Exemple #1
def test_tensor_div_div(conservative):
    """test double divergence of a tensor field by comparison with two divergences"""
    grid = SphericalSymGrid([0, 1], 64)
    expr = "r * tanh((0.5 - r) * 10)"
    bc = "auto_periodic_neumann"

    # test radial part
    tf = Tensor2Field.from_expression(grid,
                                      [[expr, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]])
    res = tf._apply_operator("tensor_double_divergence",
    est = tf.divergence(bc).divergence(bc)

    # test angular part
    tf = Tensor2Field.from_expression(grid,
                                      [[0, 0, 0], [0, expr, 0], [0, 0, expr]])
    res = tf._apply_operator("tensor_double_divergence",
    est = tf.divergence(bc).divergence(bc)
Exemple #2
def test_tensors_basic():
    """test some tensor calculations"""
    grid = CartesianGrid([[0.1, 0.3], [-2, 3]], [3, 4])

    t1 = Tensor2Field(grid, np.full((2, 2) + grid.shape, 1))
    t2 = Tensor2Field(grid, np.full((2, 2) + grid.shape, 2))
    np.testing.assert_allclose(t2.average, [[2, 2], [2, 2]])
    assert t1.magnitude == pytest.approx(2)

    assert t1["x", "x"] == t1[0, 0]
    assert t1["x", 1] == t1[0, "y"] == t1[0, 1]
    t1[0, 0] = t1[0, 0]

    t3 = t1 + t2
    assert t3.grid == grid
    np.testing.assert_allclose(t3.data, 3)
    t1 += t2
    np.testing.assert_allclose(t1.data, 3)

    field = Tensor2Field.random_uniform(grid)
    trace = field.trace()

    assert isinstance(trace, ScalarField)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(trace.data, field.data.trace())

    t1 = Tensor2Field(grid)
    t1[0, 0] = 1
    t1[0, 1] = 2
    t1[1, 0] = 3
    t1[1, 1] = 4
    for method, value in [
        ("min", 1),
        ("max", 4),
        ("norm", np.linalg.norm([[1, 2], [3, 4]])),
        ("squared_sum", 30),
        ("norm_squared", 30),
        ("trace", 5),
        ("invariant1", 5),
        ("invariant2", -1),
        p1 = t1.to_scalar(method)
        assert p1.data.shape == grid.shape
        np.testing.assert_allclose(p1.data, value)

    for idx in ((1, ), (1, 2, 3), (1.5, 2), ("a", "b"), 1.0):
        with pytest.raises(IndexError):

    t2 = FieldBase.from_state(t1.attributes, data=t1.data)
    assert t1 == t2
    assert t1.grid is t2.grid

    attrs = Tensor2Field.unserialize_attributes(t1.attributes_serialized)
    t2 = FieldBase.from_state(attrs, data=t1.data)
    assert t1 == t2
    assert t1.grid is not t2.grid
Exemple #3
def test_tensor_symmetrize():
    """test advanced tensor calculations"""
    grid = CartesianGrid([[0.1, 0.3], [-2, 3]], [2, 2])
    t1 = Tensor2Field(grid)
    t1.data[0, 0, :] = 1
    t1.data[0, 1, :] = 2
    t1.data[1, 0, :] = 3
    t1.data[1, 1, :] = 4

    # traceless = False
    t2 = t1.copy()
    t1.symmetrize(make_traceless=False, inplace=True)
    tr = t1.trace()
    assert np.all(tr.data == 5)
    t1_trans = np.swapaxes(t1.data, 0, 1)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(t1.data, t1_trans.data)

    ts = t1.copy()
    ts.symmetrize(make_traceless=False, inplace=True)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(t1.data, ts.data)

