Exemple #1
    def test_2(self):
        """Test persistency of cached results."""

        c = Cache(TESTFILE)

        def f1(a, b):
            print("computing new result")
            self.frun = True
            return a

        def f2(a, b):
            print("computing new result")
            self.frun = True
            return a

        c = Cache(TESTFILE)

        self.call(f1, "f1", (1,2), {}, 1, True)
        self.call(f1, "f1", (1,2L), {}, 1, True)
        self.call(f1, "f1", (1,3), {}, 1, True)
        self.call(f2, "f2", (1,3), {}, 1, True)
        self.call(f2, "f2", ("2",3), {}, "2", False)
        self.call(f2, "f2", ("2",3), {}, "2", True)

Exemple #2
    def test_2(self):
        """Test persistency of cached results."""

        self.c = Cache(TESTFILE)

        def f1(a, b):
            print("computing new result")
            self.frun = True
            return a

        def f2(a, b):
            print("computing new result")
            self.frun = True
            return a

        self.call(f1, "f1", (1, 2), {}, 1, True)
        self.call(f1, "f1", (1, 2), {}, 1, True)
        self.call(f1, "f1", (1, 3), {}, 1, True)
        self.call(f2, "f2", (1, 3), {}, 1, True)
        self.call(f2, "f2", ("2", 3), {}, "2", False)
        self.call(f2, "f2", ("2", 3), {}, "2", True)

Exemple #3
    def test_check(self):
        """Test if old `check` interface still works."""

        self.c = Cache(TESTFILE)

        def f1(a, b):
            print("computing new result")
            self.frun = True
            return a

        def f2(a, b):
            print("computing new result")
            self.frun = True
            return a

        self.call(f1, "f1", (1, 2), {}, 1, False)
        self.call(f1, "f1", (1, 2), {}, 1, True)
        self.call(f1, "f1", (1, 2), {}, 1, True)
        self.call(f1, "f1", (1, 3), {}, 1, False)
        self.call(f2, "f2", (1, 3), {}, 1, False)
        self.call(f2, "f2", (1, 3), {}, 1, True)
        self.call(f2, "f2", (1.1, 0.1), {}, 1.1, False)
        self.call(f2, "f2", (1.1, 0.1), {}, 1.1, True)

Exemple #4
    def test_7(self):
        """Test overridden __repr__ method."""

        self.c = Cache(TESTFILE)

        class X(object):
            def __init__(self, a):
                self.a = a

            def __repr__(self):
                return repr(self.a)

        class Y(object):
            def __init__(self, a):
                self.a = a

        def f7(a):
            print("computing new result")
            self.frun = True
            return 0

        self.call(f7, "f7", (X(1), ), {}, 0, False)
        self.call(f7, "f7", (X(1), ), {}, 0, True)
        self.call(f7, "f7", (X(2), ), {}, 0, False)

        y1, y2 = Y(1), Y(1)

        self.call(f7, "f7", (y1, ), {}, 0, False)
        self.call(f7, "f7", (y2, ), {}, 0, False)  # bad __repr__ method

Exemple #5
    def test_1(self):
        """Test differentiation of basic numeric arguments."""

        c = Cache(TESTFILE)

        def f1(a, b):
            print("computing new result")
            self.frun = True
            return a

        def f2(a, b):
            print("computing new result")
            self.frun = True
            return a

        self.call(f1, "f1", (1,2), {}, 1, False)
        self.call(f1, "f1", (1,2), {}, 1, True)
        self.call(f1, "f1", (1,2L), {}, 1, False)
        self.call(f1, "f1", (1,3), {}, 1, False)
        self.call(f2, "f2", (1,3), {}, 1, False)
        self.call(f2, "f2", (1,3), {}, 1, True)
        self.call(f2, "f2", (1.1,0.1), {}, 1.1, False)
        self.call(f2, "f2", (1.1,0.1), {}, 1.1, True)

Exemple #6
    def test_1(self):
        """Test differentiation of basic numeric arguments."""

