Exemple #1
    def test_set_one_file_pass(self):
        """ Test set function set_from_tracks with one input."""

        pool = Pool()

        tc_track = TCTracks(pool)


        tc_haz = TropCyclone(pool)
        tc_haz.set_from_tracks(tc_track, CENTR_TEST_BRB)


        self.assertEqual(tc_haz.tag.haz_type, 'TC')
        self.assertEqual(tc_haz.tag.description, '')
        self.assertEqual(tc_haz.units, 'm/s')
        self.assertEqual(tc_haz.centroids.size, 296)
        self.assertEqual(tc_haz.event_id.size, 10)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(tc_haz.intensity, sparse.csr.csr_matrix))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(tc_haz.fraction, sparse.csr.csr_matrix))
        self.assertEqual(tc_haz.intensity.shape, (10, 296))
        self.assertEqual(tc_haz.fraction.shape, (10, 296))
Exemple #2
    def gen_operator_data(self, space, Nx, M, num, representation):
        print("Generating operator data...", flush=True)
        features = space.random(num)
        # Generate outputs
        x = np.linspace(0, self.T, num=self.Nx)[:, None]
        sensor_values = self.random_process(space.eval_u(features, x,
                                                         self.M))  # exp(b)
        p = ProcessPool(nodes=config.processes)
        s_values = np.array(p.map(self.eval_s, sensor_values))

        # Generate inputs
        sensors = np.linspace(0, self.T, num=Nx)[:, None]
        if representation == "samples":
            sensor_values = self.random_process(
                space.eval_u(features, sensors, M))
        elif representation == "KL":
            sensor_values = space.eval_KL_bases(features, sensors, M)
            # sensor_values = self.random_process(sensor_values)
        res = [
            make_triple(sensor_values[i], x, s_values[i], self.npoints_output)
            for i in range(num)
        res = np.vstack(res)
        m = sensor_values.shape[1]
        return [res[:, :m], res[:, m:-1]], res[:, -1:]
Exemple #3
    def download(self, index_path, txt_dir):
        # Save to txt dir
        self.txt_dir = txt_dir
        if not os.path.exists(self.txt_dir):

        # Count Total Urls to Process
        with open(index_path, 'r') as fin:
            num_urls = sum(1 for line in fin)

        def iter_path_generator(index_path):

            with open(index_path, 'r') as fin:
                reader = csv.reader(fin,
                for url_idx, row in enumerate(reader, 1):
                    form_type, company_name, cik, date_filed, filename = row
                    url = os.path.join(SEC_GOV_URL,
                                       filename).replace("\\", "/")
                    yield (url_idx, url)

        def download_job(obj):
            url_idx, url = obj

            fname = '_'.join(url.split('/')[-2:])

            fname, ext = os.path.splitext(fname)
            htmlname = fname + '.html'

            text_path = os.path.join(self.txt_dir, fname + '.txt')

            if os.path.exists(text_path):
                print("Already exists, skipping {}...".format(url))
                print("Total: {}, Downloading & Parsing: {}...".format(
                    num_urls, url_idx))

                r = requests.get(url)
                    # Parse html with Beautiful Soup
                    soup = BeautifulSoup(r.content, "html.parser")
                    text = soup.get_text("\n")

                    # Process Text
                    text = self._process_text(text)
                    text_path = os.path.join(self.txt_dir, fname + '.txt')

                    # Write to file
                    with codecs.open(text_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fout:
                except BaseException as e:
                    print("{} parsing failed: {}".format(url, e))

        ncpus = cpu_count() if cpu_count() <= 8 else 8
        pool = ProcessPool(ncpus)
        pool.map(download_job, iter_path_generator(index_path))
Exemple #4
    def test_07_concurrent_write_rename(self):
        # Test setup - validate that graph exists and possible results are None
        graphs[0].query("MATCH (n) RETURN n")

        pool = Pool(nodes=1)
        redis_con = self.env.getConnection()
        new_graph = GRAPH_ID + "2"
        # Create new empty graph with id GRAPH_ID + "2"
        redis_con.execute_command("GRAPH.QUERY", new_graph,
                                  """MATCH (n) return n""", "--compact")
        heavy_write_query = """UNWIND(range(0,999999)) as x CREATE(n)"""
        writer = pool.apipe(thread_run_query, graphs[0], heavy_write_query)
        redis_con.rename(GRAPH_ID, new_graph)
        # Possible scenarios:
        # 1. Rename is done before query is sent. The name in the graph context is new_graph, so when upon commit, when trying to open new_graph key, it will encounter an empty key since new_graph is not a valid key.
        #    Note: As from https://github.com/RedisGraph/RedisGraph/pull/820 this may not be valid since the rename event handler might actually rename the graph key, before the query execution.
        # 2. Rename is done during query executing, so when commiting and comparing stored graph context name (GRAPH_ID) to the retrived value graph context name (new_graph), the identifiers are not the same, since new_graph value is now stored at GRAPH_ID value.

