Exemple #1
def process_ndarray(
        array: np.ndarray,
        path: PurePosixPath) -> Iterable[Tuple[Any, PurePosixPath]]:
    Yields 1D :class:`numpy.ndarray` and path object for each higher dimension index
    combination w.r.t the first dimension.


    .. code-block:: python

       a = np.array([[1, 2, 3]
                     [4, 5, 6]
                     [7, 8, 9]])

       p = PurePosixPath("name")

       for obj, path in process_ndarray(a, p):
           print(path, obj)


    .. code-block:: none

       name_0 [1 4 7]
       name_1 [2 5 8]
       name_2 [3 6 9]

    :param array: Numpy array of N dimensions.
    :param path: Path object with the path to the numpy array in the object hierarchy.
    # If it only has one dimension, return the array and path without any processing.
    if array.ndim == 1:
        yield array, path
        # Loop through all combinations of higher dimension indices.
        for idx in product(*map(range, array.shape[1:])):
            # Yield all elements for this higher dimension index w.r.t. to the first dimension.
            # e.g. array[:, 1, 2, 3, 4]
            yield array[(slice(None), *idx)], path.with_name(
                f"{path.name}_{'_'.join(map(str, idx))}")
Exemple #2
    def _actual_upload_to(cls, instance: models.Model, filename: str, *,
                          upload_to: Union[str, Callable[[models.Model, str],
        """This method should only be used by ``get_pk_prefixed_filename_func()``; do not use this method directly."""
        if isinstance(upload_to, str):
            base_path = PurePosixPath(upload_to) / filename
            base_path = PurePosixPath(upload_to(instance, filename))
        base_filename = base_path.name
        # Remove token if the filename already contains it (for whatever reason)
        if cls.REPLACEABLE_TOKEN_REGEX.search(base_filename):
            first_part, _token, last_part = cls.REPLACEABLE_TOKEN_REGEX.split(
            base_filename = f"{first_part}{last_part}"
        # Remove the PK prefix if the filename already has it
        if instance.pk:
            base_filename = base_filename.removeprefix(f"{instance.pk}_")

        prefix = instance.pk or cls.generate_replaceable_token()
        prefixed_filename_path = base_path.with_name(
        return str(prefixed_filename_path)
def open_remote_sqlite_database(adb, database):
    database = PurePosixPath(database)

    with TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir:
        temp_dir = Path(temp_dir)

        for suffix in ['', '-journal', '-wal', '-shm']:
            remote_file = database.with_name(database.name + suffix)

                contents = adb.read_file(remote_file)
            except FileNotFoundError as e:
                # Throw the original exception if the actual db file cannot be read
                if suffix == '':
                    raise e
                (temp_dir / remote_file.name).write_bytes(contents.read())

        db_path = str(temp_dir / database.name)

        with contextlib.closing(sqlite3.connect(db_path)) as connection:
            yield connection
def open_remote_sqlite_database(adb, database):
    database = PurePosixPath(database)

    with TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir:
        temp_dir = Path(temp_dir)

        for suffix in ['', '-journal', '-wal', '-shm']:
            remote_file = database.with_name(database.name + suffix)

                contents = adb.read_file(remote_file)
            except FileNotFoundError as e:
                if suffix != '':

                # Throw the original exception if the db file cannot be read
                raise e

            with (temp_dir / remote_file.name).open('wb') as local_file:

        connection = sqlite3.connect(str(temp_dir / database.name))
        yield connection