def mag_pressure(src, dst, par, gd, l1, l2, m1, m2, n1, n2, nghost): if 'bb' in dst.keys(): bb = dst['bb'][:, n1:n2, m1:m2, l1:l2] else: bb = bfield(src, dst, par, gd, l1, l2, m1, m2, n1, n2, nghost) var = 0.5 * dot2(bb) / par.mu0 return var
def mag_pressure(src, dst, key, par, gd, l1, l2, m1, m2, n1, n2, nghost): if key == "pb": if "bb" in dst.keys(): bb = dst["bb"][:, n1:n2, m1:m2, l1:l2] else: bb = bfield(src, dst, "bb", par, gd, l1, l2, m1, m2, n1, n2, nghost) var = 0.5 * dot2(bb) / par.mu0 return var
def mean_mag_pressure(src, dst, key, par, gd, lindx, lindy, lindz, nghost, sigma, typ, mode): if key == "meaneb": if "eb" in dst.keys(): eb = load_dataset(dst, 'eb', lindx, lindy, lindz, nghost) elif "bb" in dst.keys(): var = load_dataset(dst, 'bb', lindx, lindy, lindz, nghost) eb = 0.5 * dot2(var) / par.mu0 var = gauss_3Dsmooth(eb, sigma=sigma, typ=typ, mode=mode) return var
def Mach_Av(src, dst, par, gd, l1, l2, m1, m2, n1, n2, nghost): if 'bb' in dst.keys(): bb = dst['bb'][:, n1:n2, m1:m2, l1:l2] else: bb = bfield(src, dst, par, gd, l1, l2, m1, m2, n1, n2, nghost) if 'rho' in src.keys(): rho = src['rho'][n1:n2, m1:m2, l1:l2] elif 'lnrho' in src.keys(): rho = np.exp(src['lnrho'][n1:n2, m1:m2, l1:l2]) else: print('no density used setting rho=1 in pressure calculation') rho = 1 var = np.sqrt(dot2(bb) / (par.mu0 * rho)) return var
def Mach_Av(src, dst, key, par, gd, l1, l2, m1, m2, n1, n2, nghost): if key == "Ma": if "bb" in dst.keys(): bb = dst["bb"][:, n1:n2, m1:m2, l1:l2] else: bb = bfield(src, dst, "bb", par, gd, l1, l2, m1, m2, n1, n2, nghost) if "rho" in src.keys(): rho = src["rho"][n1:n2, m1:m2, l1:l2] elif "lnrho" in src.keys(): rho = np.exp(src["lnrho"][n1:n2, m1:m2, l1:l2]) else: print("no density used setting rho=1 in pressure calculation") rho = 1 var = np.sqrt(dot2(bb) / (par.mu0 * rho)) return var
def Mach_cs(src, dst, par, gd, l1, l2, m1, m2, n1, n2, nghost): uu = np.array([ src['ux'][n1:n2, m1:m2, l1:l2], src['uy'][n1:n2, m1:m2, l1:l2], src['uz'][n1:n2, m1:m2, l1:l2] ]) if 'tt' in dst.keys(): tt = dst['tt'][n1:n2, m1:m2, l1:l2] else: tt = temperature(src, dst, par, gd, l1, l2, m1, m2, n1, n2, nghost) if not par.gamma == 1: cs2 = par.cp * (par.gamma - 1) * tt else: cs2 = par.cp * tt print('tt min {} max {}'.format(tt.min(), tt.max())) var = np.sqrt(dot2(uu) / cs2) return var
def Mach_cs(src, dst, key, par, gd, l1, l2, m1, m2, n1, n2, nghost): if key == "Ms": uu = np.array([ src["ux"][n1:n2, m1:m2, l1:l2], src["uy"][n1:n2, m1:m2, l1:l2], src["uz"][n1:n2, m1:m2, l1:l2], ]) if "tt" in dst.keys(): tt = dst["tt"][n1:n2, m1:m2, l1:l2] else: tt = temperature(src, dst, "tt", par, gd, l1, l2, m1, m2, n1, n2, nghost) if not par.gamma == 1: cs2 = par.cp * (par.gamma - 1) * tt else: cs2 = par.cp * tt print("tt min {} max {}".format(tt.min(), tt.max())) var = np.sqrt(dot2(uu) / cs2) return var
def ohmic_heat(src, dst, key, par, gd, l1, l2, m1, m2, n1, n2, nghost): if key == "ohmic": if "jj" in dst["data"].keys(): jj = dst["data/jj"][:,n1:n2,m1:m2,l1:l2] else: calc_derived_data(src["data"], dst["data"], "jj", par, gd, l1, l2, m1, m2, n1, n2, nghost) jj = dst["data/jj"][:,n1:n2,m1:m2,l1:l2] if "tt" in dst["data"].keys(): tt = dst["tt"][n1:n2,m1:m2,l1:l2] else: calc_derived_data(src["data"], dst["data"], "tt", par, gd, l1, l2, m1, m2, n1, n2, nghost) tt = dst["data/tt"][n1:n2,m1:m2,l1:l2] if "rho" in dst["data"].keys(): rho = src["data/rho"][n1:n2,m1:m2,l1:l2] elif "lnrho" in dst["data"].keys(): rho = np.exp(src["data/lnrho"][n1:n2,m1:m2,l1:l2]) else: rho=1 var = par.eta*par.mu0*dot2(jj)/(rho*tt) return var
def urand(src, dst, key, par, gd, l1, l2, m1, m2, n1, n2, nghost): if key == "u2rand": sigma = 0.02 if "sigma" in par.keys: sigma = par.sigma n1shift, n2shift, m1shift, m2shift, l1shift, l2shift = der_limits( n1, n2, m1, m2, l1, l2, nghost) uu = np.array([ src["ux"][n1shift:n2shift, m1shift:m2shift, l1shift:l2shift], src["uy"][n1shift:n2shift, m1shift:m2shift, l1shift:l2shift], src["uz"][n1shift:n2shift, m1shift:m2shift, l1shift:l2shift] ]) umean = uu.copy() urand = uu.copy() dx = min(gd.dx, gd.dy, sigma_dx = sigma / dx print("sigma_dx {:.2f} sigma {}".format(sigma_dx, sigma)) for j in range(3): umean[j] = gf(uu[j], sigma_dx, mode="reflect") urand[j] = uu[j] - umean[j] var = dot2(urand) n1r, m1r, l1r = under_limits(n1, m1, l1, n1shift, m1shift, l1shift, nghost) return var[n1r:n2 - n1 + n1r, m1r:m2 - m1 + m1r, l1r:l2 - l1 + l1r]
def derive_stats( sim_path, src, dst, stat_keys=["Rm", "uu", "Ms"], par=[], comm=None, overwrite=False, rank=0, size=1, nghost=3, status="a", chunksize=1000.0, quiet=True, nmin=32, lmask=False, mask_key="hot", ): if comm: overwrite = False if isinstance(par, list): os.chdir(sim_path) par = read.param(quiet=True, conflicts_quiet=True) # get data dimensions nx, ny, nz = ( src["settings"]["nx"][0], src["settings"]["ny"][0], src["settings"]["nz"][0], ) mx, my, mz = ( src["settings"]["mx"][0], src["settings"]["my"][0], src["settings"]["mz"][0], ) # split data into manageable memory chunks dstchunksize = 8 * nx * ny * nz / 1024 * 1024 if dstchunksize > chunksize: nchunks = cpu_optimal( nx, ny, nz, quiet=quiet, mvar=src["settings/mvar"][0], maux=src["settings/maux"][0], MBmin=chunksize, nmin=nmin, size=size, )[1] else: nchunks = [1, 1, 1] print("nchunks {}".format(nchunks)) # for mpi split chunks across processes if size > 1: locindx = np.array_split(np.arange(nx) + nghost, nchunks[0]) locindy = np.array_split(np.arange(ny) + nghost, nchunks[1]) locindz = np.array_split(np.arange(nz) + nghost, nchunks[2]) indx = [ locindx[np.mod( rank + int(rank / nchunks[2]) + int(rank / nchunks[1]), nchunks[0])] ] indy = [locindy[np.mod(rank + int(rank / nchunks[2]), nchunks[1])]] indz = [locindz[np.mod(rank, nchunks[2])]] allchunks = 1 else: locindx = np.array_split(np.arange(nx) + nghost, nchunks[0]) locindy = np.array_split(np.arange(ny) + nghost, nchunks[1]) locindz = np.array_split(np.arange(nz) + nghost, nchunks[2]) indx = np.array_split(np.arange(nx) + nghost, nchunks[0]) indy = np.array_split(np.arange(ny) + nghost, nchunks[1]) indz = np.array_split(np.arange(nz) + nghost, nchunks[2]) allchunks = nchunks[0] * nchunks[1] * nchunks[2] # ensure derived variables are in a list if isinstance(stat_keys, list): stat_keys = stat_keys else: stat_keys = [stat_keys] # initialise group group = group_h5(dst, "stats", status="a", overwrite=overwrite, comm=comm, rank=rank, size=size) for key in stat_keys: mean_stat = list() stdv_stat = list() mean_mask = list() stdv_mask = list() nmask_msk = list() mean_nmsk = list() stdv_nmsk = list() nmask_nmk = list() for ichunk in range(allchunks): for iz in [indz[np.mod(ichunk, nchunks[2])]]: n1, n2 = iz[0], iz[-1] + 1 for iy in [ indy[np.mod(ichunk + int(ichunk / nchunks[2]), nchunks[1])] ]: m1, m2 = iy[0], iy[-1] + 1 for ix in [ indx[np.mod( ichunk + int(ichunk / nchunks[2]) + int(ichunk / nchunks[1]), nchunks[0], )] ]: l1, l2 = ix[0], ix[-1] + 1 if key in src["data"].keys(): var = src["data"][key][n1:n2, m1:m2, l1:l2] elif key == "uu" or key == "aa": tmp = np.array([ src["data"][key[0] + "x"][n1:n2, m1:m2, l1:l2], src["data"][key[0] + "y"][n1:n2, m1:m2, l1:l2], src["data"][key[0] + "z"][n1:n2, m1:m2, l1:l2], ]) var = np.sqrt(dot2(tmp)) else: if key in dst["data"].keys(): if is_vector(key): var = np.sqrt( dot2(dst["data"][key][:, n1:n2, m1:m2, l1:l2])) else: var = dst["data"][key][n1:n2, m1:m2, l1:l2] else: print( "stats: " + key + " does not exist in ", src, "or", dst, ) continue if lmask: mask = dst["masks"][mask_key][0, n1:n2, m1:m2, l1:l2] Nmask = mask[mask == False].size if Nmask > 0: mean_mask.append(var[mask == False].mean() * Nmask) stdv_mask.append(var[mask == False].std() * Nmask) else: mean_mask.append(0) stdv_mask.append(0) nmask_msk.append(Nmask) nmask = mask[mask == True].size if nmask > 0: mean_nmsk.append(var[mask == True].mean() * nmask) stdv_nmsk.append(var[mask == True].std() * nmask) else: mean_nmsk.append(0) stdv_nmsk.append(0) nmask_nmk.append(nmask) mean_stat.append(var.mean()) stdv_stat.append(var.std()) if comm: if lmask: mean_mask = comm.gather(mean_mask, root=0) stdv_mask = comm.gather(stdv_mask, root=0) mean_mask = comm.bcast(mean_mask, root=0) stdv_mask = comm.bcast(stdv_mask, root=0) mean_nmsk = comm.gather(mean_nmsk, root=0) stdv_nmsk = comm.gather(stdv_nmsk, root=0) mean_nmsk = comm.bcast(mean_nmsk, root=0) stdv_nmsk = comm.bcast(stdv_nmsk, root=0) nmask_msk = comm.gather(nmask_msk, root=0) nmask_nmk = comm.gather(nmask_nmk, root=0) nmask_msk = comm.bcast(nmask_msk, root=0) nmask_nmk = comm.bcast(nmask_nmk, root=0) mean_stat = comm.gather(mean_stat, root=0) stdv_stat = comm.gather(stdv_stat, root=0) mean_stat = comm.bcast(mean_stat, root=0) stdv_stat = comm.bcast(stdv_stat, root=0) if lmask: summk = np.sum(nmask_msk) if summk > 0: meanm = np.sum(mean_mask) / summk stdvm = np.sum(stdv_mask) / summk else: meanm = 0 stdvm = 0 sumnk = np.sum(nmask_nmk) if sumnk > 0: meann = np.sum(mean_nmsk) / sumnk stdvn = np.sum(stdv_nmsk) / sumnk else: meann = 0 stdvn = 0 print(mask_key + "-" + key + "-mean = {}, ".format(meanm) + mask_key + "-" + key + "-std = {}".format(stdvm)) print("not-" + mask_key + "-" + key + "-mean = {}, ".format(meann) + "not-" + mask_key + "-" + key + "-std = {}".format(stdvn)) dataset_h5( group, mask_key + "-" + key + "-mean", status=status, data=meanm, comm=comm, size=size, rank=rank, overwrite=True, ) dataset_h5( group, mask_key + "-" + key + "-std", status=status, data=stdvm, comm=comm, size=size, rank=rank, overwrite=True, ) dataset_h5( group, "not-" + mask_key + "-" + key + "-mean", status=status, data=meann, comm=comm, size=size, rank=rank, overwrite=True, ) dataset_h5( group, "not-" + mask_key + "-" + key + "-std", status=status, data=stdvn, comm=comm, size=size, rank=rank, overwrite=True, ) mstat = np.mean(mean_stat) dstat = np.mean(stdv_stat) print(key + "-mean = {}, ".format(mstat) + key + "-std = {}".format(dstat)) dataset_h5( group, key + "-mean", status=status, data=mstat, comm=comm, size=size, rank=rank, overwrite=True, ) dataset_h5( group, key + "-std", status=status, data=dstat, comm=comm, size=size, rank=rank, overwrite=True, )
def magnetic_reynolds(uu, param, grid, aa=list(), bb=list(), jj=list(), nghost=3, lmix=True, quiet=True): """ Computes the magnetic Reynolds number from the advective and effective resistive expressions in the induction equation. call signature: magnetic_reynolds(uu, param, grid, aa=None, bb=None, jj=None, nghost=3): Keyword arguments: *uu*: The velocity field [3,mz,my,mx] from the simulation data *param*: The Param simulation object with resistivity data information *grid*: The Grid simulation object *aa*: The vector potential if bb is not present or hyper diffusion *bb*: The magnetic field *jj*: The current density field *nghost*: The number of ghost zones appropriate to the order of accuracy *lmix*: Option not to include hyper values when Laplacian values present """ if len(bb) == 0 and len(aa) == 0 and len(jj) == 