Exemple #1
def cycle_mixer(graph: nx.DiGraph) -> Hamiltonian:
    r"""Calculates the cycle-mixer Hamiltonian.

    Following methods outlined `here <https://arxiv.org/pdf/1709.03489.pdf>`__, the
    cycle-mixer Hamiltonian preserves the set of valid cycles:

    .. math::
        \frac{1}{4}\sum_{(i, j)\in E}
        \left(\sum_{k \in V, k\neq i, k\neq j, (i, k) \in E, (k, j) \in E}
        \left[X_{ij}X_{ik}X_{kj} +Y_{ij}Y_{ik}X_{kj} + Y_{ij}X_{ik}Y_{kj} - X_{ij}Y_{ik}Y_{kj}\right]

    where :math:`E` are the edges of the directed graph. A valid cycle is defined as a subset of
    edges in :math:`E` such that all of the graph's nodes :math:`V` have zero net flow (see the
    :func:`~.net_flow_constraint` function).


    >>> import networkx as nx
    >>> g = nx.complete_graph(3).to_directed()
    >>> h_m = cycle_mixer(g)
    >>> print(h_m)
      (-0.25) [X0 Y1 Y5]
    + (-0.25) [X1 Y0 Y3]
    + (-0.25) [X2 Y3 Y4]
    + (-0.25) [X3 Y2 Y1]
    + (-0.25) [X4 Y5 Y2]
    + (-0.25) [X5 Y4 Y0]
    + (0.25) [X0 X1 X5]
    + (0.25) [Y0 Y1 X5]
    + (0.25) [Y0 X1 Y5]
    + (0.25) [X1 X0 X3]
    + (0.25) [Y1 Y0 X3]
    + (0.25) [Y1 X0 Y3]
    + (0.25) [X2 X3 X4]
    + (0.25) [Y2 Y3 X4]
    + (0.25) [Y2 X3 Y4]
    + (0.25) [X3 X2 X1]
    + (0.25) [Y3 Y2 X1]
    + (0.25) [Y3 X2 Y1]
    + (0.25) [X4 X5 X2]
    + (0.25) [Y4 Y5 X2]
    + (0.25) [Y4 X5 Y2]
    + (0.25) [X5 X4 X0]
    + (0.25) [Y5 Y4 X0]
    + (0.25) [Y5 X4 Y0]

        graph (nx.DiGraph): the directed graph specifying possible edges

        qml.Hamiltonian: the cycle-mixer Hamiltonian
    hamiltonian = Hamiltonian([], [])

    for edge in graph.edges:
        hamiltonian += _partial_cycle_mixer(graph, edge)

    return hamiltonian
Exemple #2
def _inner_net_flow_constraint_hamiltonian(graph: nx.DiGraph,
                                           node) -> Hamiltonian:
    r"""Calculates the squared inner portion of the Hamiltonian in :func:`net_flow_constraint`.

    For a given :math:`i`, this function returns:

    .. math::

        \left((d_{i}^{\rm out} - d_{i}^{\rm in})\mathbb{I} -
        \sum_{j, (i, j) \in E} Z_{ij} + \sum_{j, (j, i) \in E} Z_{ji} \right)^{2}.

        graph (nx.DiGraph): the directed graph specifying possible edges
        node: a fixed node

        qml.Hamiltonian: The inner part of the net-flow constraint Hamiltonian.
    edges_to_qubits = edges_to_wires(graph)

    coeffs = []
    ops = []

    out_edges = graph.out_edges(node)
    in_edges = graph.in_edges(node)

    coeffs.append(len(out_edges) - len(in_edges))

    for edge in out_edges:
        wires = (edges_to_qubits[edge], )

    for edge in in_edges:
        wires = (edges_to_qubits[edge], )

    coeffs, ops = _square_hamiltonian_terms(coeffs, ops)
    H = Hamiltonian(coeffs, ops)
    # store the valuable information that all observables are in one commuting group
    H.grouping_indices = [list(range(len(H.ops)))]
    return H
Exemple #3
def _inner_out_flow_constraint_hamiltonian(graph: nx.DiGraph,
                                           node) -> Hamiltonian:
    r"""Calculates the inner portion of the Hamiltonian in :func:`out_flow_constraint`.
    For a given :math:`i`, this function returns:

    .. math::

        d_{i}^{out}(d_{i}^{out} - 2)\mathbb{I}
        - 2(d_{i}^{out}-1)\sum_{j,(i,j)\in E}\hat{Z}_{ij} +
        ( \sum_{j,(i,j)\in E}\hat{Z}_{ij} )^{2}

        graph (nx.DiGraph): the directed graph specifying possible edges
        node: a fixed node

        qml.Hamiltonian: The inner part of the out-flow constraint Hamiltonian.
    coeffs = []
    ops = []

    edges_to_qubits = edges_to_wires(graph)
    out_edges = graph.out_edges(node)
    d = len(out_edges)

    for edge in out_edges:
        wire = (edges_to_qubits[edge], )

    coeffs, ops = _square_hamiltonian_terms(coeffs, ops)

    for edge in out_edges:
        wire = (edges_to_qubits[edge], )
        coeffs.append(-2 * (d - 1))

    coeffs.append(d * (d - 2))

    H = Hamiltonian(coeffs, ops)
    # store the valuable information that all observables are in one commuting group
    H.grouping_indices = [list(range(len(H.ops)))]

    return H
Exemple #4
def net_flow_constraint(graph: Union[nx.DiGraph, rx.PyDiGraph]) -> Hamiltonian:
    r"""Calculates the `net flow constraint <https://doi.org/10.1080/0020739X.2010.526248>`__
    Hamiltonian for the maximum-weighted cycle problem.

    Given a subset of edges in a directed graph, the net-flow constraint imposes that the number of
    edges leaving any given node is equal to the number of edges entering the node, i.e.,

    .. math:: \sum_{j, (i, j) \in E} x_{ij} = \sum_{j, (j, i) \in E} x_{ji},

    for all nodes :math:`i`, where :math:`E` are the edges of the graph and :math:`x_{ij}` is a
    binary number that selects whether to include the edge :math:`(i, j)`.

    A set of edges has zero net flow whenever the following Hamiltonian is minimized:

    .. math::

        \sum_{i \in V} \left((d_{i}^{\rm out} - d_{i}^{\rm in})\mathbb{I} -
        \sum_{j, (i, j) \in E} Z_{ij} + \sum_{j, (j, i) \in E} Z_{ji} \right)^{2},

    where :math:`V` are the graph vertices, :math:`d_{i}^{\rm out}` and :math:`d_{i}^{\rm in}` are
    the outdegree and indegree, respectively, of node :math:`i` and :math:`Z_{ij}` is a qubit
    Pauli-Z matrix acting upon the wire specified by the pair :math:`(i, j)`. Mapping from edges to
    wires can be achieved using :func:`~.edges_to_wires`.

        graph (nx.DiGraph or rx.PyDiGraph): the directed graph specifying possible edges

        qml.Hamiltonian: the net-flow constraint Hamiltonian

        ValueError: if the input graph is not directed
    if isinstance(
        (nx.DiGraph, rx.PyDiGraph)) and (not hasattr(graph, "in_edges")
                                         or not hasattr(graph, "out_edges")):
        raise ValueError("Input graph must be directed")

    if not isinstance(graph, (nx.DiGraph, rx.PyDiGraph)):
        raise ValueError(
            f"Input graph must be a nx.DiGraph or rx.PyDiGraph, got {type(graph).__name__}"

    hamiltonian = Hamiltonian([], [])
    graph_nodes = graph.node_indexes() if isinstance(
        graph, rx.PyDiGraph) else graph.nodes

    for node in graph_nodes:
        hamiltonian += _inner_net_flow_constraint_hamiltonian(graph, node)

    return hamiltonian
Exemple #5
def out_flow_constraint(graph: Union[nx.DiGraph, rx.PyDiGraph]) -> Hamiltonian:
    r"""Calculates the `out flow constraint <https://1qbit.com/whitepaper/arbitrage/>`__
    Hamiltonian for the maximum-weighted cycle problem.

    Given a subset of edges in a directed graph, the out-flow constraint imposes that at most one
    edge can leave any given node, i.e., for all :math:`i`:

    .. math:: \sum_{j,(i,j)\in E}x_{ij} \leq 1,

    where :math:`E` are the edges of the graph and :math:`x_{ij}` is a binary number that selects
    whether to include the edge :math:`(i, j)`.

