Exemple #1
class Profile(object):
    """Handles all operations regarding profile. Created new profiles, installs extensions,
    sets preferences and handles cleanup."""

    def __init__(self, profile=None, addons=None, addon_manifests=None,  
                 preferences=None, locations=None, proxy=None, restore=True):
        :param profile: Path to the profile
        :param addons: String of one or list of addons to install
        :param addon_manifests: Manifest for addons, see http://ahal.ca/blog/2011/bulk-installing-fx-addons/
        :param preferences: Dictionary or class of preferences
        :param locations: locations to proxy
        :param proxy: setup a proxy - dict of server-loc,server-port,ssl-port
        :param restore: If true remove all installed addons preferences when cleaning up

        # if true, remove installed addons/prefs afterwards
        self.restore = restore

        # prefs files written to
        self.written_prefs = set()

        # our magic markers
        nonce = '%s %s' % (str(time.time()), uuid.uuid4())
        self.delimeters = ('#MozRunner Prefs Start %s' % nonce,'#MozRunner Prefs End %s' % nonce)

        # Handle profile creation
        self.create_new = not profile
        if profile:
            # Ensure we have a full path to the profile
            self.profile = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(profile))
            if not os.path.exists(self.profile):
            self.profile = self.create_new_profile()

        # set preferences
        if hasattr(self.__class__, 'preferences'):
            # class preferences
        self._preferences = preferences
        if preferences:
            # supplied preferences
            if isinstance(preferences, dict):
                # unordered
                preferences = preferences.items()
            # sanity check
            assert not [i for i in preferences
                        if len(i) != 2]
            preferences = []

        # set permissions
        self._locations = locations # store this for reconstruction
        self._proxy = proxy
        self.permissions = Permissions(self.profile, locations)
        prefs_js, user_js = self.permissions.network_prefs(proxy)
        self.set_preferences(prefs_js, 'prefs.js')

        # handle addon installation
        self.addon_manager = AddonManager(self.profile)
        self.addon_manager.install_addons(addons, addon_manifests)

    def exists(self):
        """returns whether the profile exists or not"""
        return os.path.exists(self.profile)

    def reset(self):
        reset the profile to the beginning state
        if self.create_new:
            profile = None
            profile = self.profile
                      proxy = self._proxy)

    def create_new_profile(self):
        """Create a new clean profile in tmp which is a simple empty folder"""
        profile = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix='.mozrunner')
        return profile

    ### methods for preferences

    def set_preferences(self, preferences, filename='user.js'):
        """Adds preferences dict to profile preferences"""

        # append to the file
        prefs_file = os.path.join(self.profile, filename)
        f = open(prefs_file, 'a')

        if preferences:

            # note what files we've touched

            if isinstance(preferences, dict):
                # order doesn't matter
                preferences = preferences.items()

            # write the preferences
            f.write('\n%s\n' % self.delimeters[0])
            _prefs = [(json.dumps(k), json.dumps(v) )
                      for k, v in preferences]
            for _pref in _prefs:
                f.write('user_pref(%s, %s);\n' % _pref)
            f.write('%s\n' % self.delimeters[1])

    def pop_preferences(self, filename):
        pop the last set of preferences added
        returns True if popped

        lines = file(os.path.join(self.profile, filename)).read().splitlines()
        def last_index(_list, value):
            returns the last index of an item;
            this should actually be part of python code but it isn't
            for index in reversed(range(len(_list))):
                if _list[index] == value:
                    return index
        s = last_index(lines, self.delimeters[0])
        e = last_index(lines, self.delimeters[1])

        # ensure both markers are found
        if s is None:
            assert e is None, '%s found without %s' % (self.delimeters[1], self.delimeters[0])
            return False # no preferences found
        elif e is None:
            assert s is None, '%s found without %s' % (self.delimeters[0], self.delimeters[1])

        # ensure the markers are in the proper order
        assert e > s, '%s found at %s, while %s found at %s' % (self.delimeters[1], e, self.delimeters[0], s)

        # write the prefs
        cleaned_prefs = '\n'.join(lines[:s] + lines[e+1:])
        f = file(os.path.join(self.profile, 'user.js'), 'w')
        return True

    def clean_preferences(self):
        """Removed preferences added by mozrunner."""
        for filename in self.written_prefs:
            if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.profile, filename)):
                # file has been deleted
            while True:
                if not self.pop_preferences(filename):

    ### cleanup

    def _cleanup_error(self, function, path, excinfo):
        """ Specifically for windows we need to handle the case where the windows
            process has not yet relinquished handles on files, so we do a wait/try
            construct and timeout if we can't get a clear road to deletion

            from exceptions import WindowsError
            from time import sleep
            def is_file_locked():
                return excinfo[0] is WindowsError and excinfo[1].winerror == 32

            if excinfo[0] is WindowsError and excinfo[1].winerror == 32:
                # Then we're on windows, wait to see if the file gets unlocked
                # we wait 10s
                count = 0
                while count < 10:
                        count += 1
        except ImportError:
            # We can't re-raise an error, so we'll hope the stuff above us will throw

    def cleanup(self):
        """Cleanup operations for the profile."""
        if self.restore:
            if self.create_new:
                if os.path.exists(self.profile):
                    rmtree(self.profile, onerror=self._cleanup_error)

    __del__ = cleanup
Exemple #2
class Profile(object):
    """Handles all operations regarding profile.

    Creating new profiles, installing add-ons, setting preferences and
    handling cleanup.

