def _decomposition_1_cnot(U, wires):
    r"""If there is just one CNOT, we can write the circuit in the form
     -╭U- = -C--╭C--A-
     -╰U- = -D--╰X--B-

    To do this decomposition, first we find G, H in SO(4) such that
        G (Edag V E) H = (Edag U E)

    where V depends on the central CNOT gate, and both U, V are in SU(4). This
    is done following the methods in

    Once we find G and H, we can use the fact that E SO(4) Edag gives us
    something in SU(2) x SU(2) to give A, B, C, D.
    # We will actually find a decomposition for the following circuit instead
    # of the original U
    # -╭U-╭SWAP- = -C--╭C-╭SWAP--B-
    # -╰U-╰SWAP- = -D--╰X-╰SWAP--A-
    # This ensures that the internal part of the decomposition has determinant 1.
    swap_U = np.exp(1j * np.pi / 4) *, U), U)

    # First let's compute gamma(u). For the one-CNOT case, uuT is always real.
    u =, U),,
                                                   math.cast_like(E, U)))
    uuT =, math.T(u))

    # Since uuT is real, we can use eigh of its real part. eigh also orders the
    # eigenvalues in ascending order.
    _, p = math.linalg.eigh(qml.math.real(uuT))

    # Fix the determinant if necessary so that p is in SO(4)
    p =, math.diag([1, 1, 1, math.sign(math.linalg.det(p))]))

    # Now, we must find q such that p uu^T p^T = q vv^T q^T.
    # For this case, our V = SWAP CNOT01 is constant. Thus, we can compute v,
    # vvT, and its eigenvalues and eigenvectors directly. These matrices are stored
    # above as the constants v_one_cnot and q_one_cnot.

    # Once we have p and q properly in SO(4), we compute G and H in SO(4) such
    # that U = G V H
    G =, q_one_cnot.T)
    H =,, u))

    # We now use the magic basis to convert G, H to SU(2) x SU(2)
    AB =,, Edag))
    CD =,, Edag))

    # Extract the tensor prodcts to SU(2) x SU(2)
    A, B = _su2su2_to_tensor_products(AB)
    C, D = _su2su2_to_tensor_products(CD)

    # Recover the operators in the decomposition; note that because of the
    # initial SWAP, we exchange the order of A and B
    A_ops = zyz_decomposition(A, wires[1])
    B_ops = zyz_decomposition(B, wires[0])
    C_ops = zyz_decomposition(C, wires[0])
    D_ops = zyz_decomposition(D, wires[1])

    return C_ops + D_ops + [qml.CNOT(wires=wires)] + A_ops + B_ops
def _su2su2_to_tensor_products(U):
    r"""Given a matrix :math:`U = A \otimes B` in SU(2) x SU(2), extract the two SU(2)
    operations A and B.

    This process has been described in detail in the Appendix of Coffey & Deiotte

    # First, write A = [[a1, a2], [-a2*, a1*]], which we can do for any SU(2) element.
    # Then, A \otimes B = [[a1 B, a2 B], [-a2*B, a1*B]] = [[C1, C2], [C3, C4]]
    # where the Ci are 2x2 matrices.
    C1 = U[0:2, 0:2]
    C2 = U[0:2, 2:4]
    C3 = U[2:4, 0:2]
    C4 = U[2:4, 2:4]

    # From the definition of A \otimes B, C1 C4^\dag = a1^2 I, so we can extract a1
    C14 =, math.conj(math.T(C4)))
    a1 = math.sqrt(math.cast_like(C14[0, 0], 1j))

    # Similarly, -C2 C3^\dag = a2^2 I, so we can extract a2
    C23 =, math.conj(math.T(C3)))
    a2 = math.sqrt(-math.cast_like(C23[0, 0], 1j))