    # traceless = True
    t2.symmetrize(make_traceless=True, inplace=True)
    tr = t2.trace()
    assert np.all(tr.data == 0)
    t2_trans = np.swapaxes(t2.data, 0, 1)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(t2.data, t2_trans.data)

    ts = t2.copy()
    ts.symmetrize(make_traceless=True, inplace=True)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(t2.data, ts.data)
def test_vector_gradient_field():
    """test the vector gradient operator"""
    grid = CartesianGrid([[0, 2 * np.pi], [0, 2 * np.pi]], [16, 16],
    x, y = grid.cell_coords[..., 0], grid.cell_coords[..., 1]
    data = [np.cos(x) + y, np.sin(y) - x]
    v = VectorField(grid, data)

    t1 = v.gradient("periodic")
    assert t1.data.shape == (2, 2, 16, 16)
    d00 = -np.sin(x)
    d10 = -np.ones(grid.shape)
    d01 = np.ones(grid.shape)
    d11 = np.cos(y)
    t2 = Tensor2Field(grid, np.array([[d00, d01], [d10, d11]]))
    np.testing.assert_allclose(t1.data[1:-1, 1:-1],
                               t2.data[1:-1, 1:-1],

    v.gradient("auto_periodic_neumann", out=t1)
    assert t1.data.shape == (2, 2, 16, 16)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(t1.data[1:-1, 1:-1],
                               t2.data[1:-1, 1:-1],
Exemple #5
def test_insert_tensor(example_grid):
    """test the `insert` method"""
    f = Tensor2Field(example_grid)
    a = np.random.random(f.data_shape)

    c = tuple(example_grid.point_to_cell(example_grid.get_random_point()))
    c_data = (Ellipsis, ) + c
    p = example_grid.cell_to_point(c, cartesian=False)
    f.insert(p, a)
                                   a / example_grid.cell_volumes[c])

    f.insert(example_grid.get_random_point(cartesian=False), a)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(f.integral, 2 * a)

    f.data = 0  # reset
    insert = example_grid.make_inserter_compiled()
    c = tuple(example_grid.point_to_cell(example_grid.get_random_point()))
    c_data = (Ellipsis, ) + c
    p = example_grid.cell_to_point(c, cartesian=False)
    insert(f.data, p, a)
                                   a / example_grid.cell_volumes[c])

    insert(f.data, example_grid.get_random_point(cartesian=False), a)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(f.integral, 2 * a)
Exemple #6
def test_tensor_divergence_cart(ndim):
    """test different tensor divergence operators"""
    bcs = _get_random_grid_bcs(ndim, dx="uniform", periodic="random", rank=2)
    field = Tensor2Field.random_uniform(bcs.grid)
    res1 = field.divergence(bcs, backend="scipy").data
    res2 = field.divergence(bcs, backend="numba").data
    assert res1.shape == (ndim,) + bcs.grid.shape
    np.testing.assert_allclose(res1, res2)
Exemple #7
def test_tensor_div_div_analytical():
    """test double divergence of a tensor field against analytical expression"""
    grid = SphericalSymGrid([0.5, 1], 12)
    tf = Tensor2Field.from_expression(
        grid, [["r**4", 0, 0], [0, "r**3", 0], [0, 0, "r**3"]])
    res = tf._apply_operator("tensor_double_divergence", bc="curvature")
    expect = ScalarField.from_expression(grid, "2 * r * (15 * r - 4)")
    np.testing.assert_allclose(res.data[1:-1], expect.data[1:-1], rtol=0.01)
Exemple #8
def test_tensors_transpose(grid):
    """test transposing tensors"""
    def broadcast(arr):
        return np.asarray(arr)[(..., ) + (np.newaxis, ) * grid.num_axes]

    field = Tensor2Field(grid, broadcast([[0, 1], [2, 3]]))
    field_T = field.transpose(label="altered")
    assert field_T.label == "altered"
    np.testing.assert_allclose(field_T.data, broadcast([[0, 2], [1, 3]]))
Exemple #9
def test_examples_tensor_polar():
    """compare derivatives of tensorial fields for polar grids"""
    grid = PolarSymGrid(1, 32)
    tf = Tensor2Field.from_expression(grid, [["r**3"] * 2] * 2)

