Exemple #1
 def test_version(self, versionarg, capsys):
     with raises(SystemExit) as exc_info:
         main(['progname', versionarg])
     captured = capsys.readouterr()
     # Should print out version.
     assert captured.err == ''
     assert captured.out == '{0} {1}\n'. \
         format(metadata.project, metadata.version)
     # Should exit with zero return code.
     assert exc_info.value.code == 0
Exemple #2
 def test_help(self, helparg, capsys):
     with raises(SystemExit) as exc_info:
         main(['progname', helparg])
     out, err = capsys.readouterr()
     # Should have printed some sort of usage message. We don't
     # need to explicitly test the content of the message.
     assert 'usage' in out
     # Should have used the program name from the argument
     # vector.
     assert 'progname' in out
     # Should exit with zero return code.
     assert exc_info.value.code == 0
    def execute_test(file_to_test, capsys, path_of_files,
        """Execute the tests for the preprocessor.

            file_to_test (str): the file to test
            capsys (method): the capsys fixture from pytest
            path_of_files (str): the path of the
            include_dirs (Union[str, None]): the include command line
                argument if needed
        input_path = 'input'
        output_path = 'output'
        input_path = join(path_of_files, input_path)
        output_path = join(path_of_files, output_path)

        file_to_preprocess = file_to_test
        input_file_with_path = join(input_path, file_to_preprocess)
        output_file_with_path = join(output_path, file_to_preprocess)
        # this test will not raise SystemExit
        argsv = list(['progname'])
        if include_dirs:
        out, err = capsys.readouterr()
        with open(output_file_with_path, 'r') as fileToRead:
            output_file_as_string = fileToRead.read()
        # the outputted file needs to match exactly
        output_file_as_string = output_file_as_string.replace('\r', '')
        output_list = out.split('\n')
        output_file_as_list = output_file_as_string.split('\n')
        output_list_size = len(output_list)
        output_file_as_list_size = len(output_file_as_list)
        assert output_list_size == output_file_as_list_size, \
            'for file %s, size %d(got) != %d(req), got <%s> should be <%s>' % \
            (file_to_preprocess, output_list_size, output_file_as_list_size,
             out, output_file_as_string)
        for i in range(output_file_as_list_size):
            assert output_list[i] == output_file_as_list[i], \
                'for file %s line %d, <%s> != <%s>' % \
                (file_to_preprocess, i, output_list, output_file_as_list)
        # there should be no error
        assert err == ''
Exemple #4
def run(args):
    """Run the package's main script. All arguments are passed to it."""
    # The main script expects to get the called executable's name as
    # argv[0]. However, paver doesn't provide that in args. Even if it did (or
    # we dove into sys.argv), it wouldn't be useful because it would be paver's
    # executable. So we just pass the package name in as the executable name,
    # since it's close enough. This should never be seen by an end user
    # installing through Setuptools anyway.
    from pcc.main import main
    raise SystemExit(main([CODE_DIRECTORY] + args))
Exemple #5
    def test_include(self, file_to_test, capsys):
        include_dirs = ['-Itests/preprocessor/include/input']
        input_path = 'input'
        path_of_this_file = abspath(dirname(__file__))
        input_path = join(path_of_this_file, input_path)
        file_to_preprocess = file_to_test
        input_file_with_path = join(input_path, file_to_preprocess)

        # this test will not raise SystemExit
        argsv = list(['progname'])
        out, err = capsys.readouterr()

        # there should be an error
        assert err is not None
        assert "ERROR:" in err
        assert "file " in err
        assert "line " in err
Exemple #6
    def execute_test(self, input_file, helper_file, output_file, capsys,
        """Execute the tests for the preprocessor.

            input_file (str): the file to test
            helper_file (str): the helper file to test
            output_file (str): the output file of the test
            capsys (method): the capsys fixture from pytest
            path_of_files (str): the path of the
        input_path = 'input'
        output_path = 'output'
        pcc_output_file_name = 'test.out'

        input_path = join(path_of_files, input_path)
        helper_path = join(path_of_files, 'input', helper_file)
        output_path = join(path_of_files, output_path)
        pcc_output_file_path = join(path_of_files, pcc_output_file_name)

        input_file_with_path = join(input_path, input_file)
        output_file_with_path = join(output_path, output_file)
        # this test will not raise SystemExit
        argsv = list(['progname'])
        argsv.append('-o' + str(pcc_output_file_path))
        out, err = capsys.readouterr()
        assert out == ''
        # there should be no error
        assert err == ''

        gcc_exe = 'test'

        command = 'gcc %s -o %s %s' % \
                  (helper_path, gcc_exe, pcc_output_file_path)

        response = subprocess.run(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
                                  stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
        assert response.returncode == 0, response.stderr

        command = './' + gcc_exe
        response = subprocess.run(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
                                  stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)

        assert response.returncode == 0, response.stderr

        # decode the outputted string to ascii and split the line while
        # keeping the new line character(s)
        captured_result = response.stdout.decode('ascii').splitlines(True)

        output_file_as_list, output_file_as_list_size = \

        captured_result = ''.join(captured_result)
        output_list = captured_result.split('\n')
        output_list_size = len(output_list)

        # the outputted file needs to match exactly
        assert output_list_size == output_file_as_list_size, \
            'for file %s, size %d != %d \n(%s)' % \
            (output_file, output_list_size, output_file_as_list_size,
        for i in range(output_file_as_list_size):
            assert output_list[i] == output_file_as_list[i], \
                'for file %s line %d, <%s> != <%s>' % \
                (output_file, i, output_list[i], output_file_as_list[i])