        self.c = Cache(TESTFILE)

        def f1(a, b):
            print("computing new result")
            self.frun = True
            return a

        def f2(a, b):
            print("computing new result")
            self.frun = True
            return a

        self.call(f1, "f1", (1, 2), {}, 1, False)
        self.call(f1, "f1", (1, 2), {}, 1, True)
        self.call(f1, "f1", (1, 2), {}, 1, True)
        self.call(f1, "f1", (1, 3), {}, 1, False)
        self.call(f2, "f2", (1, 3), {}, 1, False)
        self.call(f2, "f2", (1, 3), {}, 1, True)
        self.call(f2, "f2", (1.1, 0.1), {}, 1.1, False)
        self.call(f2, "f2", (1.1, 0.1), {}, 1.1, True)

Exemple #7
    def test_check(self):
        """Test if old `check` interface still works."""

        c = Cache(TESTFILE)

        def f1(a, b):
            print("computing new result")
            self.frun = True
            return a

        def f2(a, b):
            print("computing new result")
            self.frun = True
            return a

        self.call(f1, "f1", (1,2), {}, 1, False)
        self.call(f1, "f1", (1,2), {}, 1, True)
        self.call(f1, "f1", (1,2L), {}, 1, False)
        self.call(f1, "f1", (1,3), {}, 1, False)
        self.call(f2, "f2", (1,3), {}, 1, False)
        self.call(f2, "f2", (1,3), {}, 1, True)
        self.call(f2, "f2", (1.1,0.1), {}, 1.1, False)
        self.call(f2, "f2", (1.1,0.1), {}, 1.1, True)

Exemple #8
    def test_7(self):
        """Test overridden __repr__ method."""

        c = Cache(TESTFILE)

        class X(object):
            def __init__(self, a):
                self.a = a
            def __repr__(self): return repr(self.a)

        class Y(object):
            def __init__(self, a):
                self.a = a

        def f7(a):
            print("computing new result")
            self.frun = True
            return 0

        self.call(f7, "f7", (X(1),), {}, 0, False)
        self.call(f7, "f7", (X(1),), {}, 0, True)
        self.call(f7, "f7", (X(2),), {}, 0, False)

        y1, y2 = Y(1), Y(1)

        self.call(f7, "f7", (y1,), {}, 0, False)
        self.call(f7, "f7", (y2,), {}, 0, False) # bad __repr__ method

Exemple #9
    def __init__(self,
                 maxAgeSec=60 * 60 * 24 * 7):
        Note: Since there are decorator arguments, the function is passed to __call__()
        instead. The arguments here are the arguments to the decorator.
        Since this inherits the Cache 

            backend           - If backend is a string, it is interpreted as a filename and a 
                                Python shelve is used as the backend. Shelf creates multiple files
                                using that basename.  Otherwise it is interpreted 
                                as a mapping-like object with a `close()` and a `sync()`  method.
                                This allows to use alternative backends like *shove* or *redis*.
            fileDependencyList      - a list of files that the results of the function depend on.

            maxAgeSec               - The number of seconds since last use before something is 
                                      automatically removed from the cache, on initialization.
        #Note:  You can overwrite the __repr function by passing it to the Cache__init__ as well.
                 Right now, we're just using the default.  See the documentation for details.


        #print('file dependencies are: ', fileDependencyList, file=sys.stderr)

        #Start calculating a hash:
        h = hashlib.md5()

        #Create our hash of the file contents:
        for filePath in fileDependencyList:
            with open(filePath, 'rb') as file:

        #Calculate the hash and store it:
        self.__fileDependencyHash = h.hexdigest()

        #Initialize our persistent cache:
        Cache.__init__(self, backend)

        #Clean our cache of any old stuff:
Exemple #10
    def test_3(self):
        """Test differentiation of normal and unicode strings."""

        c = Cache(TESTFILE)

        def f3(s):
            print("computing new result")
            self.frun = True
            return None

        self.call(f3, "f3", ("a",), {}, None, False)
        self.call(f3, "f3", (u"a",), {}, None, False)
        self.call(f3, "f3", ("a",), {}, None, True)
        self.call(f3, "f3", (u"a",), {}, None, True)

Exemple #11
    def test_6(self):
        """Test keyword arguments."""

        self.c = Cache(TESTFILE)

        def f6(a, x=1, y=2, z=3):
            print("computing new result")
            self.frun = True
            return a + x + y + z

        self.call(f6, "f6", (1, ), {"z": 1, "y": 1}, 4, False)
        self.call(f6, "f6", (1, ), {"z": 1, "y": 1}, 4, True)
        self.call(f6, "f6", (1, ), {"y": 1, "z": 1}, 4, True)
        self.call(f6, "f6", (1, ), {"y": 0, "z": 2}, 4, False)
        self.call(f6, "f6", (1, ), {"z": 2, "y": 0}, 4, True)

