def init_i2c(): global Oled global Ina global Io global Firmware_found global Tim #reset_board() #boot_loader=I2c.is_ready(0x22) devs = I2c.scan() if 0x3C in devs: print("Oled screen detected") Oled = ssd1306.SSD1306_I2C(128, 64, I2c) Oled.poweron() Oled.fill(0) Oled.contrast(255) inf("Init!", 1000) if 0x40 in devs: print("INA219 detected") Ina = INA219(0.1, I2c, max_expected_amps=2.5) Ina.configure(voltage_range=INA219.RANGE_16V) if 0x20 in devs: print("PCF8574 io expander detected ", end='') Io = PCF8574(I2c) time.sleep_ms(500) print("IO:{:02X}h".format(Io.port)) set_current(0) Tmc = 0 if 0x22 in devs: print("Bootloader found") if 0x33 in devs: print("Vpi Board found") Firmware_found = True return (Ina is not None) and (Io is not None)
def __init__(self, config): global PULLUPS PULLUPS = {PinPullup.UP: True, PinPullup.DOWN: False} i2c_bus_num = config.get("i2c_bus_num", 1) chip_addr = config.get("chip_addr", 0x20) from pcf8574 import PCF8574 = PCF8574(i2c_bus_num, chip_addr)
def test_main(): i2c = I2C(scl=Pin(5), sda=Pin(4), freq=400000) lcd = I2cLcd(i2c, DEFAULT_I2C_ADDR, 2, 16) pcf = PCF8574(i2c, ADDR) keymap = [ '123A', '456B', '789C', '*0#D' ] charmap = { '1': '.1', '2': 'abc2', '3': 'def3', '4': 'ghi4', '5': 'jkl5', '6': 'mno6', '7': 'pqrs7', '8': 'tuv8', '9': 'wxyz9', '0': '_0', } keypad = Keypad(pcf, keymap, charmap) lcd.clear() lcd.show_cursor() try: word = keypad.get_word(lcd) print("Got {} as input".format(word)) except Exit: print('Received exit') lcd.clear() try: word = keypad.get_word(lcd, True) print("Got {} as input".format(word)) except Exit: print('Received exit')
def __pcf_init(self): if self.settings.is_rpi_env: from pcf8574 import PCF8574 else: from PCF_dummy import PCF8574 self.pcf_read = PCF8574(1, 0x38) self.pcf_write = PCF8574(1, 0x3f) # since the creating the instances does fail silently let's check # Get pin value from relay_no attr in relay instance for relay in self.relays: pin = 7 - relay.index self.__read_pcf(relay) try: relay.set_status(self.pcf_write.port[pin]) except IOError: self.error = "Error with write PCF"
def init(): if P.import_module_exist: try:'Initialising PCF8574') P.pcf = PCF8574(P.i2c_port_num, P.pcf_address) test_ok = P.pcf.port[0] # try a read P.initialised = True'Initialising PCF8574 OK, state= {}'.format(P.pcf.port)) except Exception as ex:'Unable to initialise PCF8574, ex={}'.format(ex))
def __init__(self, events): self.i2c2 = PCF8574(VolumeBoard.i2c2_port, VolumeBoard.i2c2_address) self.volknob = RotaryEncoder2(ControlBoard.KNOBS[ControlBoard.VOL_KNOB], self.volKnobEvent,\ (VolumeBoard.MIN_VOLUME, VolumeBoard.MAX_VOLUME, VolumeBoard.DEFAULT_VOL)) Volume.__init__(self) # volume data model = events """ run through the channels and set up the relays""" for i in range(len(self.i2c2.port)): self.i2c2.port[i] = VolumeBoard.OFF print("VolumeBoard._init__ > ready", self.volumestatus())
def scan(): addresses = [] for i in range(8): add = 56 + i check_pcf = PCF8574(1, add) try: print(check_pcf.port) addresses.append(hex(add)) except (IOError, TypeError): pass print("Adrresses responding {}".format(addresses)) if len(addresses) > 2: print("PCF responds on all addresses") exit()