    # This gets us a1, a2 up to a sign. To resolve the sign, ensure that
    # C1 C2^dag = a1 a2* I
    C12 =, math.conj(math.T(C2)))

    if not math.allclose(a1 * math.conj(a2), C12[0, 0]):
        a2 *= -1

    # Construct A
    A = math.stack(
        [math.stack([a1, a2]),
         math.stack([-math.conj(a2), math.conj(a1)])])

    # Next, extract B. Can do from any of the C, just need to be careful in
    # case one of the elements of A is 0.
    if not math.allclose(A[0, 0], 0.0, atol=1e-6):
        B = C1 / math.cast_like(A[0, 0], 1j)
        B = C2 / math.cast_like(A[0, 1], 1j)

    return math.convert_like(A, U), math.convert_like(B, U)
Exemple #3
def test_T(t):
    """Test the simple transpose (T) function"""
    res = fn.T(t)

    if isinstance(t, (list, tuple)):
        t = onp.asarray(t)

    assert fn.get_interface(res) == fn.get_interface(t)

    # if tensorflow or pytorch, extract view of underlying data
    if hasattr(res, "numpy"):
        res = res.numpy()
        t = t.numpy()

    assert np.all(res.T == t.T)
def _compute_num_cnots(U):
    r"""Compute the number of CNOTs required to implement a U in SU(4). This is based on
    the trace of

    .. math::

        \gamma(U) = (E^\dag U E) (E^\dag U E)^T,

    and follows the arguments of this paper:
    u =,, E))
    gammaU =, math.T(u))
    trace = math.trace(gammaU)

    # Case: 0 CNOTs (tensor product), the trace is +/- 4
    # We need a tolerance of around 1e-7 here in order to work with the case where U
    # is specified with 8 decimal places.
    if math.allclose(trace, 4, atol=1e-7) or math.allclose(
            trace, -4, atol=1e-7):
        return 0

    # To distinguish between 1/2 CNOT cases, we need to look at the eigenvalues
    evs = math.linalg.eigvals(gammaU)

    sorted_evs = math.sort(math.imag(evs))

    # Case: 1 CNOT, the trace is 0, and the eigenvalues of gammaU are [-1j, -1j, 1j, 1j]
    # Checking the eigenvalues is needed because of some special 2-CNOT cases that yield
    # a trace 0.
    if math.allclose(trace, 0j, atol=1e-7) and math.allclose(
            sorted_evs, [-1, -1, 1, 1]):
        return 1

    # Case: 2 CNOTs, the trace has only a real part (or is 0)
    if math.allclose(math.imag(trace), 0.0, atol=1e-7):
        return 2

    # For the case with 3 CNOTs, the trace is a non-zero complex number
    # with both real and imaginary parts.
    return 3
def _convert_to_su4(U):
    r"""Check unitarity of a 4x4 matrix and convert it to :math:`SU(4)` if the determinant is not 1.

        U (array[complex]): A matrix, presumed to be :math:`4 \times 4` and unitary.

        array[complex]: A :math:`4 \times 4` matrix in :math:`SU(4)` that is
        equivalent to U up to a global phase.
    # Check unitarity
    if not math.allclose(
  , math.T(math.conj(U))), math.eye(4), atol=1e-7):
        raise ValueError("Operator must be unitary.")

    # Compute the determinant
    det = math.linalg.det(U)

    # Convert to SU(4) if it's not close to 1
    if not math.allclose(det, 1.0):
        exp_angle = -1j * math.cast_like(math.angle(det), 1j) / 4
        U = math.cast_like(U, det) * math.exp(exp_angle)

    return U
Exemple #6
def _convert_to_su2(U):
    r"""Check unitarity of a matrix and convert it to :math:`SU(2)` if possible.

        U (array[complex]): A matrix, presumed to be :math:`2 \times 2` and unitary.

        array[complex]: A :math:`2 \times 2` matrix in :math:`SU(2)` that is
        equivalent to U up to a global phase.
    # Check unitarity
    if not math.allclose(
  , math.T(math.conj(U))), math.eye(2), atol=1e-7):
        raise ValueError("Operator must be unitary.")