    The files associated with the profile will be removed automatically after
    the object is garbage collected: ::

      profile = Profile()
      print profile.profile  # this is the path to the created profile
      del profile
      # the profile path has been removed from disk

    :meth:`cleanup` is called under the hood to remove the profile files. You
    can ensure this method is called (even in the case of exception) by using
    the profile as a context manager: ::

      with Profile() as profile:
          # do things with the profile
      # profile.cleanup() has been called here

    def __init__(self, profile=None, addons=None, addon_manifests=None,
                 preferences=None, locations=None, proxy=None, restore=True):
        :param profile: Path to the profile
        :param addons: String of one or list of addons to install
        :param addon_manifests: Manifest for addons (see http://bit.ly/17jQ7i6)
        :param preferences: Dictionary or class of preferences
        :param locations: ServerLocations object
        :param proxy: Setup a proxy
        :param restore: Flag for removing all custom settings during cleanup
        self._addons = addons
        self._addon_manifests = addon_manifests
        self._locations = locations
        self._proxy = proxy

        # Prepare additional preferences
        if preferences:
            if isinstance(preferences, dict):
                # unordered
                preferences = preferences.items()

            # sanity check
            assert not [i for i in preferences if len(i) != 2]
            preferences = []
        self._preferences = preferences

        # Handle profile creation
        self.create_new = not profile
        if profile:
            # Ensure we have a full path to the profile
            self.profile = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(profile))
            self.profile = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix='.mozrunner')

        self.restore = restore

        # Initialize all class members

    def _internal_init(self):
        """Internal: Initialize all class members to their default value"""

        if not os.path.exists(self.profile):

        # Preferences files written to
        self.written_prefs = set()

        # Our magic markers
        nonce = '%s %s' % (str(time.time()), uuid.uuid4())
        self.delimeters = ('#MozRunner Prefs Start %s' % nonce,
                           '#MozRunner Prefs End %s' % nonce)

        # If sub-classes want to set default preferences
        if hasattr(self.__class__, 'preferences'):
        # Set additional preferences

        self.permissions = Permissions(self.profile, self._locations)
        prefs_js, user_js = self.permissions.network_prefs(self._proxy)
        self.set_preferences(prefs_js, 'prefs.js')

        # handle add-on installation
        self.addon_manager = AddonManager(self.profile, restore=self.restore)
        self.addon_manager.install_addons(self._addons, self._addon_manifests)

    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):

    def __del__(self):

    # cleanup

    def cleanup(self):
        """Cleanup operations for the profile."""

        if self.restore:
            # If copies of those class instances exist ensure we correctly
            # reset them all (see bug 934484)
            if getattr(self, 'addon_manager', None) is not None:
            if getattr(self, 'permissions', None) is not None:

            # If it's a temporary profile we have to remove it
            if self.create_new:

    def reset(self):
        reset the profile to the beginning state


    def clean_preferences(self):
        """Removed preferences added by mozrunner."""
        for filename in self.written_prefs:
            if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.profile, filename)):
                # file has been deleted
            while True:
                if not self.pop_preferences(filename):

    def clone(cls, path_from, path_to=None, **kwargs):
        """Instantiate a temporary profile via cloning
        - path: path of the basis to clone
        - kwargs: arguments to the profile constructor
        if not path_to:
            tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()  # need an unused temp dir name
            mozfile.remove(tempdir)  # copytree requires that dest does not exist
            path_to = tempdir
        copytree(path_from, path_to)

        c = cls(path_to, **kwargs)
        c.create_new = True  # deletes a cloned profile when restore is True
        return c

    def exists(self):
        """returns whether the profile exists or not"""
        return os.path.exists(self.profile)

    # methods for preferences

    def set_preferences(self, preferences, filename='user.js'):
        """Adds preferences dict to profile preferences"""

        # append to the file
        prefs_file = os.path.join(self.profile, filename)
        f = open(prefs_file, 'a')

        if preferences:

            # note what files we've touched

            # opening delimeter
            f.write('\n%s\n' % self.delimeters[0])

            # write the preferences
            Preferences.write(f, preferences)

            # closing delimeter
            f.write('%s\n' % self.delimeters[1])


    def set_persistent_preferences(self, preferences):
        Adds preferences dict to profile preferences and save them during a
        profile reset

        # this is a dict sometimes, convert
        if isinstance(preferences, dict):
            preferences = preferences.items()

        # add new prefs to preserve them during reset
        for new_pref in preferences:
            # if dupe remove item from original list
            self._preferences = [
                pref for pref in self._preferences if not new_pref[0] == pref[0]]

        self.set_preferences(preferences, filename='user.js')

    def pop_preferences(self, filename):
        pop the last set of preferences added
        returns True if popped

        path = os.path.join(self.profile, filename)
        with file(path) as f:
            lines = f.read().splitlines()

        def last_index(_list, value):
            returns the last index of an item;
            this should actually be part of python code but it isn't
            for index in reversed(range(len(_list))):
                if _list[index] == value:
                    return index
        s = last_index(lines, self.delimeters[0])
        e = last_index(lines, self.delimeters[1])

        # ensure both markers are found
        if s is None:
            assert e is None, '%s found without %s' % (self.delimeters[1], self.delimeters[0])
            return False  # no preferences found
        elif e is None:
            assert s is None, '%s found without %s' % (self.delimeters[0], self.delimeters[1])

