def test_strftime_locale_dependent_turkish(self): # store current locale old_locale = locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL) if platform == 'win32': locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'Turkish') else: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'tr_TR.UTF-8') d = utils.SafeDatetime(2012, 8, 29) # simple self.assertEqual(utils.strftime(d, '%d %B %Y'), '29 Ağustos 2012') self.assertEqual(utils.strftime(d, '%A, %d %B %Y'), 'Çarşamba, 29 Ağustos 2012') # with text self.assertEqual( utils.strftime(d, 'Yayınlanma tarihi: %A, %d %B %Y'), 'Yayınlanma tarihi: Çarşamba, 29 Ağustos 2012') # non-ascii format candidate (someone might pass it… for some reason) self.assertEqual( utils.strftime(d, '%Y yılında %üretim artışı'), '2012 yılında %üretim artışı') # restore locale back locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, old_locale)
def test_strftime_locale_dependent_french(self): # store current locale old_locale = locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL) if platform == 'win32': locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, str('French')) else: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, str('fr_FR.UTF-8')) d = utils.SafeDatetime(2012, 8, 29) # simple self.assertEqual(utils.strftime(d, '%d %B %Y'), '29 août 2012') # depending on OS, the first letter is m or M self.assertTrue(utils.strftime(d, '%A') in ('mercredi', 'Mercredi')) # with text self.assertEqual(utils.strftime(d, 'Écrit le %d %B %Y'), 'Écrit le 29 août 2012') # non-ascii format candidate (someone might pass it... for some reason) self.assertEqual(utils.strftime(d, '%écrits en %Y'), '%écrits en 2012') # restore locale back locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, old_locale)
def setUp(self): # prepare a temp content and output folder self.temp_content = mkdtemp(prefix='pelicantests.') self.temp_output = mkdtemp(prefix='pelicantests.') # prepare a template file template_dir = os.path.join(self.temp_content, 'template') template_path = os.path.join(template_dir, 'source.html') os.makedirs(template_dir) with open(template_path, 'w') as template_file: template_file.write('date = {{ date|strftime("%A, %d %B %Y") }}') = utils.SafeDatetime(2012, 8, 29)
def test_strftime(self): d = utils.SafeDatetime(2012, 8, 29) # simple formatting self.assertEqual(utils.strftime(d, '%d/%m/%y'), '29/08/12') self.assertEqual(utils.strftime(d, '%d/%m/%Y'), '29/08/2012') # RFC 3339 self.assertEqual( utils.strftime(d, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ'), '2012-08-29T00:00:00Z') # % escaped self.assertEqual(utils.strftime(d, '%d%%%m%%%y'), '29%08%12') self.assertEqual(utils.strftime(d, '%d %% %m %% %y'), '29 % 08 % 12') # not valid % formatter self.assertEqual(utils.strftime(d, '10% reduction in %Y'), '10% reduction in 2012') self.assertEqual(utils.strftime(d, '%10 reduction in %Y'), '%10 reduction in 2012') # with text self.assertEqual(utils.strftime(d, 'Published in %d-%m-%Y'), 'Published in 29-08-2012') # with non-ascii text self.assertEqual( utils.strftime(d, '%d/%m/%Y Øl trinken beim Besäufnis'), '29/08/2012 Øl trinken beim Besäufnis') # alternative formatting options self.assertEqual(utils.strftime(d, '%-d/%-m/%y'), '29/8/12') self.assertEqual(utils.strftime(d, '%-H:%-M:%-S'), '0:0:0') d = utils.SafeDatetime(2012, 8, 9) self.assertEqual(utils.strftime(d, '%-d/%-m/%y'), '9/8/12') d = utils.SafeDatetime(2021, 1, 8) self.assertEqual(utils.strftime(d, '%G - %-V - %u'), '2021 - 1 - 5')
def test_french_strftime(self): # This test tries to reproduce an issue that occured with python3.3 under macos10 only locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, str('fr_FR.UTF-8')) date = utils.SafeDatetime(2014,8,14) # we compare the lower() dates since macos10 returns "Jeudi" for %A whereas linux reports "jeudi" self.assertEqual( u'jeudi, 14 août 2014', utils.strftime(date, date_format="%A, %d %B %Y").lower() ) df = utils.DateFormatter() self.assertEqual( u'jeudi, 14 août 2014', df(date, date_format="%A, %d %B %Y").lower() ) # Let us now set the global locale to C: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, str('C')) # DateFormatter should still work as expected since it is the whole point of DateFormatter # (This is where pre-2014/4/15 code fails on macos10) df_date = df(date, date_format="%A, %d %B %Y").lower() self.assertEqual( u'jeudi, 14 août 2014', df_date )
