Exemple #1
def id3(audio, episode, title, image):
    Update ID3 tags with episode info.

    if not episode:  # Try to detect episode from audio filename
        match = re.search(r'e(\d{2,})', audio)
        if not match:
            raise click.UsageError('Could not be detected episode. Use --episode option.')
        episode = int(match.group(1))

    id3 = eyed3.load(audio)


    id3.tag.title = title
    id3.tag.artist = 'Henrique Bastos'
    id3.tag.album = 'Curto Circuito Podcast'
    id3.tag.track_num = episode
    id3.tag.genre = 'Podcast'

    if image:
        image = Path(image)
        data = image.read_file('rb')
        mime = 'image/' + image.ext[1:]

        # HACK to make APIC header readable on iTunes
        # EYED3 sets v2.3 encoding to UTF-16, but iTunes only reads LATIN-1
        from eyed3.id3 import frames
        def force_latin1(self):
            self.encoding = eyed3.id3.LATIN1_ENCODING

        setattr(frames.ImageFrame, '_initEncoding', force_latin1)

        # force mime as str because eyeD3 uses it to compose the binary header
        # PUBLISHER_LOGO == 0x14
        id3.tag.images.set(0x14, data, str(mime))


    # Print id3
    shell(['eyeD3', audio])