        # ensure the markers are in the proper order
        assert e > s, '%s found at %s, while %s found at %s' % (self.delimeters[1], e,
                                                                self.delimeters[0], s)

        # write the prefs
        cleaned_prefs = '\n'.join(lines[:s] + lines[e + 1:])
        with file(path, 'w') as f:
        return True

    # methods for introspection

    def summary(self, return_parts=False):
        returns string summarizing profile information.
        if return_parts is true, return the (Part_name, value) list
        of tuples instead of the assembled string

        parts = [('Path', self.profile)]  # profile path

        # directory tree
        parts.append(('Files', '\n%s' % mozfile.tree(self.profile)))

        # preferences
        for prefs_file in ('user.js', 'prefs.js'):
            path = os.path.join(self.profile, prefs_file)
            if os.path.exists(path):

                # prefs that get their own section
                # This is currently only 'network.proxy.autoconfig_url'
                # but could be expanded to include others
                section_prefs = ['network.proxy.autoconfig_url']
                line_length = 80
                # buffer for 80 character display:
                # length = 80 - len(key) - len(': ') - line_length_buffer
                line_length_buffer = 10
                line_length_buffer += len(': ')

                def format_value(key, value):
                    if key not in section_prefs:
                        return value
                    max_length = line_length - len(key) - line_length_buffer
                    if len(value) > max_length:
                        value = '%s...' % value[:max_length]
                    return value

                prefs = Preferences.read_prefs(path)
                if prefs:
                    prefs = dict(prefs)
                                  '\n%s' % ('\n'.join(
                                      ['%s: %s' % (key, format_value(key, prefs[key]))
                                       for key in sorted(prefs.keys())]))))

                    # Currently hardcorded to 'network.proxy.autoconfig_url'
                    # but could be generalized, possibly with a generalized (simple)
                    # JS-parser
                    network_proxy_autoconfig = prefs.get('network.proxy.autoconfig_url')
                    if network_proxy_autoconfig and network_proxy_autoconfig.strip():
                        network_proxy_autoconfig = network_proxy_autoconfig.strip()
                        lines = network_proxy_autoconfig.replace(';', ';\n').splitlines()
                        lines = [line.strip() for line in lines]
                        origins_string = 'var origins = ['
                        origins_end = '];'
                        if origins_string in lines[0]:
                            start = lines[0].find(origins_string)
                            end = lines[0].find(origins_end, start)
                            splitline = [lines[0][:start],
                                         lines[0][start:start + len(origins_string) - 1],
                            splitline.extend(lines[0][start + len(origins_string):end].replace(
                                ',', ',\n').splitlines())
                            lines[0:1] = [i.strip() for i in splitline]
                        parts.append(('Network Proxy Autoconfig, %s' % (prefs_file),
                                      '\n%s' % '\n'.join(lines)))

        if return_parts:
            return parts

        retval = '%s\n' % ('\n\n'.join(['[%s]: %s' % (key, value)
                                        for key, value in parts]))
        return retval

    __str__ = summary
Exemple #3
class Profile(object):
    """Handles all operations regarding profile.

    Creating new profiles, installing add-ons, setting preferences and
    handling cleanup.

    def __init__(
        :param profile: Path to the profile
        :param addons: String of one or list of addons to install
        :param addon_manifests: Manifest for addons (see http://bit.ly/17jQ7i6)
        :param apps: Dictionary or class of webapps to install
        :param preferences: Dictionary or class of preferences
        :param locations: ServerLocations object
        :param proxy: Setup a proxy
        :param restore: Flag for removing all custom settings during cleanup
        self._addons = addons
        self._addon_manifests = addon_manifests
        self._apps = apps
        self._locations = locations
        self._proxy = proxy

        # Prepare additional preferences
        if preferences:
            if isinstance(preferences, dict):
                # unordered
                preferences = preferences.items()

            # sanity check
            assert not [i for i in preferences if len(i) != 2]
            preferences = []
        self._preferences = preferences

        # Handle profile creation
        self.create_new = not profile
        if profile:
            # Ensure we have a full path to the profile
            self.profile = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(profile))
            self.profile = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix=".mozrunner")

        self.restore = restore

        # Initialize all class members

    def _internal_init(self):
        """Internal: Initialize all class members to their default value"""

        if not os.path.exists(self.profile):

        # Preferences files written to
        self.written_prefs = set()

        # Our magic markers
        nonce = "%s %s" % (str(time.time()), uuid.uuid4())
        self.delimeters = ("#MozRunner Prefs Start %s" % nonce, "#MozRunner Prefs End %s" % nonce)

        # If sub-classes want to set default preferences
        if hasattr(self.__class__, "preferences"):
        # Set additional preferences

        self.permissions = Permissions(self.profile, self._locations)
        prefs_js, user_js = self.permissions.network_prefs(self._proxy)
        self.set_preferences(prefs_js, "prefs.js")

        # handle add-on installation
        self.addon_manager = AddonManager(self.profile, restore=self.restore)
        self.addon_manager.install_addons(self._addons, self._addon_manifests)

        # handle webapps
        self.webapps = WebappCollection(profile=self.profile, apps=self._apps)

    def __del__(self):

    ### cleanup

    def cleanup(self):
        """Cleanup operations for the profile."""

        if self.restore:
            # If copies of those class instances exist ensure we correctly
            # reset them all (see bug 934484)
            if getattr(self, "addon_manager", None) is not None:
            if getattr(self, "permissions", None) is not None:
            if getattr(self, "webapps", None) is not None:

            # If it's a temporary profile we have to remove it
            if self.create_new:

    def reset(self):
        reset the profile to the beginning state


    def clean_preferences(self):
        """Removed preferences added by mozrunner."""
        for filename in self.written_prefs:
            if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.profile, filename)):
                # file has been deleted
            while True:
                if not self.pop_preferences(filename):

    def clone(cls, path_from, path_to=None, **kwargs):
        """Instantiate a temporary profile via cloning
        - path: path of the basis to clone
        - kwargs: arguments to the profile constructor
        if not path_to:
            tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()  # need an unused temp dir name
            mozfile.remove(tempdir)  # copytree requires that dest does not exist
            path_to = tempdir
        copytree(path_from, path_to)

        def cleanup_clone(fn):
            """Deletes a cloned profile when restore is True"""

            def wrapped(self):
                if self.restore and os.path.exists(self.profile):

            return wrapped

        c = cls(path_to, **kwargs)
        c.__del__ = c.cleanup = types.MethodType(cleanup_clone(cls.cleanup), c)
        return c

    def exists(self):
        """returns whether the profile exists or not"""
        return os.path.exists(self.profile)

    ### methods for preferences

    def set_preferences(self, preferences, filename="user.js"):
        """Adds preferences dict to profile preferences"""

        # append to the file
        prefs_file = os.path.join(self.profile, filename)
        f = open(prefs_file, "a")

        if preferences:

            # note what files we've touched

            # opening delimeter
            f.write("\n%s\n" % self.delimeters[0])

            # write the preferences
            Preferences.write(f, preferences)

            # closing delimeter
            f.write("%s\n" % self.delimeters[1])


    def pop_preferences(self, filename):
        pop the last set of preferences added
        returns True if popped

        path = os.path.join(self.profile, filename)
        with file(path) as f:
            lines = f.read().splitlines()

        def last_index(_list, value):
            returns the last index of an item;
            this should actually be part of python code but it isn't
            for index in reversed(range(len(_list))):
                if _list[index] == value:
                    return index

        s = last_index(lines, self.delimeters[0])
        e = last_index(lines, self.delimeters[1])

        # ensure both markers are found
        if s is None:
            assert e is None, "%s found without %s" % (self.delimeters[1], self.delimeters[0])
            return False  # no preferences found
        elif e is None:
            assert s is None, "%s found without %s" % (self.delimeters[0], self.delimeters[1])

        # ensure the markers are in the proper order
        assert e > s, "%s found at %s, while %s found at %s" % (self.delimeters[1], e, self.delimeters[0], s)

        # write the prefs
        cleaned_prefs = "\n".join(lines[:s] + lines[e + 1 :])
        with file(path, "w") as f:
        return True

    ### methods for introspection

    def summary(self, return_parts=False):
        returns string summarizing profile information.
        if return_parts is true, return the (Part_name, value) list
        of tuples instead of the assembled string

        parts = [("Path", self.profile)]  # profile path

        # directory tree
        parts.append(("Files", "\n%s" % mozfile.tree(self.profile)))

        # preferences
        for prefs_file in ("user.js", "prefs.js"):
            path = os.path.join(self.profile, prefs_file)
            if os.path.exists(path):

                # prefs that get their own section
                # This is currently only 'network.proxy.autoconfig_url'
                # but could be expanded to include others
                section_prefs = ["network.proxy.autoconfig_url"]
                line_length = 80
                line_length_buffer = (
                )  # buffer for 80 character display: length = 80 - len(key) - len(': ') - line_length_buffer
                line_length_buffer += len(": ")

                def format_value(key, value):
                    if key not in section_prefs:
                        return value
                    max_length = line_length - len(key) - line_length_buffer
                    if len(value) > max_length:
                        value = "%s..." % value[:max_length]
                    return value

                prefs = Preferences.read_prefs(path)
                if prefs:
                    prefs = dict(prefs)
                            % (
                                    ["%s: %s" % (key, format_value(key, prefs[key])) for key in sorted(prefs.keys())]

                    # Currently hardcorded to 'network.proxy.autoconfig_url'
                    # but could be generalized, possibly with a generalized (simple)
                    # JS-parser
                    network_proxy_autoconfig = prefs.get("network.proxy.autoconfig_url")
                    if network_proxy_autoconfig and network_proxy_autoconfig.strip():
                        network_proxy_autoconfig = network_proxy_autoconfig.strip()
                        lines = network_proxy_autoconfig.replace(";", ";\n").splitlines()
                        lines = [line.strip() for line in lines]
                        origins_string = "var origins = ["
                        origins_end = "];"
                        if origins_string in lines[0]:
                            start = lines[0].find(origins_string)
                            end = lines[0].find(origins_end, start)
                            splitline = [lines[0][:start], lines[0][start : start + len(origins_string) - 1]]
                                lines[0][start + len(origins_string) : end].replace(",", ",\n").splitlines()
                            lines[0:1] = [i.strip() for i in splitline]
                        parts.append(("Network Proxy Autoconfig, %s" % (prefs_file), "\n%s" % "\n".join(lines)))

        if return_parts:
            return parts

        retval = "%s\n" % ("\n\n".join(["[%s]: %s" % (key, value) for key, value in parts]))
        return retval

    __str__ = summary
Exemple #4
class Profile(object):
    """Handles all operations regarding profile.

    Creating new profiles, installing add-ons, setting preferences and
    handling cleanup.

