Exemple #1
def visualize_constraints(constraints,
                          filename='constraint_network' + DEFAULT_EXTENSION,
    from pygraphviz import AGraph

    graph = AGraph(strict=True, directed=False)
    graph.node_attr['style'] = 'filled'
    #graph.node_attr['fontcolor'] = 'black'
    #graph.node_attr['fontsize'] = 12
    graph.node_attr['colorscheme'] = 'SVG'
    graph.edge_attr['colorscheme'] = 'SVG'
    #graph.graph_attr['rotate'] = 90
    #graph.node_attr['fixedsize'] = True
    graph.node_attr['width'] = 0
    graph.node_attr['height'] = 0.02  # Minimum height is 0.02
    graph.node_attr['margin'] = 0
    graph.graph_attr['rankdir'] = 'RL'
    graph.graph_attr['nodesep'] = 0.05
    graph.graph_attr['ranksep'] = 0.25
    #graph.graph_attr['pad'] = 0
    # splines="false";
    graph.graph_attr['outputMode'] = 'nodesfirst'
    graph.graph_attr['dpi'] = 300

    positive, negated, functions = partition_facts(constraints)
    for head in (positive + negated + functions):
        # TODO: prune values w/o free parameters?
        name = str_from_fact(head)
        if head in functions:
            if not use_functions:
            color = COST_COLOR
        elif head in negated:
            color = NEGATED_COLOR
            color = CONSTRAINT_COLOR
        graph.add_node(name, shape='box', color=color)
        for arg in get_args(head):
            if isinstance(arg, OptimisticObject) or is_parameter(arg):
                arg_name = str(arg)
                graph.add_node(arg_name, shape='circle', color=PARAMETER_COLOR)
                graph.add_edge(name, arg_name)

    graph.draw(filename, prog='dot')  # neato | dot | twopi | circo | fdp | nop
    print('Saved', filename)
    return graph
Exemple #2
def planning_from_satisfaction(init, constraints):
    clusters = cluster_constraints(constraints)
    prefix = get_internal_prefix(internal=False)
    assigned_predicate = ASSIGNED_PREDICATE.format(prefix)
    order_predicate = ORDER_PREDICATE.format(prefix)
    #order_value_facts = make_order_facts(order_predicate, 0, len(clusters)+1)
    order_value_facts = [(order_predicate, '_t{}'.format(i))
                         for i in range(len(clusters) + 1)]
    goal_expression = order_value_facts[-1]
    order_facts = list(map(obj_from_value_expression, order_value_facts))
    bound_parameters = set()
    actions = []
    #constants = {}
    for i, cluster in enumerate(clusters):
        objectives = list(map(obj_from_value_expression, cluster.constraints))
        constraints, negated, costs = partition_facts(objectives)
        if negated:
            raise NotImplementedError(negated)
        #free_parameters = cluster.parameters - bound_parameters
        existing_parameters = cluster.parameters & bound_parameters
        # TODO: confirm that negated predicates work as intended

        name = 'cluster-{}'.format(i)
        parameters = list(sorted(cluster.parameters))
        preconditions = [(assigned_predicate, to_constant(p), p) for p in sorted(existing_parameters)] + \
                        constraints + [order_facts[i]]
        effects = [(assigned_predicate, to_constant(p), p) for p in parameters] + \
                  [order_facts[i+1], Not(order_facts[i])]

        if costs:
            assert len(costs) == 1
            [cost] = costs
            cost = None
            make_action(name, parameters, preconditions, effects, cost))

