Exemple #1
def DCM_cal(filename=None,fseqfile='gainseq.fsq',dcmattn=None,missing='ant15',update=False):

    if filename is None:
        return 'Must specify ADC packet capture filename, e.g. "/dppdata1/PRT/PRT<yyyymmddhhmmss>adc.dat"'

    userpass = '******'
    fseq_handle = urllib2.urlopen('ftp://'+userpass+'acc.solar.pvt/parm/'+fseqfile,timeout=0.5)
    lines = fseq_handle.readlines()
    for line in lines:
        if line.find('LIST:SEQUENCE') != -1:
            line = line[14:]
            bandlist = np.array(map(int,line.split(',')))
    if len(np.unique(bandlist)) != 34:
        print 'Frequency sequence must contain all bands [1-34]'
        return None
    # Read packet capture file
    adc = p.rd_jspec(filename)
    pwr = np.rollaxis(adc['phdr'],2)[:,:,:2]
    # Put measured power into uniform array arranged by band
    new_pwr = np.zeros((34,16,2))
    for i in range(34):
        idx, = np.where(bandlist-1 == i)
        if len(idx) > 0:
            new_pwr[i] = np.median(pwr[idx],0)
    new_pwr.shape = (34,32)
    # Read table from the database.
    import cal_header
    import stateframe
    xml, buf = cal_header.read_cal(2)
    cur_table = stateframe.extract(buf,xml['Attenuation'])
    if dcmattn:
        # A DCM attenuation value was given, which presumes a constant value
        # so use it as the "original table."
        orig_table = np.zeros((34,30)) + dcmattn
        # orig_table[:,26:28] = 24
        orig_table[:,28:] = 0
        # No DCM attenuation value was given, so use current DCM master
        # table from the database.
        orig_table = cur_table
    attn = np.log10(new_pwr[:,:-2]/1600.)*10.
    # Zero any changes for missing antennas, and override orig_table with cur_table for those antennas
    if missing:
        idx = p.ant_str2list(missing)
        bad = np.sort(np.concatenate((idx*2,idx*2+1)))
        attn[:,bad] = 0
        orig_table[:,bad] = cur_table[:,bad]
    new_table = (np.clip(orig_table + attn,0,30)/2).astype(int)*2
    DCMlines = []
    DCMlines.append('#      Ant1  Ant2  Ant3  Ant4  Ant5  Ant6  Ant7  Ant8  Ant9 Ant10 Ant11 Ant12 Ant13 Ant14 Ant15')
    DCMlines.append('#      X  Y  X  Y  X  Y  X  Y  X  Y  X  Y  X  Y  X  Y  X  Y  X  Y  X  Y  X  Y  X  Y  X  Y  X  Y')
    DCMlines.append('#     ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----')
    for band in range(1,35):
        DCMlines.append('{:2} :  {:2} {:2} {:2} {:2} {:2} {:2} {:2} {:2} {:2} {:2} {:2} {:2} {:2} {:2} {:2} {:2} {:2} {:2} {:2} {:2} {:2} {:2} {:2} {:2} {:2} {:2} {:2} {:2} {:2} {:2}'.format(band,*new_table[band-1]))
    return DCMlines
Exemple #2
def xydla(filename, ant_str='ant1-14', apply=False):
    ''' Determine X vs. Y delay based on packet capture with Noise Diode on
        filename    Name and path of a PRT (packet capture) file taken with ND-ON,
                      using a fixed band, e.g. band15.fsq.
        Returns xy  14-element list of delays to apply, for use in second argument
                      of cal_header.dla_update2sql()
        Optional argument:
        ant_str     If supplied, is the standard specification of antennas to include.
                       Antennas not included are updated with 0 (i.e. no change)
        apply       If True, calls cal_header.dla_update2sql() and 
                      to update X vs. Y delays
    import matplotlib.pylab as plt
    from util import lobe
    f, ax = plt.subplots(4, 4)
    ants = p.ant_str2list(ant_str)
    ax.shape = (16)
    if type(filename) is dict:
        # Interpret input as an already read dictionary, rather than a filename, and skip
        # the slow process of reading it again.
        out = filename
        out = p.rd_jspec(filename)
    xy = []
    chrange = np.arange(
        2100, 3900)  # Portion of 4096 sub-channel range to use for the fit
    npts = len(chrange)
    x = np.linspace(
        0, np.pi * npts / 4096.,
        1800)  # This makes phase slope come out in units of delay steps
    for i in range(14):
        if i in ants:
            ax[i].plot(np.angle(out['a'][i, 2, :, 30]),
                       label='Ant ' + str(i + 1))
            res = np.polyfit(x, np.unwrap(np.angle(out['a'][i, 2, chrange,
                                                            30])), 1)
            ax[i].plot(chrange, lobe(np.polyval(res, x)), 'r.')
            ax[i].set_ylim(-4, 4)
            ax[i].legend(fontsize=9, loc='best', fancybox=True, framealpha=0.5)
            res = [0., 0.]
    if apply:
        import cal_header as ch
        ch.dla_update2sql(np.zeros(14, np.float), np.array(xy))
    return np.array(xy)
Exemple #3
def xy2rl(filename, satname):
    out = p.rd_jspec(filename)
    sat = gs.get_sat_info([satname])[0]
    freq = np.linspace(0,4095,4096)*0.4/4096 + 12.15
    frq = sat['freqlist']
    pol = sat['pollist']
    freqmhz = (freq*10000. + 0.5).astype('int')/10.
    ridx, = np.where(pol == 'R')
    lidx, = np.where(pol == 'L')
    rfrq = frq[ridx]
    ridx = []
    for f in rfrq:
            ridx.append(np.where(f == freqmhz)[0][0])
    ridx = np.array(ridx)