    A set of edges satisfies the out-flow constraint whenever the following Hamiltonian is minimized:

    .. math::

        \sum_{i\in V}\left(d_{i}^{out}(d_{i}^{out} - 2)\mathbb{I}
        - 2(d_{i}^{out}-1)\sum_{j,(i,j)\in E}\hat{Z}_{ij} +
        \left( \sum_{j,(i,j)\in E}\hat{Z}_{ij} \right)^{2}\right)

    where :math:`V` are the graph vertices, :math:`d_{i}^{\rm out}` is the outdegree of node
    :math:`i`, and :math:`Z_{ij}` is a qubit Pauli-Z matrix acting
    upon the qubit specified by the pair :math:`(i, j)`. Mapping from edges to wires can be achieved
    using :func:`~.edges_to_wires`.

        graph (nx.DiGraph or rx.PyDiGraph): the directed graph specifying possible edges

        qml.Hamiltonian: the out flow constraint Hamiltonian

        ValueError: if the input graph is not directed
    if not isinstance(graph, (nx.DiGraph, rx.PyDiGraph)):
        raise ValueError(
            f"Input graph must be a nx.DiGraph or rx.PyDiGraph, got {type(graph).__name__}"

    if isinstance(
        (nx.DiGraph, rx.PyDiGraph)) and not hasattr(graph, "out_edges"):
        raise ValueError("Input graph must be directed")

    hamiltonian = Hamiltonian([], [])
    graph_nodes = graph.node_indexes() if isinstance(
        graph, rx.PyDiGraph) else graph.nodes

    for node in graph_nodes:
        hamiltonian += _inner_out_flow_constraint_hamiltonian(graph, node)

    return hamiltonian
Exemple #6
def _partial_cycle_mixer(graph: nx.DiGraph, edge: Tuple) -> Hamiltonian:
    r"""Calculates the partial cycle-mixer Hamiltonian for a specific edge.

    For an edge :math:`(i, j)`, this function returns:

    .. math::

        \sum_{k \in V, k\neq i, k\neq j, (i, k) \in E, (k, j) \in E}\left[
        X_{ij}X_{ik}X_{kj} + Y_{ij}Y_{ik}X_{kj} + Y_{ij}X_{ik}Y_{kj} - X_{ij}Y_{ik}Y_{kj}\right]

        graph (nx.DiGraph): the directed graph specifying possible edges
        edge (tuple): a fixed edge

        qml.Hamiltonian: the partial cycle-mixer Hamiltonian
    coeffs = []
    ops = []

    edges_to_qubits = edges_to_wires(graph)

    for node in graph.nodes:
        out_edge = (edge[0], node)
        in_edge = (node, edge[1])
        if node not in edge and out_edge in graph.edges and in_edge in graph.edges:
            wire = edges_to_qubits[edge]
            out_wire = edges_to_qubits[out_edge]
            in_wire = edges_to_qubits[in_edge]

            t = qml.PauliX(wires=wire) @ qml.PauliX(
                wires=out_wire) @ qml.PauliX(wires=in_wire)

            t = qml.PauliY(wires=wire) @ qml.PauliY(
                wires=out_wire) @ qml.PauliX(wires=in_wire)

            t = qml.PauliY(wires=wire) @ qml.PauliX(
                wires=out_wire) @ qml.PauliY(wires=in_wire)

            t = qml.PauliX(wires=wire) @ qml.PauliY(
                wires=out_wire) @ qml.PauliY(wires=in_wire)

            coeffs.extend([0.25, 0.25, 0.25, -0.25])

    return Hamiltonian(coeffs, ops)
Exemple #7
def loss_hamiltonian(graph: nx.Graph) -> Hamiltonian:
    r"""Calculates the loss Hamiltonian for the maximum-weighted cycle problem.