    def __init__(self, profile=None, addons=None, addon_manifests=None, apps=None,
                 preferences=None, locations=None, proxy=None, restore=True):
        :param profile: Path to the profile
        :param addons: String of one or list of addons to install
        :param addon_manifests: Manifest for addons (see http://bit.ly/17jQ7i6)
        :param apps: Dictionary or class of webapps to install
        :param preferences: Dictionary or class of preferences
        :param locations: ServerLocations object
        :param proxy: Setup a proxy
        :param restore: Flag for removing all custom settings during cleanup
        self._addons = addons
        self._addon_manifests = addon_manifests
        self._apps = apps
        self._locations = locations
        self._proxy = proxy

        # Prepare additional preferences
        if preferences:
            if isinstance(preferences, dict):
                # unordered
                preferences = preferences.items()

            # sanity check
            assert not [i for i in preferences if len(i) != 2]
            preferences = []
        self._preferences = preferences

        # Handle profile creation
        self.create_new = not profile
        if profile:
            # Ensure we have a full path to the profile
            self.profile = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(profile))
            self.profile = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix='.mozrunner')

        self.restore = restore

        # Initialize all class members

    def _internal_init(self):
        """Internal: Initialize all class members to their default value"""

        if not os.path.exists(self.profile):

        # Preferences files written to
        self.written_prefs = set()

        # Our magic markers
        nonce = '%s %s' % (str(time.time()), uuid.uuid4())
        self.delimeters = ('#MozRunner Prefs Start %s' % nonce,
                           '#MozRunner Prefs End %s' % nonce)

        # If sub-classes want to set default preferences
        if hasattr(self.__class__, 'preferences'):
        # Set additional preferences

        self.permissions = Permissions(self.profile, self._locations)
        prefs_js, user_js = self.permissions.network_prefs(self._proxy)
        self.set_preferences(prefs_js, 'prefs.js')

        # handle add-on installation
        self.addon_manager = AddonManager(self.profile, restore=self.restore)
        self.addon_manager.install_addons(self._addons, self._addon_manifests)

        # handle webapps
        self.webapps = WebappCollection(profile=self.profile, apps=self._apps)

    def __del__(self):

    ### cleanup

    def cleanup(self):
        """Cleanup operations for the profile."""

        if self.restore:
            # If copies of those class instances exist ensure we correctly
            # reset them all (see bug 934484)

            # If it's a temporary profile we have to remove it
            if self.create_new:
                if os.path.exists(self.profile):
                    rmtree(self.profile, onerror=self._cleanup_error)

    def reset(self):
        reset the profile to the beginning state


    def _cleanup_error(self, function, path, excinfo):
        """ Specifically for windows we need to handle the case where the windows
            process has not yet relinquished handles on files, so we do a wait/try
            construct and timeout if we can't get a clear road to deletion

            from exceptions import WindowsError
            from time import sleep
            def is_file_locked():
                return excinfo[0] is WindowsError and excinfo[1].winerror == 32

            if excinfo[0] is WindowsError and excinfo[1].winerror == 32:
                # Then we're on windows, wait to see if the file gets unlocked
                # we wait 10s
                count = 0
                while count < 10:
                        count += 1
        except ImportError:
            # We can't re-raise an error, so we'll hope the stuff above us will throw

    def clean_preferences(self):
        """Removed preferences added by mozrunner."""
        for filename in self.written_prefs:
            if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.profile, filename)):
                # file has been deleted
            while True:
                if not self.pop_preferences(filename):

    def clone(cls, path_from, path_to=None, **kwargs):
        """Instantiate a temporary profile via cloning
        - path: path of the basis to clone
        - kwargs: arguments to the profile constructor
        if not path_to:
            tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() # need an unused temp dir name
            rmtree(tempdir) # copytree requires that dest does not exist
            path_to = tempdir
        copytree(path_from, path_to)

        def cleanup_clone(fn):
            """Deletes a cloned profile when restore is True"""
            def wrapped(self):
                if self.restore and os.path.exists(self.profile):
                        rmtree(self.profile, onerror=self._cleanup_error)
            return wrapped

        c = cls(path_to, **kwargs)
        c.__del__ = c.cleanup = types.MethodType(cleanup_clone(cls.cleanup), c)
        return c

    def exists(self):
        """returns whether the profile exists or not"""
        return os.path.exists(self.profile)

    ### methods for preferences

    def set_preferences(self, preferences, filename='user.js'):
        """Adds preferences dict to profile preferences"""

        # append to the file
        prefs_file = os.path.join(self.profile, filename)
        f = open(prefs_file, 'a')

        if preferences:

            # note what files we've touched

            # opening delimeter
            f.write('\n%s\n' % self.delimeters[0])

            # write the preferences
            Preferences.write(f, preferences)

            # closing delimeter
            f.write('%s\n' % self.delimeters[1])


    def pop_preferences(self, filename):
        pop the last set of preferences added
        returns True if popped

        path = os.path.join(self.profile, filename)
        with file(path) as f:
            lines = f.read().splitlines()
        def last_index(_list, value):
            returns the last index of an item;
            this should actually be part of python code but it isn't
            for index in reversed(range(len(_list))):
                if _list[index] == value:
                    return index
        s = last_index(lines, self.delimeters[0])
        e = last_index(lines, self.delimeters[1])

        # ensure both markers are found
        if s is None:
            assert e is None, '%s found without %s' % (self.delimeters[1], self.delimeters[0])
            return False # no preferences found
        elif e is None:
            assert s is None, '%s found without %s' % (self.delimeters[0], self.delimeters[1])