def __init__(self, events): = events self.State = { 'source': AudioBoard.DEFAULT_SOURCE, 'phonesdetect': AudioBoard.OFF, 'mute': AudioBoard.OFF, 'gain': AudioBoard.OFF } self.i2c1 = PCF8574(AudioBoard.i2c1_port, AudioBoard.address) Source.__init__(self) """ run through the channels and set up the relays""" for source in AudioBoard.audioBoardMap: print("AudioBoard.__init__> channel:", AudioBoard.audioBoardMap[source]) self.i2c1.port[AudioBoard.audioBoardMap[source][ AudioBoard.PIN]] = AudioBoard.OFF """ setup the headphones insert detect control """ GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setup(AudioBoard.PHONESDETECTPIN, GPIO.IN) GPIO.add_event_detect(AudioBoard.PHONESDETECTPIN, GPIO.BOTH, callback=self.phonesdetect) print("AudioBoard.__init__ > ready", self.audiostatus())
def _load_PCF857X(self, i2c_bus, i2c_address): return PCF8574(i2c_bus, i2c_address)
def __init__(self, config): global PULLUPS PULLUPS = {PinPullup.UP: True, PinPullup.DOWN: False} from pcf8574 import PCF8574 = PCF8574(config["i2c_bus_num"], config["chip_addr"])
# pip install smbus-cffi apt-get install libffi-dev pip install pcf8574 # # # from pcf8574 import PCF8574 i2c_port_num = 1 pcf_address = 0x20 pcf = PCF8574(i2c_port_num, pcf_address) pcf.port #[True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True] pcf.port[0] = False #[False, True, True, True, True, True, True, True] pcf.port = [True, False, True, False, True, False, True, False] pcf.port[7]
KEYMAP = ['123A', '456B', '789C', '*0#D'] CHARMAP = { '1': '.1', '2': 'abc2', '3': 'def3', '4': 'ghi4', '5': 'jkl5', '6': 'mno6', '7': 'pqrs7', '8': 'tuv8', '9': 'wxyz9', '0': '_0', } i2c = I2C(scl=Pin(5), sda=Pin(4), freq=40000000) pcf = PCF8574(i2c, KEY_ADDR) keypad = Keypad(pcf, KEYMAP, CHARMAP) lcd = I2cLcd(i2c, LCD_ADDR, 2, 16) pcf1 = PCF8574(i2c, 57) pcf2 = PCF8574(i2c, 58) opto_mask = 0b11111111 storrage = Storrage() class SettingsErr(Exception): pass class CancelSignal(Exception): pass
#!/usr/bin/python from pcf8574 import PCF8574 from time import sleep import soundRelay as rl import lcd i2c_port_num = 1 btn_add = 0x38 btn = PCF8574(i2c_port_num, btn_add) s = rl.soundrelay() while True: if btn.port[0] is False: s.set(3) elif btn.port[1] is False: s.set(2) elif btn.port[2] is False: s.set(4) elif btn.port[3] is False: s.set(1) elif btn.port[4] is False: s.set(5) elif btn.port[5] is False: lcd16 = lcd.lcd(0x3f) #lcd20 = lcd.lcd(0x27) lcd16.backlight(0) #lcd20.backlight(0) sleep(0.1)
from pcf8574 import PCF8574 from time import sleep i2c_port_num = 1 pcf_read_address = 0x38 pcf_write_address = 0x3f pcf_read = PCF8574(i2c_port_num, pcf_read_address) pcf_write = PCF8574(i2c_port_num, pcf_write_address) while 1: print('Read Port') print(pcf_read.port) print('Write Port') print(pcf_write.port) for i, pin_read, pin_write in zip(list(range(0, len(pcf_read.port))), pcf_read.port, pcf_write.port): if pin_read != pin_write: print('pin {} has read {} and write {}'.format( i, pin_read, pin_write)) pcf_write.port[i] = pin_read print('pin updated') sleep(2)
