Exemple #1
def _checkpoint_to_lines(lib, checkpoint_number):
    # backup current settings
    orig_usefile = utils.usefile
    orig_filename = utils.filename
    orig_middleware = lib.middleware_factory
    # configure old code to read the CIB from a file
    utils.usefile = True
    utils.filename = os.path.join(settings.cib_dir,
                                  "cib-%s.raw" % checkpoint_number)
    # configure new code to read the CIB from a file
    lib.middleware_factory = orig_middleware._replace(
        cib=middleware.cib(utils.filename, utils.touch_cib_file))
    # export the CIB to text
    result = False, []
    if os.path.isfile(utils.filename):
        result = True, _config_show_cib_lines(lib)
    # restore original settings
    utils.usefile = orig_usefile
    utils.filename = orig_filename
    lib.middleware_factory = orig_middleware
    return result
Exemple #2
def _checkpoint_to_lines(lib, checkpoint_number):
    # backup current settings
    orig_usefile = utils.usefile
    orig_filename = utils.filename
    orig_middleware = lib.middleware_factory
    # configure old code to read the CIB from a file
    utils.usefile = True
    utils.filename = os.path.join(
        "cib-%s.raw" % checkpoint_number
    # configure new code to read the CIB from a file
    lib.middleware_factory = orig_middleware._replace(
        cib=middleware.cib(utils.filename, utils.touch_cib_file)
    # export the CIB to text
    result = False, []
    if os.path.isfile(utils.filename):
        result = True, _config_show_cib_lines(lib)
    # restore original settings
    utils.usefile = orig_usefile
    utils.filename = orig_filename
    lib.middleware_factory = orig_middleware
    return result