    nant = 13
    ipol = np.zeros((nant,4096),dtype='float')
    vpol = np.zeros((nant,4096),dtype='float')
    rpol = np.zeros((nant,4096),dtype='float')
    lpol = np.zeros((nant,4096),dtype='float')
    for k in range(nant):
        xx,yy,xy,yx = out['a'][k,:,:,30]

        pfitr = np.polyfit(freq[ridx],unwrap(angle(xy[ridx])),1)
        phi = polyval(pfitr,freq)
        xyp = xy*(cos(phi+pi/2)-1j*sin(phi+pi/2))
        yxp = yx*(cos(phi+pi/2)+1j*sin(phi+pi/2))

        ipol[k] = abs(xx+yy)
        vpol[k] = imag(yxp - xyp)
        rpol[k] = real(xx+yy) + imag(yxp - xyp)
        lpol[k] = real(xx+yy) - imag(yxp - xyp)

    # Normalize to antenna 6 IPOL (kind of random)
    fac = ipol/ipol[5,:]
    f, ax = subplots(4,1)
    for k in range(nant):

    ax[0].text(0.05,0.8,'Stokes I',transform=ax[0].transAxes,fontsize=12)
    ax[1].text(0.05,0.8,'Stokes V',transform=ax[1].transAxes,fontsize=12)

    for i in range(4):
        yrng = ax[i].yaxis.get_data_interval()
        for j in range(len(frq)):
            if pol[j] == 'R':
    f.suptitle(sat['name']+' Communication Satellite',fontsize=18)
    ax[3].set_xlabel('Frequency [GHz]')
    if sat['name'] == 'Ciel-2':
        ax[3].annotate('Beacon',(12.209,14000),xytext=(12.17,30000),arrowprops=dict(width=2,headwidth=6,frac=0.2,facecolor='black', shrink=0.05))
    return ipol,vpol,rpol,lpol
Exemple #4
def delay_centers(filename, satname, ants='ant1-13', band=23, doplot=False):
    ''' Reads specified 1-s capture file (specified as a filename string) 
        and analyzes data in either the 3.5-4 GHz band (band 6) or the 
        12-12.5 GHz band (band 23).  First finds the peak amplitude of the
        vector-summed measurements for delays, from -15 to 15 ns, on each 
        baseline, and then applies the optimum delay needed to correct 
        for the phase slope, optionally plotting the results.