    # tensor divergence
    res = tf.divergence([{"derivative_normal": 0}, {"value_normal": [1, 1]}])
    expect = VectorField.from_expression(grid, ["3 * r**2", "5 * r**2"])
    np.testing.assert_allclose(res.data, expect.data, rtol=0.1, atol=0.1)
Exemple #10
def test_tensor_invariants():
    """test the invariants"""
    # dim == 1
    f = Tensor2Field.random_uniform(UnitGrid([3]))
    np.testing.assert_allclose(f.to_scalar("invariant2").data, 0)

    # dim == 2
    f = Tensor2Field.random_uniform(UnitGrid([3, 3]))
    invs = [f.to_scalar(f"invariant{i}").data for i in range(1, 4)]
    np.testing.assert_allclose(2 * invs[1], invs[2])

    a = np.random.uniform(0, 2 * np.pi)  # pick random rotation angle
    rot = Tensor2Field(f.grid)
    rot.data[0, 0, ...] = np.cos(a)
    rot.data[0, 1, ...] = np.sin(a)
    rot.data[1, 0, ...] = -np.sin(a)
    rot.data[1, 1, ...] = np.cos(a)
    f_rot = rot @ f @ rot.transpose()  # apply the transpose

    for i, inv in enumerate(invs, 1):
            err_msg=f"Mismatch in invariant {i}",

    # dim == 3
    from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation

    f = Tensor2Field.random_uniform(UnitGrid([1, 1, 1]))
    rot = Tensor2Field(f.grid)
    rot_mat = Rotation.from_rotvec(np.random.randn(3)).as_matrix()
    rot.data = rot_mat.reshape(3, 3, 1, 1, 1)
    f_rot = rot @ f @ rot.transpose()  # apply the transpose
    for i in range(1, 4):
            err_msg=f"Mismatch in invariant {i}",
Exemple #11
def test_examples_tensor_sph():
    """compare derivatives of tensorial fields for spherical grids"""
    grid = SphericalSymGrid(1, 32)
    tf = Tensor2Field.from_expression(grid, [["r**3"] * 3] * 3)
    tfd = tf.data
    tfd[0, 1] = tfd[1, 1] = tfd[1, 2] = tfd[2, 1] = tfd[2, 2] = 0

    # tensor divergence
    res = tf.divergence([{"derivative_normal": 0}, {"value_normal": [1, 1, 1]}])
    expect = VectorField.from_expression(grid, ["5 * r**2", "5 * r**2", "6 * r**2"])
    np.testing.assert_allclose(res.data, expect.data, rtol=0.1, atol=0.1)
Exemple #12
def test_complex_tensors():
    """ test some complex tensor fields """
    grid = CartesianGrid([[0.1, 0.3], [-2, 3]], [3, 4])
    shape = (2, 2, 2) + grid.shape
    numbers = np.random.random(shape) + np.random.random(shape) * 1j
    t1 = Tensor2Field(grid, numbers[0])
    t2 = Tensor2Field(grid, numbers[1])
    assert t1.is_complex and t2.is_complex
    dot_op = t1.make_dot_operator()

    # test dot product
    res = dot_op(t1.data, t2.data)
    for t in (t1 @ t2, t1.dot(t2)):
        assert isinstance(t, Tensor2Field)
        assert t.grid is grid
        np.testing.assert_allclose(t.data, res)

    # test without conjugate
    dot_op = t1.make_dot_operator(conjugate=False)
    res = t1.dot(t2, conjugate=False)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(dot_op(t1.data, t2.data), res.data)
Exemple #13
def test_from_expressions():
    """test initializing tensor fields with expressions"""
    grid = UnitGrid([4, 4])
    tf = Tensor2Field.from_expression(grid, [[1, 1], ["x**2", "x * y"]])
    xs = grid.cell_coords[..., 0]
    ys = grid.cell_coords[..., 1]
    np.testing.assert_allclose(tf.data[0, 1], 1)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(tf.data[0, 1], 1)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(tf.data[1, 0], xs**2)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(tf.data[1, 1], xs * ys)

