Exemple #1
def example_mnist_rbm(paysage_path=None, show_plot = False):
    num_hidden_units = 500
    batch_size = 50
    num_epochs = 10
    learning_rate = 0.01
    mc_steps = 1

    (_, _, shuffled_filepath) = \

    # set up the reader to get minibatches
    data = batch.Batch(shuffled_filepath,

    # set up the model and initialize the parameters
    vis_layer = layers.BernoulliLayer(data.ncols)
    hid_layer = layers.BernoulliLayer(num_hidden_units)

    rbm = hidden.Model([vis_layer, hid_layer])

    # set up the optimizer and the fit method
    opt = optimizers.ADAM(rbm,

    sampler = fit.DrivenSequentialMC.from_batch(rbm, data,

    cd = fit.PCD(rbm, data, opt, sampler,
                 num_epochs, mcsteps=mc_steps, skip=200,

    # fit the model
    print('training with contrastive divergence')

    # evaluate the model
    # this will be the same as the final epoch results
    # it is repeated here to be consistent with the sklearn rbm example
    metrics = [M.ReconstructionError(), M.EnergyDistance(),
               M.EnergyGap(), M.EnergyZscore()]
    performance = fit.ProgressMonitor(0, data, metrics=metrics)

    util.show_metrics(rbm, performance)
    util.show_reconstructions(rbm, data.get('validate'), fit, show_plot)
    util.show_fantasy_particles(rbm, data.get('validate'), fit, show_plot)
    util.show_weights(rbm, show_plot)

    # close the HDF5 store
def test_exponential_derivatives():
    num_visible_units = 100
    num_hidden_units = 50
    batch_size = 25

    # set a seed for the random number generator

    # set up some layer and model objects
    vis_layer = layers.ExponentialLayer(num_visible_units)
    hid_layer = layers.ExponentialLayer(num_hidden_units)
    rbm = hidden.Model([vis_layer, hid_layer])

    # randomly set the intrinsic model parameters
    # for the exponential layers, we need a > 0, b > 0, and W < 0
    a = be.rand((num_visible_units, ))
    b = be.rand((num_hidden_units, ))
    W = -be.rand((num_visible_units, num_hidden_units))

    rbm.layers[0].int_params.loc[:] = a
    rbm.layers[1].int_params.loc[:] = b
    rbm.weights[0].int_params.matrix[:] = W

    # generate a random batch of data
    vdata = rbm.layers[0].random((batch_size, num_visible_units))
    vdata_scaled = rbm.layers[0].rescale(vdata)

    # compute the mean of the hidden layer
    rbm.layers[1].update([vdata], [rbm.weights[0].W()])
    hid_mean = rbm.layers[1].mean()
    hid_mean_scaled = rbm.layers[1].rescale(hid_mean)

    # compute the derivatives
    d_visible_loc = be.mean(vdata, axis=0)
    d_hidden_loc = be.mean(hid_mean_scaled, axis=0)
    d_W = -be.batch_outer(vdata, hid_mean_scaled) / len(vdata)

    # compute the derivatives using the layer functions
    vis_derivs = rbm.layers[0].derivatives(vdata, [hid_mean_scaled],

    hid_derivs = rbm.layers[1].derivatives(hid_mean, [vdata_scaled],

    weight_derivs = rbm.weights[0].derivatives(vdata, hid_mean_scaled)

    assert be.allclose(d_visible_loc, vis_derivs.loc), \
    "derivative of visible loc wrong in exponential-exponential rbm"

    assert be.allclose(d_hidden_loc, hid_derivs.loc), \
    "derivative of hidden loc wrong in exponential-exponential rbm"

    assert be.allclose(d_W, weight_derivs.matrix), \
    "derivative of weights wrong in exponential-exponential rbm"
def test_bernoulli_derivatives():
    num_visible_units = 100
    num_hidden_units = 50
    batch_size = 25

    # set a seed for the random number generator

    # set up some layer and model objects
    vis_layer = layers.BernoulliLayer(num_visible_units)
    hid_layer = layers.BernoulliLayer(num_hidden_units)
    rbm = hidden.Model([vis_layer, hid_layer])

    # randomly set the intrinsic model parameters
    a = be.randn((num_visible_units, ))
    b = be.randn((num_hidden_units, ))
    W = be.randn((num_visible_units, num_hidden_units))

    rbm.layers[0].int_params['loc'] = a
    rbm.layers[1].int_params['loc'] = b
    rbm.weights[0].int_params['matrix'] = W