    We consider the problem of selecting a cycle from a graph that has the greatest product of edge
    weights, as outlined `here <https://1qbit.com/whitepaper/arbitrage/>`__. The product of weights
    of a subset of edges in a graph is given by

    .. math:: P = \prod_{(i, j) \in E} [(c_{ij} - 1)x_{ij} + 1]

    where :math:`E` are the edges of the graph, :math:`x_{ij}` is a binary number that selects
    whether to include the edge :math:`(i, j)` and :math:`c_{ij}` is the corresponding edge weight.
    Our objective is to maximimize :math:`P`, subject to selecting the :math:`x_{ij}` so that
    our subset of edges composes a cycle.

    The product of edge weights is maximized by equivalently considering

    .. math:: \sum_{(i, j) \in E} x_{ij}\log c_{ij},

    assuming :math:`c_{ij} > 0`.

    This can be restated as a minimization of the expectation value of the following qubit

    .. math::

        H = \sum_{(i, j) \in E} Z_{ij}\log c_{ij}.

    where :math:`Z_{ij}` is a qubit Pauli-Z matrix acting upon the wire specified by the edge
    :math:`(i, j)`. Mapping from edges to wires can be achieved using :func:`~.edges_to_wires`.

    .. note::
        The expectation value of the returned Hamiltonian :math:`H` is not equal to :math:`P`, but
        minimizing the expectation value of :math:`H` is equivalent to maximizing :math:`P`.

        Also note that the returned Hamiltonian does not impose that the selected set of edges is
        a cycle. This constraint can be enforced using a penalty term or by selecting a QAOA
        mixer Hamiltonian that only transitions between states that correspond to cycles.


    >>> import networkx as nx
    >>> g = nx.complete_graph(3).to_directed()
    >>> edge_weight_data = {edge: (i + 1) * 0.5 for i, edge in enumerate(g.edges)}
    >>> for k, v in edge_weight_data.items():
            g[k[0]][k[1]]["weight"] = v
    >>> h = loss_hamiltonian(g)
    >>> print(h)
      (-0.6931471805599453) [Z0]
    + (0.0) [Z1]
    + (0.4054651081081644) [Z2]
    + (0.6931471805599453) [Z3]
    + (0.9162907318741551) [Z4]
    + (1.0986122886681098) [Z5]

        graph (nx.Graph): the graph specifying possible edges

        qml.Hamiltonian: the loss Hamiltonian

        ValueError: if the graph contains self-loops
        KeyError: if one or more edges do not contain weight data
    edges_to_qubits = edges_to_wires(graph)
    coeffs = []
    ops = []

    edges_data = graph.edges(data=True)

    for edge_data in edges_data:
        edge = edge_data[:2]

        if edge[0] == edge[1]:
            raise ValueError("Graph contains self-loops")

            weight = edge_data[2]["weight"]
        except KeyError as e:
            raise KeyError(f"Edge {edge} does not contain weight data") from e


    return Hamiltonian(coeffs, ops)
Exemple #8
def _inner_net_flow_constraint_hamiltonian(graph: Union[nx.DiGraph,
                                           node: int) -> Hamiltonian:
    r"""Calculates the squared inner portion of the Hamiltonian in :func:`net_flow_constraint`.

    For a given :math:`i`, this function returns:

    .. math::

        \left((d_{i}^{\rm out} - d_{i}^{\rm in})\mathbb{I} -
        \sum_{j, (i, j) \in E} Z_{ij} + \sum_{j, (j, i) \in E} Z_{ji} \right)^{2}.

        graph (nx.DiGraph or rx.PyDiGraph): the directed graph specifying possible edges
        node: a fixed node

        qml.Hamiltonian: The inner part of the net-flow constraint Hamiltonian.
    if not isinstance(graph, (nx.DiGraph, rx.PyDiGraph)):
        raise ValueError(
            f"Input graph must be a nx.DiGraph or rx.PyDiGraph, got {type(graph).__name__}"

    edges_to_qubits = edges_to_wires(graph)

    coeffs = []
    ops = []

    is_rx = isinstance(graph, rx.PyDiGraph)

    out_edges = graph.out_edges(node)
    in_edges = graph.in_edges(node)

    # To ensure out_edges and in_edges methods in both RX and NX return
    # the lists of edges in the same order, we sort results.
    if is_rx:
        out_edges = sorted(out_edges)
        in_edges = sorted(in_edges)