keymap = [ '123A', '456B', '789C', '*0#D' ] charmap = { '1': '.1', '2': 'abc2', '3': 'def3', '4': 'ghi4', '5': 'jkl5', '6': 'mno6', '7': 'pqrs7', '8': 'tuv8', '9': 'wxyz9', '0': '_0', } i2c = I2C(scl=Pin(5), sda=Pin(4), freq=40000000) pcf = PCF8574(i2c, KEY_ADDR) keypad = Keypad(pcf, keymap, charmap) lcd = I2cLcd(i2c, LCD_ADDR, 2, 16) # f = open('programs.csv', 'w') # f.close() storrage = Storrage() def prep(banner): lcd.clear() lcd.move_to(0, 0) lcd.putstr(banner) lcd.move_to(0, 1) def create_program(): prog = ''
# Author Martin Pek # 2CP - TeamEscape - Engineering from time import sleep # Controls the relay that has been connected over PCF8574 (I2C) to the RPi from pcf8574 import PCF8574 tester_address = 0x38 # device under test dut_address = 0x39 # port is 1 for any but very first models of RPi tester_pcf = PCF8574(1, tester_address) dut = PCF8574(1, dut_address) def scan(): addresses = [] for i in range(8): add = 56 + i check_pcf = PCF8574(1, add) try: print(check_pcf.port) addresses.append(hex(add)) except (IOError, TypeError): pass print("Adrresses responding {}".format(addresses)) if len(addresses) > 2: print("PCF responds on all addresses")
import time from machine import I2C, Pin from pcf8574 import PCF8574 i2c = I2C(scl=Pin(5), sda=Pin(4), freq=40000000) pcf1 = PCF8574(i2c, 57) pcf2 = PCF8574(i2c, 58) # pcf.write8(0b00000000) res1 = pcf1.read8(0b11111111) res2 = pcf2.read8(0b11111111) print('Opto read is {}, {}'.format(bin(res1), bin(res2))) del pcf1 del pcf2 del i2c
from pcf8574 import PCF8574 from pcf8574pin import PCFPin from aswitch import Switch # I2C pins are GPIO4 (SCL) and GPIO5 (SDA) # PCF8574 use 100 kHz mode i2c = machine.I2C(scl=machine.Pin(4), sda=machine.Pin(5), freq=100000) # PCF8574 is at address 0x38 # Pins 0 to 3 are input non inverted # Pins 4 to 7 are output inverted (relay board for example) pcf = PCF8574(i2c, 0x38, direction='11110000', state='11110000', inverted='00001111') # Callback for aswitch def toggle(relay): relay.toggle() # Quit by connecting GPIO12 to ground async def killer(): pin = machine.Pin(12, machine.Pin.IN, machine.Pin.PULL_UP) while pin.value(): await asyncio.sleep_ms(50)
def __init__(self): self.pcf = PCF8574(self.i2c_port_num, self.pcf_address)
def create_pcf(port, address): try: from pcf8574 import PCF8574 return PCF8574(port, address) except ImportError: print('Couldn\'t find module pcf8574')
import time from keypad import Keypad from machine import I2C, Pin from pcf8574 import PCF8574 ADDR = 56 keymap = [ '123A', '456B', '789C', '*0#D' ] i2c = I2C(scl=Pin(5), sda=Pin(4), freq=40000000) pcf = PCF8574(i2c, ADDR) keypad = Keypad(pcf, keymap) # print('rows cols = [{}, {}]'.format(keypad.rows, keypad.cols)) start = time.ticks_ms() while time.ticks_diff(time.ticks_ms(), start) < 5000: key = keypad.getkey() if key is not None: print('Key pressed {}'.format(key)) del pcf del i2c del keypad
def _get_hardware(self, i2c_bus, i2c_address): return PCF8574(i2c_bus, i2c_address)