Exemple #1
    def get_existing_exports(self):
        """ Result of descovering - dict of dicts in the form:
                {   'devicename': '5ce99e968d67ded2',
                    'guid': UUID('600144f0-0001-8aa6-91a2-19f911e39d8f'),
                    'has_errors': False,
                    'luns': {   'pserver123': '26'},
                    'read_only': False,
                    'volume': '/dev/storage/0001-8aa6-91a2-19f911e39d8f'}

            Keys of the upper dict are the SCST devicenames.


        self.existing_exports = {}
        first = True

        pb_lv_pattern = (r'^' + os.sep + os.path.join('dev', self.storage_vg) +
                         os.sep + r'((?:[0-9a-f]{4}-){3}[0-9a-f]{12})$')
        if self.verbose > 2:
            log.debug("Search pattern for ProfiBricks volumes: %r", pb_lv_pattern)
        pb_lv = re.compile(pb_lv_pattern)

        pattern = os.path.join(SCST_DEV_DIR, '*')
        log.debug("Searching for SCST devices in %r ...", pattern)
        dev_dirs = glob.glob(pattern)
        for dev_dir in dev_dirs:

            vl = 4
            if first:
                vl = 2

            filename_file = os.path.join(dev_dir, 'filename')
            handler_link = os.path.join(dev_dir, 'handler')
            has_errors = False
            read_only = False

            if not os.path.exists(filename_file):
            if not os.path.exists(handler_link):

            self.count['exported_devs'] += 1

            exported_dir = os.path.join(dev_dir, 'exported')
            luns = {}
            if os.path.isdir(exported_dir):
                exports = glob.glob(os.path.join(exported_dir, '*'))
                nr_exports = 0
                for export_link in exports:
                    nr_exports += 1
                    link_target = os.readlink(export_link)
                    if os.path.isabs(link_target):
                        lun_dir = os.path.realpath(export_link)
                        lun_dir = os.path.realpath(os.path.relpath(link_target,
                    ini_group = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(lun_dir)))
                    lun_nr = os.path.basename(lun_dir)
                    luns[ini_group] = {'id': lun_nr, 'checked': False}
                    self.count['exported_luns'] += 1

                # if nr_exports > 1:
                #     vl = 2

            devname = os.path.basename(dev_dir)
            export_filename = self.get_scst_export_filename(filename_file)
            if not export_filename:
                log.info("No devicename found for export %r.", devname)
                self.count['error'] += 1

            match = pb_lv.search(export_filename)
            if not match:
                if self.verbose > 2:
                    log.debug("Export %r for device %r is not a regular ProfitBricks volume.",
                              devname, export_filename)
                self.count['alien'] += 1
            short_guid = match.group(1)
            if short_guid == DUMMY_LV and devname == DUMMY_CRC:
                if self.verbose > 1:
                    log.debug("Found the exported notorious dummy device.")
                self.count['dummy'] += 1

            guid = '600144f0-' + short_guid
            digest = crc64_digest(guid)
            if not digest == devname:
                log.info(("Found mismatch between volume name %r and SCST "
                          "device name %r (should be %r)."), export_filename, devname, digest)
                self.count['error'] += 1

            fc_ph_id_expected = guid.replace('-', '')
            fc_ph_id_current = self.get_fc_ph_id(dev_dir)
            if fc_ph_id_expected != fc_ph_id_current:
                log.info("Export %r for device %r has wrong fc_ph_id %r.",
                         devname, export_filename, fc_ph_id_current)
                has_errors = True

            read_only = self.get_read_only(dev_dir)
            if read_only is None:
                has_errors = True

            export = {
                'devicename': devname,
                'volume': export_filename,
                'guid': uuid.UUID(guid),
                'read_only': read_only,
                'has_errors': has_errors,
                'luns': luns,
                'checked': False,

            self.existing_exports[devname] = export
            if has_errors:
                self.count['error'] += 1

            if self.verbose > 2:
                log.debug("Found export %r.", devname)