    # Compute the determinant
    det = U[0, 0] * U[1, 1] - U[0, 1] * U[1, 0]

    # Convert to SU(2) if it's not close to 1
    if not math.allclose(det, [1.0]):
        exp_angle = -1j * math.cast_like(math.angle(det), 1j) / 2
        U = math.cast_like(U, exp_angle) * math.exp(exp_angle)

    return U
Exemple #7
 def adjoint(self, do_queue=False):
     U = self.parameters[0]
     return Interferometer(qml_math.T(qml_math.conj(U)),
def _decomposition_3_cnots(U, wires):
    r"""The most general form of this decomposition is U = (A \otimes B) V (C \otimes D),
    where V is as depicted in the circuit below:
     -╭U- = -C--╭X--RZ(d)--╭C---------╭X--A-
     -╰U- = -D--╰C--RY(b)--╰X--RY(a)--╰C--B-

    # First we add a SWAP as per v1 of arXiv:0308033, which helps with some
    # rearranging of gates in the decomposition (it will cancel out the fact
    # that we need to add a SWAP to fix the determinant in another part later).
    swap_U = np.exp(1j * np.pi / 4) *, U), U)

    # Choose the rotation angles of RZ, RY in the two-qubit decomposition.
    # They are chosen as per Proposition V.1 in quant-ph/0308033 and are based
    # on the phases of the eigenvalues of :math:`E^\dagger \gamma(U) E`, where
    #    \gamma(U) = (E^\dag U E) (E^\dag U E)^T.
    # The rotation angles can be computed as follows (any three eigenvalues can be used)
    u =,, E))
    gammaU =, math.T(u))
    evs, _ = math.linalg.eig(gammaU)

    # We will sort the angles so that results are consistent across interfaces.
    angles = math.sort([math.angle(ev) for ev in evs])

    x, y, z = angles[0], angles[1], angles[2]

    # Compute functions of the eigenvalues; there are different options in v1
    # vs. v3 of the paper, I'm not entirely sure why. This is the version from v3.
    alpha = (x + y) / 2
    beta = (x + z) / 2
    delta = (z + y) / 2

    # This is the interior portion of the decomposition circuit
    interior_decomp = [
        qml.CNOT(wires=[wires[1], wires[0]]),
        qml.RZ(delta, wires=wires[0]),
        qml.RY(beta, wires=wires[1]),
        qml.RY(alpha, wires=wires[1]),
        qml.CNOT(wires=[wires[1], wires[0]]),

    # We need the matrix representation of this interior part, V, in order to
    # decompose U = (A \otimes B) V (C \otimes D)
    # Looking at the decomposition above, V has determinant -1 (because there
    # are 3 CNOTs, each with determinant -1). The relationship between U and V
    # requires that both are in SU(4), so we add a SWAP after to V. We will see
    # how this gets fixed later.
    # -╭V- = -╭X--RZ(d)--╭C---------╭X--╭SWAP-
    # -╰V- = -╰C--RY(b)--╰X--RY(a)--╰C--╰SWAP-

    RZd = qml.RZ(math.cast_like(delta, 1j), wires=wires[0]).matrix
    RYb = qml.RY(beta, wires=wires[0]).matrix
    RYa = qml.RY(alpha, wires=wires[0]).matrix

    V_mats = [
        math.kron(RZd, RYb), CNOT01,
        math.kron(math.eye(2), RYa), CNOT10, SWAP

    V = math.convert_like(math.eye(4), U)

    for mat in V_mats:
        V =, U), V)