    # In RX each node is assigned to an integer index starting from 0;
    # thus, we use the following lambda function to get node-values.
    get_nvalues = lambda T: (graph.nodes().index(T[0]), graph.nodes().index(T[
        1])) if is_rx else T

    coeffs.append(len(out_edges) - len(in_edges))

    for edge in out_edges:
        if len(edge) > 2:
            edge = tuple(edge[:2])
        wires = (edges_to_qubits[get_nvalues(edge)], )

    for edge in in_edges:
        if len(edge) > 2:
            edge = tuple(edge[:2])
        wires = (edges_to_qubits[get_nvalues(edge)], )

    coeffs, ops = _square_hamiltonian_terms(coeffs, ops)
    H = Hamiltonian(coeffs, ops)
    # store the valuable information that all observables are in one commuting group
    H.grouping_indices = [list(range(len(H.ops)))]
    return H
Exemple #9
def loss_hamiltonian(
        graph: Union[nx.Graph, rx.PyGraph, rx.PyDiGraph]) -> Hamiltonian:
    r"""Calculates the loss Hamiltonian for the maximum-weighted cycle problem.

    We consider the problem of selecting a cycle from a graph that has the greatest product of edge
    weights, as outlined `here <https://1qbit.com/whitepaper/arbitrage/>`__. The product of weights
    of a subset of edges in a graph is given by

    .. math:: P = \prod_{(i, j) \in E} [(c_{ij} - 1)x_{ij} + 1]

    where :math:`E` are the edges of the graph, :math:`x_{ij}` is a binary number that selects
    whether to include the edge :math:`(i, j)` and :math:`c_{ij}` is the corresponding edge weight.
    Our objective is to maximimize :math:`P`, subject to selecting the :math:`x_{ij}` so that
    our subset of edges composes a cycle.

    The product of edge weights is maximized by equivalently considering

    .. math:: \sum_{(i, j) \in E} x_{ij}\log c_{ij},

    assuming :math:`c_{ij} > 0`.

    This can be restated as a minimization of the expectation value of the following qubit

    .. math::

        H = \sum_{(i, j) \in E} Z_{ij}\log c_{ij}.

    where :math:`Z_{ij}` is a qubit Pauli-Z matrix acting upon the wire specified by the edge
    :math:`(i, j)`. Mapping from edges to wires can be achieved using :func:`~.edges_to_wires`.

    .. note::
        The expectation value of the returned Hamiltonian :math:`H` is not equal to :math:`P`, but
        minimizing the expectation value of :math:`H` is equivalent to maximizing :math:`P`.

        Also note that the returned Hamiltonian does not impose that the selected set of edges is
        a cycle. This constraint can be enforced using a penalty term or by selecting a QAOA
        mixer Hamiltonian that only transitions between states that correspond to cycles.


    >>> import networkx as nx
    >>> g = nx.complete_graph(3).to_directed()
    >>> edge_weight_data = {edge: (i + 1) * 0.5 for i, edge in enumerate(g.edges)}
    >>> for k, v in edge_weight_data.items():
            g[k[0]][k[1]]["weight"] = v
    >>> h = loss_hamiltonian(g)
    >>> print(h)
      (-0.6931471805599453) [Z0]
    + (0.0) [Z1]
    + (0.4054651081081644) [Z2]
    + (0.6931471805599453) [Z3]
    + (0.9162907318741551) [Z4]
    + (1.0986122886681098) [Z5]

    >>> import retworkx as rx
    >>> g = rx.generators.directed_mesh_graph(3)
    >>> edge_weight_data = {edge: (i + 1) * 0.5 for i, edge in enumerate(sorted(g.edge_list()))}
    >>> for k, v in edge_weight_data.items():
            g.update_edge(k[0], k[1], {"weight": v})
    >>> h = loss_hamiltonian(g)
    >>> print(h)
      (-0.6931471805599453) [Z0]
    + (0.0) [Z1]
    + (0.4054651081081644) [Z2]
    + (0.6931471805599453) [Z3]
    + (0.9162907318741551) [Z4]
    + (1.0986122886681098) [Z5]

        graph (nx.Graph or rx.PyGraph or rx.PyDiGraph): the graph specifying possible edges

        qml.Hamiltonian: the loss Hamiltonian

        ValueError: if the graph contains self-loops
        KeyError: if one or more edges do not contain weight data
    if not isinstance(graph, (nx.Graph, rx.PyGraph, rx.PyDiGraph)):
        raise ValueError(
            f"Input graph must be a nx.Graph or rx.PyGraph or rx.PyDiGraph, got {type(graph).__name__}"

    edges_to_qubits = edges_to_wires(graph)

    coeffs = []
    ops = []

    is_rx = isinstance(graph, (rx.PyGraph, rx.PyDiGraph))
    edges_data = sorted(graph.weighted_edge_list()) if is_rx else graph.edges(