0: print('magnetic_reynolds WARNING: no aa, bb nor jj provided\n' + 'aa or bb must be provided or aa for only hyper resistivity') #resistive force lres, lhyper3 = False, False for iresi in param.iresistivity: iresi = str.strip(iresi, '\n') if 'hyper' not in iresi and len(iresi) > 0: lres = True if 'hyper3' in iresi: lhyper3 = True fresi = np.zeros_like(uu) if lres: if lhyper3: lhyper3 = lhyper3 == lmix if len(jj) == 0: if len(aa) == 0: print( 'magnetic_reynolds WARNING: calculating jj without aa\n', 'provide aa or jj directly for accurate boundary values') jj = curl(bb, grid.dx, grid.dy,, x=grid.x, y=grid.y, coordinate_system=param.coord_system) else: jj = curl2(aa, grid.dx, grid.dy,, x=grid.x, y=grid.y, coordinate_system=param.coord_system) for j in range(0, 3): jj[j, :nghost, :, :] = jj[j, -2 * nghost:-nghost, :, :] jj[j, -nghost:, :, :] = jj[j, nghost:2 * nghost, :, :] jj[j, :, :nghost, :] = jj[j, :, -2 * nghost:-nghost, :] jj[j, :, -nghost:, :] = jj[j, :, nghost:2 * nghost, :] jj[j, :, :, :nghost] = jj[j, :, :, -2 * nghost:-nghost] jj[j, :, :, -nghost:] = jj[j, :, :, nghost:2 * nghost] fresi = fresi + param.eta * param.mu0 * jj for iresi in param.iresistivity: iresi = str.strip(iresi, '\n') if 'eta-const' not in iresi and 'hyper' not in iresi\ and len(iresi) > 0: print( 'magnetic_reynolds WARNING: ' + iresi + ' not implemented\n' + 'terms may be missing from the standard resistive forces') if lhyper3: if len(aa) == 0: print('magnetic_reynolds WARNING: no aa provided\n' + 'aa must be provided for hyper resistivity') return 1 else: del6a = np.zeros_like(aa) for j in range(0, 3): del6a[j] = del6(aa[j], grid.dx, grid.dy, del6a[j, :nghost, :, :] = del6a[j, -2 * nghost:-nghost, :, :] del6a[j, -nghost:, :, :] = del6a[j, nghost:2 * nghost, :, :] del6a[j, :, :nghost, :] = del6a[j, :, -2 * nghost:-nghost, :] del6a[j, :, -nghost:, :] = del6a[j, :, nghost:2 * nghost, :] del6a[j, :, :, :nghost] = del6a[j, :, :, -2 * nghost:-nghost] del6a[j, :, :, -nghost:] = del6a[j, :, :, nghost:2 * nghost] #del6 for non-cartesian tba #del6a[j] = del6(aa[j],grid.dx,grid.dy,,x=grid.x,y=grid.y, # coordinate_system=param.coord_system) #effective at l > 5 grid.dx? fresi = fresi + param.eta_hyper3 * del6a del (del6a) fresi2 = np.sqrt(dot2(fresi)) del (fresi) #advective force if len(bb) == 0: if len(aa) == 0: print( 'magnetic_reynolds WARNING: calculating uu x bb without bb\n', 'provide aa or bb directly to proceed') return 1 else: bb = curl(aa, grid.dx, grid.dy,, x=grid.x, y=grid.y, coordinate_system=param.coord_system) for j in range(0, 3): bb[j, :nghost, :, :] = bb[j, -2 * nghost:-nghost, :, :] bb[j, -nghost:, :, :] = bb[j, nghost:2 * nghost, :, :] bb[j, :, :nghost, :] = bb[j, :, -2 * nghost:-nghost, :] bb[j, :, -nghost:, :] = bb[j, :, nghost:2 * nghost, :] bb[j, :, :, :nghost] = bb[j, :, :, -2 * nghost:-nghost] bb[j, :, :, -nghost:] = bb[j, :, :, nghost:2 * nghost] advec = cross(uu, bb) advec2 = np.sqrt(dot2(advec)) del (advec) #avoid division by zero if fresi2.max() > 0: fresi2[np.where(fresi2 == 0)] = fresi2[np.where(fresi2 > 0)].min() Rm = advec2 / fresi2 #set minimum floor to exclude zero-valued Rm if Rm.max() > 0: Rm[np.where(Rm == 0)] = Rm[np.where(Rm > 0)].min() else: print('Rm undefined') else: Rm = advec2 print('Rm undefined') return Rm
def fluid_reynolds(uu, param, grid, lnrho=list(), shock=list(), nghost=3, lmix=True, quiet=True): """ Computes the fluid Reynolds number from the advective and effective viscous expressions in the momentum equation. call signature: fluid_reynolds(uu, ivisc, grid, rho=None, shock=None, nghost=3) Keyword arguments: *uu*: The velocity field [3,mz,my,mx] from the simulation data *param*: The Param simulation object with viscosity data information *grid*: The Grid simulation object *lnrho*: The log density field if it is non-uniform *shock*: The shock variable if shock viscosity is applied *nghost*: The number of ghost zones appropriate to the order of accuracy *lmix*: Option not to include hyper values when Laplacian values present """ #viscous forces th2 = 2. / 3 th1 = 1. / 3 fvisc = np.zeros_like(uu) #molecular viscosity contribution ldel2, lshock, lhyper3 = False, False, False for ivisc in param.ivisc: if not 'shock' in ivisc and not 'hyper' in ivisc\ and not '\n' in ivisc: ldel2 = True if 'shock' in ivisc: lshock = True if 'hyper3' in ivisc: lhyper3 = True if ldel2: if lhyper3: lhyper3 = lhyper3 == lmix del2u = np.zeros_like(uu) for j in range(0, 3): del2u[j] = del2(uu[j], grid.dx, grid.dy,, x=grid.x, y=grid.y, coordinate_system=param.coord_system) del2u[j, :nghost, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost] = del2u[j, -2 * nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost] del2u[j, -nghost:, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost] = del2u[j, nghost:2 * nghost, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost] del2u[j, nghost:-nghost, :nghost, nghost:-nghost] = del2u[j, nghost:-nghost, -2 * nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost] del2u[j, nghost:-nghost, -nghost:, nghost:-nghost] = del2u[j, nghost:-nghost, nghost:2 * nghost, nghost:-nghost] del2u[j, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost, :nghost] = del2u[j, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost, -2 * nghost:-nghost] del2u[j, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost, -nghost:] = del2u[j, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost, nghost:2 * nghost] for ivisc in param.ivisc: ivisc = str.strip(ivisc, '\n') if 'nu-const' not in ivisc and 'shock' not in ivisc\ and 'hyper' not in ivisc and len(ivisc) > 0: print( 'fluid_reynolds WARNING: ' + ivisc + ' not implemented\n' + 'terms may be missing from the standard rate of strain tensor' ) fvisc = fvisc + * del2u del (del2u) tmp0 = grad(uu[0], grid.dx, grid.dy,, x=grid.x, y=grid.y, coordinate_system=param.coord_system) for j in range(0, 3): tmp0[j, :nghost, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost] = tmp0[j, -2 * nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost] tmp0[j, -nghost:, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost] = tmp0[j, nghost:2 * nghost, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost] tmp0[j, nghost:-nghost, :nghost, nghost:-nghost] = tmp0[j, nghost:-nghost, -2 * nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost] tmp0[j, nghost:-nghost, -nghost:, nghost:-nghost] = tmp0[j, nghost:-nghost, nghost:2 * nghost, nghost:-nghost] tmp0[j, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost, :nghost] = tmp0[j, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost, -2 * nghost:-nghost] tmp0[j, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost, -nghost:] = tmp0[j, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost, nghost:2 * nghost] tmp1 = grad(uu[1], grid.dx, grid.dy,, x=grid.x, y=grid.y, coordinate_system=param.coord_system) for j in range(0, 3): tmp1[j, :nghost, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost] = tmp1[j, -2 * nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost] tmp1[j, -nghost:, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost] = tmp1[j, nghost:2 * nghost, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost] tmp1[j, nghost:-nghost, :nghost, nghost:-nghost] = tmp1[j, nghost:-nghost, -2 * nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost] tmp1[j, nghost:-nghost, -nghost:, nghost:-nghost] = tmp1[j, nghost:-nghost, nghost:2 * nghost, nghost:-nghost] tmp1[j, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost, :nghost] = tmp1[j, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost, -2 * nghost:-nghost] tmp1[j, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost, -nghost:] = tmp1[j, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost, nghost:2 * nghost] tmp2 = grad(uu[2], grid.dx, grid.dy,, x=grid.x, y=grid.y, coordinate_system=param.coord_system) for j in range(0, 3): tmp2[j, :nghost, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost] = tmp2[j, -2 * nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost] tmp2[j, -nghost:, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost] = tmp2[j, nghost:2 * nghost, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost] tmp2[j, nghost:-nghost, :nghost, nghost:-nghost] = tmp2[j, nghost:-nghost, -2 * nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost] tmp2[j, nghost:-nghost, -nghost:, nghost:-nghost] = tmp2[j, nghost:-nghost, nghost:2 * nghost, nghost:-nghost] tmp2[j, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost, :nghost] = tmp2[j, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost, -2 * nghost:-nghost] tmp2[j, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost, -nghost:] = tmp2[j, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost, nghost:2 * nghost] #effect of compressibility if len(lnrho) > 0: divu = div(uu, grid.dx, grid.dy,, x=grid.x, y=grid.y, coordinate_system=param.coord_system) divu[:nghost, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost] = divu[-2 * nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost] divu[-nghost:, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost] = divu[nghost:2 * nghost, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost] divu[nghost:-nghost, :nghost, nghost:-nghost] = divu[nghost:-nghost, -2 * nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost] divu[nghost:-nghost, -nghost:, nghost:-nghost] = divu[nghost:-nghost, nghost:2 * nghost, nghost:-nghost] divu[nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost, :nghost] = divu[nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost, -2 * nghost:-nghost] divu[nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost, -nghost:] = divu[nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost, nghost:2 * nghost] gradlnrho = grad(lnrho, grid.dx, grid.dy,, x=grid.x, y=grid.y, coordinate_system=param.coord_system) for j in range(0, 3): gradlnrho[j, :nghost, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost] = gradlnrho[j, -2 * nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost] gradlnrho[j, -nghost:, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost] = gradlnrho[j, nghost:2 * nghost, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost] gradlnrho[j, nghost:-nghost, :nghost, nghost:-nghost] = gradlnrho[j, nghost:-nghost, -2 * nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost] gradlnrho[j, nghost:-nghost, -nghost:, nghost:-nghost] = gradlnrho[j, nghost:-nghost, nghost:2 * nghost, nghost:-nghost] gradlnrho[j, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost, :nghost] = gradlnrho[j, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost, -2 * nghost:-nghost] gradlnrho[j, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost, -nghost:] = gradlnrho[j, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost, nghost:2 * nghost] Sglnrho = np.zeros_like(uu) Sglnrho[0] = dot(tmp0,gradlnrho) +\ (tmp0[0]+tmp1[0]+tmp2[0]-th2*divu)*gradlnrho[0] Sglnrho[1] = dot(tmp1,gradlnrho) +\ (tmp0[1]+tmp1[1]+tmp2[1]-th2*divu)*gradlnrho[1] Sglnrho[2] = dot(tmp2,gradlnrho) +\ (tmp0[2]+tmp1[2]+tmp2[2]-th2*divu)*gradlnrho[2] graddivu = grad(divu, grid.dx, grid.dy,, x=grid.x, y=grid.y, coordinate_system=param.coord_system) for j in range(0, 3): graddivu[j, :nghost, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost] = graddivu[j, -2 * nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost] graddivu[j, -nghost:, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost] = graddivu[j, nghost:2 * nghost, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost] graddivu[j, nghost:-nghost, :nghost, nghost:-nghost] = graddivu[j, nghost:-nghost, -2 * nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost] graddivu[j, nghost:-nghost, -nghost:, nghost:-nghost] = graddivu[j, nghost:-nghost, nghost:2 * nghost, nghost:-nghost] graddivu[j, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost, :nghost] = graddivu[j, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost, -2 * nghost:-nghost] graddivu[j, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost, -nghost:] = graddivu[j, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost, nghost:2 * nghost] fvisc = fvisc + * (th1 * graddivu + Sglnrho) del (Sglnrho) elif param.ldensity: print('fluid_reynolds WARNING: no lnrho provided\n' + 'rate of strain tensor likely incomplete') #shock contribution if lshock: if len(shock) == 0: print('fluid_reynolds WARNING: no shock provided\n' + 'rate of strain tensor likely incomplete') else: shock[:nghost, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost] = shock[-2 * nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost] shock[-nghost:, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost] = shock[nghost:2 * nghost, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost] shock[nghost:-nghost, :nghost, nghost:-nghost] = shock[nghost:-nghost, -2 * nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost] shock[nghost:-nghost, -nghost:, nghost:-nghost] = shock[nghost:-nghost, nghost:2 * nghost, nghost:-nghost] shock[nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost, :nghost] = shock[nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost, -2 * nghost:-nghost] shock[nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost, -nghost:] = shock[nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost, nghost:2 * nghost] divugradlnrho = np.zeros_like(uu) gradshock = grad(shock, grid.dx, grid.dy,, x=grid.x, y=grid.y, coordinate_system=param.coord_system) for j in range(0, 3): gradshock[j, :nghost, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost] = gradshock[j, -2 * nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost] gradshock[j, -nghost:, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost] = gradshock[j, nghost:2 * nghost, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost] gradshock[j, nghost:-nghost, :nghost, nghost:-nghost] = gradshock[j, nghost:-nghost, -2 * nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost] gradshock[j, nghost:-nghost, -nghost:, nghost:-nghost] = gradshock[j, nghost:-nghost, nghost:2 * nghost, nghost:-nghost] gradshock[j, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost, :nghost] = gradshock[j, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost, -2 * nghost:-nghost] gradshock[j, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost, -nghost:] = gradshock[j, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost, nghost:2 * nghost] for j in range(0, 3): divugradlnrho[j] = param.nu_shock*divu*gradshock[j] +\ param.nu_shock*shock*(divu*gradlnrho[j] + graddivu[j]) del (divu, gradshock, gradlnrho, graddivu) fvisc = fvisc + divugradlnrho del (divugradlnrho) if lhyper3: #deluij5 = np.zeros_like([uu,uu,uu]) #uij5glnrho to be included del6u = np.zeros_like(uu) for j in range(0, 3): del6u[j] = del6(uu[j], grid.dx, grid.dy, del6u[j, :nghost, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost] = del6u[j, -2 * nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost] del6u[j, -nghost:, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost] = del6u[j, nghost:2 * nghost, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost] del6u[j, nghost:-nghost, :nghost, nghost:-nghost] = del6u[j, nghost:-nghost, -2 * nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost] del6u[j, nghost:-nghost, -nghost:, nghost:-nghost] = del6u[j, nghost:-nghost, nghost:2 * nghost, nghost:-nghost] del6u[j, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost, :nghost] = del6u[j, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost, -2 * nghost:-nghost] del6u[j, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost, -nghost:] = del6u[j, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost, nghost:2 * nghost] #del6 for non-cartesian tba #del6u[j] = del6(uu[j],grid.dx,grid.dy,,x=grid.x,y=grid.y, # coordinate_system=param.coord_system) fvisc = fvisc + param.nu_hyper3 * del6u del (del6u) fvisc2 = np.sqrt(dot2(fvisc)) #advective forces advec = np.zeros_like(uu) advec[0] = dot(uu, tmp0) advec[1] = dot(uu, tmp1) advec[0] = dot(uu, tmp2) del (tmp0, tmp1, tmp2) advec2 = np.sqrt(dot2(advec)) del (advec) #avoid division by zero if fvisc2.max() > 0: fvisc2[np.where(fvisc2 == 0)] = fvisc2[np.where(fvisc2 > 0)].min() Re = advec2 / fvisc2 #set minimum floor to exclude zero-valued Re Re[np.where(Re == 0)] = Re[np.where(Re > 0)].min() else: Re = advec2 print('Re undefined') return Re