    predicates = [make_predicate(order_predicate, ['?step'])]  # '?num',
    domain = make_domain(predicates=predicates, actions=actions)
    return domain, goal_expression
Exemple #3
def constraint_satisfaction(stream_pddl, stream_map, init, terms, stream_info={},
                            costs=True, max_cost=INF, success_cost=INF, max_time=INF,
                            unit_efforts=False, max_effort=INF,
                            max_skeletons=INF, search_sample_ratio=1, verbose=True, **search_args):
    # Approaches
    # 1) Existential quantification of bindings in goal conditions
    # 2) Backtrack useful streams and then schedule. Create arbitrary outputs for not mentioned.
    # 3) Construct all useful streams and then associate outputs with bindings
    #    Useful stream must satisfy at least one fact. How should these assignments be propagated though?
    #    Make an action that maps each stream result to unbound values?
    # TODO: include functions again for cost-sensitive satisfaction
    # TODO: convert init into streams to bind certain facts
    # TODO: investigate constraint satisfaction techniques for binding instead
    # TODO: could also instantiate all possible free parameters even if not useful
    # TODO: effort that is a function of the number of output parameters (degrees of freedom)
    # TODO: use a CSP solver instead of a planner internally
    # TODO: max_iterations?
    if not terms:
        return {}, 0, init
    constraints, negated, functions = partition_facts(set(map(obj_from_existential_expression, terms)))
    if not costs:
        functions = []
    evaluations = evaluations_from_init(init)
    goal_facts = set(filter(lambda f: evaluation_from_fact(f) not in evaluations, constraints))
    free_parameters = sorted(get_parameters(goal_facts))
    print('Parameters:', free_parameters)

    externals = parse_stream_pddl(stream_pddl, stream_map, stream_info, unit_efforts=unit_efforts)
    stream_results = extract_streams(evaluations, externals, goal_facts)
    function_plan = plan_functions(negated + functions, externals)
    plan_skeleton = [Assignment(free_parameters)]
    cost = get_optimistic_cost(function_plan)
    if max_cost < cost:
        return None, INF, init
    # TODO: detect connected components
    # TODO: eagerly evaluate fully bound constraints

    # TODO: consider other results if this fails
    domain = create_domain(goal_facts)
    init_evaluations = evaluations.copy()
    store = SolutionStore(evaluations, max_time=max_time, success_cost=success_cost, verbose=verbose)
    queue = SkeletonQueue(store, domain, disable=False)
    num_iterations = search_time = sample_time = 0
    planner = 'ff-astar'  # TODO: toggle within reschedule_stream_plan
    #last_clusters = set()
    #last_success = True
    while not store.is_terminated():
        num_iterations += 1
        start_time = time.time()
        print('\nIteration: {} | Skeletons: {} | Skeleton Queue: {} | Evaluations: {} | '
              'Cost: {:.3f} | Search Time: {:.3f} | Sample Time: {:.3f} | Total Time: {:.3f}'.format(
            num_iterations, len(queue.skeletons), len(queue),
            len(evaluations), store.best_cost, search_time, sample_time, store.elapsed_time()))
        external_plan = None
        if len(queue.skeletons) < max_skeletons:
            domain.axioms[:] = create_disabled_axioms(queue, use_parameters=False)
            #dominated = are_domainated(last_clusters, clusters)
            #last_clusters = clusters
            #if last_success or not dominated: # Could also keep a history of results
            stream_plan = reschedule_stream_plan(init_evaluations, goal_facts, domain, stream_results,
                                                 unique_binding=True, unsatisfiable=True,
                                                 max_effort=max_effort, planner=planner, **search_args)
            if stream_plan is not None:
                external_plan = reorder_stream_plan(combine_optimizers(
                    init_evaluations, stream_plan + list(function_plan)))
        print('Stream plan ({}, {:.3f}): {}'.format(
            get_length(external_plan), compute_plan_effort(external_plan), external_plan))
        last_success = (external_plan is not None)
        search_time += elapsed_time(start_time)