    # Now we need to find the four SU(2) operations A, B, C, D
    A, B, C, D = _extract_su2su2_prefactors(swap_U, V)

    # At this point, we have the following:
    # -╭U-╭SWAP- = --C--╭X-RZ(d)-╭C-------╭X-╭SWAP--A
    # -╰U-╰SWAP- = --D--╰C-RZ(b)-╰X-RY(a)-╰C-╰SWAP--B
    # Using the relationship that SWAP(A \otimes B) SWAP = B \otimes A,
    # -╭U-╭SWAP- = --C--╭X-RZ(d)-╭C-------╭X--B--╭SWAP-
    # -╰U-╰SWAP- = --D--╰C-RZ(b)-╰X-RY(a)-╰C--A--╰SWAP-
    # Now the SWAPs cancel, giving us the desired decomposition
    # (up to a global phase).
    # -╭U- = --C--╭X-RZ(d)-╭C-------╭X--B--
    # -╰U- = --D--╰C-RZ(b)-╰X-RY(a)-╰C--A--

    A_ops = zyz_decomposition(A, wires[1])
    B_ops = zyz_decomposition(B, wires[0])
    C_ops = zyz_decomposition(C, wires[0])
    D_ops = zyz_decomposition(D, wires[1])

    # Return the full decomposition
    return C_ops + D_ops + interior_decomp + A_ops + B_ops
def _decomposition_2_cnots(U, wires):
    r"""If 2 CNOTs are required, we can write the circuit as
     -╭U- = -A--╭X--RZ(d)--╭X--C-
     -╰U- = -B--╰C--RX(p)--╰C--D-
    We need to find the angles for the Z and X rotations such that the inner
    part has the same spectrum as U, and then we can recover A, B, C, D.
    # Compute the rotation angles
    u =,, E))
    gammaU =, math.T(u))
    evs, _ = math.linalg.eig(gammaU)

    # These choices are based on Proposition III.3 of
    # There is, however, a special case where the circuit has the form
    # -╭U- = -A--╭C--╭X--C-
    # -╰U- = -B--╰X--╰C--D-
    # or some variant of this, where the two CNOTs are adjacent.
    # What happens here is that the set of evs is -1, -1, 1, 1 and we can write
    # -╭U- = -A--╭X--SZ--╭X--C-
    # -╰U- = -B--╰C--SX--╰C--D-
    # where SZ and SX are square roots of Z and X respectively. (This
    # decomposition comes from using Hadamards to flip the direction of the
    # first CNOT, and then decomposing them and merging single-qubit gates.) For
    # some reason this case is not handled properly with the full algorithm, so
    # we treat it separately.

    sorted_evs = math.sort(math.real(evs))

    if math.allclose(sorted_evs, [-1, -1, 1, 1]):
        interior_decomp = [
            qml.CNOT(wires=[wires[1], wires[0]]),
            qml.CNOT(wires=[wires[1], wires[0]]),

        # S \otimes SX
        inner_matrix = S_SX
        # For the non-special case, the eigenvalues come in conjugate pairs.
        # We need to find two non-conjugate eigenvalues to extract the angles.
        x = math.angle(evs[0])
        y = math.angle(evs[1])

        # If it was the conjugate, grab a different eigenvalue.
        if math.allclose(x, -y):
            y = math.angle(evs[2])

        delta = (x + y) / 2
        phi = (x - y) / 2

        interior_decomp = [
            qml.CNOT(wires=[wires[1], wires[0]]),
            qml.RZ(delta, wires=wires[0]),
            qml.RX(phi, wires=wires[1]),
            qml.CNOT(wires=[wires[1], wires[0]]),

        RZd = qml.RZ(math.cast_like(delta, 1j), wires=0).matrix
        RXp = qml.RX(phi, wires=0).matrix
        inner_matrix = math.kron(RZd, RXp)

    # We need the matrix representation of this interior part, V, in order to
    # decompose U = (A \otimes B) V (C \otimes D)
    V =, U),
       , math.cast_like(CNOT10, U)))

    # Now we find the A, B, C, D in SU(2), and return the decomposition
    A, B, C, D = _extract_su2su2_prefactors(U, V)

    A_ops = zyz_decomposition(A, wires[0])
    B_ops = zyz_decomposition(B, wires[1])
    C_ops = zyz_decomposition(C, wires[0])
    D_ops = zyz_decomposition(D, wires[1])

    return C_ops + D_ops + interior_decomp + A_ops + B_ops
def _extract_su2su2_prefactors(U, V):
    r"""This function is used for the case of 2 CNOTs and 3 CNOTs. It does something
    similar as the 1-CNOT case, but there is no special form for one of the
    SO(4) operations.

