Exemple #1
def _fine_registration_helper(pointcloud, drivemap, voxelsize=0.05, attempt=0):
    Perform ICP on pointcloud with drivemap, and return convergence indicator.
    Reject large translatoins.

        transf : np.array([4,4])
        success : Boolean
            if icp was successful
        fitness : float
            sort of sum of square differences, ie. smaller is better
    # Downsample to speed up
    # use voxel filter to keep evenly distributed spatial extent

    log(" - Downsampling with voxel filter: %s" % voxelsize)
    pc = downsample_voxel(pointcloud, voxelsize)

    # Clip to drivemap to prevent outliers confusing the ICP algorithm

    log(" - Clipping to drivemap")
    bb = BoundingBox(drivemap)
    z = bb.center[2]
    extracted = extract_mask(pc, [bb.contains([point[0], point[1], z])
                                  for point in pc])

    log(" - Remaining points: %s" % len(extracted))

    # GICP

    converged, transf, estimate, fitness = gicp(extracted, drivemap)

    # Dont accept large translations

    translation = transf[0:3, 3]
    if np.dot(translation, translation) > 5 ** 2:
        log(" - Translation too large, considering it a failure.")
        converged = False
        fitness = 1e30
        log(" - Success, fitness: ", converged, fitness)

    force_srs(estimate, same_as=pointcloud)
    save(estimate, "attempt%s.las" % attempt)

    return transf, converged, fitness
Exemple #2
def fine_registration(pointcloud, drivemap, center, voxelsize=0.05):
    Final registration step using ICP.

    Find the local optimal postion of the pointcloud on the drivemap; due to
    our coarse_registration algorithm, we have to try two orientations:
    original, and rotated by 180 degrees around the z-axis.

        pointcloud: pcl.PointCloud
                    The high-res object to register.

        drivemap: pcl.PointCloud
                    A small part of the low-res drivemap on which to register

        center: np.array([3])
                    Vector giving the centerpoint of the pointcloud, used to do
                    the 180 degree rotations.

        voxelsize: float default : 0.05
                    Size in [m] of the voxel grid used for downsampling
    log("Starting fine registration")

    # for rotation around z-axis
    rot = np.array([[0, -1, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1]])

    # do a ICP step for 4 orientations

    transf = {}
    success = {}
    fitness = {}
    for i in range(4):
        log(" - attempt: %s" % i)
        transf[i], success[i], fitness[i] = _fine_registration_helper(
        pointcloud.rotate(rot, origin=center)

    # pick best

    best, value = min(fitness.iteritems(), key=lambda x: x[1])
    if success[best]:
        log(" - Best attempt: %s" % best)
        if best > 0:  # np.array()**0 does weird things
            pointcloud.rotate(rot**best, origin=center)

    # ICP failed:
    # return the pointcloud with just footprints aligned
    # no use to undo a rotation, as any orientationi is equally likely.
    log(" - Unable to do fine registration")

        Initial_scale = float(args['-s'])
        Initial_scale = None

    assert os.path.exists(sourcefile), sourcefile + ' does not exist'
    assert os.path.exists(drivemapfile), drivemapfile + ' does not exist'
    assert os.path.exists(footprintcsv), footprintcsv + ' does not exist'

    # Setup * the low-res drivemap
    #       * footprint
    #       * pointcloud
    #       * up-vector

    log("Reading drivemap", drivemapfile)
    drivemap = load(drivemapfile)
    force_srs(drivemap, srs="EPSG:32633")

    log("Reading footprint", footprintcsv)
    footprint = load(footprintcsv)
    force_srs(footprint, srs="EPSG:32633")
    set_srs(footprint, same_as=drivemap)

    log("Reading object", sourcefile)
    pointcloud = load(sourcefile)

    Up = None
        with open(up_file) as f:
            dic = json.load(f)
Exemple #4
def coarse_registration(pointcloud, drivemap, footprint, downsample=None):
    Improve the initial registration.
    Find the proper scale by looking for the red meter sticks, and calculate
    and align the pointcloud's footprint.

        pointcloud: pcl.PointCloud
                    The high-res object to register.

        drivemap:   pcl.PointCloud
                    A small part of the low-res drivemap on which to register

        footprint:  pcl.PointCloud
                    Pointlcloud containing the objects footprint

        downsample: float, default=None, no resampling
                    Downsample the high-res pointcloud before footprint
    log("Starting coarse registration")

    # find redstick scale, and use it if possible
    log(" - Redstick scaling")

    allow_scaling = True

    scale, confidence = get_stick_scale(pointcloud)
    log(" - Red stick scale=%s confidence=%s" % (scale, confidence))

    if (confidence > 0.5):
        log(" - Applying red stick scale")
        pointcloud.scale(1.0 / scale)  # dont care about origin of scaling
        allow_scaling = False
        log(" - Not applying red stick scale, confidence too low")

    # find all the points in the drivemap along the footprint
    # use bottom two meters of drivemap (not trees)

    dm_boundary = boundary_of_drivemap(drivemap, footprint)
    dm_bb = BoundingBox(dm_boundary)

    # set footprint height from minimum value,
    # as trees, or high object make the pc.center() too high
    fixed_boundary = clone(footprint)
    fp_array = np.asarray(fixed_boundary)
    fp_array[:, 2] = dm_bb.min[2]

    save(fixed_boundary, "fixed_bound.las")

    # find all the boundary points of the pointcloud

    loose_boundary = boundary_of_center_object(pointcloud, downsample)
    if loose_boundary is None:
        log(" - boundary estimation failed, using lowest 30 percent of points")
        loose_boundary = boundary_of_lowest_points(pointcloud,

    # match the pointcloud boundary with the footprint boundary

    log(" - Aligning footprints:")
    rot_matrix, rot_center, scale, translation = align_footprints(
        loose_boundary, fixed_boundary,

    save(loose_boundary, "aligned_bound.las")

    # Apply to the main pointcloud

    pointcloud.rotate(rot_matrix, origin=rot_center)
    pointcloud.scale(scale, origin=rot_center)
    rot_center += translation

    return rot_center
Exemple #5
def align_footprints(loose_pc, fixed_pc,
    Align a pointcloud 'loose_pc' by placing it on top of
    'fixed_pc' as good as poosible. Done by aligning the
    principle axis of both pointclouds.