Exemple #12
    def test_6(self):
        """Test keyword arguments."""

        c = Cache(TESTFILE)

        def f6(a, x=1, y=2, z=3):
            print("computing new result")
            self.frun = True
            return a + x + y + z

        self.call(f6, "f6", (1,), {"z":1,"y":1}, 4, False)
        self.call(f6, "f6", (1,), {"z":1,"y":1}, 4, True)
        self.call(f6, "f6", (1,), {"y":1,"z":1}, 4, True)
        self.call(f6, "f6", (1,), {"y":0,"z":2}, 4, False)
        self.call(f6, "f6", (1,), {"z":2,"y":0}, 4, True)

Exemple #13
    def test_4(self):
        """Test non-ascii strings as args"""

        self.c = Cache(TESTFILE)

        def f4(a):
            print("computing new result")
            self.frun = True
            return a

        us = u'über'
        self.call(f4, "f4", (us, ), {}, us, False)
        self.call(f4, "f4", (us, ), {}, us, True)

        us = u'über'.encode('UTF8')
        self.call(f4, "f4", (us, ), {}, us, False)
        self.call(f4, "f4", (us, ), {}, us, True)

Exemple #14
    def test_3(self):
        """Test differentiation of normal and unicode strings."""

        if sys.version_info[0] == 3:
            return  # Python 3 only has strings

        self.c = Cache(TESTFILE)

        def f3(s):
            print("computing new result")
            self.frun = True
            return None

        self.call(f3, "f3", ("a", ), {}, None, False)
        self.call(f3, "f3", (u"a", ), {}, None, False)
        self.call(f3, "f3", ("a", ), {}, None, True)
        self.call(f3, "f3", (u"a", ), {}, None, True)

Exemple #15
    def test_5(self):
        """Test clearing of old cached results."""

        self.c = Cache(TESTFILE)

        def f5(a):
            print("computing new result")
            self.frun = True
            return a

        self.call(f5, "f5", (1, ), {}, 1, False)
        self.call(f5, "f5", (2, ), {}, 2, False)


        self.call(f5, "f5", (1, ), {}, 1, False)
        self.call(f5, "f5", (2, ), {}, 2, True)

Exemple #16
    def test_5(self):
        """Test clearing of old cached results."""

        c = Cache(TESTFILE)

        def f5(a):
            print("computing new result")
            self.frun = True
            return a

        self.call(f5, "f5", (1,), {}, 1, False)
        self.call(f5, "f5", (2,), {}, 2, False)


        self.call(f5, "f5", (1,), {}, 1, False)
        self.call(f5, "f5", (2,), {}, 2, True)

Exemple #17
    def test_8(self):
        """Test custom repr function."""
        def myrepr(a):
            return "foobar"

        self.c = Cache(TESTFILE, repr=myrepr)

        class X(object):

        def f8(a):
            print("computing new result")
            self.frun = True
            return 0

        x1, x2, x3 = X(), X(), X()
        self.call(f8, "f8", (x1, ), {}, 0, False)
        self.call(f8, "f8", (x2, ), {}, 0, True)
        self.call(f8, "f8", (x3, ), {}, 0, True)  # stupid repr function
        self.call(f8, "f8", (5, ), {}, 0, True)  # stupid repr function

Exemple #18
    def test_8(self):
        """Test custom repr function."""

        def myrepr(a):
            return "foobar"

        c = Cache(TESTFILE, repr=myrepr)

        class X(object): pass

        def f8(a):
            print("computing new result")
            self.frun = True
            return 0

        x1, x2, x3 = X(), X(), X()
        self.call(f8, "f8", (x1,), {}, 0, False)
        self.call(f8, "f8", (x2,), {}, 0, True)
        self.call(f8, "f8", (x3,), {}, 0, True) # stupid repr function
        self.call(f8, "f8", (5,), {}, 0, True) # stupid repr function

Exemple #19
    def test_4(self):
        """Test non-ascii strings as args"""

        self.c = Cache(TESTFILE)

        def f4(a):
            print("computing new result")
            self.frun = True
            return a

        us = u'über'
        self.call(f4, "f4", (us,), {}, us, False)
        self.call(f4, "f4", (us,), {}, us, True)

        us = u'über'.encode('UTF8')
        self.call(f4, "f4", (us,), {}, us, False)
        self.call(f4, "f4", (us,), {}, us, True)