def helmholtz_fft( tot_field, grid, params, nghost=3, pot=True, rot=True, lno_mean=False, nonperi_bc=None, field_scalar=[], s=None, quiet=True, ): """ helmholz_fft(field, grid, params) Creates the decomposition vector pair for the supplied vector field. Parameters ---------- tot_field : ndarray Vector field of dimension [3, mz, my, mx], which is decomposed. grid: obj Grid object with grid spacing dx, dy, dz. params : obj Simulation Params object with domain dimensions Lx, Ly and Lz. nghost : int Number of ghost zones to exclude from the fft. lno_mean : float Exclude any mean flow from the decomposition - should drop anyway. nonperi_bc : string String if not None with boundary condition label. How to apply the bc needs to be implemented as required. field_scalar : ndarray Scalar field (density) as debug tool for energy comparison. s : list of int List of three integers if not None for fft dimension. If none the dimension of the field [nz,ny,nx] is used. Returns ------- ndarray with decomposed field. """ if lno_mean: # Exclude volume mean flows. field = np.zeros_like(tot_field) for j in range(0, 3): field[j] = tot_field[j] - tot_field[j].mean() else: field = tot_field # Use mean speed and grid spacing in normalization of div/curl check. amp_field_1 = 1.0 / np.sqrt(dot2(field)).mean() nz, ny, nx = ( field[:, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost].shape[-3], field[:, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost].shape[-2], field[:, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost].shape[-1], ) invs = [nz, ny, nx] if not s: s = [nz, ny, nx] knz, kny, knx = s[0], s[1], s[2] nz2, ny2, nx2 = int(knz / 2), int(kny / 2), int(knx / 2) # Derive wavenumbers k scaled to dimension of simulation domain. kk = np.empty(shape=[3, s[0], s[1], s[2]]) k0 = np.arange(knx) k0[nx2:] = -k0[nx2 - 1::-1] - 1 k1 = np.arange(kny) k1[ny2:] = -k1[ny2 - 1::-1] - 1 k2 = np.arange(knz) k2[nz2:] = -k2[nz2 - 1::-1] - 1 for j in range(0, k0.size): kk[0, :, :, j] = k0[j] * 2 * np.pi / params.lxyz[0] for j in range(0, k1.size): kk[1, :, j, :] = k1[j] * 2 * np.pi / params.lxyz[1] for j in range(0, k2.size): kk[2, j, :, :] = k2[j] * 2 * np.pi / params.lxyz[2] knorm = dot2(kk) # Apply fast Fourier transform to the vector field. kfield = np.empty(shape=[3, s[0], s[1], s[2]], dtype=complex) for j in range(0, 3): kfield[j] = np.fft.fftn(field[j, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost], s=s) if pot: # Reverse fft to obtain the scalar potential. pfield = -1j * dot(kk, kfield) pfield[np.where(knorm == 0)] = 0.0 if rot: # Reverse fft to obtain the vector potential. rfield = 1j * cross(kk, kfield) for j in range(3): rfield[j][np.where(knorm == 0)] = 0.0 # Avoid division by zero. knorm[np.where(knorm == 0)] = 1.0 if pot: pfield /= knorm pot_field = np.zeros_like(field) if rot: for j in range(3): rfield[j] /= knorm rot_field = np.zeros_like(field) if nonperi_bc: print( "Please implement new nonperi_bc not yet implemented.\n", "Applying periodic boundary conditions for now.", ) for j in range(0, 3): if pot: pot_field[j, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost] = np.fft.ifftn(1j * pfield * kk[j], s=invs).real if rot: rot_field[j, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost] = np.fft.ifftn(cross(1j * kk, rfield)[j], s=invs).real # Apply the periodic boundary conditions for the ghost zones. for j in range(0, 3): if pot: pot_field[j, :nghost, :, :] = pot_field[j, -2 * nghost:-nghost, :, :] pot_field[j, -nghost:, :, :] = pot_field[j, nghost:2 * nghost, :, :] pot_field[j, :, :nghost, :] = pot_field[j, :, -2 * nghost:-nghost, :] pot_field[j, :, -nghost:, :] = pot_field[j, :, nghost:2 * nghost, :] pot_field[j, :, :, :nghost] = pot_field[j, :, :, -2 * nghost:-nghost] pot_field[j, :, :, -nghost:] = pot_field[j, :, :, nghost:2 * nghost] if rot: rot_field[j, :nghost, :, :] = rot_field[j, -2 * nghost:-nghost, :, :] rot_field[j, -nghost:, :, :] = rot_field[j, nghost:2 * nghost, :, :] rot_field[j, :, :nghost, :] = rot_field[j, :, -2 * nghost:-nghost, :] rot_field[j, :, -nghost:, :] = rot_field[j, :, nghost:2 * nghost, :] rot_field[j, :, :, :nghost] = rot_field[j, :, :, -2 * nghost:-nghost] rot_field[j, :, :, -nghost:] = rot_field[j, :, :, nghost:2 * nghost] # Compare internal energy of original and sum of decomposed vectors. if pot: pot2 = dot2(pot_field)[nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost] if rot: rot2 = dot2(rot_field)[nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost] field2 = dot2(field)[nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost] if len(field_scalar) > 0: # Compare kinetic energy of original and sum of decomposed vectors. field2 *= field_scalar[nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost] if pot: pot2 *= field_scalar[nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost] if rot: rot2 *= field_scalar[nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost] if rot and not pot: if not quiet: print( "mean total field energy {} mean rotational energy {}".format( np.mean(field2), np.mean(rot2))) elif pot and not rot: if not quiet: print("mean total field energy {} mean irrotational energy {}". format(np.mean(field2), np.mean(pot2))) elif rot and pot: if not quiet: print("mean total field energy {} mean summed component energy {}". format(np.mean(field2), np.mean(rot2 + pot2))) # Check div and curl approximate/equal zero. if pot: if not quiet: print("Max {} and mean {} of abs(curl(pot