Exemple #1
    def reconstruct_ref_fa_for_clusters_in_bin(self, cids, refs):
        Reconstruct ref_fa of the cluster in the new tmp_dir

        cids --- list[int(cid)], e.g., [10, 11, 12, ..., 20]
        refs --- dict{int(cid): ref_fa of cluster(cid)}
        # Check existence when first time it is read.
        if not nfs_exists(self.final_consensus_fa):
            raise IOError("Final consensus FASTA file {f}".format(
                f=self.final_consensus_fa) + "does not exist.")

        self.add_log("Reconstructing g consensus files for clusters "
                     "[%d, %d] in %s" % (cids[0], cids[-1], self.tmp_dir),

        final_consensus_d = FastaRandomReader(self.final_consensus_fa)
        for ref_id in final_consensus_d.d.keys():
            cid = int(ref_id.split('/')[0].replace('c', ''))
            # e.g., ref_id = c103/1/3708, cid = 103,
            #       refs[cid] = ...tmp/0/c103/g_consensus_ref.fasta
            if cid in cids:
                ref_fa = op.join(self.cluster_dir(cid), op.basename(refs[cid]))
                refs[cid] = ref_fa
                with FastaWriter(ref_fa) as writer:
                    self.add_log("Writing ref_fa %s" % refs[cid])

        self.add_log("Reconstruct of g consensus files completed.",
Exemple #2
    def reconstruct_ref_fa_for_clusters_in_bin(self, cids, refs):
        Reconstruct ref_fa of the cluster in the new tmp_dir

        Liz: new cids after ice2 collection is b<bin>_c<cid>
        refs --- dict{int(cid): ref_fa of cluster(cid)}
        # Check existence when first time it is read.
        if not nfs_exists(self.final_consensus_fa):
            raise IOError("Final consensus FASTA file {f}".format(
                f=self.final_consensus_fa) + "does not exist.")

        print("Reconstructing g consensus files for clusters {0}, {1} in {2}".
              format(cids[0], cids[-1], self.tmp_dir))
            "Reconstructing g consensus files for clusters {0}, {1} in {2}".
            format(cids[0], cids[-1], self.tmp_dir))

        final_consensus_d = FastaRandomReader(self.final_consensus_fa)
        for ref_id in list(final_consensus_d.d.keys()):
            # Liz: this is no longer valid for the Ice2 cids #cid = int(ref_id.split('/')[0].replace('c', ''))
            cid = ref_id
            if cid in cids:
                _dir = self.cluster_dir_for_reconstructed_ref(cid)
                ref_fa = op.join(_dir, op.basename(refs[cid]))
                refs[cid] = ref_fa
                with FastaWriter(ref_fa) as writer:
                    self.add_log("Writing ref_fa %s" % refs[cid])

        self.add_log("Reconstruct of g consensus files completed.",
def choose_template_by_blasr(fasta_filename,
    Choose the best template for gcon reference
    Pick the one that has the highest average hit identity to others

    Returns: FastaRecord of selected ref
    fd = FastaRandomReader(fasta_filename)

    cmd = "blasr --nproc {nproc} ".format(nproc=nproc) + \
          "--maxScore {score} ".format(score=maxScore) + \
          "--maxLCPLength 15 --bestn 10 --nCandidates 50 " + \
          "-m 1 {fa} {fa} ".format(fa=fasta_filename) + \
          "--out {out} ".format(out=out_filename) + \
          "1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null"

    out, code, msg = backticks(cmd)
    if code != 0:
        return None

    # blasr -m 1 output format:
    # (0) qName   (1) tName (2) qStrand
    # (3) tStrand (4) score (5) percentSimilarity
    # (6) tStart  (7) tEnd  (8) tLength
    # (9) qStart  (10) qEnd (11) qLength
    # (12) nCells
    scores = defaultdict(lambda: [])
    with open(out_filename) as f:
        for line in f:
            raw = line.strip().split()
            # qID gets an extra /0_length
            qID, tID = raw[0][:raw[0].rfind('/')], raw[1]
            if qID == tID:
                continue  # self-hit, ignore
            if raw[2] != raw[3]:
                continue  # has to be on same strand
                raw[4])))  # Liz: use score as the scorer!