Exemple #20
    def test_3(self):
        """Test differentiation of normal and unicode strings."""

        if sys.version_info[0] == 3:
            return # Python 3 only has strings

        self.c = Cache(TESTFILE)

        def f3(s):
            print("computing new result")
            self.frun = True
            return None

        self.call(f3, "f3", ("a",), {}, None, False)
        self.call(f3, "f3", (u"a",), {}, None, False)
        self.call(f3, "f3", ("a",), {}, None, True)
        self.call(f3, "f3", (u"a",), {}, None, True)

Exemple #21
    def test_alternative_backend(self):
        """Test alternative backend and live-sync mode."""
        class Backend(dict):
            """Dummy backend."""
            closed = False
            synced = False

            def close(self):
                self.closed = True

            def sync(self):
                self.synced = True

        b = Backend()
        self.c = Cache(b, livesync=True)

        def f1(a, b):
            print("computing new result")
            self.frun = True
            return a

        def f2(a, b):
            print("computing new result")
            self.frun = True
            return a

        self.call(f1, "f1", (1, 2), {}, 1, False)
        self.call(f1, "f1", (1, 2), {}, 1, True)
        self.call(f1, "f1", (1, 2), {}, 1, True)
        self.call(f1, "f1", (1, 3), {}, 1, False)
        self.call(f2, "f2", (1, 3), {}, 1, False)
        self.call(f2, "f2", (1, 3), {}, 1, True)
        self.call(f2, "f2", (1.1, 0.1), {}, 1.1, False)
        self.call(f2, "f2", (1.1, 0.1), {}, 1.1, True)


        # now without live-sync

        b = Backend()
        self.c = Cache(b, livesync=False)

        def f3(a, b):
            print("computing new result")
            self.frun = True
            return a

        def f4(a, b):
            print("computing new result")
            self.frun = True
            return a

        self.call(f3, "f1", (1, 2), {}, 1, False)
        self.call(f3, "f1", (1, 2), {}, 1, True)
        self.call(f3, "f1", (1, 2), {}, 1, True)
        self.call(f3, "f1", (1, 3), {}, 1, False)
        self.call(f4, "f2", (1, 3), {}, 1, False)
        self.call(f4, "f2", (1, 3), {}, 1, True)
        self.call(f4, "f2", (1.1, 0.1), {}, 1.1, False)
        self.call(f4, "f2", (1.1, 0.1), {}, 1.1, True)

Exemple #22
class TestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    def __init__(self, *args):

        if os.path.exists(TESTFILE):
        super(TestCase, self).__init__(*args)

    def setUp(self):
        self.c = None

    def tearDown(self):
        if self.c:

    def call(self, fn, name, args, kwargs, result, cached):
        expstr = "expecting %s result" % (cached and "cached" or "new")
        print("calling %s(%s | %s) (%s)" % (name, args, kwargs, expstr))
        self.frun = False
        r = fn(*args, **kwargs)
        self.assertTrue(cached ^ self.frun)
        self.assertTrue(result == r)

    def test_1(self):
        """Test differentiation of basic numeric arguments."""

        self.c = Cache(TESTFILE)

        def f1(a, b):
            print("computing new result")
            self.frun = True
            return a

        def f2(a, b):
            print("computing new result")
            self.frun = True
            return a

        self.call(f1, "f1", (1, 2), {}, 1, False)
        self.call(f1, "f1", (1, 2), {}, 1, True)
        self.call(f1, "f1", (1, 2), {}, 1, True)
        self.call(f1, "f1", (1, 3), {}, 1, False)
        self.call(f2, "f2", (1, 3), {}, 1, False)
        self.call(f2, "f2", (1, 3), {}, 1, True)
        self.call(f2, "f2", (1.1, 0.1), {}, 1.1, False)
        self.call(f2, "f2", (1.1, 0.1), {}, 1.1, True)


    def test_2(self):
        """Test persistency of cached results."""