        # ensure the markers are in the proper order
        assert e > s, '%s found at %s, while %s found at %s' % (self.delimeters[1], e, self.delimeters[0], s)

        # write the prefs
        cleaned_prefs = '\n'.join(lines[:s] + lines[e+1:])
        with file(path, 'w') as f:
        return True

    ### methods for introspection

    def summary(self, return_parts=False):
        returns string summarizing profile information.
        if return_parts is true, return the (Part_name, value) list
        of tuples instead of the assembled string

        parts = [('Path', self.profile)] # profile path

        # directory tree
        parts.append(('Files', '\n%s' % tree(self.profile)))

        # preferences
        for prefs_file in ('user.js', 'prefs.js'):
            path = os.path.join(self.profile, prefs_file)
            if os.path.exists(path):

                # prefs that get their own section
                # This is currently only 'network.proxy.autoconfig_url'
                # but could be expanded to include others
                section_prefs = ['network.proxy.autoconfig_url']
                line_length = 80
                line_length_buffer = 10 # buffer for 80 character display: length = 80 - len(key) - len(': ') - line_length_buffer
                line_length_buffer += len(': ')
                def format_value(key, value):
                    if key not in section_prefs:
                        return value
                    max_length = line_length - len(key) - line_length_buffer
                    if len(value) > max_length:
                        value = '%s...' % value[:max_length]
                    return value

                prefs = Preferences.read_prefs(path)
                if prefs:
                    prefs = dict(prefs)
                    '\n%s' %('\n'.join(['%s: %s' % (key, format_value(key, prefs[key]))
                                        for key in sorted(prefs.keys())

                    # Currently hardcorded to 'network.proxy.autoconfig_url'
                    # but could be generalized, possibly with a generalized (simple)
                    # JS-parser
                    network_proxy_autoconfig = prefs.get('network.proxy.autoconfig_url')
                    if network_proxy_autoconfig and network_proxy_autoconfig.strip():
                        network_proxy_autoconfig = network_proxy_autoconfig.strip()
                        lines = network_proxy_autoconfig.replace(';', ';\n').splitlines()
                        lines = [line.strip() for line in lines]
                        origins_string = 'var origins = ['
                        origins_end = '];'
                        if origins_string in lines[0]:
                            start = lines[0].find(origins_string)
                            end = lines[0].find(origins_end, start);
                            splitline = [lines[0][:start],
                            splitline.extend(lines[0][start+len(origins_string):end].replace(',', ',\n').splitlines())
                            lines[0:1] = [i.strip() for i in splitline]
                        parts.append(('Network Proxy Autoconfig, %s' % (prefs_file),
                                      '\n%s' % '\n'.join(lines)))

        if return_parts:
            return parts

        retval = '%s\n' % ('\n\n'.join(['[%s]: %s' % (key, value)
                                        for key, value in parts]))
        return retval

    __str__ = summary
Exemple #5
class Profile(object):
    """Handles all operations regarding profile.

    Creating new profiles, installing add-ons, setting preferences and
    handling cleanup.
    def __init__(self,
        :param profile: Path to the profile
        :param addons: String of one or list of addons to install
        :param addon_manifests: Manifest for addons (see http://bit.ly/17jQ7i6)
        :param apps: Dictionary or class of webapps to install
        :param preferences: Dictionary or class of preferences
        :param locations: ServerLocations object
        :param proxy: Setup a proxy
        :param restore: Flag for removing all custom settings during cleanup
        self._addons = addons
        self._addon_manifests = addon_manifests
        self._apps = apps
        self._locations = locations
        self._proxy = proxy

        # Prepare additional preferences
        if preferences:
            if isinstance(preferences, dict):
                # unordered
                preferences = preferences.items()

            # sanity check
            assert not [i for i in preferences if len(i) != 2]
            preferences = []
        self._preferences = preferences

        # Handle profile creation
        self.create_new = not profile
        if profile:
            # Ensure we have a full path to the profile
            self.profile = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(profile))
            self.profile = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix='.mozrunner')

        self.restore = restore

        # Initialize all class members

    def _internal_init(self):
        """Internal: Initialize all class members to their default value"""

        if not os.path.exists(self.profile):

        # Preferences files written to
        self.written_prefs = set()

        # Our magic markers
        nonce = '%s %s' % (str(time.time()), uuid.uuid4())
        self.delimeters = ('#MozRunner Prefs Start %s' % nonce,
                           '#MozRunner Prefs End %s' % nonce)

        # If sub-classes want to set default preferences
        if hasattr(self.__class__, 'preferences'):
        # Set additional preferences

        self.permissions = Permissions(self.profile, self._locations)
        prefs_js, user_js = self.permissions.network_prefs(self._proxy)
        self.set_preferences(prefs_js, 'prefs.js')

        # handle add-on installation
        self.addon_manager = AddonManager(self.profile, restore=self.restore)
        self.addon_manager.install_addons(self._addons, self._addon_manifests)

        # handle webapps
        self.webapps = WebappCollection(profile=self.profile, apps=self._apps)

    def __del__(self):

    ### cleanup

    def cleanup(self):
        """Cleanup operations for the profile."""

        if self.restore:
            # If copies of those class instances exist ensure we correctly
            # reset them all (see bug 934484)
            if getattr(self, 'addon_manager', None) is not None:
            if getattr(self, 'permissions', None) is not None:
            if getattr(self, 'webapps', None) is not None:

            # If it's a temporary profile we have to remove it
            if self.create_new:

    def reset(self):
        reset the profile to the beginning state


    def clean_preferences(self):
        """Removed preferences added by mozrunner."""
        for filename in self.written_prefs:
            if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.profile, filename)):
                # file has been deleted
            while True:
                if not self.pop_preferences(filename):

    def clone(cls, path_from, path_to=None, **kwargs):
        """Instantiate a temporary profile via cloning
        - path: path of the basis to clone
        - kwargs: arguments to the profile constructor
        if not path_to:
            tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()  # need an unused temp dir name
                tempdir)  # copytree requires that dest does not exist
            path_to = tempdir
        copytree(path_from, path_to)

        def cleanup_clone(fn):
            """Deletes a cloned profile when restore is True"""
            def wrapped(self):
                if self.restore and os.path.exists(self.profile):

            return wrapped

        c = cls(path_to, **kwargs)
        c.__del__ = c.cleanup = types.MethodType(cleanup_clone(cls.cleanup), c)
        return c

    def exists(self):
        """returns whether the profile exists or not"""
        return os.path.exists(self.profile)

    ### methods for preferences

    def set_preferences(self, preferences, filename='user.js'):
        """Adds preferences dict to profile preferences"""

        # append to the file
        prefs_file = os.path.join(self.profile, filename)
        f = open(prefs_file, 'a')

        if preferences:

            # note what files we've touched

            # opening delimeter
            f.write('\n%s\n' % self.delimeters[0])

            # write the preferences
            Preferences.write(f, preferences)

            # closing delimeter
            f.write('%s\n' % self.delimeters[1])


    def set_persistent_preferences(self, preferences):
        Adds preferences dict to profile preferences and save them during a
        profile reset

        # this is a dict sometimes, convert
        if isinstance(preferences, dict):
            preferences = preferences.items()

        # add new prefs to preserve them during reset
        for new_pref in preferences:
            # if dupe remove item from original list
            self._preferences = [
                pref for pref in self._preferences
                if not new_pref[0] == pref[0]

        self.set_preferences(preferences, filename='user.js')

    def pop_preferences(self, filename):
        pop the last set of preferences added
        returns True if popped

        path = os.path.join(self.profile, filename)
        with file(path) as f:
            lines = f.read().splitlines()

        def last_index(_list, value):
            returns the last index of an item;
            this should actually be part of python code but it isn't
            for index in reversed(range(len(_list))):
                if _list[index] == value:
                    return index

        s = last_index(lines, self.delimeters[0])
        e = last_index(lines, self.delimeters[1])

        # ensure both markers are found
        if s is None:
            assert e is None, '%s found without %s' % (self.delimeters[1],
            return False  # no preferences found
        elif e is None:
            assert s is None, '%s found without %s' % (self.delimeters[0],

        # ensure the markers are in the proper order
        assert e > s, '%s found at %s, while %s found at %s' % (
            self.delimeters[1], e, self.delimeters[0], s)

        # write the prefs
        cleaned_prefs = '\n'.join(lines[:s] + lines[e + 1:])
        with file(path, 'w') as f:
        return True

    ### methods for introspection

    def summary(self, return_parts=False):
        returns string summarizing profile information.
        if return_parts is true, return the (Part_name, value) list
        of tuples instead of the assembled string

        parts = [('Path', self.profile)]  # profile path

        # directory tree
        parts.append(('Files', '\n%s' % mozfile.tree(self.profile)))

        # preferences
        for prefs_file in ('user.js', 'prefs.js'):
            path = os.path.join(self.profile, prefs_file)
            if os.path.exists(path):

                # prefs that get their own section
                # This is currently only 'network.proxy.autoconfig_url'
                # but could be expanded to include others
                section_prefs = ['network.proxy.autoconfig_url']
                line_length = 80
                line_length_buffer = 10  # buffer for 80 character display: length = 80 - len(key) - len(': ') - line_length_buffer
                line_length_buffer += len(': ')

                def format_value(key, value):
                    if key not in section_prefs:
                        return value
                    max_length = line_length - len(key) - line_length_buffer
                    if len(value) > max_length:
                        value = '%s...' % value[:max_length]
                    return value

                prefs = Preferences.read_prefs(path)
                if prefs:
                    prefs = dict(prefs)
                    parts.append((prefs_file, '\n%s' % ('\n'.join([
                        '%s: %s' % (key, format_value(key, prefs[key]))
                        for key in sorted(prefs.keys())

                    # Currently hardcorded to 'network.proxy.autoconfig_url'
                    # but could be generalized, possibly with a generalized (simple)
                    # JS-parser
                    network_proxy_autoconfig = prefs.get(
                    if network_proxy_autoconfig and network_proxy_autoconfig.strip(
                        network_proxy_autoconfig = network_proxy_autoconfig.strip(
                        lines = network_proxy_autoconfig.replace(
                            ';', ';\n').splitlines()
                        lines = [line.strip() for line in lines]
                        origins_string = 'var origins = ['
                        origins_end = '];'
                        if origins_string in lines[0]:
                            start = lines[0].find(origins_string)
                            end = lines[0].find(origins_end, start)
                            splitline = [
                                lines[0][start:start + len(origins_string) -
                                lines[0][start +
                                             ',', ',\n').splitlines())
                            lines[0:1] = [i.strip() for i in splitline]
                            ('Network Proxy Autoconfig, %s' % (prefs_file),
                             '\n%s' % '\n'.join(lines)))

        if return_parts:
            return parts

        retval = '%s\n' % ('\n\n'.join(
            ['[%s]: %s' % (key, value) for key, value in parts]))
        return retval