        possible_exceptions = [
            "Encountered different graph value when opened key " + GRAPH_ID,
            "Encountered an empty key when opened key " + new_graph

        result = writer.get()
        if isinstance(result, str):
            self.env.assertContains(result, possible_exceptions)
            self.env.assertEquals(1000000, result.nodes_created)
    def test_08_concurrent_write_replace(self):
        # Test setup - validate that graph exists and possible results are None
        self.graph.query("MATCH (n) RETURN n")

        pool = Pool(nodes=1)
        heavy_write_query = """UNWIND(range(0,999999)) as x CREATE(n) RETURN count(n)"""
        writer = pool.apipe(thread_run_query, heavy_write_query, None)
        set_result = self.conn.set(GRAPH_ID, "1")
        possible_exceptions = [
            "Encountered a non-graph value type when opened key " + GRAPH_ID,
            "WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value"

        result = writer.get()
        if isinstance(result, str):
            # If the SET command attempted to execute while the CREATE query was running,
            # an exception should have been issued.
            self.env.assertContains(result, possible_exceptions)
            # Otherwise, both the CREATE query and the SET command should have succeeded.
            self.env.assertEquals(1000000, result.result_set[0][0])
            self.env.assertEquals(set_result, True)

        # Delete the key
Exemple #6
def get_full_content(json_data, num_cores):

	def param_generator(json_data):
		for data in json_data:
			yield data['id'], data['url']

	def tag_and_write_job(param):
		num_x, news_url = param
		logging.info("Processing news #{}: {}".format(num_x, news_url))

		news_content = GetUrlContent(news_url)

		## store all news (might be used for word2vec) ##
		with open('OpinionAnalysis/data/news_corpus.txt', 'a') as fp:

		return {'id':num_x, 'content':news_content}

	pool = ProcessPool(num_cores)
	new_json_data = pool.map(tag_and_write_job, param_generator(json_data))

	df = pd.DataFrame(json_data)
	df_new = pd.DataFrame(new_json_data)
	ret_df = df.merge(df_new, left_on='id', right_on='id')
	ret_json = json.loads(ret_df.to_json(orient='records'))

	return ret_json
def pathos_mp_batch_evaluator(
    """Batch evaluator based on pathos.multiprocess.ProcessPool

    This uses a patched but older version of python multiprocessing that replaces
    pickling with dill and can thus handle decorated functions.

        func (Callable): The function that is evaluated.
        arguments (Iterable): Arguments for the functions. Their interperation
            depends on the unpack argument.
        n_cores (int): Number of cores used to evaluate the function in parallel.
            Value below one are interpreted as one. If only one core is used, the
            batch evaluator disables everything that could cause problems, i.e. in that
            case func and arguments are never pickled and func is executed in the main
        error_handling (str): Can take the values "raise" (raise the error and stop all
            tasks as soon as one task fails) and "continue" (catch exceptions and set
            the output of failed tasks to the exception object without raising it.
            KeyboardInterrupt and SystemExit are always raised.
        unpack_symbol (str or None). Can be "**", "*" or None. If None, func just takes
            one argument. If "*", the elements of arguments are positional arguments for
            func. If "**", the elements of arguments are keyword arguments for func.

        list: The function evaluations.

    if not pathos_is_available:
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "To use the pathos_mp_batch_evaluator, install pathos with "
            "conda install -c conda-forge pathos.")

    _check_inputs(func, arguments, n_cores, error_handling, unpack_symbol)
    n_cores = int(n_cores)

    reraise = error_handling == "raise"

    @catch(default="__traceback__", reraise=reraise)
    def internal_func(*args, **kwargs):
        return func(*args, **kwargs)

    if n_cores <= 1:
        res = [internal_func(arg) for arg in arguments]
        p = ProcessPool(nodes=n_cores)
            res = p.map(internal_func, arguments)
        except Exception as e:
            raise e

    return res
Exemple #8
    def update_qfunction(self):
        if self.TWIN_Q:
            self.i = (self.i + 1) % 2

        if self.theta_q is None:  # generate critic network if none exist
            n = len(self.state_action_basis(self.state, self.action))
            if self.TWIN_Q:
                m = 2  # generate 2 q networks
                m = 1
            self.theta_q = np.random.normal(0, 0.3, (n, m))
        self.q_predicted = self.theta_q[:, self.
                                        i] @ self.xu_k  # recorded for analysis
        self.q_observed = self.r + self.BETA * self.theta_q[:, self.
                                                            i] @ self.xu_k1  # recorded for analysis

        if len(self.memory) > self.BATCH_SIZE:
            batch = random.sample(self.memory, self.BATCH_SIZE)

            pool = ProcessPool(nodes=self.config['simulation']['n_nodes'])
            batch_y = np.array(pool.map(self.process_exp, batch))
            batch_phi = np.array([
                self.state_action_basis(exp['state'], exp['action'])
                for exp in batch

            clf = Ridge(alpha=0.01)
            clf.fit(batch_phi, batch_y)
            temp_theta = clf.coef_
            self.theta_q[:, self.i] = self.ALPHA_q * temp_theta + (
                1 - self.ALPHA_q) * self.theta_q.flatten()
def main(argv):
    print('Input/Output data folder: ', DATA_DIR)