    # corner case
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        Tensor2Field.from_expression(grid, "xy")
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        Tensor2Field.from_expression(grid, ["xy"])
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        Tensor2Field.from_expression(grid, ["x"] * 3)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        Tensor2Field.from_expression(grid, [["x"], [1, 1]])
def test_collections():
    """test field collections"""
    grid = UnitGrid([3, 4])
    sf = ScalarField.random_uniform(grid, label="sf")
    vf = VectorField.random_uniform(grid, label="vf")
    tf = Tensor2Field.random_uniform(grid, label="tf")
    fields = FieldCollection([sf, vf, tf])
    assert fields.data.shape == (7, 3, 4)
    assert isinstance(str(fields), str)

    fields.data[:] = 0
    np.testing.assert_allclose(sf.data, 0)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(vf.data, 0)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(tf.data, 0)

    assert fields[0] is fields["sf"]
    assert fields[1] is fields["vf"]
    assert fields[2] is fields["tf"]
    with pytest.raises(KeyError):

    sf.data = 1
    vf.data = 1
    tf.data = 1
    np.testing.assert_allclose(fields.data, 1)
    assert all(np.allclose(i, 12) for i in fields.integrals)
    assert all(np.allclose(i, 1) for i in fields.averages)
    assert np.allclose(fields.magnitudes, np.sqrt([1, 2, 4]))

    assert sf.data.shape == (3, 4)
    assert vf.data.shape == (2, 3, 4)
    assert tf.data.shape == (2, 2, 3, 4)

    c2 = FieldBase.from_state(fields.attributes, data=fields.data)
    assert c2 == fields
    assert c2.grid is grid

    attrs = FieldCollection.unserialize_attributes(
    c2 = FieldCollection.from_state(attrs, data=fields.data)
    assert c2 == fields
    assert c2.grid is not grid

    fields["sf"] = 2.0
    np.testing.assert_allclose(sf.data, 2)
    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
        fields["42"] = 0

    fields.plot(subplot_args=[{}, {"scale": 1}, {"colorbar": False}])
Exemple #15
def test_examples_vector_sph():
    """compare derivatives of vector fields for spherical grids"""
    grid = SphericalSymGrid(1, 32)

    # divergence
    vf = VectorField.from_expression(grid, ["r**3", 0, "r**2"])
    res = vf.divergence([{"derivative": 0}, {"value": 1}])
    expect = ScalarField.from_expression(grid, "5 * r**2")
    np.testing.assert_allclose(res.data, expect.data, rtol=0.1, atol=0.1)

    # vector gradient
    vf = VectorField.from_expression(grid, ["r**3", 0, 0])
    res = vf.gradient([{"derivative": 0}, {"value": [1, 1, 1]}])
    expr = [["3 * r**2", 0, 0], [0, "r**2", 0], [0, 0, "r**2"]]
    expect = Tensor2Field.from_expression(grid, expr)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(res.data, expect.data, rtol=0.1, atol=0.1)
def test_smoothing_collection():
    """ test smoothing of a FieldCollection """
    grid = UnitGrid([3, 4], periodic=[True, False])
    sf = ScalarField.random_uniform(grid)
    vf = VectorField.random_uniform(grid)
    tf = Tensor2Field.random_uniform(grid)
    fields = FieldCollection([sf, vf, tf])
    sgm = 0.5 + np.random.random()

    out = fields.smooth(sigma=sgm)
    for i in range(3):
        np.testing.assert_allclose(out[i].data, fields[i].smooth(sgm).data)

    out.data = 0
    fields.smooth(sigma=sgm, out=out)
    for i in range(3):
        np.testing.assert_allclose(out[i].data, fields[i].smooth(sgm).data)
def test_examples_tensor_cyl():
    """compare derivatives of tensorial fields for cylindrical grids"""
    grid = CylindricalSymGrid(1, [0, 2 * np.pi], 32, periodic_z=True)
    tf = Tensor2Field.from_expression(grid, [["r**3 * sin(z)"] * 3] * 3)