    # generate a random batch of data
    vdata = rbm.layers[0].random((batch_size, num_visible_units))
    vdata_scaled = rbm.layers[0].rescale(vdata)

    # compute the mean of the hidden layer
    rbm.layers[1].update(vdata, rbm.weights[0].W())
    hid_mean = rbm.layers[1].mean()
    hid_mean_scaled = rbm.layers[1].rescale(hid_mean)

    # compute the derivatives
    d_visible_loc = -be.mean(vdata, axis=0)
    d_hidden_loc = -be.mean(hid_mean_scaled, axis=0)
    d_W = -be.batch_outer(vdata, hid_mean_scaled) / len(vdata)

    # compute the derivatives using the layer functions
    vis_derivs = rbm.layers[0].derivatives(vdata, hid_mean_scaled,

    hid_derivs = rbm.layers[1].derivatives(hid_mean, vdata_scaled,

    weight_derivs = rbm.weights[0].derivatives(vdata, hid_mean_scaled)

    assert be.allclose(d_visible_loc, vis_derivs['loc']), \
    "derivative of visible loc wrong in bernoulli-bernoulli rbm"

    assert be.allclose(d_hidden_loc, hid_derivs['loc']), \
    "derivative of hidden loc wrong in bernoulli-bernoulli rbm"

    assert be.allclose(d_W, weight_derivs['matrix']), \
    "derivative of weights wrong in bernoulli-bernoulli rbm"
def test_exponential_update():
    num_visible_units = 100
    num_hidden_units = 50
    batch_size = 25

    # set a seed for the random number generator

    # set up some layer and model objects
    vis_layer = layers.ExponentialLayer(num_visible_units)
    hid_layer = layers.ExponentialLayer(num_hidden_units)
    rbm = hidden.Model([vis_layer, hid_layer])

    # randomly set the intrinsic model parameters
    # for the exponential layers, we need a > 0, b > 0, and W < 0
    a = be.rand((num_visible_units, ))
    b = be.rand((num_hidden_units, ))
    W = -be.rand((num_visible_units, num_hidden_units))

    rbm.layers[0].int_params.loc[:] = a
    rbm.layers[1].int_params.loc[:] = b
    rbm.weights[0].int_params.matrix[:] = W

    # generate a random batch of data
    vdata = rbm.layers[0].random((batch_size, num_visible_units))
    hdata = rbm.layers[1].random((batch_size, num_hidden_units))

    # compute extrinsic parameters
    hidden_rate = -be.dot(vdata, W)  # (batch_size, num_hidden_units)
    hidden_rate += be.broadcast(b, hidden_rate)

    visible_rate = -be.dot(hdata,
                           be.transpose(W))  # (batch_size, num_visible_units)
    visible_rate += be.broadcast(a, visible_rate)

    # update the extrinsic parameter using the layer functions
    rbm.layers[1].update([vdata], [rbm.weights[0].W()])
    rbm.layers[0].update([hdata], [rbm.weights[0].W_T()])

    assert be.allclose(hidden_rate, rbm.layers[1].ext_params.rate), \
    "hidden rate wrong in exponential-exponential rbm"

    assert be.allclose(visible_rate, rbm.layers[0].ext_params.rate), \
    "visible rate wrong in exponential-exponential rbm"
def test_bernoulli_update():
    num_visible_units = 100
    num_hidden_units = 50
    batch_size = 25

    # set a seed for the random number generator

    # set up some layer and model objects
    vis_layer = layers.BernoulliLayer(num_visible_units)
    hid_layer = layers.BernoulliLayer(num_hidden_units)
    rbm = hidden.Model([vis_layer, hid_layer])

    # randomly set the intrinsic model parameters
    a = be.randn((num_visible_units, ))
    b = be.randn((num_hidden_units, ))
    W = be.randn((num_visible_units, num_hidden_units))

    rbm.layers[0].int_params.loc[:] = a
    rbm.layers[1].int_params.loc[:] = b
    rbm.weights[0].int_params.matrix[:] = W

    # generate a random batch of data
    vdata = rbm.layers[0].random((batch_size, num_visible_units))
    hdata = rbm.layers[1].random((batch_size, num_hidden_units))

    # compute extrinsic parameters
    hidden_field = be.dot(vdata, W)  # (batch_size, num_hidden_units)
    hidden_field += be.broadcast(b, hidden_field)

    visible_field = be.dot(hdata,
                           be.transpose(W))  # (batch_size, num_visible_units)
    visible_field += be.broadcast(a, visible_field)

