm(l1-ls[i]) for i in range(len(ind_obs))]
Exemple #5
def find_UESOpaths(SO, return_paths=True, random=False, path=None):
    1. take the union for all optimum shortest paths for UE/SO
    2. compute UE/SO using node-link and link-path formulation for all demands
    3. compare results
    SO: if False, compute the UE, if True, compute the SO
    return_paths: if True, do only step 1 and return paths, if False, do steps 2 and 3
    paths, ls, ds, ps = [], [], [], []
    if SO: K = [0,0,0,10] #[2, 2, 4, 7]
    else: K = [0,0,0,5] #[2, 2, 2, 3] [5,5,5,5]
    for i in range(4):
        tmp = get_paths(SO, K[i], i, path=path)
        for p in tmp:
            if p not in paths: paths.append(p)
    if return_paths: return paths
    for i in range(4):
        g = los_angeles(theta, 'Polynomial')[i]
        for p in paths: g.add_path_from_nodes(p)
        P = linkpath_incidence(g)
        l1 = ue.solver(g, update=True, SO=SO)
        d1 = sum([link.delay*link.flow for link in g.links.values()])
        p_flows = path_solver.solver(g, update=True, SO=SO, random=random)
        l2 = P*p_flows
        d2 = sum([p.delay*p.flow for p in g.paths.values()])
    for i in range(4):
        print np.linalg.norm(ls[i][0] - ls[i][1])
        print ds[i][0], ds[i][1]
    print len(paths)
Exemple #6
def experiment(data=None, SO=False, trials=5, demand=3, N=10, withODs=False, data_id=None):
    """Run set of experiments
    1. generate synthetic data with synthetic_data()
        g: Graph object with paths
        f_true: true path flow
        l: UE linkflow
        path_wps: dictionary {path_id: wp_ids}, with wp_ids list of waypoints
        wp_trajs: waypoint trajectories [(wp_traj, path_list, flow)]
        obs: dictionary {i: [link_ids]} where obs[i] are the indices of the i*n/N links with the most flow
    2. Solve the linear regression problem min ||P*f-l|| s.t. U*f=r, x>=0
        a. solve it with {i*n/N, i=1,...,N} observed links and OD information
        b. solve it with {i*n/N, i=1,...,N} observed links and cell-path flow (+ OD flows if withODs)
    3. Compute the relative link flow errors l_errors and the relative path flow errors
    4. Repeat this 'trials' (=10) times and compute the average error and standard deviation
    data: (N0, N1, scale, regions, res, margin) inputs of generate_wp
    SO: if True, computes SO
    trials: number of trials and take the average
    demand: OD demand
    N: number of sets of observed links
    e.g. if N=10, we run 10 experiments with observations from the 10, 20, ..., 100% most occupied links
    plot: if True, plot results
    withODs: include ODs in the constraints
    data_id: id when figure is saved
    numexp = 2*N
    l_errors, f_errors = [[] for i in range(numexp)], [[] for i in range(numexp)]
    mean_ratio = 0
    ddl_ODs, ddl_cellpaths = [[] for i in range(N)], [[] for i in range(N)]
    k = 0
    while k < trials:
        print 'trial', k
        g, f_true, l, path_wps, wp_trajs, obs = synthetic_data(data, SO, demand, N)
        mean_ratio += float(len(wp_trajs)) / len(path_wps)
        norm_l, norm_f = np.linalg.norm(l, 1), np.linalg.norm(f_true, 1)
        err_f = lambda x: np.linalg.norm(f_true-x, 1) / norm_f
        err_l = lambda x: np.linalg.norm(l-x, 1) / norm_l
        P = path.linkpath_incidence(g)
        ls, fs = [], []
        #print 'Compute min ||P*f-l|| s.t. U*f=r, x>=0 with U=OD-path incidence matrix'
        # A trial must complete successfully for all 2*N tests for it to count
        failed = False
        for i in range(N):
                f, rank, dim = path.feasible_pathflows(g, l[obs[i]], obs[i], with_ODs=True, x_true=f_true)
                ddl_ODs[i].append(dim - rank)
            except (ValueError, UnboundLocalError) as e:
                print e
                # 'Probably your QP is either non-positively defined (for cvxopt_qp you should have xHx > 0 for any x != 0) or very ill-conditioned.'           # __str__ allows args to be printed directly
                failed = True
        #print 'Compute min ||P*f-l|| s.t. U*f=r, x>=0 with U=waypoint-path incidence matrix'
        if failed:
        for i in range(N):
                f, rank, dim = path.feasible_pathflows(g, l[obs[i]], obs[i], 
                    with_ODs=withODs, with_cell_paths=True, x_true=f_true, wp_trajs=wp_trajs)
                ddl_cellpaths[i].append(dim - rank)
                if data[0] + data[1] + data[3][0][1] == 40:
                    string = '+OD' if withODs else ''
                    print 'rank={}, num_obs={}, cellpath'.format(rank, len(obs[i])) + string 
                # Throw out trials for which any domain error is caught
                #for j in range(U.size[0]):
                #    path.feasible_pathflows(g, l[obs[i]], obs[i], eq_constraints=(U[:j,:],r[:j]))
            except (ValueError, UnboundLocalError) as e:
                print e
                # 'Probably your QP is either non-positively defined (for cvxopt_qp you should have xHx > 0 for any x != 0) or very ill-conditioned.'           # __str__ allows args to be printed directly
                failed = True

        if failed:
        k += 1
        l_error = [err_l(ls[i]) for i in range(numexp)]
        f_error = [err_f(fs[i]) for i in range(numexp)]
        if withODs:
            print f_error[:N], f_error[N:]
            assert np.all([bo<=od for od,bo in zip(f_error[:N],f_error[N:])]), \
                'Configurations with both OD+cellpath should be performing ' + \
                'at least as well as with just OD'
            assert np.all([bo<=od for od,bo in zip(l_error[:N],l_error[N:])]), \
                'Configurations with both OD+cellpath should be performing ' + \
                'at least as well as with just OD'
        for i in range(numexp):
    mean_l_errors = [np.mean(l_errors[i]) for i in range(numexp)]
    mean_f_errors = [np.mean(f_errors[i]) for i in range(numexp)]
    std_l_errors = [np.std(l_errors[i]) for i in range(numexp)]
    std_f_errors = [np.std(f_errors[i]) for i in range(numexp)]
    mean_ddl_ODs = [np.mean(ddl_ODs[i]) for i in range(N)]
    mean_ddl_cellpaths = [np.mean(ddl_cellpaths[i]) for i in range(N)]
    return mean_l_errors, mean_f_errors, std_l_errors, std_f_errors,\
        mean_ratio/trials, mean_ddl_ODs, mean_ddl_cellpaths