    # In RX each node is assigned to an integer index starting from 0;
    # thus, we use the following lambda function to get node-values.
    get_nvalues = lambda T: (graph.nodes().index(T[0]), graph.nodes().index(T[
        1])) if is_rx else T

    for edge_data in edges_data:
        edge = edge_data[:2]

        if edge[0] == edge[1]:
            raise ValueError("Graph contains self-loops")

            weight = edge_data[2]["weight"]
        except KeyError as e:
            raise KeyError(f"Edge {edge} does not contain weight data") from e
        except TypeError as e:
            raise TypeError(f"Edge {edge} does not contain weight data") from e


    H = Hamiltonian(coeffs, ops)
    # store the valuable information that all observables are in one commuting group
    H.grouping_indices = [list(range(len(H.ops)))]

    return H
Exemple #10
def _partial_cycle_mixer(graph: Union[nx.DiGraph, rx.PyDiGraph],
                         edge: Tuple) -> Hamiltonian:
    r"""Calculates the partial cycle-mixer Hamiltonian for a specific edge.

    For an edge :math:`(i, j)`, this function returns:

    .. math::

        \sum_{k \in V, k\neq i, k\neq j, (i, k) \in E, (k, j) \in E}\left[
        X_{ij}X_{ik}X_{kj} + Y_{ij}Y_{ik}X_{kj} + Y_{ij}X_{ik}Y_{kj} - X_{ij}Y_{ik}Y_{kj}\right]

        graph (nx.DiGraph or rx.PyDiGraph): the directed graph specifying possible edges
        edge (tuple): a fixed edge

        qml.Hamiltonian: the partial cycle-mixer Hamiltonian
    if not isinstance(graph, (nx.DiGraph, rx.PyDiGraph)):
        raise ValueError(
            f"Input graph must be a nx.DiGraph or rx.PyDiGraph, got {type(graph).__name__}"

    coeffs = []
    ops = []

    is_rx = isinstance(graph, rx.PyDiGraph)
    edges_to_qubits = edges_to_wires(graph)
    graph_nodes = graph.node_indexes() if is_rx else graph.nodes
    graph_edges = sorted(graph.edge_list()) if is_rx else graph.edges

    # In RX each node is assigned to an integer index starting from 0;
    # thus, we use the following lambda function to get node-values.
    get_nvalues = lambda T: (graph.nodes().index(T[0]), graph.nodes().index(T[
        1])) if is_rx else T

    for node in graph_nodes:
        out_edge = (edge[0], node)
        in_edge = (node, edge[1])
        if node not in edge and out_edge in graph_edges and in_edge in graph_edges:
            wire = edges_to_qubits[get_nvalues(edge)]
            out_wire = edges_to_qubits[get_nvalues(out_edge)]
            in_wire = edges_to_qubits[get_nvalues(in_edge)]

            t = qml.PauliX(wires=wire) @ qml.PauliX(
                wires=out_wire) @ qml.PauliX(wires=in_wire)

            t = qml.PauliY(wires=wire) @ qml.PauliY(
                wires=out_wire) @ qml.PauliX(wires=in_wire)

            t = qml.PauliY(wires=wire) @ qml.PauliX(
                wires=out_wire) @ qml.PauliY(wires=in_wire)

            t = qml.PauliX(wires=wire) @ qml.PauliY(
                wires=out_wire) @ qml.PauliY(wires=in_wire)

            coeffs.extend([0.25, 0.25, 0.25, -0.25])

    return Hamiltonian(coeffs, ops)
Exemple #11
def cycle_mixer(graph: Union[nx.DiGraph, rx.PyDiGraph]) -> Hamiltonian:
    r"""Calculates the cycle-mixer Hamiltonian.