    # update the extrinsic parameter using the layer functions
    rbm.layers[0].update([hdata], [rbm.weights[0].W_T()])
    rbm.layers[1].update([vdata], [rbm.weights[0].W()])

    assert be.allclose(hidden_field, rbm.layers[1].ext_params.field), \
    "hidden field wrong in bernoulli-bernoulli rbm"

    assert be.allclose(visible_field, rbm.layers[0].ext_params.field), \
    "visible field wrong in bernoulli-bernoulli rbm"
def test_gaussian_derivatives():
    num_visible_units = 100
    num_hidden_units = 50
    batch_size = 25

    # set a seed for the random number generator

    # set up some layer and model objects
    vis_layer = layers.GaussianLayer(num_visible_units)
    hid_layer = layers.GaussianLayer(num_hidden_units)
    rbm = hidden.Model([vis_layer, hid_layer])

    # randomly set the intrinsic model parameters
    a = be.randn((num_visible_units, ))
    b = be.randn((num_hidden_units, ))
    log_var_a = 0.1 * be.randn((num_visible_units, ))
    log_var_b = 0.1 * be.randn((num_hidden_units, ))
    W = be.randn((num_visible_units, num_hidden_units))

    rbm.layers[0].int_params.loc[:] = a
    rbm.layers[1].int_params.loc[:] = b
    rbm.layers[0].int_params.log_var[:] = log_var_a
    rbm.layers[1].int_params.log_var[:] = log_var_b
    rbm.weights[0].int_params.matrix[:] = W

    # generate a random batch of data
    vdata = rbm.layers[0].random((batch_size, num_visible_units))
    visible_var = be.exp(log_var_a)
    vdata_scaled = vdata / be.broadcast(visible_var, vdata)

    # compute the mean of the hidden layer
    rbm.layers[1].update([vdata_scaled], [rbm.weights[0].W()])
    hidden_var = be.exp(log_var_b)
    hid_mean = rbm.layers[1].mean()
    hid_mean_scaled = rbm.layers[1].rescale(hid_mean)

    # compute the derivatives
    d_vis_loc = -be.mean(vdata_scaled, axis=0)
    d_vis_logvar = -0.5 * be.mean(be.square(be.subtract(a, vdata)), axis=0)
    d_vis_logvar += be.batch_dot(
        hid_mean_scaled, be.transpose(W), vdata, axis=0) / len(vdata)
    d_vis_logvar /= visible_var

    d_hid_loc = -be.mean(hid_mean_scaled, axis=0)

    d_hid_logvar = -0.5 * be.mean(
        be.square(hid_mean - be.broadcast(b, hid_mean)), axis=0)
    d_hid_logvar += be.batch_dot(vdata_scaled, W, hid_mean,
                                 axis=0) / len(hid_mean)
    d_hid_logvar /= hidden_var

    d_W = -be.batch_outer(vdata_scaled, hid_mean_scaled) / len(vdata_scaled)

    # compute the derivatives using the layer functions
    rbm.layers[1].update([vdata_scaled], [rbm.weights[0].W()])
    rbm.layers[0].update([hid_mean_scaled], [rbm.weights[0].W_T()])

    vis_derivs = rbm.layers[0].derivatives(vdata, [hid_mean_scaled],

    hid_derivs = rbm.layers[1].derivatives(hid_mean, [vdata_scaled],

    weight_derivs = rbm.weights[0].derivatives(vdata_scaled, hid_mean_scaled)

    assert be.allclose(d_vis_loc, vis_derivs.loc), \
    "derivative of visible loc wrong in gaussian-gaussian rbm"

    assert be.allclose(d_hid_loc, hid_derivs.loc), \
    "derivative of hidden loc wrong in gaussian-gaussian rbm"

    assert be.allclose(d_vis_logvar, vis_derivs.log_var, rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-01), \
    "derivative of visible log_var wrong in gaussian-gaussian rbm"

    assert be.allclose(d_hid_logvar, hid_derivs.log_var, rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-01), \
    "derivative of hidden log_var wrong in gaussian-gaussian rbm"

    assert be.allclose(d_W, weight_derivs.matrix), \
    "derivative of weights wrong in gaussian-gaussian rbm"
def test_gaussian_update():
    num_visible_units = 100
    num_hidden_units = 50
    batch_size = 25

    # set a seed for the random number generator

    # set up some layer and model objects
    vis_layer = layers.GaussianLayer(num_visible_units)
    hid_layer = layers.GaussianLayer(num_hidden_units)
    rbm = hidden.Model([vis_layer, hid_layer])