        self.c = Cache(TESTFILE)

        def f1(a, b):
            print("computing new result")
            self.frun = True
            return a

        def f2(a, b):
            print("computing new result")
            self.frun = True
            return a

        self.call(f1, "f1", (1, 2), {}, 1, True)
        self.call(f1, "f1", (1, 2), {}, 1, True)
        self.call(f1, "f1", (1, 3), {}, 1, True)
        self.call(f2, "f2", (1, 3), {}, 1, True)
        self.call(f2, "f2", ("2", 3), {}, "2", False)
        self.call(f2, "f2", ("2", 3), {}, "2", True)


    def test_3(self):
        """Test differentiation of normal and unicode strings."""

        if sys.version_info[0] == 3:
            return  # Python 3 only has strings

        self.c = Cache(TESTFILE)

        def f3(s):
            print("computing new result")
            self.frun = True
            return None

        self.call(f3, "f3", ("a", ), {}, None, False)
        self.call(f3, "f3", (u"a", ), {}, None, False)
        self.call(f3, "f3", ("a", ), {}, None, True)
        self.call(f3, "f3", (u"a", ), {}, None, True)


    def test_4(self):
        """Test non-ascii strings as args"""

        self.c = Cache(TESTFILE)

        def f4(a):
            print("computing new result")
            self.frun = True
            return a

        us = u'über'
        self.call(f4, "f4", (us, ), {}, us, False)
        self.call(f4, "f4", (us, ), {}, us, True)

        us = u'über'.encode('UTF8')
        self.call(f4, "f4", (us, ), {}, us, False)
        self.call(f4, "f4", (us, ), {}, us, True)


    def test_5(self):
        """Test clearing of old cached results."""

        self.c = Cache(TESTFILE)

        def f5(a):
            print("computing new result")
            self.frun = True
            return a

        self.call(f5, "f5", (1, ), {}, 1, False)
        self.call(f5, "f5", (2, ), {}, 2, False)


        self.call(f5, "f5", (1, ), {}, 1, False)
        self.call(f5, "f5", (2, ), {}, 2, True)


    def test_6(self):
        """Test keyword arguments."""

        self.c = Cache(TESTFILE)

        def f6(a, x=1, y=2, z=3):
            print("computing new result")
            self.frun = True
            return a + x + y + z

        self.call(f6, "f6", (1, ), {"z": 1, "y": 1}, 4, False)
        self.call(f6, "f6", (1, ), {"z": 1, "y": 1}, 4, True)
        self.call(f6, "f6", (1, ), {"y": 1, "z": 1}, 4, True)
        self.call(f6, "f6", (1, ), {"y": 0, "z": 2}, 4, False)
        self.call(f6, "f6", (1, ), {"z": 2, "y": 0}, 4, True)


    def test_7(self):
        """Test overridden __repr__ method."""

        self.c = Cache(TESTFILE)

        class X(object):
            def __init__(self, a):
                self.a = a

            def __repr__(self):
                return repr(self.a)

        class Y(object):
            def __init__(self, a):
                self.a = a

        def f7(a):
            print("computing new result")
            self.frun = True
            return 0

        self.call(f7, "f7", (X(1), ), {}, 0, False)
        self.call(f7, "f7", (X(1), ), {}, 0, True)
        self.call(f7, "f7", (X(2), ), {}, 0, False)

        y1, y2 = Y(1), Y(1)

        self.call(f7, "f7", (y1, ), {}, 0, False)
        self.call(f7, "f7", (y2, ), {}, 0, False)  # bad __repr__ method


    def test_8(self):
        """Test custom repr function."""
        def myrepr(a):
            return "foobar"

        self.c = Cache(TESTFILE, repr=myrepr)

        class X(object):

        def f8(a):
            print("computing new result")
            self.frun = True
            return 0

        x1, x2, x3 = X(), X(), X()
        self.call(f8, "f8", (x1, ), {}, 0, False)
        self.call(f8, "f8", (x2, ), {}, 0, True)
        self.call(f8, "f8", (x3, ), {}, 0, True)  # stupid repr function
        self.call(f8, "f8", (5, ), {}, 0, True)  # stupid repr function


    def test_check(self):
        """Test if old `check` interface still works."""