        # Once a constraint added for a skeleton, it should only be relaxed
        start_time = time.time()
        if last_success: # Only works if create_disable_axioms never changes
            allocated_sample_time = (search_sample_ratio * search_time) - sample_time
            allocated_sample_time = INF
        queue.process(external_plan, plan_skeleton, cost=cost,
                      complexity_limit=INF,  max_time=allocated_sample_time)
        sample_time += elapsed_time(start_time)
        if not last_success and not queue:
        # TODO: exhaustively compute all plan skeletons and add to queue within the focused algorithm

    write_stream_statistics(externals, verbose)
    action_plan, cost, facts = revert_solution(store.best_plan, store.best_cost, evaluations)
    bindings = bindings_from_plan(plan_skeleton, action_plan)
    return bindings, cost, facts
Exemple #4
    def fn(outputs, facts, hint={}):
        # TODO: pass in the variables and constraint streams instead?
        # The true test is placing two blocks in a tight region obstructed by one
        positive, negative, costs = partition_facts(facts)
        #print('Parameters:', outputs)
        print('Constraints:', positive + negative)
        if costs:
            print('Costs:', costs)
        model = Model(name='TAMP')
        model.setParam(GRB.Param.OutputFlag, verbose)
        model.setParam(GRB.Param.TimeLimit, max_time)

        var_from_param = {}
        for fact in facts:
            prefix, args = fact[0], fact[1:]
            if prefix == 'conf':
                param, = args
                if is_parameter(param):
                    var_from_param[param] = np_var(model)
            elif prefix == 'pose':
                _, param = args
                if is_parameter(param):
                    var_from_param[param] = np_var(model)
            elif prefix == 'traj':
                raise NotImplementedError()
                #param, = args
                #if param not in var_from_id:
                #    var_from_id[id(param)] = [np_var(model), np_var(model)]

        def get_var(p):
            return var_from_param[p] if is_parameter(p) else p

        objective_terms = []
        constraint_from_name = {}
        for index, fact in enumerate(facts):
            prefix, args = fact[0], fact[1:]
            name = str(index)
            if prefix == 'kin':
                kinematics_constraint(model, name, *map(get_var, args))
            elif prefix == 'contained':
                contained_constraint(model, regions, name, *map(get_var, args))
            elif prefix == 'cfree' and collisions:
                collision_constraint(model, name, *map(get_var, args))
            elif prefix == 'motion':
                #motion_constraint(model, name, *map(get_var, args))
                raise NotImplementedError()
            elif prefix == NOT:
                fact = args[0]
                predicate, args = fact[0], fact[1:]
                if predicate == 'posecollision' and collisions:
                    collision_constraint(model, name, *map(get_var, args))
            elif prefix == MINIMIZE:
                fact = args[0]
                func, args = fact[0], fact[1:]
                if func == 'distance':
                    objective_terms.extend(distance_cost(*map(get_var, args)))
            constraint_from_name[name] = fact

        for out, value in hint.items():
            for var, coord in zip(get_var(out), value):
                var.start = coord

        model.setObjective(quicksum(objective_terms), sense=GRB.MINIMIZE)
        # https://www.gurobi.com/documentation/7.5/refman/optimization_status_codes.html
        if model.status in (GRB.INFEASIBLE,
                            GRB.INF_OR_UNBD):  # OPTIMAL | SUBOPTIMAL
            if not diagnose:
                return OptimizerOutput()
            constraint_indices = {
                for i, term in enumerate(facts) if term[0] != MINIMIZE
            #infeasible = constraint_indices
            #infeasible = compute_inconsistent(model)
            #infeasible = deletion_filter(model, constraint_indices)
            infeasible = elastic_filter(model, constraint_indices)
            infeasible_facts = [facts[index] for index in sorted(infeasible)]
            print('Inconsistent:', infeasible_facts)
            return OptimizerOutput(infeasible=[infeasible])
        assignment = tuple(value_from_var(get_var(out)) for out in outputs)
        return OptimizerOutput(assignments=[assignment])
Exemple #5
    def fn(outputs, facts, hint={}):
        # TODO: pass in the variables and constraint streams instead?
        # The true test is placing two blocks in a tight region obstructed by one
        constraint_indices = {
            for i, term in enumerate(facts) if term[0] != MINIMIZE
        positive, negative, costs = partition_facts(facts)
        #print('Parameters:', outputs)
        #print('Constraints:', positive + negative)
        if costs:
            print('Costs:', costs)

