def run_migrations_offline(): """Run migrations in 'offline' mode. This configures the context with just a URL and not an Engine, though an Engine is acceptable here as well. By skipping the Engine creation we don't even need a DBAPI to be available. Calls to context.execute() here emit the given string to the script output. """ try: server_config = get_server_config() logger = get_pbench_logger(__name__, server_config) except Exception as e: print(e) sys.exit(1) url = Database.get_engine_uri(server_config, logger) if url is None: sys.exit(1) context.configure( url=url, target_metadata=target_metadata, literal_binds=True, dialect_opts={"paramstyle": "named"}, ) with context.begin_transaction(): context.run_migrations()
def app(): try: server_config = get_server_config() except (ConfigFileNotSpecified, BadConfig) as e: print(e) sys.exit(1) return create_app(server_config)
def server_config(pytestconfig, monkeypatch): """ Mock a pbench-server.cfg configuration as defined above. Args: pytestconfig: pytest environmental configuration fixture monkeypatch: testing environment patch fixture Returns: a PbenchServerConfig object the test case can use """ cfg_file = pytestconfig.cache.get("_PBENCH_SERVER_CONFIG", None) monkeypatch.setenv("_PBENCH_SERVER_CONFIG", cfg_file) server_config = get_server_config() return server_config
def main(): try: server_config = get_server_config() except (ConfigFileNotSpecified, BadConfig) as e: print(e) sys.exit(1) logger = get_pbench_logger(__name__, server_config) try: host = str(server_config.get("pbench-server", "bind_host")) port = str(server_config.get("pbench-server", "bind_port")) db = str(server_config.get("Postgres", "db_uri")) workers = str(server_config.get("pbench-server", "workers")) worker_timeout = str( server_config.get("pbench-server", "worker_timeout")) # Multiple gunicorn workers will attempt to connect to the DB; rather # than attempt to synchronize them, detect a missing DB (from the # postgres URI) and create it here. It's safer to do this here, # where we're single-threaded. if not database_exists(db):"Postgres DB {} doesn't exist", db) create_database(db)"Created DB {}", db) Database.init_db(server_config, logger) except (NoOptionError, NoSectionError): logger.exception(f"{__name__}: ERROR") sys.exit(1)[ "gunicorn", "--workers", workers, "--timeout", worker_timeout, "--pid", "/run/pbench-server/", "--bind", f"{host}:{port}", "", ])
def run_migrations_online(): """Run migrations in 'online' mode. In this scenario we need to create an Engine and associate a connection with the context. """ try: server_config = get_server_config() logger = get_pbench_logger(__name__, server_config) except Exception as e: print(e) sys.exit(1) connectable = create_engine(Database.get_engine_uri(server_config, logger)) with connectable.connect() as connection: context.configure(connection=connection, target_metadata=target_metadata) with context.begin_transaction(): context.run_migrations()
def main(): try: server_config = get_server_config() except (ConfigFileNotSpecified, BadConfig) as e: print(e) sys.exit(1) try: host = str(server_config.get("pbench-server", "bind_host")) port = str(server_config.get("pbench-server", "bind_port")) workers = str(server_config.get("pbench-server", "workers")) except (NoOptionError, NoSectionError) as e: print(f"{__name__}: ERROR: {e.__traceback__}") sys.exit(1)[ "gunicorn", "--workers", workers, "--pid", "/run/pbench-server/", "--bind", f"{host}:{port}", "", ])
def server_config(pytestconfig, monkeypatch): cfg_file = pytestconfig.cache.get("_PBENCH_SERVER_CONFIG", None) monkeypatch.setenv("_PBENCH_SERVER_CONFIG", cfg_file) server_config = get_server_config() return server_config