Exemple #1
class FPCEManager(FPCE):
    def __init__(self, addr, port, size=1024):
        super(FPCEManager, self).__init__()
        self._ior_topo = False
        self._ior_rout = False

    def topology_enable(self):
        (self._ior_topo, ior) = self.__interface_enable('topology')
        if self._ior_topo:

        return self._ior_topo

    def routing_enable(self):
        (self._ior_rout, ior) = self.__interface_enable('routing')
        if self._ior_rout:

        return self._ior_rout

    def check(self, interface):
        if interface == 'topology':
            if not self._ior_topo and not self.topology_enable():
                return False

        elif interface == 'routing':
            if not self._ior_rout and not self.routing_enable():
                return False

        return True

    def disable(self, interface):
        if interface == 'topology':
            self._ior_topo = False

        elif interface == 'routing':
            self._ior_rout = False

    def __interface_enable(self, interface):
        LOG.debug("Retrieving IOR for %s requests" % interface)
            r_ = self._ior_manager.send_msg(interface)
            if r_ is None:
                return (False, None)

            LOG.debug("Received the following response: %s", str(r_))
            pr_ = self._ior_manager.decode_requests(r_)
            if not pr_:
                LOG.error("Got an error in response parsing...")
                return (False, None)

            LOG.info("Received the following IOR: '%s'", str(pr_))
            return (True, pr_)

        except Exception as err:
            LOG.error("FPCE Manager Failure: %s", str(err))
            return (False, None)