        self.c = Cache(TESTFILE)

        def f1(a, b):
            print("computing new result")
            self.frun = True
            return a

        def f2(a, b):
            print("computing new result")
            self.frun = True
            return a

        self.call(f1, "f1", (1, 2), {}, 1, False)
        self.call(f1, "f1", (1, 2), {}, 1, True)
        self.call(f1, "f1", (1, 2), {}, 1, True)
        self.call(f1, "f1", (1, 3), {}, 1, False)
        self.call(f2, "f2", (1, 3), {}, 1, False)
        self.call(f2, "f2", (1, 3), {}, 1, True)
        self.call(f2, "f2", (1.1, 0.1), {}, 1.1, False)
        self.call(f2, "f2", (1.1, 0.1), {}, 1.1, True)


    def test_alternative_backend(self):
        """Test alternative backend and live-sync mode."""
        class Backend(dict):
            """Dummy backend."""
            closed = False
            synced = False

            def close(self):
                self.closed = True

            def sync(self):
                self.synced = True

        b = Backend()
        self.c = Cache(b, livesync=True)

        def f1(a, b):
            print("computing new result")
            self.frun = True
            return a

        def f2(a, b):
            print("computing new result")
            self.frun = True
            return a

        self.call(f1, "f1", (1, 2), {}, 1, False)
        self.call(f1, "f1", (1, 2), {}, 1, True)
        self.call(f1, "f1", (1, 2), {}, 1, True)
        self.call(f1, "f1", (1, 3), {}, 1, False)
        self.call(f2, "f2", (1, 3), {}, 1, False)
        self.call(f2, "f2", (1, 3), {}, 1, True)
        self.call(f2, "f2", (1.1, 0.1), {}, 1.1, False)
        self.call(f2, "f2", (1.1, 0.1), {}, 1.1, True)


        # now without live-sync

        b = Backend()
        self.c = Cache(b, livesync=False)

        def f3(a, b):
            print("computing new result")
            self.frun = True
            return a

        def f4(a, b):
            print("computing new result")
            self.frun = True
            return a

        self.call(f3, "f1", (1, 2), {}, 1, False)
        self.call(f3, "f1", (1, 2), {}, 1, True)
        self.call(f3, "f1", (1, 2), {}, 1, True)
        self.call(f3, "f1", (1, 3), {}, 1, False)
        self.call(f4, "f2", (1, 3), {}, 1, False)
        self.call(f4, "f2", (1, 3), {}, 1, True)
        self.call(f4, "f2", (1.1, 0.1), {}, 1.1, False)
        self.call(f4, "f2", (1.1, 0.1), {}, 1.1, True)

Exemple #23
    def test_alternative_backend(self):
        """Test alternative backend and live-sync mode."""

        class Backend(dict):
            """Dummy backend."""
            closed = False
            synced = False
            def close(self):
                self.closed = True
            def sync(self):
                self.synced = True

        b = Backend()
        c = Cache(b, livesync=True)

        def f1(a, b):
            print("computing new result")
            self.frun = True
            return a

        def f2(a, b):
            print("computing new result")
            self.frun = True
            return a

        self.call(f1, "f1", (1,2), {}, 1, False)
        self.call(f1, "f1", (1,2), {}, 1, True)
        self.call(f1, "f1", (1,2L), {}, 1, False)
        self.call(f1, "f1", (1,3), {}, 1, False)
        self.call(f2, "f2", (1,3), {}, 1, False)
        self.call(f2, "f2", (1,3), {}, 1, True)
        self.call(f2, "f2", (1.1,0.1), {}, 1.1, False)
        self.call(f2, "f2", (1.1,0.1), {}, 1.1, True)


        # now without live-sync

        b = Backend()
        c = Cache(b, livesync=False)

        def f3(a, b):
            print("computing new result")
            self.frun = True
            return a

        def f4(a, b):
            print("computing new result")
            self.frun = True
            return a

        self.call(f3, "f1", (1,2), {}, 1, False)
        self.call(f3, "f1", (1,2), {}, 1, True)
        self.call(f3, "f1", (1,2L), {}, 1, False)
        self.call(f3, "f1", (1,3), {}, 1, False)
        self.call(f4, "f2", (1,3), {}, 1, False)
        self.call(f4, "f2", (1,3), {}, 1, True)
        self.call(f4, "f2", (1.1,0.1), {}, 1.1, False)
        self.call(f4, "f2", (1.1,0.1), {}, 1.1, True)

Exemple #24
from types import SimpleNamespace
from collections import Counter
from itertools import product
from more_itertools import pairwise, first, last

from contextlib import suppress

from progressbar import progressbar

import seaborn as sb
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from percache import Cache
cache = Cache(makedirs(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "synthetic/UV/percache_runs")), livesync=True)

