def makebooster(self, irc, msg, args, text):
     nick = msg.nick
     channell = msg.args[0]
     if nick in irc.state.channels[channell].halfops:
         if not ircdb.checkCapability(msg.prefix, capability):
             irc.errorNoCapability(capability, Raise=True)
     irc.reply('Booster is on its way!')      
     req = urllib2.Request(url % text)
     responselol = urllib2.urlopen(req)
     contentsz =
     rawr = pbj.pastehtml(contentsz)
     rawr = rawr.replace('/view/', '/raw/')
def scan(text):
#	if errno == "1":
#		irc.error("One Nmap scan is already running", Raise=True)
#	else:
#		errno = "1"
	print text
	processname = "/usr/local/bin/nmap -T4 -A -v -Pn"
	for line in os.popen("ps xa"):
		fields = line.split()
		pid = fields[0]
		process = fields[4]
	if process.find(processname) > 0:
		irc.error("Nmap is already running!", Raise=True)
		result = pbj.pastehtml(os.system("/usr/local/bin/nmap -T4 -A -v -Pn %s" % text))
		result = result.replace('/view/', '/raw/')
#		errno = "0"
	return result
import supybot.utils as utils
from supybot.commands import *
import supybot.plugins as plugins
import supybot.ircutils as ircutils
import supybot.callbacks as callbacks
from supybot.i18n import PluginInternationalization, internationalizeDocstring
import supybot.ircmsgs as ircmsgs
import os, pbj, signal, urllib2

def scan(text):
        inst = subprocess.Popen(text, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, 
        except OSError, e:
            irc.error('It seems the requested command was '
                      'not available (%s).' % e, Raise=True)
        result = inst.communicate()
        if result[1]: # stderr
            irc.error(' '.join(result[1].split()))
        if result[0]: # stdout
            response = result[0].split("\n");
            response = [l for l in response if l]
        result = pbj.pastehtml(response).replace('/view', '/raw/') #result = result.replace('/view/', '/raw/')
        if not "Starting Nmap" in urllib2.urlopen(result):
            result = "Error, I returned %r instead of a true scan."
    return result