    # tensor divergence
    rs, zs = grid.axes_coords
    val_r_outer = np.broadcast_to(6 * rs * np.sin(zs), (3, 32))
    bcs = [({"derivative": 0}, {"curvature": val_r_outer}), "periodic"]
    res = tf.divergence(bcs)
    expect = VectorField.from_expression(
            "r**2 * (r * cos(z) + 3 * sin(z))",
            "r**2 * (r * cos(z) + 4 * sin(z))",
            "r**2 * (r * cos(z) + 5 * sin(z))",
    np.testing.assert_allclose(res.data, expect.data, rtol=0.1, atol=0.1)
Exemple #18
def test_examples_tensor_sph(conservative):
    """compare derivatives of tensorial fields for spherical grids"""
    # test explicit expression for which we know the results
    grid = SphericalSymGrid(1, 32)
    expressions = [["r**4", 0, 0], [0, "r**3", 0], [0, 0, "r**3"]]
    tf = Tensor2Field.from_expression(grid, expressions)

    # tensor divergence
    bc = [{"derivative": 0}, {"normal_derivative": [4, 3, 3]}]
    res = tf.divergence(bc, conservative=conservative)
    expect = VectorField.from_expression(grid,
                                         ["2 * r**2 * (3 * r - 1)", 0, 0])
    if conservative:
        np.testing.assert_allclose(res.data, expect.data, rtol=0.1, atol=0.1)
        np.testing.assert_allclose(res.data[:, 1:-1],
                                   expect.data[:, 1:-1],
Exemple #19
def test_examples_vector_polar():
    """compare derivatives of vector fields for polar grids"""
    grid = PolarSymGrid(1, 32)
    vf = VectorField.from_expression(grid, ["r**3", "r**2"])

    # divergence
    res = vf.divergence([{"derivative": 0}, {"value": 1}])
    expect = ScalarField.from_expression(grid, "4 * r**2")
    np.testing.assert_allclose(res.data, expect.data, rtol=0.1, atol=0.1)

    # # vector Laplacian
    # res = vf.laplace([{"derivative": 0}, {"value": 1}])
    # expect = VectorField.from_expression(grid, ["8 * r", "3"])
    # np.testing.assert_allclose(res.data, expect.data, rtol=0.1, atol=0.1)

    # vector gradient
    res = vf.gradient([{"derivative": 0}, {"value": [1, 1]}])
    expr = [["3 * r**2", "-r"], ["2 * r", "r**2"]]
    expect = Tensor2Field.from_expression(grid, expr)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(res.data, expect.data, rtol=0.1, atol=0.1)
Exemple #20
def test_examples_vector_cyl():
    """compare derivatives of vector fields for cylindrical grids"""
    grid = CylindricalSymGrid(1, [0, 2 * np.pi], 32)
    e_r = "r**3 * sin(z)"
    e_φ = "r**2 * sin(z)"
    e_z = "r**4 * cos(z)"
    vf = VectorField.from_expression(grid, [e_r, e_z, e_φ])
    bc_r = ({"derivative_normal": 0}, {"value_normal": "r**3 * sin(z)"})
    bc_z = {"curvature_normal": "-r**4 * cos(z)"}
    bcs = [bc_r, bc_z]

    # divergence
    res = vf.divergence(bcs)
    expect = ScalarField.from_expression(grid,
                                         "4 * r**2 * sin(z) - r**4 * sin(z)")
    np.testing.assert_allclose(res.data, expect.data, rtol=0.1, atol=0.1)