field))".format( max(grid.dx, grid.dy, * amp_field_1 * np.sqrt(dot2(curl(pot_field, grid.dx, grid.dy,[nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost].max(), max(grid.dx, grid.dy, * amp_field_1 * np.sqrt(dot2(curl(pot_field, grid.dx, grid.dy,[nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost].mean(), )) if rot: if not quiet: print("Max {} and mean {} of abs(div(rot field))".format( max(grid.dx, grid.dy, * amp_field_1 * np.abs(div(rot_field, grid.dx, grid.dy,[nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost].max(), max(grid.dx, grid.dy, * amp_field_1 * np.abs(div(rot_field, grid.dx, grid.dy,[nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost, nghost:-nghost].mean(), )) if rot and not pot: ret_opt = rot_field elif pot and not rot: ret_opt = pot_field elif rot and pot: ret_opt = [rot_field, pot_field] else: print("pot and/or rot must be True, returning ones") ret_opt = np.ones_like(tot_field) return ret_opt
def var2vtk(var_file='var.dat', datadir='data', proc=-1, variables=None, b_ext=False, magic=[], destination='work', quiet=True, trimall=True, ti=-1, tf=-1): """ Convert data from PencilCode format to vtk. call signature:: var2vtk(var_file='', datadir='data', proc=-1, variables='', b_ext=False, destination='work', quiet=True, trimall=True, ti=-1, tf=-1) Read *var_file* and convert its content into vtk format. Write the result in *destination*. Keyword arguments: *var_file*: The original var_file. *datadir*: Directory where the data is stored. *proc*: Processor which should be read. Set to -1 for all processors. *variables*: List of variables which should be written. If None all. *b_ext*: Add the external magnetic field. *destination*: Destination file. *quiet*: Keep quiet when reading the var files. *trimall*: Trim the data cube to exclude ghost zones. *ti, tf*: Start and end index for animation. Leave negative for no animation. Overwrites variable var_file. """ import numpy as np import sys from pencil import read from pencil import math # Determine of we want an animation. if ti < 0 or tf < 0: animation = False else: animation = True # If no variables specified collect all by default if not variables: variables = [] indx = read.index() for key in indx.__dict__.keys(): if 'keys' not in key: variables.append(key) if 'uu' in variables: magic.append('vort') variables.append('vort') if 'rho' in variables or 'lnrho' in variables: if 'ss' in variables: magic.append('tt') variables.append('tt') magic.append('pp') variables.append('pp') if 'aa' in variables: magic.append('bb') variables.append('bb') magic.append('jj') variables.append('jj') variables.append('ab') variables.append('b_mag') variables.append('j_mag') else: # Convert single variable string into length 1 list of arrays. if (len(variables) > 0): if (len(variables[0]) == 1): variables = [variables] if 'tt' in variables: magic.append('tt') if 'pp' in variables: magic.append('pp') if 'bb' in variables: magic.append('bb') if 'jj' in variables: magic.append('jj') if 'vort' in variables: magic.append('vort') if 'b_mag' in variables and not 'bb' in magic: magic.append('bb') if 'j_mag' in variables and not 'jj' in magic: magic.append('jj') if 'ab' in variables and not 'bb' in magic: magic.append('bb') for t_idx in range(ti, tf + 1): if animation: var_file = 'VAR' + str(t_idx) # Read the PencilCode variables and set the dimensions. var = read.var(var_file=var_file, datadir=datadir, proc=proc, magic=magic, trimall=True, quiet=quiet) grid = read.grid(datadir=datadir, proc=proc, trim=trimall, quiet=True) params = read.param(quiet=True) # Add external magnetic field. if (b_ext == True): B_ext = np.array(params.b_ext)[0, ...] += B_ext[0][1, ...] += B_ext[1][2, ...] += B_ext[2] dimx = len(grid.x) dimy = len(grid.y) dimz = len(grid.z) dim = dimx * dimy * dimz dx = (np.max(grid.x) - np.min(grid.x)) / (dimx - 1) dy = (np.max(grid.y) - np.min(grid.y)) / (dimy - 1) dz = (np.max(grid.z) - np.min(grid.z)) / (dimz - 1) # Write the vtk header. if animation: fd = open(destination + str(t_idx) + '.vtk', 'wb') else: fd = open(destination + '.vtk', 'wb') fd.write('# vtk DataFile Version 2.0\n'.encode('utf-8')) fd.write('VAR files\n'.encode('utf-8')) fd.write('BINARY\n'.encode('utf-8')) fd.write('DATASET STRUCTURED_POINTS\n'.encode('utf-8')) fd.write('DIMENSIONS {0:9} {1:9} {2:9}\n'.format(dimx, dimy, dimz).encode('utf-8')) fd.write('ORIGIN {0:8.12} {1:8.12} {2:8.12}\n'.format( grid.x[0], grid.y[0], grid.z[0]).encode('utf-8')) fd.write('SPACING {0:8.12} {1:8.12} {2:8.12}\n'.format( dx, dy, dz).encode('utf-8')) fd.write('POINT_DATA {0:9}\n'.format(dim).encode('utf-8')) # Write the data. for v in variables: print('Writing {0}.'.format(v)) # Prepare the data to the correct format. if v == 'ab': data =, elif v == 'b_mag': data = np.sqrt(math.dot2( elif v == 'j_mag': data = np.sqrt(math.dot2(var.jj)) else: data = getattr(var, v) if sys.byteorder == 'little': data = data.astype(np.float32).byteswap() else: data = data.astype(np.float32) # Check if we have vectors or scalars. if data.ndim == 4: data = np.moveaxis(data, 0, 3) fd.write('VECTORS {0} float\n'.format(v).encode('utf-8')) else: fd.write('SCALARS {0} float\n'.format(v).encode('utf-8')) fd.write('LOOKUP_TABLE default\n'.encode('utf-8')) fd.write(data.tobytes()) del (var) fd.close()