        # https://github.com/yijiangh/coop_assembly/blob/e52abef7c1cfb1d3e32691d163abc85dd77f27a2/src/coop_assembly/geometry_generation/caelan.py
        model = Model(name='TAMP')
        model.setParam(GRB.Param.OutputFlag, verbose)
        model.setParam(GRB.Param.TimeLimit, max_time)
                       GRB.INFINITY)  # TODO: account for scaling
        #if num_solutions < INF:
        #    model.setParam(GRB.Param.SolutionLimit, num_solutions)

        # Limit how many solutions to collect
        #model.setParam(GRB.Param.PoolSolutions, 2)
        # Limit the search space by setting a gap for the worst possible solution that will be accepted
        #model.setParam(GRB.Param.PoolGap, 0.10) # PoolGapAbs
        # do a systematic search for the k-best solutions
        #model.setParam(GRB.Param.PoolSearchMode, 2) # 0 | 1 | 2
        # https://www.gurobi.com/documentation/9.1/examples/poolsearch_py.html#subsubsection:poolsearch.py


        # TODO: remove anything that's just a domain condition?
        variable_indices = {}
        var_from_param = {}
        for index, fact in enumerate(facts):
            prefix, args = fact[0], fact[1:]
            if prefix == 'conf':
                param, = args
                if is_parameter(param):
                    var_from_param[param] = np_var(model,
            elif prefix == 'pose':
                _, param = args
                if is_parameter(param):
                    var_from_param[param] = np_var(model,
            elif prefix == 'grasp':  # TODO: iterate over combinations
                _, param = args
                if is_parameter(param):
                    var_from_param[param] = GRASP
            elif prefix == 'traj':
                raise NotImplementedError()
                #param, = args
                #if param not in var_from_id:
                #    var_from_id[id(param)] = [np_var(model), np_var(model)]
            variable_indices[index] = fact
        dimension = sum(len(var) for var in var_from_param.values())

        def get_var(p):
            return var_from_param[p] if is_parameter(p) else p


        codimension = 0
        objective_terms = [
        ]  # TODO: could make a variable to impose a cost constraint
        constraint_from_name = {}
        for index, fact in enumerate(facts):
            prefix, args = fact[0], fact[1:]
            name = str(index)
            if prefix == 'kin':
                kinematics_constraint(model, name, *map(get_var, args))
                codimension += 2
            elif prefix in ('contain', 'contained'):
                contained_constraint(model, regions, name, *map(get_var, args))
                codimension += 1
            elif prefix == 'cfree' and collisions:
                # TODO: drop collision constraints until violated
                collision_constraint(model, name, *map(get_var, args))
            elif prefix == 'motion':
                #motion_constraint(model, name, *map(get_var, args))
                raise NotImplementedError()
            elif prefix == NOT:
                fact = args[0]
                predicate, args = fact[0], fact[1:]
                if predicate == 'posecollision' and collisions:
                    collision_constraint(model, name, *map(get_var, args))
            elif prefix == MINIMIZE:
                fact = args[0]
                func, args = fact[0], fact[1:]
                if func in ('dist', 'distance'):
                        distance_cost(model, *map(get_var, args)))
            constraint_from_name[name] = fact


        #linear_model = model
        linear_model = copy_model(model)
        #linear_model = Model(name='Linear TAMP')

        # TODO: prune linearly dependent constraints
        linear_constraints = {
            for c in linear_model.getConstrs() if c.sense == GRB.EQUAL
        codimension = len(linear_constraints)
        # TODO: account for v.LB == v.UB
        #linear_variables = {v for v in linear_model.getVars() if v.VType == GRB.CONTINUOUS}
        linear_variables = set()
        for c in linear_constraints:
        linear_variables = sorted(linear_variables, key=lambda v: v.VarName)
        dimension = len(linear_variables)

        print('{} variables (dim={}): {}'.format(
            len(variable_indices), dimension,
            [facts[index] for index in sorted(variable_indices)]))
        nontrivial_indices = set(constraint_indices) - set(
            variable_indices)  # TODO: rename
        print('{} constraints: (codim={}): {}'.format(
            len(nontrivial_indices), codimension,
            [facts[index] for index in sorted(nontrivial_indices)]))

        # # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_subspace
        # # TODO: Equations for a subspace
        # #for c in model.getConstrs():
        # #    if c.sense != GRB.EQUAL:
        # #        model.remove(c)
        # variables = [model.getVarByName(v.VarName) for v in linear_variables]
        # lower_bound = np.array([v.LB for v in variables])
        # upper_bound = np.array([v.UB for v in variables])
        # center = (lower_bound + upper_bound) / 2.
        # extent = (upper_bound - lower_bound) / 2.
        # radius = np.linalg.norm(extent) # sphere
        # point = radius*sample_sphere(dimension) + center
        # #point = center
        # basis = [sample_sphere_surface(dimension) for _ in range(codimension)]
        # #basis = [np.ones(dimension)]
        # multipliers = [unbounded_var(model) for _ in basis]
        # subspace_constraints = []
        # for i in range(dimension):
        #     combination = sum([m*b[i] for m, b in zip(multipliers, basis)])
        #     subspace_constraints.append(model.addConstr(variables[i] - point[i] == combination))
        # #for c in subspace_constraints:
        # #    model.remove(c)

        # TODO: generator version
        # for v in set(linear_model.getVars()) - linear_variables:
        #     linear_model.remove(v)
        # for c in set(linear_model.getConstrs()) - linear_constraints:
        #     linear_model.remove(c)
        # linear_model.setObjective(quicksum(sample_targets(linear_model, linear_variables)), sense=GRB.MINIMIZE)
        # linear_model.optimize()
        # for v in linear_variables: # Projection method
        #     set_value(model.getVarByName(v.VarName), v.X)


        # TODO: normalize cost relative to the best cost for a trade-off
        # TODO: increasing bound on deterioration in quality
        weight = 0
        if weight > 0:
            primary_variables = {
                for var in var_from_param.values() for v in var
                weight * term
                for term in sample_targets(model, primary_variables))
            sense=GRB.MINIMIZE)  # (1-weight) * quicksum(objective_terms)

        for out, value in hint.items():
            for var, coord in zip(get_var(out), value):
                # https://www.gurobi.com/documentation/9.1/refman/varhintval.html#attr:VarHintVal
                set_guess(var, coord, hard=hard)
                #set_value(var, coord)


        # https://www.gurobi.com/documentation/7.5/refman/optimization_status_codes.html
        if model.SolCount == 0:
            if diagnostic is None:
                return OptimizerOutput()
            elif diagnostic == 'all':
                #infeasible = constraint_indices
                infeasible = nontrivial_indices
            elif diagnostic == 'deletion':
                infeasible = deletion_filter(model, constraint_indices)
            elif diagnostic == 'elastic':
                infeasible = elastic_filter(model, constraint_indices)
            elif diagnostic == 'gurobi':
                infeasible = compute_inconsistent(model)
                raise NotImplementedError(diagnostic)
                  [facts[index] for index in sorted(infeasible)])
            return OptimizerOutput(infeasible=[infeasible])

            #expr.getValue() # TODO: store expressions and evaluate value
        # for c in model.getConstrs():
        #     print(c, c.Slack, c.RHS)
        #     print(c.__dict__)
        #     print(dir(c))


            'Solved: {} | Objective: {:.3f} | Solutions: {} | Status: {} | Runtime: {:.3f}'
            .format(True, model.ObjVal, model.SolCount, model.status,

        if costs and diagnose_cost:
            infeasible = deletion_filter(model,
                                         max_objective=model.ObjVal - 1e-6)
            # TODO: propagate automatically to optimizer
            #infeasible = constraint_indices
            infeasible = nontrivial_indices
        print('Cost inconsistent:',
              [facts[index] for index in sorted(infeasible)])

        # variables = list(var_from_param.values())
        # for index, solution in enumerate(sample_solutions(model, variables, num_samples=15)):
        #    print(index, solution)

        assignment = tuple(value_from_var(get_var(out)) for out in outputs)
        return OptimizerOutput(assignments=[assignment],