            if self.verbose > vl:
                log.debug("Got existing export:\n%s", pp(export))

            if first:
                first = False
Exemple #2
    def get_api_storage_exports(self):

        self.storage_exports = []
        api_volumes = {}

        key_replicated = 'replicated'
        key_replicas = 'replicas'
        key_storage_server = 'storage_server'
        key_guid = 'guid'
        key_uuid = 'uuid'
        key_pstorage_name = 'pstorage_name'
        key_vstorage_uuid = 'vstorage_uuid'
        key_pserver_name = 'pserver_name'
        if sys.version_info[0] <= 2:
            key_replicated = key_replicated.decode('utf-8')
            key_replicas = key_replicas.decode('utf-8')
            key_storage_server = key_storage_server.decode('utf-8')
            key_guid = key_guid.decode('utf-8')
            key_uuid = key_uuid.decode('utf-8')
            key_pstorage_name = key_pstorage_name.decode('utf-8')
            key_vstorage_uuid = key_vstorage_uuid.decode('utf-8')
            key_pserver_name = key_pserver_name.decode('utf-8')

        log.debug("Retrieving storage volumes from API ...")
        storages = None
            storages = self.api.vstorages(pstorage=self.hostname, contract_infos=False)
        except RestApiError as e:
        except Exception as e:
            self.die("%s: %s" % (e.__class__.__name__, e))

        first = True
        for stor in storages:

            {   'cloned_from': None,
                'cluster': 'de-ka-cluster-01',
                'contract': 31721232,
                'creation_date': '2014-05-21T04:10:38.399',
                'modification_date': '2014-05-21T04:15:35.620',
                'name': 'DWDCStorage_EMEA_D_Mirror',
                'os_type': None,
                'physical_server': 'pserver117',
                'region': 'europe',
                'replicas': [   {   'guid': '600144f0-0001-dc9b-0121-e09d11e3920c',
                                    'storage_server': 'storage201',
                                    'virtual_state': 'AVAILABLE'},
                                {   'guid': '600144f0-0001-dc98-6910-e09d11e3920c',
                                    'storage_server': 'storage103',
                                    'virtual_state': 'AVAILABLE'}],
                'size': 716800,
                'uuid': 'e7abbe07-3d3e-4468-9af4-1bfe8af418dc',
                'virtual_network': '61ba3819-d719-4986-b59d-c6178a32aabe'}

            vl = 4
            if first:
                vl = 2

            if self.verbose > vl:
                log.debug("Got Storage volume from API:\n%s", pp(stor))

            replicated = True
            if key_replicated in stor:
                replicated = stor[key_replicated]
            vol_uuid = uuid.UUID(stor[key_uuid])

            guid = None
            for replica in stor[key_replicas]:
                hn = replica[key_storage_server]
                if sys.version_info[0] <= 2:
                    hn = hn.encode('utf-8')
                if hn == self.hostname:
                    guid = uuid.UUID(replica[key_guid])

            if not guid:
                log.debug("No valid GUID found for storage volume:\n%s", pp(stor))

            vol = {
                'guid': guid,
                'replicated': replicated,
            api_volumes[vol_uuid] = vol

            if self.verbose > vl:
                log.debug("Transformed Storage volume %r:\n%s", vol_uuid, pp(vol))

            if first:
                first = False

        log.debug("Retrieving storage mappings from API ...")
        maps = None
            maps = self.api.vstorage_maps(pstorage=self.hostname)
        except RestApiError as e:
        except Exception as e:
            self.die("%s: %s" % (e.__class__.__name__, e))

        first = True

        for mapping in maps:

            {   'boot_order': 1,
                'creation_date': '2014-05-23T08:42:32.770',
                'dc_name': 'BKK Pfalz',
                'modification_date': '2014-05-23T08:42:32.770',
                'mount_state': 'AVAILABLE',
                'mount_type': 'VIRTIO',
                'mount_uuid': '8b30c7e8-f9fb-41b3-8b1d-723e1c41ee99',
                'network_uuid': '485abc1d-ec56-81d0-24cc-621cde8f34dc',
                'order_nr': 1,
                'pserver_name': 'pserver220',
                'pserver_uuid': '48385147-3600-0030-48FF-003048FF26B2',
                'pstorage_name': 'storage201',
                'pstorage_uuid': '49434D53-0200-9071-2500-71902500F26D',
                'size_mb': 102400,
                'vm_name': 'replacement',
                'vm_uuid': '001f75f0-fa36-40cc-a628-060d2ecdccc1',
                'vstorage_guid': None,
                'vstorage_name': 'BKK Storage 2',
                'vstorage_uuid': '64f9dd3a-6db9-4405-a023-a0d32203c2aa'}

            if mapping[key_pstorage_name] != self.hostname:

            pserver = mapping[key_pserver_name]
            if pserver is None:
            if pserver not in self.valid_pservers:
                log.debug("Storage export to %r not considered.", pserver)

            vl = 4
            if first:
                vl = 2

            if self.verbose > vl:
                log.debug("Got Storage mapping from API:\n%s", pp(mapping))

            vol_uuid = uuid.UUID(mapping[key_vstorage_uuid])

            if vol_uuid not in api_volumes:
                log.error("No volume for mapping of %r found.", vol_uuid)

            guid = api_volumes[vol_uuid]['guid']
            scst_devname = crc64_digest(str(guid))
            if sys.version_info[0] <= 2:
                pserver = pserver.encode('utf-8')

            m = {
                'uuid': vol_uuid,
                'guid': guid,
                'scst_devname': scst_devname,
                'replicated': api_volumes[vol_uuid]['replicated'],
                'pserver': pserver,
                'checked': False,

            if self.verbose > vl:
                log.debug("Transformed storage mapping:\n%s", pp(m))

            if first:
                first = False

        log.debug("Finished retrieving storage mappings from API, found %d mappings.",
Exemple #3
    def get_api_image_exports(self):

        self.image_exports = []
        api_volumes = {}

        key_replicated = 'replicate'
        key_replicas = 'replicas'
        key_storage_server = 'storage_server'
        key_guid = 'guid'
        key_uuid = 'uuid'
        key_pstorage_name = 'pstorage_name'
        key_vstorage_uuid = 'vstorage_uuid'
        key_image_uuid = 'image_uuid'
        key_pserver_name = 'pserver_name'
        if sys.version_info[0] <= 2:
            key_replicated = key_replicated.decode('utf-8')
            key_replicas = key_replicas.decode('utf-8')
            key_storage_server = key_storage_server.decode('utf-8')
            key_guid = key_guid.decode('utf-8')
            key_uuid = key_uuid.decode('utf-8')
            key_pstorage_name = key_pstorage_name.decode('utf-8')
            key_vstorage_uuid = key_vstorage_uuid.decode('utf-8')
            key_image_uuid = key_image_uuid.decode('utf-8')
            key_pserver_name = key_pserver_name.decode('utf-8')

        log.debug("Retrieving image volumes from API ...")
        images = None
            images = self.api.vimages(pstorage=self.hostname)
        except RestApiError as e:
        except Exception as e:
            self.die("%s: %s" % (e.__class__.__name__, e))

        first = True
        for img in images:

            {   'absolute_path': 'ftp://*****:*****@imageserver/3111/iso-images/XYZ.iso',
                'contract': 31720930,
                'creation_date': '2014-02-06T14:55:19.333',
                'image_type': 'CDROM',
                'modification_date': '2014-02-06T14:55:19.333',
                'replicas': [   {   'guid': '600144f0-0001-d843-4c30-8f3e11e3ae16',
                                    'storage_server': 'storage108',
                                    'virtual_state': 'AVAILABLE'},
                                {   'guid': '600144f0-0001-d843-4c31-8f3e11e3ae16',
                                    'storage_server': 'storage203',
                                    'virtual_state': 'AVAILABLE'}],
                'replicate': True,
                'size': 272,
                'uuid': 'b24d6e86-8f3e-11e3-b7e8-52540066fee9',
                'virtual_state': 'AVAILABLE'}