def test_get_date(self): # valid ones date = utils.SafeDatetime(year=2012, month=11, day=22) date_hour = utils.SafeDatetime(year=2012, month=11, day=22, hour=22, minute=11) date_hour_z = utils.SafeDatetime(year=2012, month=11, day=22, hour=22, minute=11, tzinfo=pytz.timezone('UTC')) date_hour_est = utils.SafeDatetime(year=2012, month=11, day=22, hour=22, minute=11, tzinfo=pytz.timezone('EST')) date_hour_sec = utils.SafeDatetime(year=2012, month=11, day=22, hour=22, minute=11, second=10) date_hour_sec_z = utils.SafeDatetime(year=2012, month=11, day=22, hour=22, minute=11, second=10, tzinfo=pytz.timezone('UTC')) date_hour_sec_est = utils.SafeDatetime(year=2012, month=11, day=22, hour=22, minute=11, second=10, tzinfo=pytz.timezone('EST')) date_hour_sec_frac_z = utils.SafeDatetime(year=2012, month=11, day=22, hour=22, minute=11, second=10, microsecond=123000, tzinfo=pytz.timezone('UTC')) dates = { '2012-11-22': date, '2012/11/22': date, '2012-11-22 22:11': date_hour, '2012/11/22 22:11': date_hour, '22-11-2012': date, '22/11/2012': date, '22.11.2012': date, '22.11.2012 22:11': date_hour, '2012-11-22T22:11Z': date_hour_z, '2012-11-22T22:11-0500': date_hour_est, '2012-11-22 22:11:10': date_hour_sec, '2012-11-22T22:11:10Z': date_hour_sec_z, '2012-11-22T22:11:10-0500': date_hour_sec_est, '2012-11-22T22:11:10.123Z': date_hour_sec_frac_z, } # examples from iso_8601_date = utils.SafeDatetime(year=1997, month=7, day=16) iso_8601_date_hour_tz = utils.SafeDatetime(year=1997, month=7, day=16, hour=19, minute=20, tzinfo=pytz.timezone('CET')) iso_8601_date_hour_sec_tz = utils.SafeDatetime( year=1997, month=7, day=16, hour=19, minute=20, second=30, tzinfo=pytz.timezone('CET')) iso_8601_date_hour_sec_ms_tz = utils.SafeDatetime( year=1997, month=7, day=16, hour=19, minute=20, second=30, microsecond=450000, tzinfo=pytz.timezone('CET')) iso_8601 = { '1997-07-16': iso_8601_date, '1997-07-16T19:20+01:00': iso_8601_date_hour_tz, '1997-07-16T19:20:30+01:00': iso_8601_date_hour_sec_tz, '1997-07-16T19:20:30.45+01:00': iso_8601_date_hour_sec_ms_tz, } # invalid ones invalid_dates = ['2010-110-12', 'yay'] for value, expected in dates.items(): self.assertEqual(utils.get_date(value), expected, value) for value, expected in iso_8601.items(): self.assertEqual(utils.get_date(value), expected, value) for item in invalid_dates: self.assertRaises(ValueError, utils.get_date, item)
def test_get_date_returns_correct_value(self): date = utils.SafeDatetime(year=2020, month=0o4, day=30) date_hour = utils.SafeDatetime(year=2020, month=0o4, day=30, hour=20, minute=10) date_hour_utc = utils.SafeDatetime(year=2020, month=0o4, day=30, hour=20, minute=10, tzinfo=pytz.timezone('UTC')) date_hour_est = utils.SafeDatetime(year=2020, month=0o4, day=30, hour=20, minute=10, tzinfo=pytz.timezone('EST')) date_hour_seconds = utils.SafeDatetime( year=2020, month=0o4, day=30, hour=20, minute=10, second=20, ) date_hour_seconds_utc = utils.SafeDatetime(year=2020, month=0o4, day=30, hour=20, minute=10, second=20, tzinfo=pytz.timezone('UTC')) date_hour_seconds_est = utils.SafeDatetime(year=2020, month=0o4, day=30, hour=20, minute=10, second=20, tzinfo=pytz.timezone('EST')) date_hour_seconds_usecs_utc = utils.SafeDatetime( year=2020, month=0o4, day=30, hour=20, minute=10, second=20, microsecond=123000, tzinfo=pytz.timezone('UTC')) dates = { '2020/04/30': date, '2020-04-30': date, '30/04/2020': date, '30-04-2020': date, '30.04.2020': date, '2020/04/30 20:10': date_hour, '2020-04-30 20:10': date_hour, '30.04.2020 20:10': date_hour, '2020-04-30T20:10Z': date_hour_utc, '2020-04-30T20:10-0500': date_hour_est, '2020/04/30 20:10:20': date_hour_seconds, '2020-04-30T20:10:20Z': date_hour_seconds_utc, '2020/04/30T20:10:20-0500': date_hour_seconds_est, '2020-04-30T20:10:20.123Z': date_hour_seconds_usecs_utc, } # ISO 8601 datetime format iso_8601_date = utils.SafeDatetime( year=1997, month=7, day=15, ) iso_8601_date_hour_timezone = utils.SafeDatetime( year=1997, month=7, day=15, hour=19, minute=20, tzinfo=pytz.timezone('CET')) iso_8601_date_hour_secs_timezone = utils.SafeDatetime( year=1997, month=7, day=15, hour=19, minute=20, second=30, tzinfo=pytz.timezone('CET')) iso_8601_date_hour_secs_ms = utils.SafeDatetime( year=1997, month=7, day=15, hour=19, minute=20, second=30, microsecond=120000, tzinfo=pytz.timezone('CET')) iso_8601_format = { '1997-07-15': iso_8601_date, '1997-07-15T19:20+01:00': iso_8601_date_hour_timezone, '1997-07-15T19:20:30+01:00': iso_8601_date_hour_secs_timezone, '1997-07-15T19:20:30.12+01:00': iso_8601_date_hour_secs_ms, } # Invalid dates invalid_dates = ['2040-123-3,' 'wrongdate', '', '001/1001'] for value, expected in dates.items(): self.assertEqual(utils.get_date(value), expected, value) self.assertTrue(utils.get_date(value) is not None) for value, expected in iso_8601_format.items(): self.assertEqual(utils.get_date(value), expected, value) for date in invalid_dates: self.assertRaises(ValueError, utils.get_date, date)