# ~~~~ LOGGING ~~~~ #

import logging as logger
logger.basicConfig(level=logger.DEBUG, format="%(levelname)-8s [%(asctime)s] @%(funcName)s : %(message)s", datefmt="%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S %Z")

# ~~~~ SETTINGS ~~~~ #

	'out_experiment_results': os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "synthetic", "{aliquot}", "results.{ext}"),
	'savefig_args': dict(bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0, jpeg_quality=0.9, dpi=300),
Exemple #25
class TestCase(unittest.TestCase):

    def __init__(self, *args):

        if os.path.exists(TESTFILE):
        super(TestCase, self).__init__(*args)

    def setUp(self):
        self.c = None

    def tearDown(self):
        if self.c:

    def call(self, fn, name, args, kwargs, result, cached):
        expstr = "expecting %s result" % (cached and "cached" or "new")
        print("calling %s(%s | %s) (%s)" % (name, args, kwargs, expstr))
        self.frun = False
        r = fn(*args, **kwargs)
        self.assertTrue(cached ^ self.frun)
        self.assertTrue(result == r)

    def test_1(self):
        """Test differentiation of basic numeric arguments."""

        self.c = Cache(TESTFILE)

        def f1(a, b):
            print("computing new result")
            self.frun = True
            return a

        def f2(a, b):
            print("computing new result")
            self.frun = True
            return a

        self.call(f1, "f1", (1,2), {}, 1, False)
        self.call(f1, "f1", (1,2), {}, 1, True)
        self.call(f1, "f1", (1,2), {}, 1, True)
        self.call(f1, "f1", (1,3), {}, 1, False)
        self.call(f2, "f2", (1,3), {}, 1, False)
        self.call(f2, "f2", (1,3), {}, 1, True)
        self.call(f2, "f2", (1.1,0.1), {}, 1.1, False)
        self.call(f2, "f2", (1.1,0.1), {}, 1.1, True)


    def test_2(self):
        """Test persistency of cached results."""

        self.c = Cache(TESTFILE)

        def f1(a, b):
            print("computing new result")
            self.frun = True
            return a

        def f2(a, b):
            print("computing new result")
            self.frun = True
            return a

        self.call(f1, "f1", (1,2), {}, 1, True)
        self.call(f1, "f1", (1,2), {}, 1, True)
        self.call(f1, "f1", (1,3), {}, 1, True)
        self.call(f2, "f2", (1,3), {}, 1, True)
        self.call(f2, "f2", ("2",3), {}, "2", False)
        self.call(f2, "f2", ("2",3), {}, "2", True)


    def test_3(self):
        """Test differentiation of normal and unicode strings."""

        if sys.version_info[0] == 3:
            return # Python 3 only has strings

        self.c = Cache(TESTFILE)

        def f3(s):
            print("computing new result")
            self.frun = True
            return None

        self.call(f3, "f3", ("a",), {}, None, False)
        self.call(f3, "f3", (u"a",), {}, None, False)
        self.call(f3, "f3", ("a",), {}, None, True)
        self.call(f3, "f3", (u"a",), {}, None, True)


    def test_4(self):
        """Test non-ascii strings as args"""

        self.c = Cache(TESTFILE)

        def f4(a):
            print("computing new result")
            self.frun = True
            return a

        us = u'über'
        self.call(f4, "f4", (us,), {}, us, False)
        self.call(f4, "f4", (us,), {}, us, True)

        us = u'über'.encode('UTF8')
        self.call(f4, "f4", (us,), {}, us, False)
        self.call(f4, "f4", (us,), {}, us, True)


    def test_5(self):
        """Test clearing of old cached results."""

        self.c = Cache(TESTFILE)

        def f5(a):
            print("computing new result")
            self.frun = True
            return a

        self.call(f5, "f5", (1,), {}, 1, False)
        self.call(f5, "f5", (2,), {}, 2, False)


        self.call(f5, "f5", (1,), {}, 1, False)
        self.call(f5, "f5", (2,), {}, 2, True)


    def test_6(self):
        """Test keyword arguments."""