            vl = 4
            if first:
                vl = 2

            if self.verbose > vl:
                log.debug("Got Image volume from API:\n%s", pp(img))

            replicated = bool(img[key_replicated])
            vol_uuid = uuid.UUID(img[key_uuid])

            guid = None
            for replica in img[key_replicas]:
                hn = replica[key_storage_server]
                if sys.version_info[0] <= 2:
                    hn = hn.encode('utf-8')
                if hn == self.hostname:
                    guid = uuid.UUID(replica[key_guid])

            if not guid:
                log.debug("No valid GUID found for image volume:\n%s", pp(img))

            vol = {
                'guid': guid,
                'replicated': replicated,
            api_volumes[vol_uuid] = vol

            if self.verbose > vl:
                log.debug("Transformed Image volume %r:\n%s", vol_uuid, pp(vol))

            if first:
                first = False

        log.debug("Retrieving image mappings from API ...")
        maps = None
            maps = self.api.vimage_maps(pstorage=self.hostname)
        except RestApiError as e:
        except Exception as e:
            self.die("%s: %s" % (e.__class__.__name__, e))

        first = True

        for mapping in maps:

            {   'boot_order': 1,
                'creation_date': '2014-03-03T09:23:35.748',
                'dc_name': 'ldcb.tjasys.net',
                'image_guid': '600144f0-0001-7e84-f65a-a2b511e3ad7d',
                'image_legalentity': 12508,
                'image_name': 'GSP1RMCPRXFREO_DE_DVD.ISO',
                'image_size': 3271557120,
                'image_type': 'CDROM',
                'image_uuid': 'ada919ce-a284-11e3-b5f6-52540066fee9',
                'modification_date': '2014-03-03T09:45:16.915',
                'mount_state': 'DEALLOCATED',
                'mount_type': 'IDE',
                'mount_uuid': '0b778d45-b5ac-4be8-bd89-3b4de4e13491',
                'network_uuid': '8ca30b27-9300-9b8e-dc84-f0349a0498de',
                'order_nr': 1,
                'pserver_name': None,
                'pserver_uuid': None,
                'pstorage_name': 'storage108',
                'pstorage_uuid': '00000000-0000-0000-0000-002590A93640',
                'replicated': True,
                'size_mb': 3120,
                'vm_name': 'Win7Test',
                'vm_uuid': 'c1b53ee7-66a7-4dc9-8240-e50432438582'}

            if mapping[key_pstorage_name] != self.hostname:

            pserver = mapping[key_pserver_name]
            if pserver is None:
            if pserver not in self.valid_pservers:
                log.debug("Image export to %r not considered.", pserver)

            vl = 4
            if first:
                vl = 2

            if self.verbose > vl:
                log.debug("Got Image mapping from API:\n%s", pp(mapping))

            if first:
                first = False

            vol_uuid = uuid.UUID(mapping[key_image_uuid])

            if vol_uuid not in api_volumes:
                log.error("No volume for mapping of %r found.", vol_uuid)

            guid = api_volumes[vol_uuid]['guid']
            scst_devname = crc64_digest(str(guid))
            if sys.version_info[0] <= 2:
                pserver = pserver.encode('utf-8')

            m = {
                'uuid': vol_uuid,
                'guid': guid,
                'scst_devname': scst_devname,
                'replicated': api_volumes[vol_uuid]['replicated'],
                'pserver': pserver,
                'checked': False,

            if self.verbose > vl:
                log.debug("Transformed storage mapping:\n%s", pp(m))

        log.debug("Finished retrieving image mappings from API, found %d mappings.",
Exemple #4
    def _run(self):
        """The underlaying startpoint of the application."""

        for token in self.args.tokens:
            digest = crc64_digest(token)