Exemple #1
    def testEdefIOTypes(self):
        Tests the writing and parsing of an EndpointDescription bean with
        "complex" properties
        properties = {  # Strings whitespaces are not well kept in XML
            "string": "some string just to see...",
            "int": 12,
            "float": 12.0,
            "tuple_str": ("a", "b", "c"),
            "tuple_int": (1, 2, 3),
            "tuple_float": (1.0, 2.0, 3.0),
            "list_str": ["a", "b", "c"],
            "list_int": [1, 2, 3],
            "list_float": [1.0, 2.0, 3.0],
            "set_str": set(["a", "b", "c"]),
            "set_int": set([1, 2, 3]),
            "set_float": set([1.0, 2.0, 3.0])}

        all_props = properties.copy()
        all_props[pelix.remote.PROP_ENDPOINT_ID] = 'toto'
        all_props[pelix.remote.PROP_IMPORTED_CONFIGS] = ['titi']

        # Prepare an endpoint description with different property values
        endpoint = beans.EndpointDescription(self.svc_ref, all_props)

        # Write it & parse it
        xml_string = EDEFWriter().to_string([endpoint])
        parsed = EDEFReader().parse(xml_string)[0]
        parsed_properties = parsed.get_properties()

        # Check values
    def testEdefStringReload(self):
        Tries to convert an EndpointDescription to its XML format (EDEF) and to
        reload this string
        original = beans.EndpointDescription(
            self.svc_ref, {
                pelix.remote.PROP_ENDPOINT_ID: "toto",
                pelix.remote.PROP_IMPORTED_CONFIGS: ['titi'],
                pelix.constants.OBJECTCLASS: "spec"

        # Write the endpoint to an XML string
        writer = EDEFWriter()
        xml_string = writer.to_string([original])

        # Parse the XML
        reader = EDEFReader()
        endpoints = reader.parse(xml_string)

        # Ensure we have a valid result
        self.assertEqual(len(endpoints), 1, "Parsed more than one endpoint")
        endpoint = endpoints[0]

        # Ensure equality
        self.assertIsNot(original, endpoint,
                         "Same exact endpoint object returned")

        self.assertEqual(original, endpoint, "Parsed endpoint is different")
        self.assertEqual(endpoint, original, "Parsed endpoint is different")

        # Ensure properties equality
                             "Endpoint properties changed")
Exemple #3
    def __read_endpoint(self, path):
        # type: (str) -> beans.EndpointDescription
        Reads the description of an endpoint at the given Z-Node path.
        Also set the endpoint event listener on the node.

        :param path: Path to the Z-Node describing the endpoint
        :return: An EndpointDescription bean
        return EDEFReader().parse(
            to_str(self._zk.get(path, self._on_endpoint_event)[0]))[0]
Exemple #4
    def _handle_set(self, endpoint_key):
        An endpoint has been set or updated in Redis

        :param endpoint_key: Name of the Redis key describing the endpoint
        :return: True if an endpoint was added, False if it was a pending
                 endpoint and None if it was an echo
        fw_uid, _ = self._extract_uids(endpoint_key)
        if fw_uid == self._fw_uid:
            # Got an echo
            return False

        # Not an echo: handle the event
        # 1. Get the framework hostname
            # Find in cache
            hostname = self._frameworks_hosts[fw_uid]
        except KeyError:
            # Get it from Redis
            hostname = self._redis.get(
            if not hostname:
                # Endpoint's framework has been removed: ignore
                # (happens when two frameworks clear traces of an old one)
                    "Framework of endpoint key %s, doesn't have a hostname",
                return False
                # Valid hostname found, convert it to a string
                hostname = self._frameworks_hosts[fw_uid] = hostname.decode(

        # 2. Read the EDEF content
        content = self._redis.get(endpoint_key)
        if not content:
            logging.debug("Endpoint description removed while handling it")
            return False

        content = content.decode("utf-8")
        for endpoint in EDEFReader().parse(content):
            # Convert to a Pelix ImportEndpoint, and set the server hostname
            endpoint = endpoint.to_import()
            endpoint.server = hostname

            if self._registry.contains(endpoint):
                # Update endpoint
                self._registry.update(endpoint.uid, endpoint.properties)
                # New endpoint
        return True
Exemple #5
    def testEdefStringReload(self):
        Tries to convert an EndpointDescription to its XML format (EDEF) and to
        reload this string
        original = beans.EndpointDescription(
            {pelix.remote.PROP_ENDPOINT_ID: "toto",
             pelix.remote.PROP_IMPORTED_CONFIGS: ['titi'],
             pelix.constants.OBJECTCLASS: "spec"})

        # Write the endpoint to an XML string
        writer = EDEFWriter()
        xml_string = writer.to_string([original])

        # Parse the XML
        reader = EDEFReader()
        endpoints = reader.parse(xml_string)

        # Ensure we have a valid result
        self.assertEqual(len(endpoints), 1, "Parsed more than one endpoint")
        endpoint = endpoints[0]

        # Ensure equality
        self.assertIsNot(original, endpoint,
                         "Same exact endpoint object returned")

        self.assertEqual(original, endpoint,
                         "Parsed endpoint is different")
        self.assertEqual(endpoint, original,
                         "Parsed endpoint is different")

        # Ensure properties equality
                             "Endpoint properties changed")
Exemple #6
    def __on_message(self, client, msg):
        A message has been received from a server

        :param client: Client that received the message
        :param msg: A MQTTMessage bean
        # Get the topic
        topic = msg.topic

        # Extract the event
        event = topic.rsplit("/", 1)[1]

            if event in ENDPOINT_EVENTS:
                # Parse the endpoints (from EDEF XML to ImportEndpoint)
                endpoints_descr = EDEFReader().parse(msg.payload)
                endpoints = [
                    endpoint.to_import() for endpoint in endpoints_descr

                if not endpoints:
                    # No enpoints to read

                if endpoints[0].framework == self._framework_uid:
                    # Loopback message

                # Give the list of endpoints to the handler
                parameter = endpoints

                # Give the payload as is to other event handlers
                parameter = msg.payload

                getattr(self, "_handle_{0}".format(event))(parameter)
            except AttributeError:
                _logger.error("Unhandled MQTT event: %s", event)

        except Exception as ex:
            _logger.exception("Error handling an MQTT message '%s': %s", topic,