    # set parallel processing
    pool = Pool()

    # exposures
    expo_dict = calc_exposure(DATA_DIR)

    # tracks
    sel_tr = calc_tracks(DATA_DIR, pool)

    # dictionary of tc per island
    tc_dict = calc_tc(expo_dict, sel_tr, DATA_DIR, pool)

    # damage per isl
    imp_dict = calc_imp(expo_dict, tc_dict, DATA_DIR)

    # damage irma

    # average annual impact

    # compute impact exceedance frequency

    # FIG03 and FIG04
    fig03_fig04(DATA_DIR, FIG_DIR)  # 5min

    # FIG 06
    fig06(DATA_DIR, FIG_DIR)

Exemple #10
    def count(self,
        count number of points in the neighborhood
        self.estimates[name] = {}
        self.estimates[name]['vname'] = None
        self.estimates[name][meta] = meta

        if nodes is None:
            nodes = self.nodes

        def f(i):
            # update data selected around target point
            self.search.update([self.x0[i], self.y0[i], self.z0[i]])
            if debug:
                return np.sum(
                    self.search.test), self.search.row_id[self.search.test]
                return np.sum(self.search.test), None

        # apply the estimator to each target
        if parallel:
            pool = ProcessPool()
            self.estimates[name]['estimate'] = np.array(pool.map(f, nodes))
            self.estimates[name]['estimate'] = np.array(list(map(f, nodes)))
Exemple #11
    def test_09_concurrent_multiple_readers_after_big_write(self):
        # Test issue #890
        redis_graphs = []
        for i in range(0, CLIENT_COUNT):
            redis_con = self.env.getConnection()
            redis_graphs.append(Graph("G890", redis_con))
            """UNWIND(range(0,999)) as x CREATE()-[:R]->()""")
        read_query = """MATCH (n)-[r:R]->(m) RETURN n, r, m"""

        queries = [read_query] * CLIENT_COUNT
        pool = Pool(nodes=CLIENT_COUNT)

        # invoke queries
        m = pool.amap(thread_run_query, redis_graphs, queries)

        # wait for processes to return

        # get the results
        result = m.get()

        for i in range(CLIENT_COUNT):
            if isinstance(result[i], str):
                self.env.assertEquals(1000, len(result[i].result_set))
Exemple #12
def parallel_for_chunk(func, args, nprocs=8):
    pool = Pool(nprocs)
    slices = tuple(split(len(args), nprocs))
    def wrapper(islice):
        return func(args[slices[islice]])
    out = pool.amap(wrapper, xrange(len(slices))).get(TIMEOUT)
    return list(itertools.chain(*out))
Exemple #13
def load_data_from_files_raw(
    data_files: Iterable[Path],
    # humm that is not very nice type signature... need to create interface for that
    parse_callback: Callable[..., Tuple[str, int, Iterable[T_Single]]],  # type: ignore
    parallelize: bool,
) -> Dict[str, Tuple[int, Iterable[T_Single]]]:
    tasks_as_args = [[data_file, *args] for data_file in data_files]

    if parallelize:
        pool = ProcessPool()

        # needed that hack to work... issues with serialization of classes
        # doesn't work with basic multiprocessing so needed pathos
        def cb(x):
            return parse_callback(*x)

        per_file_results = list(pool.map(cb, tasks_as_args))
        per_file_results = [parse_callback(*task_args) for task_args in tasks_as_args]  # type: ignore

    lang_samples_iter: Dict[str, Tuple[int, List[Iterable[T_Single]]]] = {}
    for (lang, lg, samples_iter) in per_file_results:
        if lang not in lang_samples_iter:
            lang_samples_iter[lang] = (0, [])
        (lg0, iters) = lang_samples_iter[lang]
        lang_samples_iter[lang] = (lg0 + lg, iters)

    lang_samples: Dict[str, Tuple[int, Iterable[T_Single]]] = {}
    for (lang, (lg, iters)) in lang_samples_iter.items():
        lang_samples[lang] = (lg, itertools.chain(*iters))

    return lang_samples
    def __init__(self, model, step_finish, args = None, split = 0, buffer = 6,\
                 recombine = None,recombine_args = None, verbose = False, \
                 boundary_pass = 1):

        self.model = self.grid_adjust(model)
        #add in function to finish steps
        self.step_finish = step_finish
        self.step_args = args

        #Get the number of CPUs unless user specified
        if split == 0:
            self.ncpus = cpu_count()
            self.ncpus = split

        #create the number of process available
        self.pool = ProcessPool(nodes=self.ncpus)
        self.pipes = self.pipe_setup(self.ncpus)

        self.buffer = buffer
        self.multi_models = collections.OrderedDict()
        #dictionary to track when all steps on each processor complete
        self.sync_status = collections.OrderedDict()

        #add ability for user to deconflict
        self.boundary_pass = boundary_pass

        if recombine == None:
            self.recombine = self.recombine_default
            self.recombine_args = recombine_args
            self.recombine = recombine
            self.recombine_args = recombine_args

        self.verbose = verbose
 def land_routine(self):
     while self.took_off:
         pool = ProcessPool()
         r = pool.map(self.client_land, self.agent_names)
         rospy.loginfo('Landing responses:')
         self.took_off = not all(r)
     return True
Exemple #16
    def test_04_concurrent_delete(self):
        pool = Pool(nodes=CLIENT_COUNT)