def derive_stats(sim_path, src, dst, stat_keys=['Rm', 'uu', 'Ms'], par=[], comm=None, overwrite=False, rank=0, size=1, nghost=3, status='a', chunksize=1000.0, quiet=True, nmin=32, lmask=False, mask_key='hot'): if comm: overwrite = False if isinstance(par, list): os.chdir(sim_path) par = read.param(quiet=True, conflicts_quiet=True) #get data dimensions nx, ny, nz = src['settings']['nx'][0],\ src['settings']['ny'][0],\ src['settings']['nz'][0] mx, my, mz = src['settings']['mx'][0],\ src['settings']['my'][0],\ src['settings']['mz'][0] #split data into manageable memory chunks dstchunksize = 8 * nx * ny * nz / 1024 * 1024 if dstchunksize > chunksize: nchunks = cpu_optimal(nx, ny, nz, quiet=quiet, mvar=src['settings/mvar'][0], maux=src['settings/maux'][0], MBmin=chunksize, nmin=nmin, size=size)[1] else: nchunks = [1, 1, 1] print('nchunks {}'.format(nchunks)) # for mpi split chunks across processes if size > 1: locindx = np.array_split(np.arange(nx) + nghost, nchunks[0]) locindy = np.array_split(np.arange(ny) + nghost, nchunks[1]) locindz = np.array_split(np.arange(nz) + nghost, nchunks[2]) indx = [ locindx[np.mod( rank + int(rank / nchunks[2]) + int(rank / nchunks[1]), nchunks[0])] ] indy = [locindy[np.mod(rank + int(rank / nchunks[2]), nchunks[1])]] indz = [locindz[np.mod(rank, nchunks[2])]] allchunks = 1 else: locindx = np.array_split(np.arange(nx) + nghost, nchunks[0]) locindy = np.array_split(np.arange(ny) + nghost, nchunks[1]) locindz = np.array_split(np.arange(nz) + nghost, nchunks[2]) indx = np.array_split(np.arange(nx) + nghost, nchunks[0]) indy = np.array_split(np.arange(ny) + nghost, nchunks[1]) indz = np.array_split(np.arange(nz) + nghost, nchunks[2]) allchunks = nchunks[0] * nchunks[1] * nchunks[2] # ensure derived variables are in a list if isinstance(stat_keys, list): stat_keys = stat_keys else: stat_keys = [stat_keys] # initialise group group = group_h5(dst, 'stats', status='a', overwrite=overwrite, comm=comm, rank=rank, size=size) for key in stat_keys: mean_stat = list() stdv_stat = list() mean_mask = list() stdv_mask = list() nmask_msk = list() mean_nmsk = list() stdv_nmsk = list() nmask_nmk = list() for ichunk in range(allchunks): for iz in [indz[np.mod(ichunk, nchunks[2])]]: n1, n2 = iz[ 0],\ iz[-1]+1 for iy in [ indy[np.mod(ichunk + int(ichunk / nchunks[2]), nchunks[1])] ]: m1, m2 = iy[ 0],\ iy[-1]+1 for ix in [ indx[np.mod( ichunk + int(ichunk / nchunks[2]) + int(ichunk / nchunks[1]), nchunks[0])] ]: l1, l2 = ix[ 0],\ ix[-1]+1 if key in src['data'].keys(): var = src['data'][key][n1:n2, m1:m2, l1:l2] elif key == 'uu' or key == 'aa': tmp = np.array([ src['data'][key[0] + 'x'][n1:n2, m1:m2, l1:l2], src['data'][key[0] + 'y'][n1:n2, m1:m2, l1:l2], src['data'][key[0] + 'z'][n1:n2, m1:m2, l1:l2] ]) var = np.sqrt(dot2(tmp)) else: if key in dst['data'].keys(): if is_vector(key): var = np.sqrt( dot2(dst['data'][key][:, n1:n2, m1:m2, l1:l2])) else: var = dst['data'][key][n1:n2, m1:m2, l1:l2] else: print('stats: ' + key + ' does not exist in ', src, 'or', dst) continue if lmask: mask = dst['masks'][mask_key][0, n1:n2, m1:m2, l1:l2] Nmask = mask[mask == False].size if Nmask > 0: mean_mask.append(var[mask == False].mean() * Nmask) stdv_mask.append(var[mask == False].std() * Nmask) else: mean_mask.append(0) stdv_mask.append(0) nmask_msk.append(Nmask) nmask = mask[mask == True].size if nmask > 0: mean_nmsk.append(var[mask == True].mean() * nmask) stdv_nmsk.append(var[mask == True].std() * nmask) else: mean_nmsk.append(0) stdv_nmsk.append(0) nmask_nmk.append(nmask) mean_stat.append(var.mean()) stdv_stat.append(var.std()) if comm: if lmask: mean_mask = comm.gather(mean_mask, root=0) stdv_mask = comm.gather(stdv_mask, root=0) mean_mask = comm.bcast(mean_mask, root=0) stdv_mask = comm.bcast(stdv_mask, root=0) mean_nmsk = comm.gather(mean_nmsk, root=0) stdv_nmsk = comm.gather(stdv_nmsk, root=0) mean_nmsk = comm.bcast(mean_nmsk, root=0) stdv_nmsk = comm.bcast(stdv_nmsk, root=0) nmask_msk = comm.gather(nmask_msk, root=0) nmask_nmk = comm.gather(nmask_nmk, root=0) nmask_msk = comm.bcast(nmask_msk, root=0) nmask_nmk = comm.bcast(nmask_nmk, root=0) mean_stat = comm.gather(mean_stat, root=0) stdv_stat = comm.gather(stdv_stat, root=0) mean_stat = comm.bcast(mean_stat, root=0) stdv_stat = comm.bcast(stdv_stat, root=0) if lmask: summk = np.sum(nmask_msk) if summk > 0: meanm = np.sum(mean_mask) / summk stdvm = np.sum(stdv_mask) / summk else: meanm = 0 stdvm = 0 sumnk = np.sum(nmask_nmk) if sumnk > 0: meann = np.sum(mean_nmsk) / sumnk stdvn = np.sum(stdv_nmsk) / sumnk else: meann = 0 stdvn = 0 print(mask_key + '-' + key + '-mean = {}, '.format(meanm) + mask_key + '-' + key + '-std = {}'.format(stdvm)) print('not-' + mask_key + '-' + key + '-mean = {}, '.format(meann) + 'not-' + mask_key + '-' + key + '-std = {}'.format(stdvn)) dataset_h5(group, mask_key + '-' + key + '-mean', status=status, data=meanm, comm=comm, size=size, rank=rank, overwrite=True) dataset_h5(group, mask_key + '-' + key + '-std', status=status, data=stdvm, comm=comm, size=size, rank=rank, overwrite=True) dataset_h5(group, 'not-' + mask_key + '-' + key + '-mean', status=status, data=meann, comm=comm, size=size, rank=rank, overwrite=True) dataset_h5(group, 'not-' + mask_key + '-' + key + '-std', status=status, data=stdvn, comm=comm, size=size, rank=rank, overwrite=True) mstat = np.mean(mean_stat) dstat = np.mean(stdv_stat) print(key + '-mean = {}, '.format(mstat) + key + '-std = {}'.format(dstat)) dataset_h5(group, key + '-mean', status=status, data=mstat, comm=comm, size=size, rank=rank, overwrite=True) dataset_h5(group, key + '-std', status=status, data=dstat, comm=comm, size=size, rank=rank, overwrite=True)