        The keyword nants can be used to limit the solution to a smaller
        number of baselines.
        If doplot is True, plots an overview plot of the corrected phases,
        including the standard deviation of the fit as text in each box.
        TODO: It then optionally reads the delay_centers.txt file from 
        the ACC and updates it.

    # First see if we can read delay_centers.txt from the ACC (return if failure)
    userpass = '******'
        # Read delay center file from ACC
        dlafile = urllib2.urlopen('ftp://' + userpass +
        lines = dlafile.readlines()
        dcenx = []
        dceny = []
        for line in lines:
            if line[0] != '#':
                # Skip comment lines and takes next 2 numbers as delay
                # centers [ns] in X & Y
        print Time().iso, 'ACC connection for delay centers timed out.'
        return [None] * 3

    print 'Successfully read delay_centers.txt from ACC.'
    # Get satellite frequencies and polarizations (this is to use channel centers for fitting,
    # but is not yet completed)
    sat, = gs.get_sat_info(names=[satname])
    if band == 23:
        freq = np.linspace(0, 4095, 4096) * 0.4 / 4096 + 12.15
    elif band == 6:
        freq = np.linspace(0, 4095, 4096) * 0.4 / 4096 + 3.65
        print 'Band MUST be either 23 (12-12.5 GHz) or 6 (3.5-4 GHz)'
        return None, None, None
    freqmhz = (freq * 10000. + 0.5).astype('int') / 10.
    pol = sat['pollist']
    if band == 23:
        ridx, = np.where(pol == 'R')
        ridx, = np.where(pol == 'H')
    rfrq = sat['freqlist'][ridx]
    ridx = []
    for f in rfrq:
            ridx.append(np.where(f == freqmhz)[0][0])
    idxmin = ridx[0]
    if band == 23:
        lidx, = np.where(pol == 'L')
        lidx, = np.where(pol == 'V')
    lfrq = sat['freqlist'][lidx]
    lidx = []
    for f in lfrq:
            lidx.append(np.where(f == freqmhz)[0][0])
    idxmin = min(idxmin, lidx[0])
    freq = freq[idxmin:]

    ant_list = ant_str2list(ants)
    nants = len(ant_list)
    nbl = nants * (nants - 1) / 2
    # Create M arrays for nants antennas, and c arrays for nbl baselines
    Mx = np.zeros((nbl, nants))
    My = np.zeros((nbl, nants))
    cx = np.zeros(nbl, dtype='float')
    cy = np.zeros(nbl, dtype='float')
    # Read 1-s capture file of raw packets
    out = p.rd_jspec(filename)
    # Eliminate data on channels less than minimum, and perform sum over times
    out['x'] = out['x'][:, :, idxmin:, :].sum(3)
    out['a'] = out['a'][:, :, idxmin:, :].sum(3)
    print 'Successfully read file', filename
    # Get conversion from antenna pair (bl) to "data source" index
    bl2ord = p.bl_list()
    # Declare storage for delays in ns
    tau_xx = np.zeros((nants, nants), dtype='float')
    tau_yy = np.zeros((nants, nants), dtype='float')
    tau_xy = np.zeros((nants, nants), dtype='float')
    tau_yx = np.zeros((nants, nants), dtype='float')
    tau_ns = np.zeros((nants, nants), dtype='float')
    sigma = np.zeros((nants, nants), dtype='float')
    iblx = 0
    ibly = 0
    if doplot:
        f, ax = plt.subplots(nants, nants)
        f.subplots_adjust(hspace=0, wspace=0)
        for axrow in ax:
            for a in axrow:

    # Declare storage for auto-correlation (X vs. Y) delays in ns
    tau_a = np.zeros(nants, dtype='float')
    for i in range(nants):
        ai = ant_list[i]
        dat = out['a'][ai, 2]
        tau_a[i] = auto_delay_search(dat, freq)
    for i in range(0, nants - 1):
        ai = ant_list[i]
        for j in range(i + 1, nants):
            aj = ant_list[j]
            dat = out['x'][bl2ord[ai, aj], 0]
            tau_0 = auto_delay_search(dat, freq)
            tau_xx[i] = delay_search(dat, freq, tau_0)
            dat = out['x'][bl2ord[ai, aj], 1]
            tau_0 = auto_delay_search(dat, freq)
            tau_yy[i] = delay_search(dat, freq, tau_0)

            if doplot:
                phi0 = tau_xx[i, j] * 2 * np.pi * freq
                phix = np.angle(out['x'][bl2ord[ai, aj], 0]) - phi0
                phix -= phix[2048]
                ax[i, j].plot(freq, (phix + np.pi) % (2 * np.pi) - np.pi, '.')
                phi0 = tau_yy[i, j] * 2 * np.pi * freq
                phiy = np.angle(out['x'][bl2ord[ai, aj], 1]) - phi0
                phiy -= phiy[2048]
                ax[j, i].plot(freq, (phiy + np.pi) % (2 * np.pi) - np.pi, '.')
            tau_ns[i, j] = tau_xx[i, j]  # delay in nsec
            tau_ns[j, i] = tau_yy[i, j]  # delay in nsec
            Mx[iblx, np.array((i, j))] = -1, 1
            cx[iblx] = dcenx[aj] - dcenx[ai] - tau_ns[i, j]
            iblx += 1
            My[ibly, np.array((i, j))] = -1, 1
            cy[ibly] = dceny[aj] - dceny[ai] - tau_ns[j, i]
            ibly += 1

    if doplot:
        # Set axis scales and label the plots
        for i in range(nants):
            ai = ant_list[i]
            ax[i, i].text(0.5,
                          str(ai + 1),
                          transform=ax[i, i].transAxes,
            for j in range(nants):
                ax[i, j].set_xlim(freq[0], freq[-1])
                ax[i, j].set_ylim(-np.pi, np.pi)

    print 'Successfully calculated delays from data.'
    # Obtain solution, only for those baselines with sigma < 1.0
    xdla, xr, _, _ = np.linalg.lstsq(Mx[:iblx], cx[:iblx])  # For X channel
    ydla, yr, _, _ = np.linalg.lstsq(My[:ibly], cy[:ibly])  # For Y channel
    print 'Successfully analyzed delays for mutual consistency.'
    # Calculate new delays for ants based on Ant 1 as reference
    newdlax = xdla - xdla[0] + dcenx[0]
    newdlay = ydla - ydla[0] + dceny[0] - tau_a

    f = open('/tmp/delay_centers_tmp.txt', 'w')
    for line in lines:
        if line[0] == '#':
            print line,
            ant = int(line[:6])
            idx, = np.where((ant - 1) == ant_list)
            if len(idx) == 0:
                # No update for this antenna
                fmt = '{:4d}*{:12.3f} {:12.3f} {:12.3f} {:12.3f}'
                print fmt.format(ant, dcenx[ant - 1], dceny[ant - 1],
                                 dcenx[ant - 1], dceny[ant - 1])
                fmt = '{:4d} {:12.3f} {:12.3f}\n'
                f.write(fmt.format(ant, dcenx[ant - 1], dceny[ant - 1]))
                idx = idx[0]
                fmt = '{:4d} {:12.3f} {:12.3f} {:12.3f} {:12.3f}'
                print fmt.format(ant, dcenx[ant - 1], dceny[ant - 1],
                                 newdlax[idx], newdlay[idx])
                fmt = '{:4d} {:12.3f} {:12.3f}\n'
                f.write(fmt.format(ant, newdlax[idx], newdlay[idx]))
    fmt = '{:6.2f} ' * nants
    for i in range(nants):
        print fmt.format(*tau_ns[i])
    return tau_ns, xr, yr
Exemple #5
def delay_centers(filename,satname,ants='ant1-13',band=23,doplot=False):
    ''' Reads specified 1-s capture file (specified as a filename string) 
        and analyzes data in either the 3.5-4 GHz band (band 6) or the 
        12-12.5 GHz band (band 23).  First finds the peak amplitude of the
        vector-summed measurements for delays, from -15 to 15 ns, on each 
        baseline, and then applies the optimum delay needed to correct 
        for the phase slope, optionally plotting the results.