        # invoke queries
        assertions = pool.map(delete_graph, graphs)

        # Exactly one thread should have successfully deleted the graph.
        self.env.assertEquals(assertions.count(True), 1)
Exemple #17
def run_concurrent(env, queries, f):
    pool = Pool(nodes=CLIENT_COUNT)

    # invoke queries
    result = pool.map(f, graphs, queries)

    # validate all process return true
Exemple #18
def map_reduce_multicore(
        f: tp.Callable[..., ResultType],
        reduction: tp.Callable[[ResultType, ResultType], ResultType],
        initial_value: tp.Optional[ResultType] = None,
        args_list: tp.Optional[tp.Sequence[tp.Sequence]] = None,
        kwargs_list: tp.Optional[tp.Sequence[tp.Dict[str, tp.Any]]] = None,
        number_of_batches: tp.Optional[int] = None,
        multiprocessing_pool_type: MultiprocessingPoolType = MultiprocessingPoolType.default()) \
        -> ResultType:

    if number_of_batches is None:
        if args_list is not None:
            number_of_batches = len(args_list)
        elif kwargs_list is not None:
            number_of_batches = len(kwargs_list)
            raise ValueError('Number_of_batches must be defined if '
                             'both args_list and kwargs_list are empty')

    if args_list is None:
        args_list = number_of_batches * [list()]
    if kwargs_list is None:
        kwargs_list = number_of_batches * [dict()]

    result = initial_value
    if multiprocessing_pool_type == MultiprocessingPoolType.LOKY:
        from concurrent.futures import as_completed
        from loky import get_reusable_executor

        executor = \

        futures = [
            executor.submit(f, *args, **kwargs)
            for args, kwargs in zip(args_list, kwargs_list)

        result_from_future = lambda x: x.result()
    elif multiprocessing_pool_type == MultiprocessingPoolType.PATHOS:
        from pathos.pools import ProcessPool
        pool = ProcessPool()
        futures = [
            pool.apipe(f, *args, **kwargs)
            for args, kwargs in zip(args_list, kwargs_list)

        result_from_future = lambda x: x.get()
        raise ValueError(
            f'Multiprocessing pool type {multiprocessing_pool_type} not supported'

    for future in futures:
        result = reduce_with_none(result, result_from_future(future),

    return result
Exemple #19
def mlp():
    if not os.path.exists(tar_dir):

    iterator = glob(os.path.join(src_dir, '*.txt'))

    ncpus = cpu_count() if cpu_count() <= 8 else 8
    pool = ProcessPool(ncpus)
    pool.map(preprocess_job, iterator)
def run_concurrent(queries, f):
    pool = Pool(nodes=CLIENT_COUNT)
    manager = pathos_multiprocess.Manager()

    barrier = manager.Barrier(CLIENT_COUNT)
    barriers = [barrier] * CLIENT_COUNT

    # invoke queries
    return pool.map(f, queries, barriers)
Exemple #21
    def eval_s_space(self, space, features, x):
        """For a list of functions in `space` represented by `features`
        and a list `x`, compute the corresponding list of outputs.
        def f(feature, xi):
            return self.eval_s(lambda t: space.eval_u_one(feature, t), xi[0])

        p = ProcessPool(nodes=config.processes)
        res = p.map(f, features, x)
        return np.array(list(res))
    def run(self):
        Run experiment
        num_drivers = np.arange(1000, 6500, 500)
        thresholds = np.arange(5, 55, 5)
        thresholds = np.insert(thresholds, 0, 2)
        combinations = list(itertools.product(num_drivers, thresholds))

        # Create a pool of processes
        num_processes = mp.cpu_count()
        self.logger.info("Processes: {}".format(num_processes))
        pool = ProcessPool(nodes=num_processes)

        configs = []
        count = 0
        for comb in combinations:
                'experiment'] = self.expt_name + "_" + str(count)
            self.config['RL_parameters']['num_drivers'] = comb[0]
            self.config['RL_parameters']['imbalance_threshold'] = comb[1]
            count += 1

        self.logger.info("Starting expt_04")

        results = pool.amap(self.run_rl_training, configs).get()

        self.logger.info("Finished expt_04")

        # Export best episode
        self.data_exporter.export_episode(results, self.expt_name + ".dill")
    def run(self):
        self.logger.info("Starting baselines")
        city_states = self.data_provider.read_city_states()
        baseline_list = self.config['baselines']['baseline_list']

        # Create a pool of processes
        num_processes = mp.cpu_count()
        self.logger.info("Processes: {}".format(num_processes))
        pool = ProcessPool(nodes=num_processes)

        configs = []
        for count in range(10):
            for name in baseline_list:
                    'name': name,
                    'count': count,
                    'config': self.config,
                    'city_states': city_states

        results = pool.amap(self.run_baseline, configs).get()

        episode_rewards = []
        for result in results:
            episode_rewards += result

        self.logger.info("Finished baselines")
    def extract(self):
        def text_gen(txt_dir):
            # Yields markup & name
            for fname in os.listdir(txt_dir):
                if not fname.endswith('.txt'):
                yield fname

        def parsing_job(fname):
            print("Parsing: {}".format(fname))
            # Read text
            filepath = os.path.join(self.txt_dir, fname)
            with codecs.open(filepath, 'rb', encoding='utf-8') as fin:
                text = fin.read()

            name, ext = os.path.splitext(fname)
            # Parse MDA part

            msg = ""
            mda, end = self.parse_mda(text)
            # Parse second time if first parse results in index
            if mda and len(mda.encode('utf-8')) < 1000:
                mda, _ = self.parse_mda(text, start=end)

            if mda:  # Has value
                msg = "SUCCESS"
                mda_path = os.path.join(self.mda_dir, name + '.mda')
                with codecs.open(mda_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fout:
                msg = msg if mda else "MDA NOT FOUND"
            print("{},{}".format(name, msg))
            return name + '.txt', msg  #

        ncpus = cpu_count() if cpu_count() <= 8 else 8
        pool = ProcessPool(ncpus)