    __str__ = summary
class Profile(object):
    """Handles all operations regarding profile. Created new profiles, installs extensions,
    sets preferences and handles cleanup."""
    def __init__(
        profile=None,  # Path to the profile
        addons=None,  # String of one or list of addons to install
        addon_manifests=None,  # Manifest for addons, see http://ahal.ca/blog/2011/bulk-installing-fx-addons/
        preferences=None,  # Dictionary or class of preferences
        locations=None,  # locations to proxy
        proxy=None,  # setup a proxy - dict of server-loc,server-port,ssl-port
        restore=True  # If true remove all installed addons preferences when cleaning up

        # if true, remove installed addons/prefs afterwards
        self.restore = restore

        # prefs files written to
        self.written_prefs = set()

        # our magic markers
        nonce = '%s %s' % (str(time.time()), uuid.uuid4())
        self.delimeters = ('#MozRunner Prefs Start %s' % nonce,
                           '#MozRunner Prefs End %s' % nonce)

        # Handle profile creation
        self.create_new = not profile
        if profile:
            # Ensure we have a full path to the profile
            self.profile = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(profile))
            if not os.path.exists(self.profile):
            self.profile = self.create_new_profile()

        # set preferences
        if hasattr(self.__class__, 'preferences'):
            # class preferences
        self._preferences = preferences
        if preferences:
            # supplied preferences
            if isinstance(preferences, dict):
                # unordered
                preferences = preferences.items()
            # sanity check
            assert not [i for i in preferences if len(i) != 2]
            preferences = []

        # set permissions
        self._locations = locations  # store this for reconstruction
        self._proxy = proxy
        self.permissions = Permissions(self.profile, locations)
        prefs_js, user_js = self.permissions.network_prefs(proxy)
        self.set_preferences(prefs_js, 'prefs.js')

        # handle addon installation
        self.addon_manager = AddonManager(self.profile)
        self.addon_manager.install_addons(addons, addon_manifests)

    def exists(self):
        """returns whether the profile exists or not"""
        return os.path.exists(self.profile)

    def reset(self):
        reset the profile to the beginning state
        if self.create_new:
            profile = None
            profile = self.profile

    def create_new_profile(self):
        """Create a new clean profile in tmp which is a simple empty folder"""
        profile = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix='.mozrunner')
        return profile

    ### methods for preferences

    def set_preferences(self, preferences, filename='user.js'):
        """Adds preferences dict to profile preferences"""

        # append to the file
        prefs_file = os.path.join(self.profile, filename)
        f = open(prefs_file, 'a')

        if preferences:

            # note what files we've touched

            if isinstance(preferences, dict):
                # order doesn't matter
                preferences = preferences.items()

            # write the preferences
            f.write('\n%s\n' % self.delimeters[0])
            _prefs = [(simplejson.dumps(k), simplejson.dumps(v))
                      for k, v in preferences]
            for _pref in _prefs:
                f.write('user_pref(%s, %s);\n' % _pref)
            f.write('%s\n' % self.delimeters[1])

    def pop_preferences(self, filename):
        pop the last set of preferences added
        returns True if popped

        lines = file(os.path.join(self.profile, filename)).read().splitlines()

        def last_index(_list, value):
            returns the last index of an item;
            this should actually be part of python code but it isn't
            for index in reversed(range(len(_list))):
                if _list[index] == value:
                    return index

        s = last_index(lines, self.delimeters[0])
        e = last_index(lines, self.delimeters[1])

        # ensure both markers are found
        if s is None:
            assert e is None, '%s found without %s' % (self.delimeters[1],
            return False  # no preferences found
        elif e is None:
            assert s is None, '%s found without %s' % (self.delimeters[0],

        # ensure the markers are in the proper order
        assert e > s, '%s found at %s, while %s found at %s' % (
            self.delimeters[1], e, self.delimeters[0], s)

        # write the prefs
        cleaned_prefs = '\n'.join(lines[:s] + lines[e + 1:])
        f = file(os.path.join(self.profile, 'user.js'), 'w')
        return True

    def clean_preferences(self):
        """Removed preferences added by mozrunner."""
        for filename in self.written_prefs:
            if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.profile, filename)):
                # file has been deleted
            while True:
                if not self.pop_preferences(filename):

    ### cleanup

    def _cleanup_error(self, function, path, excinfo):
        """ Specifically for windows we need to handle the case where the windows
            process has not yet relinquished handles on files, so we do a wait/try
            construct and timeout if we can't get a clear road to deletion

            from exceptions import WindowsError
            from time import sleep

            def is_file_locked():
                return excinfo[0] is WindowsError and excinfo[1].winerror == 32

            if excinfo[0] is WindowsError and excinfo[1].winerror == 32:
                # Then we're on windows, wait to see if the file gets unlocked
                # we wait 10s
                count = 0
                while count < 10:
                        count += 1
        except ImportError:
            # We can't re-raise an error, so we'll hope the stuff above us will throw

    def cleanup(self):
        """Cleanup operations for the profile."""
        if self.restore:
            if self.create_new:
                if os.path.exists(self.profile):
                    rmtree(self.profile, onerror=self._cleanup_error)

    __del__ = cleanup