def seek_path(self, wrld): search = perform_aStar(wrld, (self.x, self.y), self.get_exit_location(wrld), False) if search == None: return self.move(search[0], search[1])
def monsterInLineOfSight(wrld, character): monsters = findAll(wrld, 2) surrounds = [(1,1),(1,-1),(-1,1),(1,0),(-1,0),(0,1),(0,-1),(-1,-1)] if len(monsters) == 0: return 0 pos = (character.x, character.y) nearest_monster = findNearestEntity(wrld, pos, monsters) distance = perform_aStar(wrld, pos, nearest_monster, True) if len(distance) == 0: return 0 for i in surrounds: x, y = character.x, character.y for j in range(8): x += i[0] y += i[1] if __inWorld(wrld, x, y) is False: continue if wrld.wall_at(x, y) is True: continue if wrld.monsters_at(x, y) is not None: return 1 return 0
def a_star(self, wrld, dest=None): dest = dest if dest is not None else self.get_exit_location(wrld) search = perform_aStar(wrld, (self.x, self.y), dest, False) if len(search) == 0: self.move(0, 1) return self.move(search[0], search[1])
def doesPathToExitExist(wrld, character): exit = findAll(wrld, 0) pos = (character.x, character.y) nearest_exit = findNearestEntity(wrld, pos, exit) distance = len(perform_aStar(wrld, pos, nearest_exit, True)) if distance == 0: return 1 return 0
def do(self, wrld): monsters = findAll(wrld, 2) distance = 0 nearest_monster = "nothing" if len(monsters) > 0: monster = findNearestEntity(wrld, (self.x,self.y), monsters) distance = len(perform_aStar(wrld, (self.x,self.y), (monster[0], monster[1]), True)) nearest_monster = wrld.monsters_at(monster[0], monster[1])[0] # print(distance) if distance <= 2 and distance > 0 and != "aggressive": self.state = "qlearn" # print(self.state) if self.state == "bomb": if self.bomb_locations[self.location_index - 1][2] is True: self.place_bomb() self.state = "dodge" elif wrld.monsters_at(7, 8) or len(monsters) == 0: self.location_index = len(self.bomb_locations) - 1 self.state = "go" elif self.state == "dodge": x, y = self.x, self.y if self.location_index <= len(self.bomb_locations): if self.bomb_locations[self.location_index - 1][2] is False: #self.location_index = 5 self.state = "go" return if can_move(wrld, (x,y), self.dxdy) is True: if self.x >= wrld.width() - 1: self.move(-1, -1) else: self.move(1, self.dxdy[1]) else: if self.location_index - 1 == 10: self.move(-1, 1) else: self.move(1, -1) self.state = "wait" elif self.state == "go": goal = self.bomb_locations[self.location_index] goal = (goal[0], goal[1]) self.a_star(wrld, goal) if goal[0] == self.x and goal[1] == self.y: self.state = "bomb" self.location_index += 1 elif self.state == "wait": if foundBomb(wrld) is not True: if foundExplosion(wrld) is not True: self.state = "go" else: self.move(0,0) else: if (distance > 3 or distance == 0) and self.qLearning is True: if self.location_index != 0: self.location_index -= 1 self.state = "go" self.qLearning = False return self.qLearning = True self.perform_qLearning(wrld)