        _start = time.time()
        parsing_failed = pool.map( parsing_job, \
                                   text_gen(self.txt_dir) )
        _end = time.time()

        print("MDA parsing time taken: {} seconds.".format(_end - _start))

        # Write failed parsing list
        count = 0
        parsing_log = 'parsing.log'
        with open(parsing_log, 'w') as fout:
            print("Writing parsing results to {}".format(parsing_log))
            for name, msg in parsing_failed:
                fout.write('{},{}\n'.format(name, msg))
                if msg != "SUCCESS":
                    count = count + 1

        print("Number of failed text:{}".format(count))
    def run(self):
        Run experiment
        num_drivers = np.arange(1000, 6500, 500)
        # Create a pool of processes
        num_processes = mp.cpu_count()
        self.logger.info("Processes: {}".format(num_processes))
        pool = ProcessPool(nodes=num_processes)

        configs = []
        count = 0
        for drivers in num_drivers:
                'experiment'] = self.expt_name + "_" + str(count)
                'city_states_filename'] = "city_states.dill"
            self.config['RL_parameters']['num_drivers'] = drivers
            self.config['RL_parameters']['num_strategic_drivers'] = drivers
            count += 1

        self.logger.info("Starting expt_02")

        results = pool.amap(self.run_rl_training, configs).get()

        self.logger.info("Finished expt_02")

        # Export best episode
        self.data_exporter.export_episode(results, self.expt_name + ".dill")
    def run(self):
        Run experiment
        num_drivers = self.config['RL_parameters']['num_drivers']
        percent_strategic_drivers = np.arange(0, 1.1, 0.1)
        num_strategic_drivers = [int(x * num_drivers) for x in percent_strategic_drivers]

        # Create a pool of processes
        num_processes = mp.cpu_count()
        pool = ProcessPool(nodes=num_processes)

        configs = []
        count = 0
        for drivers in num_strategic_drivers:
            self.config['RL_parameters']['experiment'] = self.expt_name + "_" + str(count)
            self.config['RL_parameters']['num_strategic_drivers'] = drivers
            count += 1

        self.logger.info("Starting expt_05")

        results = pool.amap(self.run_rl_training, configs).get()

        self.logger.info("Finished expt_05")

        # Export best episode
        self.data_exporter.export_episode(results, self.expt_name + ".dill")
Exemple #27
    def test_10_write_starvation(self):
        # make sure write query do not starve
        # when issuing a large number of read queries
        # alongside a single write query
        # we dont want the write query to have to wait for
        # too long, consider the following sequence:
        # R, W, R, R, R, R, R, R, R...
        # if write is starved our write query might have to wait
        # for all queued read queries to complete while holding
        # Redis global lock, this will hurt performance
        # this test issues a similar sequence of queries and
        # validates that the write query wasn't delayed too much

        self.graph = Graph(self.conn, GRAPH_ID)
        pool = Pool(nodes=CLIENT_COUNT)

        Rq = "UNWIND range(0, 10000) AS x WITH x WHERE x = 9999 RETURN 'R', timestamp()"
        Wq = "UNWIND range(0, 1000) AS x WITH x WHERE x = 27 CREATE ({v:1}) RETURN 'W', timestamp()"
        Slowq = "UNWIND range(0, 100000) AS x WITH x WHERE (x % 73) = 0 RETURN count(1)"

        # issue a number of slow queries, this will give us time to fill up
        # RedisGraph internal threadpool queue
        queries = [Slowq] * CLIENT_COUNT * 5
        nulls = [None] * CLIENT_COUNT * 5

        # issue queries asynchronously
        pool.imap(thread_run_query, queries, nulls)

        # create a long sequence of read queries
        queries = [Rq] * CLIENT_COUNT * 10
        nulls = [None] * CLIENT_COUNT * 10

        # inject a single write query close to the begining on the sequence
        queries[CLIENT_COUNT] = Wq

        # invoke queries
        # execute queries in parallel
        results = pool.map(thread_run_query, queries, nulls)

        # count how many queries completed before the write query
        count = 0
        write_ts = results[CLIENT_COUNT]["result_set"][0][1]
        for result in results:
            row = result["result_set"][0]
            ts = row[1]
            if ts < write_ts:
                count += 1

        # make sure write query wasn't starved
        self.env.assertLessEqual(count, len(queries) * 0.3)

        # delete the key
Exemple #28
    def test00_stress(self):
        ids = range(self.client_count)
        pool = Pool(nodes=self.client_count)