    # find the one with the highest average alignment similarity
    score_array = []
    for k, v in scores.iteritems():
        score_array.append((np.ceil(np.mean(v)), k))
    if len(score_array) < min_number_reads:
        errMsg = "Not enough number of reads in " + \
                 "choose_template_by_blasr {0} < {1}".format(
                     len(score_array), min_number_reads)
        raise AlignGraphUtilError(errMsg)


    # Find the longest sequence that is within the std deviation of
    # the best score
    best_mean_std = np.std([x[0] for x in score_array])
    best_mean, best_id = score_array[0]
    best_len = len(fd[best_id].sequence)
    for _mean, _id in score_array[1:]:
        if abs(_mean - best_mean) > best_mean_std:
        _len = len(fd[_id].sequence)
        if _len > best_len:
            best_id = _id
            best_len = _len

    return fd[best_id]
def pick_rep(isoform_filename,
    For each group of collapsed sam records, select the representative record.

    If is FASTA file -- then always pick the longest one
    If is FASTQ file -- then
          If pick_least_err_instead is True, pick the one w/ least number of expected base errors
          Else, pick the longest one
    fd = None
    is_fq = False
    dummy_prefix, _suffix = parse_ds_filename(isoform_filename)
    if _suffix == "fasta":
        fd = FastaRandomReader(isoform_filename)
    elif _suffix == "fastq":
        fd = FastqRandomReader(isoform_filename)
        is_fq = True
    elif _suffix == "contigset.xml":
        fd = ContigSet(isoform_filename)
        _fns = fd.toExternalFiles()
        if len(_fns) == 1 and _fns[0].endswith(".fq") or _fns[0].endswith(
            fd = FastqRandomReader(_fns[0])
            is_fq = True
            if not fd.isIndexed:
                # Must be indexed FASTA, or exactly contains one FASTQ file
                raise IOError(
                    "%s must contain either indexed FASTA files or " %
                    isoform_filename + "contain exactly one FASTQ file!")
        raise IOError("Unable to recognize file type of %s." %

    fa_out_fn, fq_out_fn, ds_out_fn = None, None, None

    _prefix, _suffix = parse_ds_filename(output_filename)
    if _suffix == "fasta":
        fa_out_fn = output_filename
    elif _suffix == "fastq":
        if not is_fq:
            raise ValueError("Input file %s is not FASTQ while output is." %
            fq_out_fn = output_filename
    elif _suffix == "contigset.xml":  # output is contigset.xml
        ds_out_fn = output_filename
        fa_out_fn = _prefix + ".fasta"
        if is_fq:
            fq_out_fn = _prefix + ".fastq"
        raise IOError("Unable to recognize file type of %s." % output_filename)

    fa_writer = FastaWriter(fa_out_fn) if fa_out_fn is not None else None
    fq_writer = FastqWriter(fq_out_fn) if fq_out_fn is not None else None

    coords = {}
    for r in CollapseGffReader(gff_filename):
        tid = r.transcript_id
        coords[tid] = "{0}:{1}-{2}({3})".format(r.seqid, r.start, r.end,

    if bad_gff_filename is not None:
        for r in CollapseGffReader(gff_filename):
            tid = r.transcript_id
            coords[tid] = "{0}:{1}-{2}({3})".format(r.seqid, r.start, r.end,

    for group in GroupReader(group_filename):
        pb_id, members = group.name, group.members
        if not pb_id in coords:
            raise ValueError("Could not find %s in %s and %s" %
                             (pb_id, gff_filename, bad_gff_filename))
        #logging.info("Picking representative sequence for %s", pb_id)
        best_id = None
        best_seq = None
        best_qual = None
        best_err = 9999999
        err = 9999999
        max_len = 0

        for x in members:
            if is_fq and pick_least_err_instead:
                err = sum(i**-(i / 10.) for i in fd[x].quality)
            if (is_fq and pick_least_err_instead and err < best_err) or \
               ((not is_fq or not pick_least_err_instead) and len(fd[x].sequence) >= max_len):
                best_id = x
                best_seq = fd[x].sequence
                if is_fq:
                    best_qual = fd[x].quality
                    best_err = err
                max_len = len(fd[x].sequence)

        _id_ = "{0}|{1}|{2}".format(pb_id, coords[pb_id], best_id)
        _seq_ = best_seq
        if fq_writer is not None:
            fq_writer.writeRecord(_id_, _seq_, best_qual)
        if fa_writer is not None:
            fa_writer.writeRecord(_id_, _seq_)

    if fa_writer is not None:
    if fq_writer is not None:
    if ds_out_fn is not None:
        as_contigset(fa_out_fn, ds_out_fn)
def pick_rep(isoform_filename, gff_filename,
             group_filename, output_filename,
    For each group of collapsed sam records, select the representative record.

