def setup_training( snapshots: np.ndarray, hparams: -> Tuple[tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor]: """Create Tensors for training. Args: snapshots: np.ndarray with shape [examples, x] with high-resolution training data. hparams: hyperparameters for training. Returns: Tensors for the current loss, and for taking a training step. """ dataset = model.make_dataset(snapshots, hparams, dataset_type=model.Dataset.TRAINING) tensors = dataset.make_one_shot_iterator().get_next() predictions = model.predict_result(tensors['inputs'], hparams) loss_per_head = model.loss_per_head(predictions, labels=tensors['labels'], baseline=tensors['baseline'], hparams=hparams) loss = model.weighted_loss(loss_per_head, hparams) train_step = create_training_step(loss, hparams) return loss, train_step
def __init__(self, snapshots: np.ndarray, hparams:, training: bool = False): """Initialize an object for running inference. Args: snapshots: np.ndarray with shape [examples, x] with high-resolution training data. hparams: hyperparameters for training. training: whether to evaluate on training or validation datasets. """ if training: dataset_type = model.Dataset.TRAINING else: dataset_type = model.Dataset.VALIDATION dataset = model.make_dataset(snapshots, hparams, dataset_type=dataset_type, repeat=False, evaluation=True) iterator = dataset.make_initializable_iterator() data = iterator.get_next() _, coarse_equation = equations.from_hparams(hparams) predictions = model.predict_result(data['inputs'], hparams) loss_per_head = model.loss_per_head(predictions, labels=data['labels'], baseline=data['baseline'], hparams=hparams) loss = model.weighted_loss(loss_per_head, hparams) results = dict(data, predictions=predictions) metrics = { k: tf.contrib.metrics.streaming_concat(v) for k, v in results.items() } metrics['loss'] = tf.metrics.mean(loss) space_loss, time_loss, integrated_loss = model.result_unstack( loss_per_head, coarse_equation) metrics['loss/space_derivatives'] = tf.metrics.mean(space_loss) metrics['loss/time_derivative'] = tf.metrics.mean(time_loss) if integrated_loss is not None: metrics['loss/integrated_solution'] = tf.metrics.mean( integrated_loss) initializer =, tf.local_variables_initializer()) self._initializer = initializer self._metrics = metrics
def determine_loss_scales( snapshots: np.ndarray, hparams: -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Determine scale factors for the loss. When passed into model.compute_loss, predictions of all zero should result in a loss of 1.0 when averaged over the full dataset. Args: snapshots: np.ndarray with shape [examples, x] with high-resolution training data. hparams: hyperparameters to use for training. Returns: Tuple of two numpy arrays: error_scale: array with dimensions [2, derivative] indicating the scaling in the loss to use on squared error and relative squared error for each derivative target. error_floor: numpy array with scale for weighting of relative errors. """ with tf.Graph().as_default(): dataset = model.make_dataset(snapshots, hparams, repeat=False) data = load_dataset(dataset) baseline_error = (data['labels'] - data['baseline'])**2 percentile = 100 * hparams.error_floor_quantile error_floor = np.maximum( np.percentile(baseline_error, percentile, axis=(0, 1)), 1e-12) # predict zero for all derivatives, and a constant value for the integrated # solution over time. equation_type = equations.equation_type_from_hparams(hparams) num_zero_predictions = len(equation_type.DERIVATIVE_ORDERS) + 1 labels_shape = data['labels'].shape predictions = np.concatenate([ np.zeros(labels_shape[:-1] + (num_zero_predictions, )), np.repeat(data['inputs'][..., np.newaxis], labels_shape[-1] - num_zero_predictions, axis=-1) ], axis=-1) components = np.stack( model.abs_and_rel_error(predictions=predictions, labels=data['labels'], baseline=data['baseline'], error_floor=error_floor)) baseline_error = np.mean(components, axis=(1, 2))'baseline_error: %s', baseline_error) error_scale = np.where(baseline_error > 0, 1.0 / baseline_error, 0) return error_floor, error_scale