        # invoke queries
        pool.map(query_crud, graphs, ids)

        # make sure we did not crashed
        conn = self.env.getConnection()
Exemple #29
def liste_machines_allumees(machines):
    machinesTemp = []
    pool = Pool(nodes=10)
    machinesTemp = pool.map(recherche, machines)

    #On ne garde que les machines allumees
    machinesAllumees = []
    for val in machinesTemp:
        if val != None:

    return machinesAllumees
Exemple #30
def reachability(model,
    if isinstance(model, pypint.Model):
        model = pypint_to_model(model)
    if isinstance(goal, list) or isinstance(goal, dict):
        goal = Goal(goal)
    if isinstance(from_state, list):
        if from_state:
            if isinstance(from_state[0], str):
                from_state = dict([(e, 1) for e in from_state])
            elif isinstance(from_state[0], tuple):
                from_state = dict(from_state)
    from_state = complete_state(from_state, model)
    trace = Trace(from_state)
    if on_start is not None:
        next_subgoal = goal.subgoals[0]
        on_start(model, trace, next_subgoal)
    if n_workers == 1:
        for n_repeat in range(max_repeat):
            reached, trace = _reach(copy.copy(model), from_state, goal,
                                    max_length, on_start, on_reach)
            if reached is True:
                return reached, trace
        pool = ProcessPool(n_workers)
        processes = set([])
        n_repeat = 0
        while n_repeat < max_repeat and n_repeat < n_workers:
                pool.apipe(_reach, copy.copy(model), from_state, goal,
                           max_length, on_start, on_reach))
            n_repeat += 1
        reached = pypint.Inconc
        while reached is not True and n_repeat < max_repeat:
            for process in processes:
                if process.ready():
                    reached, trace = process.get()
                    if reached is True:
                        return reached, trace
                            pool.apipe(_reach, copy.copy(model), from_state,
                                       goal, max_length, on_start, on_reach))
                        n_repeat += 1
    return reached, trace
 def test05_index_delete(self):
     def create_drop_index(graph_id):
         env = Env(decodeResponses=True)
         redis_con = env.getConnection()
         for _ in range(1, 100):
             pipe = redis_con.pipeline()
             pipe.execute_command("GRAPH.QUERY", f"x{graph_id}", "CREATE (a:L), (n:L), (n)-[:T]->(a)")
             pipe.execute_command("GRAPH.QUERY", f"x{graph_id}", "CREATE INDEX FOR ()-[n:T]-() ON (n.p)")
             redis_con.execute_command("GRAPH.DELETE", f"x{graph_id}")
     pool = Pool(nodes=10)
     pool.map(create_drop_index, range(1, 100))
Exemple #32
def register_stack_to_template(frames, template, regfn, njobs=4, **fnargs):
    Given stack of frames (or a FSeq obj) and a template image, 
    align every frame to template and return a list of functions,
    which take an image and return warped image, aligned to template.
    if njobs > 1:
        pool = ProcessPool(nodes=njobs) 
        out = pool.map(partial(regfn, template=template, **fnargs), frames)
        out = np.array([regfn(img, template, **fnargs) for img in frames])
    return out
Exemple #33
def apply_warps(warps, frames, njobs=4):
    returns result of applying warps for given frames (one warp per frame)
    if njobs > 1 :
        pool = ProcessPool(nodes=njobs)
        out = pool.map(parametric_warp, frames, warps)
        out = np.array(out)
        out = np.array([parametric_warp(f,w) for f,w in itt.izip(frames, warps)])
    if isinstance(frames, fseq.FrameSequence):
        out = fseq.open_seq(out)
        out.meta = frames.meta
    return out
    def retrieve_fields(self):

        ip, reqlink, reqtype, response, virtualm, keytemp = [], [], [], [], [], []
        bytes, avg_time, count, uniq_vis, total_vis = 0, 0, 0, 0, len(self.keys)
        for key in self.keys:
        # creating an ordered dictionary containing log data retrieved from column_family
        log = self.cass_conn.multiget(keytemp)
        # starting a pool of 5 worker processes
        pool = Pool()
        pool.ncpus = 5
        for item in log.values():
            # appending lists with their respective values   
            ip.append(item['host']), reqlink.append(item['request_link']), reqtype.append(item['request_type']), response.append(str(item['response_code'])), virtualm.append(item['virtual_machine'])     
            if item['byte_transfer'] != '-':
                bytes += item['byte_transfer']
            if item['response_time'] != '-':
                avg_time += item['response_time']
                count += 1
        avg_time = avg_time/count
        # using the pool of workers to get results
        results = pool.map(self.unique_count, [ip, reqtype, reqlink, response, virtualm])
        uniq_vis = len(results[0][0])
        return self.time, results[0][0], results[0][1], results[1][0], results[1][1], results[2][0], results[2][1], results[3][0], results[3][1], results[4][0], results[4][1], bytes, avg_time, uniq_vis, total_vis
Exemple #35
def test_mp():
    # instantiate and configure the worker pool
    from pathos.pools import ProcessPool
    pool = ProcessPool(nodes=4)

    _result = list(map(pow, [1,2,3,4], [5,6,7,8])) 

    # do a blocking map on the chosen function
    result = pool.map(pow, [1,2,3,4], [5,6,7,8])
    assert result == _result

    # do a non-blocking map, then extract the result from the iterator
    result_iter = pool.imap(pow, [1,2,3,4], [5,6,7,8])
    result = list(result_iter)
    assert result == _result