        The keyword nants can be used to limit the solution to a smaller
        number of baselines.
        If doplot is True, plots an overview plot of the corrected phases,
        including the standard deviation of the fit as text in each box.
        TODO: It then optionally reads the delay_centers.txt file from 
        the ACC and updates it.
    # First see if we can read delay_centers.txt from the ACC (return if failure)
    userpass = '******'
        # Read delay center file from ACC
        dlafile = urllib2.urlopen('ftp://'+userpass+'acc.solar.pvt/parm/delay_centers.txt',timeout=1)
        lines = dlafile.readlines()
        dcenx = []
        dceny = []
        for line in lines:
            if line[0] != '#':
                # Skip comment lines and takes next 2 numbers as delay 
                # centers [ns] in X & Y
        print Time().iso,'ACC connection for delay centers timed out.'
        return [None]*3
    print 'Successfully read delay_centers.txt from ACC.'
    # Get satellite frequencies and polarizations (this is to use channel centers for fitting,
    # but is not yet completed)
    sat, = gs.get_sat_info(names=[satname])
    if band == 23:
        freq = np.linspace(0,4095,4096)*0.4/4096 + 12.15
    elif band ==6:
        freq = np.linspace(0,4095,4096)*0.4/4096 + 3.65
        print 'Band MUST be either 23 (12-12.5 GHz) or 6 (3.5-4 GHz)'
        return None, None, None
    freqmhz = (freq*10000. + 0.5).astype('int')/10.
    pol = sat['pollist']
    if band == 23:
        ridx, = np.where(pol == 'R')
        ridx, = np.where(pol == 'H')
    rfrq = sat['freqlist'][ridx]
    ridx = []
    for f in rfrq:
            ridx.append(np.where(f == freqmhz)[0][0])
    idxmin = ridx[0]
    if band == 23:
        lidx, = np.where(pol == 'L')
        lidx, = np.where(pol == 'V')
    lfrq = sat['freqlist'][lidx]
    lidx = []
    for f in lfrq:
            lidx.append(np.where(f == freqmhz)[0][0])
    idxmin = min(idxmin,lidx[0])
    freq = freq[idxmin:]

    ant_list = ant_str2list(ants)
    nants = len(ant_list)
    nbl = nants*(nants-1)/2
    # Create M arrays for nants antennas, and c arrays for nbl baselines
    Mx = np.zeros((nbl,nants))
    My = np.zeros((nbl,nants))
    cx = np.zeros(nbl,dtype='float')
    cy = np.zeros(nbl,dtype='float')
    # Read 1-s capture file of raw packets
    out = p.rd_jspec(filename)
    # Eliminate data on channels less than minimum, and perform sum over times
    out['x'] = out['x'][:,:,idxmin:,:].sum(3)
    out['a'] = out['a'][:,:,idxmin:,:].sum(3)
    print 'Successfully read file',filename
    # Get conversion from antenna pair (bl) to "data source" index
    bl2ord = p.bl_list()
    # Declare storage for delays in ns
    tau_xx = np.zeros((nants,nants),dtype='float')
    tau_yy = np.zeros((nants,nants),dtype='float')
    tau_xy = np.zeros((nants,nants),dtype='float')
    tau_yx = np.zeros((nants,nants),dtype='float')
    tau_ns = np.zeros((nants,nants),dtype='float')
    sigma = np.zeros((nants,nants),dtype='float')
    iblx = 0
    ibly = 0
    if doplot:
        f, ax = plt.subplots(nants,nants)
        for axrow in ax:
            for a in axrow:

    # Declare storage for auto-correlation (X vs. Y) delays in ns
    tau_a = np.zeros(nants,dtype='float')
    for i in range(nants):
        ai = ant_list[i]
        dat = out['a'][ai,2]
        tau_a[i] = auto_delay_search(dat,freq)
    for i in range(0,nants-1):
        ai = ant_list[i]
        for j in range(i+1,nants):
            aj = ant_list[j]
            dat = out['x'][bl2ord[ai,aj],0]
            tau_0 = auto_delay_search(dat,freq)
            tau_xx[i] = delay_search(dat,freq,tau_0)
            dat = out['x'][bl2ord[ai,aj],1]
            tau_0 = auto_delay_search(dat,freq)
            tau_yy[i] = delay_search(dat,freq,tau_0)

            if doplot:
                phi0 = tau_xx[i,j]*2*np.pi*freq
                phix = np.angle(out['x'][bl2ord[ai,aj],0]) - phi0
                phix -= phix[2048]
                ax[i,j].plot(freq, (phix + np.pi) % (2*np.pi) - np.pi , '.')
                phi0 = tau_yy[i,j]*2*np.pi*freq
                phiy = np.angle(out['x'][bl2ord[ai,aj],1]) - phi0
                phiy -= phiy[2048]
                ax[j,i].plot(freq, (phiy + np.pi) % (2*np.pi) - np.pi, '.')
            tau_ns[i,j] = tau_xx[i,j]             # delay in nsec
            tau_ns[j,i] = tau_yy[i,j]             # delay in nsec
            Mx[iblx,np.array((i,j))] = -1,1
            cx[iblx] = dcenx[aj] - dcenx[ai] - tau_ns[i,j]
            iblx += 1
            My[ibly,np.array((i,j))] = -1,1
            cy[ibly] = dceny[aj] - dceny[ai] - tau_ns[j,i]
            ibly += 1

    if doplot:
        # Set axis scales and label the plots
        for i in range(nants):
            ai = ant_list[i]
            for j in range(nants):

    print 'Successfully calculated delays from data.'
    # Obtain solution, only for those baselines with sigma < 1.0
    xdla,xr,_,_ = np.linalg.lstsq(Mx[:iblx],cx[:iblx])   # For X channel
    ydla,yr,_,_ = np.linalg.lstsq(My[:ibly],cy[:ibly])   # For Y channel
    print 'Successfully analyzed delays for mutual consistency.'
    # Calculate new delays for ants based on Ant 1 as reference
    newdlax = xdla - xdla[0] + dcenx[0]
    newdlay = ydla - ydla[0] + dceny[0] - tau_a

    f = open('/tmp/delay_centers_tmp.txt','w')
    for line in lines:
        if line[0] == '#':
            print line,
            ant = int(line[:6])
            idx, = np.where((ant-1) == ant_list)
            if len(idx) == 0:
                # No update for this antenna
                fmt = '{:4d}*{:12.3f} {:12.3f} {:12.3f} {:12.3f}'
                print fmt.format(ant,dcenx[ant-1],dceny[ant-1],dcenx[ant-1],dceny[ant-1])
                fmt = '{:4d} {:12.3f} {:12.3f}\n'
                idx = idx[0]
                fmt = '{:4d} {:12.3f} {:12.3f} {:12.3f} {:12.3f}'
                print fmt.format(ant,dcenx[ant-1],dceny[ant-1],newdlax[idx],newdlay[idx])
                fmt = '{:4d} {:12.3f} {:12.3f}\n'
    fmt = '{:6.2f} '*nants
    for i in range(nants): print fmt.format(*tau_ns[i])
    return tau_ns, xr, yr