    Suppose U, V are SU(4) matrices for which there exists A, B, C, D such that
    (A \otimes B) V (C \otimes D) = U. The problem is to find A, B, C, D in SU(2)
    in an analytic and fully differentiable manner.

    This decomposition is possible when U and V are in the same double coset of
    SU(4), meaning there exists G, H in SO(4) s.t. G (Edag V E) H = (Edag U
    E). This is guaranteed here by how V was constructed in both the
    _decomposition_2_cnots and _decomposition_3_cnots methods.

    Then, we can use the fact that E SO(4) Edag gives us something in SU(2) x
    SU(2) to give A, B, C, D.

    # A lot of the work here happens in the magic basis. Essentially, we
    # don't look explicitly at some U = G V H, but rather at
    #     E^\dagger U E = G E^\dagger V E H
    # so that we can recover
    #     U = (E G E^\dagger) V (E H E^\dagger) = (A \otimes B) V (C \otimes D).
    # There is some math in the paper explaining how when we define U in this way,
    # we can simultaneously diagonalize functions of U and V to ensure they are
    # in the same coset and recover the decomposition.
    u =, V),, math.cast_like(E, V)))
    v =, V),, math.cast_like(E, V)))

    uuT =, math.T(u))
    vvT =, math.T(v))

    # Get the p and q in SO(4) that diagonalize uuT and vvT respectively (and
    # their eigenvalues). We are looking for a simultaneous diagonalization,
    # which we know exists because of how U and V were constructed. Furthermore,
    # The way we will do this is by noting that, since uuT/vvT are complex and
    # symmetric, so both their real and imaginary parts share a set of
    # real-valued eigenvectors, which are also eigenvectors of uuT/vvT
    # themselves. So we can use eigh, which orders the eigenvectors, and so we
    # are guaranteed that the p and q returned will be "in the same order".
    _, p = math.linalg.eigh(math.real(uuT) + math.imag(uuT))
    _, q = math.linalg.eigh(math.real(vvT) + math.imag(vvT))

    # If determinant of p/q is not 1, it is in O(4) but not SO(4), and has determinant
    # We can transform it to SO(4) by simply negating one of the columns.
    p =, math.diag([1, 1, 1, math.sign(math.linalg.det(p))]))
    q =, math.diag([1, 1, 1, math.sign(math.linalg.det(q))]))

    # Now, we should have p, q in SO(4) such that p^T u u^T p = q^T v v^T q.
    # Then (v^\dag q p^T u)(v^\dag q p^T u)^T = I.
    # So we can set G = p q^T, H = v^\dag q p^T u to obtain G v H = u.
    G =, 1j), math.T(q))
    H =,, u))

    # These are still in SO(4) though - we want to convert things into SU(2) x SU(2)
    # so use the entangler. Since u = E^\dagger U E and v = E^\dagger V E where U, V
    # are the target matrices, we can reshuffle as in the docstring above,
    #     U = (E G E^\dagger) V (E H E^\dagger) = (A \otimes B) V (C \otimes D)
    # where A, B, C, D are in SU(2) x SU(2).
    AB =, G),, math.cast_like(Edag, G)))
    CD =, H),, math.cast_like(Edag, H)))

    # Now, we just need to extract the constituent tensor products.
    A, B = _su2su2_to_tensor_products(AB)
    C, D = _su2su2_to_tensor_products(CD)

    return A, B, C, D