            (VB gave)
                (DT the)
                (NN lecture)
    # uncomment to use the above simple trees for debugging:
    #    trees = [TRANSFORM(Tree.from_string(t)) for t in (t0, t1)]
    #    grammar = PCFG.from_trees(trees)

    # let's get some input to build a grammar:
    grammar = PCFG.from_trees(list(TRANSFORM(t) for t in Tree.from_stream(GzipFile('bigger_treebank_2.txt.gz'))))
    print "Read {} rules in grammar.".format(len(grammar))
    trees = list(TRANSFORM(t) for t in Tree.from_stream(open('end_of_wsj.txt')))
    print "Read {} trees.".format(len(trees))
    # now try and parse our trees:
    results = []
    for idx, tree in enumerate(trees):
        tokens = [(t,) for t in tree.terminals()]        
        # print 'Sentence {}\tTokens: "{}"'.format(idx, ' '.join(tree.terminals()))
        chart = Chart(grammar, tokens)
        has_parse = chart.extract_parse()
        if not has_parse:
            print 'Sentence {}\tTokens: "{}" has no parse!'.format(idx, ' '.join(tree.terminals()))