        self.c = Cache(TESTFILE)

        def f6(a, x=1, y=2, z=3):
            print("computing new result")
            self.frun = True
            return a + x + y + z

        self.call(f6, "f6", (1,), {"z":1,"y":1}, 4, False)
        self.call(f6, "f6", (1,), {"z":1,"y":1}, 4, True)
        self.call(f6, "f6", (1,), {"y":1,"z":1}, 4, True)
        self.call(f6, "f6", (1,), {"y":0,"z":2}, 4, False)
        self.call(f6, "f6", (1,), {"z":2,"y":0}, 4, True)


    def test_7(self):
        """Test overridden __repr__ method."""

        self.c = Cache(TESTFILE)

        class X(object):
            def __init__(self, a):
                self.a = a
            def __repr__(self): return repr(self.a)

        class Y(object):
            def __init__(self, a):
                self.a = a

        def f7(a):
            print("computing new result")
            self.frun = True
            return 0

        self.call(f7, "f7", (X(1),), {}, 0, False)
        self.call(f7, "f7", (X(1),), {}, 0, True)
        self.call(f7, "f7", (X(2),), {}, 0, False)

        y1, y2 = Y(1), Y(1)

        self.call(f7, "f7", (y1,), {}, 0, False)
        self.call(f7, "f7", (y2,), {}, 0, False) # bad __repr__ method


    def test_8(self):
        """Test custom repr function."""

        def myrepr(a):
            return "foobar"

        self.c = Cache(TESTFILE, repr=myrepr)

        class X(object): pass

        def f8(a):
            print("computing new result")
            self.frun = True
            return 0

        x1, x2, x3 = X(), X(), X()
        self.call(f8, "f8", (x1,), {}, 0, False)
        self.call(f8, "f8", (x2,), {}, 0, True)
        self.call(f8, "f8", (x3,), {}, 0, True) # stupid repr function
        self.call(f8, "f8", (5,), {}, 0, True) # stupid repr function


    def test_check(self):
        """Test if old `check` interface still works."""

        self.c = Cache(TESTFILE)

        def f1(a, b):
            print("computing new result")
            self.frun = True
            return a

        def f2(a, b):
            print("computing new result")
            self.frun = True
            return a

        self.call(f1, "f1", (1,2), {}, 1, False)
        self.call(f1, "f1", (1,2), {}, 1, True)
        self.call(f1, "f1", (1,2), {}, 1, True)
        self.call(f1, "f1", (1,3), {}, 1, False)
        self.call(f2, "f2", (1,3), {}, 1, False)
        self.call(f2, "f2", (1,3), {}, 1, True)
        self.call(f2, "f2", (1.1,0.1), {}, 1.1, False)
        self.call(f2, "f2", (1.1,0.1), {}, 1.1, True)


    def test_alternative_backend(self):
        """Test alternative backend and live-sync mode."""

        class Backend(dict):
            """Dummy backend."""
            closed = False
            synced = False
            def close(self):
                self.closed = True
            def sync(self):
                self.synced = True

        b = Backend()
        self.c = Cache(b, livesync=True)

        def f1(a, b):
            print("computing new result")
            self.frun = True
            return a

        def f2(a, b):
            print("computing new result")
            self.frun = True
            return a

        self.call(f1, "f1", (1,2), {}, 1, False)
        self.call(f1, "f1", (1,2), {}, 1, True)
        self.call(f1, "f1", (1,2), {}, 1, True)
        self.call(f1, "f1", (1,3), {}, 1, False)
        self.call(f2, "f2", (1,3), {}, 1, False)
        self.call(f2, "f2", (1,3), {}, 1, True)
        self.call(f2, "f2", (1.1,0.1), {}, 1.1, False)
        self.call(f2, "f2", (1.1,0.1), {}, 1.1, True)


        # now without live-sync

        b = Backend()
        self.c = Cache(b, livesync=False)

        def f3(a, b):
            print("computing new result")
            self.frun = True
            return a

        def f4(a, b):
            print("computing new result")
            self.frun = True
            return a

        self.call(f3, "f1", (1,2), {}, 1, False)
        self.call(f3, "f1", (1,2), {}, 1, True)
        self.call(f3, "f1", (1,2), {}, 1, True)
        self.call(f3, "f1", (1,3), {}, 1, False)
        self.call(f4, "f2", (1,3), {}, 1, False)
        self.call(f4, "f2", (1,3), {}, 1, True)
        self.call(f4, "f2", (1.1,0.1), {}, 1.1, False)
        self.call(f4, "f2", (1.1,0.1), {}, 1.1, True)