    Following methods outlined `here <https://arxiv.org/pdf/1709.03489.pdf>`__, the
    cycle-mixer Hamiltonian preserves the set of valid cycles:

    .. math::
        \frac{1}{4}\sum_{(i, j)\in E}
        \left(\sum_{k \in V, k\neq i, k\neq j, (i, k) \in E, (k, j) \in E}
        \left[X_{ij}X_{ik}X_{kj} +Y_{ij}Y_{ik}X_{kj} + Y_{ij}X_{ik}Y_{kj} - X_{ij}Y_{ik}Y_{kj}\right]

    where :math:`E` are the edges of the directed graph. A valid cycle is defined as a subset of
    edges in :math:`E` such that all of the graph's nodes :math:`V` have zero net flow (see the
    :func:`~.net_flow_constraint` function).


    >>> import networkx as nx
    >>> g = nx.complete_graph(3).to_directed()
    >>> h_m = cycle_mixer(g)
    >>> print(h_m)
      (-0.25) [X0 Y1 Y5]
    + (-0.25) [X1 Y0 Y3]
    + (-0.25) [X2 Y3 Y4]
    + (-0.25) [X3 Y2 Y1]
    + (-0.25) [X4 Y5 Y2]
    + (-0.25) [X5 Y4 Y0]
    + (0.25) [X0 X1 X5]
    + (0.25) [Y0 Y1 X5]
    + (0.25) [Y0 X1 Y5]
    + (0.25) [X1 X0 X3]
    + (0.25) [Y1 Y0 X3]
    + (0.25) [Y1 X0 Y3]
    + (0.25) [X2 X3 X4]
    + (0.25) [Y2 Y3 X4]
    + (0.25) [Y2 X3 Y4]
    + (0.25) [X3 X2 X1]
    + (0.25) [Y3 Y2 X1]
    + (0.25) [Y3 X2 Y1]
    + (0.25) [X4 X5 X2]
    + (0.25) [Y4 Y5 X2]
    + (0.25) [Y4 X5 Y2]
    + (0.25) [X5 X4 X0]
    + (0.25) [Y5 Y4 X0]
    + (0.25) [Y5 X4 Y0]

    >>> import retworkx as rx
    >>> g = rx.generators.directed_mesh_graph(3, [0,1,2])
    >>> h_m = cycle_mixer(g)
    >>> print(h_m)
      (-0.25) [X0 Y1 Y5]
    + (-0.25) [X1 Y0 Y3]
    + (-0.25) [X2 Y3 Y4]
    + (-0.25) [X3 Y2 Y1]
    + (-0.25) [X4 Y5 Y2]
    + (-0.25) [X5 Y4 Y0]
    + (0.25) [X0 X1 X5]
    + (0.25) [Y0 Y1 X5]
    + (0.25) [Y0 X1 Y5]
    + (0.25) [X1 X0 X3]
    + (0.25) [Y1 Y0 X3]
    + (0.25) [Y1 X0 Y3]
    + (0.25) [X2 X3 X4]
    + (0.25) [Y2 Y3 X4]
    + (0.25) [Y2 X3 Y4]
    + (0.25) [X3 X2 X1]
    + (0.25) [Y3 Y2 X1]
    + (0.25) [Y3 X2 Y1]
    + (0.25) [X4 X5 X2]
    + (0.25) [Y4 Y5 X2]
    + (0.25) [Y4 X5 Y2]
    + (0.25) [X5 X4 X0]
    + (0.25) [Y5 Y4 X0]
    + (0.25) [Y5 X4 Y0]

        graph (nx.DiGraph or rx.PyDiGraph): the directed graph specifying possible edges

        qml.Hamiltonian: the cycle-mixer Hamiltonian
    if not isinstance(graph, (nx.DiGraph, rx.PyDiGraph)):
        raise ValueError(
            f"Input graph must be a nx.DiGraph or rx.PyDiGraph, got {type(graph).__name__}"

    hamiltonian = Hamiltonian([], [])
    graph_edges = sorted(graph.edge_list()) if isinstance(
        graph, rx.PyDiGraph) else graph.edges

    for edge in graph_edges:
        hamiltonian += _partial_cycle_mixer(graph, edge)

    return hamiltonian