    NOTE: Both pointclouds are assumed to be the footprint (or projection)
    on the xy plane, with basically zero extent along the z-axis.

        The pointcloud boundary is alinged with the footprint
        by rotating its pricipal axis in the (x,y) plane.

        Then, it is translated so the centers of mass coincide.

        Finally, the pointcloud is scaled to have the same extent.

        loose_pc          : pcl.PointCloud
        fixed_pc          : pcl.PointCloud

        allow_scaling     : Bolean
        allow_rotation    : Bolean
        allow_translation : Bolean

        rot_matrix, rot_center, scale, translation : np.array()


    rot_center = loose_pc.center()

    if allow_rotation:
        log(" - Finding rotation")
        rot_matrix = find_rotation_xy(loose_pc, fixed_pc)
        loose_pc.rotate(rot_matrix, origin=rot_center)
        log(" - Skipping rotation")
        rot_matrix = np.eye(3)

    if allow_scaling:
        fixed_bb = BoundingBox(fixed_pc)  # used 2x below
        loose_bb = BoundingBox(loose_pc)
        scale = fixed_bb.size[0:2] / loose_bb.size[0:2]

        # take the average scale factor for the x and y dimensions
        scale = np.mean(scale)
        loose_pc.scale(scale, origin=rot_center)
        log(" - Scale: %s" % scale)
        log(" - Skipping scale")
        scale = 1.0

    if allow_translation:
        translation = fixed_pc.center() - rot_center
        log(" - Translation: %s" % translation)
        log(" - Skipping translation")
        translation = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

    return rot_matrix, rot_center, scale, translation
Exemple #6
def initial_registration(pointcloud, up, drivemap,
                         initial_scale=None, trust_up=True):
    Initial registration adds an spatial reference system to the pointcloud,
    and place the pointlcoud on top of the drivemap. The pointcloud is rotated
    so that the up vector points along [0,0,1], and scaled such that it has the
    right order of magnitude in size.

        pointcloud : pcl.PointCloud
            The high-res object to register.

        up: np.array([3])
            Up direction for the pointcloud.
            If None, assume the object is pancake shaped, and chose the
            upvector such that it is perpendicullar to the pancake.

        drivemap : pcl.PointCloud
            A small part of the low-res drivemap on which to register.

        initial_scale : float
            if given, scale pointcloud using this value; estimate scale factor
            from bounding boxes.

        trust_up : Boolean, default to True
            True:  Assume the up vector is exact.
            False: Calculate 'up' as if it was None, but orient it such that
                   np.dot( up, pancake_up ) > 0

    NOTE: Modifies the input pointcloud in-place, and leaves
    it in a undefined state.

    log("Starting initial registration")

    # set scale and offset of pointcloud, drivemap, and footprint
    # as the pointcloud is unregisterd, the coordinate system is undefined,
    # and we lose nothing if we just copy it

    if(hasattr(pointcloud, "offset")):
        log(" - Dropping initial offset, was: %s" % pointcloud.offset)
        log(" - No initial offset")
    force_srs(pointcloud, same_as=drivemap)
    log(" - New offset forced to: %s" % pointcloud.offset)

    if up is not None:
        log(" - Rotating the pointcloud so up points along [0,0,1]")

        if trust_up:
            rotate_upwards(pointcloud, up)
            log(" - Using trusted up: %s" % up)
            pancake_up = estimate_pancake_up(pointcloud)
            if np.dot(up, pancake_up) < 0.0:
                pancake_up *= -1.0
            log(" - Using estimated up: %s" % pancake_up)
            rotate_upwards(pointcloud, pancake_up)

        log(" - No upvector, skipping")

    if initial_scale is None:
        bbDrivemap = BoundingBox(points=np.asarray(drivemap))
        bbObject = BoundingBox(points=np.asarray(pointcloud))
        scale = bbDrivemap.size[0:2] / bbObject.size[0:2]  # ignore z-direction

        # take the average scale factor for x and y dimensions
        scale = np.mean(scale)
        # use user provided scale
        scale = initial_scale

    log(" - Applying rough estimation of scale factor", scale)
    pointcloud.scale(scale)  # dont care about origin of scaling
Exemple #7
        Initial_scale = float(args['-s'])
        Initial_scale = None

    assert os.path.exists(sourcefile), sourcefile + ' does not exist'
    assert os.path.exists(drivemapfile), drivemapfile + ' does not exist'
    assert os.path.exists(footprintcsv), footprintcsv + ' does not exist'

    # Setup * the low-res drivemap
    #       * footprint
    #       * pointcloud
    #       * up-vector

    log("Reading drivemap", drivemapfile)
    drivemap = load(drivemapfile)
    force_srs(drivemap, srs="EPSG:32633")

    log("Reading footprint", footprintcsv)
    footprint = load(footprintcsv)
    force_srs(footprint, srs="EPSG:32633")
    set_srs(footprint, same_as=drivemap)

    log("Reading object", sourcefile)
    pointcloud = load(sourcefile)

    Up = None
        with open(up_file) as f:
            dic = json.load(f)