    If is FASTA file -- then always pick the longest one
    If is FASTQ file -- then
          If pick_least_err_instead is True, pick the one w/ least number of expected base errors
          Else, pick the longest one
    fd = None
    is_fq = False
    dummy_prefix, _suffix = parse_ds_filename(isoform_filename)
    if _suffix == "fasta":
        fd = FastaRandomReader(isoform_filename)
    elif _suffix == "fastq":
        fd = FastqRandomReader(isoform_filename)
        is_fq = True
    elif _suffix == "contigset.xml":
        fd = ContigSet(isoform_filename)
        _fns = fd.toExternalFiles()
        if len(_fns) == 1 and _fns[0].endswith(".fq") or _fns[0].endswith(".fastq"):
            fd = FastqRandomReader(_fns[0])
            is_fq = True
            if not fd.isIndexed:
                # Must be indexed FASTA, or exactly contains one FASTQ file
                raise IOError("%s must contain either indexed FASTA files or " % isoform_filename +
                              "contain exactly one FASTQ file!")
        raise IOError("Unable to recognize file type of %s." % isoform_filename)

    fa_out_fn, fq_out_fn, ds_out_fn = None, None, None

    _prefix, _suffix = parse_ds_filename(output_filename)
    if _suffix == "fasta":
        fa_out_fn = output_filename
    elif _suffix == "fastq":
        if not is_fq:
            raise ValueError("Input file %s is not FASTQ while output is." % isoform_filename)
            fq_out_fn = output_filename
    elif _suffix == "contigset.xml": # output is contigset.xml
        ds_out_fn = output_filename
        fa_out_fn = _prefix + ".fasta"
        if is_fq:
            fq_out_fn = _prefix + ".fastq"
        raise IOError("Unable to recognize file type of %s." % output_filename)

    fa_writer = FastaWriter(fa_out_fn) if fa_out_fn is not None else None
    fq_writer = FastqWriter(fq_out_fn) if fq_out_fn is not None else None

    coords = {}
    for r in CollapseGffReader(gff_filename):
        tid = r.transcript_id
        coords[tid] = "{0}:{1}-{2}({3})".format(r.seqid, r.start, r.end, r.strand)

    if bad_gff_filename is not None:
        for r in CollapseGffReader(gff_filename):
            tid = r.transcript_id
            coords[tid] = "{0}:{1}-{2}({3})".format(r.seqid, r.start, r.end, r.strand)

    for group in GroupReader(group_filename):
        pb_id, members = group.name, group.members
        if not pb_id in coords:
            raise ValueError("Could not find %s in %s and %s" %
                             (pb_id, gff_filename, bad_gff_filename))
        #logging.info("Picking representative sequence for %s", pb_id)
        best_id = None
        best_seq = None
        best_qual = None
        best_err = 9999999
        err = 9999999
        max_len = 0

        for x in members:
            if is_fq and pick_least_err_instead:
                err = sum(i**-(i/10.) for i in fd[x].quality)
            if (is_fq and pick_least_err_instead and err < best_err) or \
               ((not is_fq or not pick_least_err_instead) and len(fd[x].sequence) >= max_len):
                best_id = x
                best_seq = fd[x].sequence
                if is_fq:
                    best_qual = fd[x].quality
                    best_err = err
                max_len = len(fd[x].sequence)

        _id_ = "{0}|{1}|{2}".format(pb_id, coords[pb_id], best_id)
        _seq_ = best_seq
        if fq_writer is not None:
            fq_writer.writeRecord(_id_, _seq_, best_qual)
        if fa_writer is not None:
            fa_writer.writeRecord(_id_, _seq_)

    if fa_writer is not None:
    if fq_writer is not None:
    if ds_out_fn is not None:
        as_contigset(fa_out_fn, ds_out_fn)