    # vector Laplacian
    grid = CylindricalSymGrid(1, [0, 2 * np.pi], 32, periodic_z=True)
    vf = VectorField.from_expression(grid, ["r**3 * sin(z)"] * 3)
    val_r_outer = np.broadcast_to(6 * np.sin(grid.axes_coords[1]), (3, 32))
    bcs = [({"derivative": 0}, {"curvature": val_r_outer}), "periodic"]
    res = vf.laplace(bcs)
    expr = [
        "8 * r * sin(z) - r**3 * sin(z)",
        "9 * r * sin(z) - r**3 * sin(z)",
        "8 * r * sin(z) - r**3 * sin(z)",
    expect = VectorField.from_expression(grid, expr)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(res.data, expect.data, rtol=0.1, atol=0.1)

    # vector gradient
    bcs = [({"derivative": 0}, {"curvature": val_r_outer}), "periodic"]
    res = vf.gradient(bcs)
    expr = [
        ["3 * r**2 * sin(z)", "r**3 * cos(z)", "-r**2 * sin(z)"],
        ["3 * r**2 * sin(z)", "r**3 * cos(z)", 0],
        ["3 * r**2 * sin(z)", "r**3 * cos(z)", "r**2 * sin(z)"],
    expect = Tensor2Field.from_expression(grid, expr)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(res.data, expect.data, rtol=0.1, atol=0.1)
Exemple #21
def test_conservative_sph():
    """test whether the integral over a divergence vanishes"""
    grid = SphericalSymGrid((0, 2), 50)
    expr = "1 / cosh((r - 1) * 10)"

    # test divergence of vector field
    vf = VectorField.from_expression(grid, [expr, 0, 0])
    div = vf.divergence(bc="derivative", conservative=True)
    assert div.integral == pytest.approx(0, abs=1e-2)

    # test laplacian of scalar field
    lap = vf[0].laplace("derivative")
    assert lap.integral == pytest.approx(0, abs=1e-13)

    # test double divergence of tensor field
    expressions = [[expr, 0, 0], [0, expr, 0], [0, 0, expr]]
    tf = Tensor2Field.from_expression(grid, expressions)
    res = tf._apply_operator("tensor_double_divergence",
    assert res.integral == pytest.approx(0, abs=1e-3)
Exemple #22
def test_vector_gradient():
    """ test the vector gradient operator """
    grid = CartesianGrid([[0, 2 * np.pi], [0, 2 * np.pi]], [16, 16],
    x, y = grid.cell_coords[..., 0], grid.cell_coords[..., 1]
    data = [np.cos(x) + y, np.sin(y) - x]
    v = VectorField(grid, data)

    t1 = v.gradient("periodic")
    assert t1.data.shape == (2, 2, 16, 16)
    d00 = -np.sin(x)
    d10 = np.ones(grid.shape)
    d01 = -d10.copy()
    d10[:, 0] = d10[:, -1] = -7
    d01[0, :] = d01[-1, :] = 7
    d11 = np.cos(y)
    t2 = Tensor2Field(grid, np.array([[d00, d01], [d10, d11]]))
    np.testing.assert_allclose(t1.data, t2.data, rtol=0.1, atol=0.1)

    v.gradient("natural", out=t1)
    assert t1.data.shape == (2, 2, 16, 16)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(t1.data, t2.data, rtol=0.1, atol=0.1)
def test_insert_tensor(grid):
    """test the `insert` method"""
    f = Tensor2Field(grid)
    a = np.random.random(f.data_shape)

    c = tuple(grid.get_random_point(coords="cell"))
    c_data = (Ellipsis, ) + c
    p = grid.transform(c, "cell", "grid")
    f.insert(p, a)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(f.data[c_data], a / grid.cell_volumes[c])

    f.insert(grid.get_random_point(coords="grid"), a)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(f.integral, 2 * a)

    f.data = 0  # reset
    insert = grid.make_inserter_compiled()
    c = tuple(grid.get_random_point(coords="cell"))
    c_data = (Ellipsis, ) + c
    p = grid.transform(c, "cell", "grid")
    insert(f.data, p, a)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(f.data[c_data], a / grid.cell_volumes[c])

    insert(f.data, grid.get_random_point(coords="grid"), a)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(f.integral, 2 * a)