    # do an asynchronous map, then get the results
    result_queue = pool.amap(pow, [1,2,3,4], [5,6,7,8])
    result = result_queue.get()
    assert result == _result
                                                                                     1e-9, 10e-3, 100e-3,
                                                                                     df_threshold=1e-2, debug=True)

    return [T, t_points, bonding_interfaces_f_t, dopants_f_t]

args = np.empty((len(T_range), 5), dtype=object)
args[:, 0] = silicon
args[:, 1] = electrode
args[:, 2] = T_range
args[:, 3] = V_p
args[:, 4] = V_rb

pool = Pool()
results = np.array(pool.map(calculate, args))
print results

sample_data_dir = join(dirname(__file__), '03-kinetics')

t1 = np.array([1e-6, 1e-5, 2e-5, 5e-5, 1e-5])
dlts_array = np.zeros((len(T_range), len(t1)), dtype=np.float)
#_, ax = plt.subplots()
for result in results:
    T, t_points, bonding_interfaces_f_t, dopants_f_t = result
    csv_name = '03_Au_nSi_BW_transient' + '_%02.2fVp_%02.2fVrb_%03.2fK' % (V_p, abs(V_rb), T) + '.csv'
    csv_name = join(sample_data_dir, csv_name)
    df = pd.DataFrame(bonding_interfaces_f_t)
    df['time'] = t_points
    df.set_index('time', inplace=True)
Exemple #37
    data = {temperature: {'applied_voltage': voltage_range,
                          'diode_voltage': diode_voltage, 'diode_voltage_error': diode_voltage_error,
                          'current_density': current_density, 'current_density_error': current_density_error}}
    for trap_key in bonding_interface_f.keys():
        data[temperature][trap_key] = bonding_interface_f[trap_key]
    for dopant_key in dopants_f_sum.keys():
        data[temperature][dopant_key + '_sum'] = dopants_f_sum[dopant_key]
    return potential, field, data, z, dopants_f

args = np.empty((len(temperature_range), 4), dtype=object)
args[:, 0] = silicon
args[:, 1] = electrode
args[:, 2] = temperature_range
args[:, 3] = [voltage_range for _ in range(len(temperature_range))]

pool = Pool()
results = np.array(pool.map(calculate_for_temperature, args))
potential = results[:, 0]
field = results[:, 1]
data = results[:, 2]
dopants_f = results[:, 4]

_, ax_iv = plt.subplots()
ax_iv.set_title('I-V temperature dependence')
ax_iv.set_xlabel('Voltage drop on diode, V')
ax_iv.set_ylabel('Current density, A / m^2')
for record in data:
    temperature = record.keys()[0]
    print 'T = %03.2f K' % temperature
    df = pd.DataFrame(record[temperature])
    df.plot(x='diode_voltage', y='current_density', ax=ax_iv, style='-o', label='%2.2f K' % temperature)
    db_name = '03_Au_nSi_BW_transient' + '_%02.2fVp_%02.2fVrb_%03.2fK' % (V_p, abs(V_rb), T) + '.db'
    db_name = join(sample_data_dir, db_name)
    MyProject = Project(db_name=db_name, backend='sqlite', hostname='', overwrite=False)
    MyDiode = SchottkyDiode(MyProject, 'Au-Si_BW', Electrode, Si, DeadLayer=1.5e-7, L=5e-6)
    print T

    type_sign = -1 if MyDiode.Semiconductor.dop_type == 'n' else 1
    Psi = Psi_approx(MyDiode.L, -(MyDiode.V_bi(eV=True) + type_sign * V_p), 0.0)

    Psi, E, z_nodes, rho_err_points, Vd, Vd_err, J, J_err, \
        BI_F, dopants_F, ic_id = Poisson.Reccurent_Poisson_solver(MyDiode, Psi, Vd_error=1e-6,
                                                                  equilibrium_filling=True, t=mp.inf,
                                                                  rho_rel_err=Poisson_rel_err, max_iter=100,
    return db_name

args = np.empty((len(T_range), 4), dtype=object)
args[:, 0] = silicon
args[:, 1] = electrode
args[:, 2] = T_range
args[:, 3] = V_p

pool = Pool()
db_names = np.array(pool.map(calculate, args))
print db_names

Exemple #39
# Copyright (c) 1997-2016 California Institute of Technology.
# Copyright (c) 2016-2017 The Uncertainty Quantification Foundation.
# License: 3-clause BSD.  The full license text is available at:
#  - http://trac.mystic.cacr.caltech.edu/project/pathos/browser/pathos/LICENSE

def host(id):
    import socket
    return "Rank: %d -- %s" % (id, socket.gethostname())

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from pathos.helpers import freeze_support

    from pathos.pools import ProcessPool as Pool
    pool = Pool()

    print("Evaluate 5 items on 2 proc:")
    pool.ncpus = 2
    res3 = pool.map(host, range(5))

    print("Evaluate 5 items on 10 proc:")
    pool.ncpus = 10
    res5 = pool.map(host, range(5)) 