    # randomly set the intrinsic model parameters
    a = be.randn((num_visible_units, ))
    b = be.randn((num_hidden_units, ))
    log_var_a = 0.1 * be.randn((num_visible_units, ))
    log_var_b = 0.1 * be.randn((num_hidden_units, ))
    W = be.randn((num_visible_units, num_hidden_units))

    rbm.layers[0].int_params.loc[:] = a
    rbm.layers[1].int_params.loc[:] = b
    rbm.layers[0].int_params.log_var[:] = log_var_a
    rbm.layers[1].int_params.log_var[:] = log_var_b
    rbm.weights[0].int_params.matrix[:] = W

    # generate a random batch of data
    vdata = rbm.layers[0].random((batch_size, num_visible_units))
    hdata = rbm.layers[1].random((batch_size, num_hidden_units))

    # compute the variance
    visible_var = be.exp(log_var_a)
    hidden_var = be.exp(log_var_b)

    # rescale the data
    vdata_scaled = vdata / be.broadcast(visible_var, vdata)
    hdata_scaled = hdata / be.broadcast(hidden_var, hdata)

    # test rescale
    assert be.allclose(vdata_scaled, rbm.layers[0].rescale(vdata)),\
    "visible rescale wrong in gaussian-gaussian rbm"

    assert be.allclose(hdata_scaled, rbm.layers[1].rescale(hdata)),\
    "hidden rescale wrong in gaussian-gaussian rbm"

    # compute the mean
    hidden_mean = be.dot(vdata_scaled, W)  # (batch_size, num_hidden_units)
    hidden_mean += be.broadcast(b, hidden_mean)

    visible_mean = be.dot(hdata_scaled,
                          be.transpose(W))  # (batch_size, num_hidden_units)
    visible_mean += be.broadcast(a, visible_mean)

    # update the extrinsic parameters using the layer functions
    rbm.layers[0].update([hdata_scaled], [rbm.weights[0].W_T()])
    rbm.layers[1].update([vdata_scaled], [rbm.weights[0].W()])

    assert be.allclose(visible_var, rbm.layers[0].ext_params.variance),\
    "visible variance wrong in gaussian-gaussian rbm"

    assert be.allclose(hidden_var, rbm.layers[1].ext_params.variance),\
    "hidden variance wrong in gaussian-gaussian rbm"

    assert be.allclose(visible_mean, rbm.layers[0].ext_params.mean),\
    "visible mean wrong in gaussian-gaussian rbm"

    assert be.allclose(hidden_mean, rbm.layers[1].ext_params.mean),\
    "hidden mean wrong in gaussian-gaussian rbm"
Exemple #8
def test_rbm(paysage_path=None):
    """TODO : this is just a placeholder, need to clean up & simplifiy setup. Also
    need to figure how to deal with consistent random seeding throughout the
    codebase to obtain deterministic checkable results.
    num_hidden_units = 50
    batch_size = 50
    num_epochs = 1
    learning_rate = 0.01
    mc_steps = 1

    if not paysage_path:
        paysage_path = os.path.dirname(
    filepath = os.path.join(paysage_path, 'mnist', 'mnist.h5')

    if not os.path.exists(filepath):
        raise IOError(
            "{} does not exist. run mnist/download_mnist.py to fetch from the web"

    shuffled_filepath = os.path.join(paysage_path, 'mnist',

    # shuffle the data
    if not os.path.exists(shuffled_filepath):
        shuffler = batch.DataShuffler(filepath, shuffled_filepath, complevel=0)

    # set a seed for the random number generator

    # set up the reader to get minibatches
    data = batch.Batch(shuffled_filepath,

    # set up the model and initialize the parameters
    vis_layer = layers.BernoulliLayer(data.ncols)
    hid_layer = layers.BernoulliLayer(num_hidden_units)

    rbm = hidden.Model([vis_layer, hid_layer])

    # obtain initial estimate of the reconstruction error
    perf = fit.ProgressMonitor(0, data, metrics=[M.ReconstructionError()])
    untrained_performance = perf.check_progress(rbm, 0)

    # set up the optimizer and the fit method
    opt = optimizers.RMSProp(rbm,

    sampler = fit.DrivenSequentialMC.from_batch(rbm, data, method='stochastic')

    cd = fit.PCD(rbm,

    # fit the model
    print('training with contrastive divergence')

    # obtain an estimate of the reconstruction error after 1 epoch
    trained_performance = perf.check_progress(rbm, 0)

    assert (trained_performance['ReconstructionError'] <
            untrained_performance['ReconstructionError']), \
    "Reconstruction error did not decrease"

    # close the HDF5 store