# end of file
Exemple #40
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Author: Mike McKerns (mmckerns @caltech and @uqfoundation)
# Copyright (c) 1997-2015 California Institute of Technology.
# License: 3-clause BSD.  The full license text is available at:
#  - http://trac.mystic.cacr.caltech.edu/project/pathos/browser/pathos/LICENSE

from pathos.helpers import freeze_support

# instantiate and configure the worker pool
from pathos.pools import ProcessPool
pool = ProcessPool(nodes=4)

_result = map(pow, [1,2,3,4], [5,6,7,8]) 

# do a blocking map on the chosen function
result = pool.map(pow, [1,2,3,4], [5,6,7,8])
assert result == _result

# do a non-blocking map, then extract the result from the iterator
result_iter = pool.imap(pow, [1,2,3,4], [5,6,7,8])
result = list(result_iter)
assert result == _result

# do an asynchronous map, then get the results
result_queue = pool.amap(pow, [1,2,3,4], [5,6,7,8])
result = result_queue.get()
assert result == _result
 def processcompute(self, xs):
     pool = ProcessPool(4)
     results = pool.map(self.compute, xs)
     return results
Exemple #42
    def f_to_equilibrium_fermi_level(self, temperature, semiconductor, f, electron_volts=False,
                                     use_mpmath=False, parallel=False, debug=False):
        Calculates equilibrium Fermi level position for given occupation of the Trap F
        :param temperature: Temperature, K
        :param semiconductor: Semiconductor object
        :param f: Trap occupation from 0.0 to 1.0
        :param electron_volts: if True assume all energy values to be in eV
        :param use_mpmath: if True integration is done using mpmath.quad function instead of numpy.trapz (default)
        :param debug: if True prints out some debug information
        :return: Fermi level as distance from Conduction band to Fermi level

        In calculation we use eV since solver has much better stability in smaller order numbers
        energy_unit = 'eV'
        energy_coefficient = to_numeric(q)
        trap_energy_level = self.energy_level(temperature, semiconductor, charge_state_idx=0,
        f_grid, = np.meshgrid(f)
        #print f_grid
        def equation(fermi_level_from_conduction_band, f):
            test_f = self.equilibrium_f(temperature, semiconductor, fermi_level_from_conduction_band,
                                        electron_volts=True, use_mpmath=use_mpmath, debug=debug)
            residual = f - test_f
            if debug:
                print 'Fermi level type:', type(fermi_level_from_conduction_band)
                print 'Test F =', test_f
                print 'F residual =', residual
            return residual

        def solver(args):
            equation, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, initial_guess, f, use_mpmath = args
            if not use_mpmath:
                solution = root(equation, initial_guess, args=f, method='hybr')
                solution = solution.x[0]
                equation_wrap = partial(equation, f=f)
                    solution = mp.findroot(equation_wrap, (lower_boundary, upper_boundary),
                                           maxsteps=1000, solver='anderson', tol=5e-16)
                except ValueError as err:
                    print err
                    print 'Lowering tolerance to 5e-6'
                    solution = mp.findroot(equation_wrap, (lower_boundary, upper_boundary),
                                           maxsteps=1000, solver='anderson', tol=5e-6)
                solution = np.float(solution)
            return solution

        fermi_level_lower_boundary = abs(to_numeric(trap_energy_level - 2 * self.energy_spread / energy_coefficient))
        fermi_level_upper_boundary = abs(to_numeric(trap_energy_level + 2 * self.energy_spread / energy_coefficient))
        if debug:
            print 'Fermi level lower boundary = %2.2g ' % fermi_level_lower_boundary + energy_unit
            print 'Fermi level upper boundary = %2.2g ' % fermi_level_upper_boundary + energy_unit
        args = np.empty((len(f_grid), 6), dtype=object)
        args[:, 0] = equation
        args[:, 1] = fermi_level_lower_boundary
        args[:, 2] = fermi_level_upper_boundary
        args[:, 3] = (fermi_level_lower_boundary + fermi_level_upper_boundary) / 2
        args[:, 4] = f_grid
        args[:, 5] = use_mpmath
        if parallel:
                from pathos.pools import ProcessPool as Pool
                pool = Pool()
                solutions = np.array(pool.map(solver, args))
            except ImportError:
                print 'Parallel calculation needs pathos! Using standard map() instead.'
                solutions = np.array(map(solver, args))
            solutions = np.array(map(solver, args))
        if not electron_volts:
            solutions *= energy_coefficient
        return solutions
Exemple #43
def parallel_for(func, args, nprocs=8):
    pool = Pool(nprocs)
    return pool.amap(func, args).get(TIMEOUT)
Exemple #44
  return inner

# build from inner function
add_me = adder(5)

# build from lambda functions
squ = lambda x:x**2

if __name__ is '__main__':
    from pathos.helpers import freeze_support

    from pathos.pools import ProcessPool as Pool
    from pathos.pools import ThreadPool as TPool
    pool = Pool()
    tpool = TPool()

    # test 'dilled' multiprocessing for inner
    print("Evaluate 10 items on 2 proc:")
    pool.ncpus = 2
    print(pool.map(add_me, range(10)))

    # test 'dilled' multiprocessing for lambda
    print("Evaluate 10 items on 4 proc:")
    pool.ncpus = 4
    print(pool.map(squ, range(10)))