Exemple #1
def classical_avoiders_2_nonempty(p1, p2, n):
    return StaticPermutationSet.from_predicate(
        lambda x: len(x) > 0 and x.avoids(p1) and x.avoids(p2),
        description='Av(%s, %s) nonempty' % (str(p1), str(p2)))
Exemple #2
def from_predicate(pred, desc, n):
    return StaticPermutationSet.from_predicate(pred, n, description=desc)
Exemple #3
def input_without_decr(perm_prop, n):
    return StaticPermutationSet.from_predicate(
        lambda x: perm_prop(x) and not x.avoids([1, 2]),
        description='input without decr')
Exemple #4
def classical_avoiders_2(p1, p2, n):
    return StaticPermutationSet.from_predicate(
        lambda x: x.avoids(p1) and x.avoids(p2),
        description='Av(%s, %s)' % (str(p1), str(p2)))
Exemple #5
# for l in range(1, 8):
#     cnt = 0
#     for p in Permutations(l):
#         if avoids_231_vinc(p) and p.avoids([1,2,3]):
#             cnt += 1
#             # print(p)
#     print(l, cnt)
# import sys
# sys.exit(0)

avoiders_len_3 = []
for p in Permutations(3):
    avoiders_len_3.append((lambda perm: perm.avoids(p),StaticPermutationSet.from_predicate(lambda x: x.avoids(p), 6, description='Av(%s)' % str(p))))
    # avoiders_len_3.append((lambda perm: len(perm) >= 3 and perm.avoids(p),StaticPermutationSet.from_predicate(lambda x: x.avoids(p), 6, description='Av(%s)' % str(p))))

incr = SimpleGeneratingRule(Permutation([1,2]), [X, P], description='increasing').to_static(8, empty)
decr = SimpleGeneratingRule(Permutation([2,1]), [X, P], description='decreasing').to_static(8, empty)

incr_nonempty = SimpleGeneratingRule(Permutation([1,2]), [X, P], description='increasing nonempty').to_static(8, {1:[Permutation([1])]})
decr_nonempty = SimpleGeneratingRule(Permutation([2,1]), [X, P], description='decreasing nonempty').to_static(8, {1:[Permutation([1])]})

max_len = 6
n_range = (2, 3) # number of rows (min, max)
m_range = (2, 3) # numbor of columns (min, max)
max_nonempty = 4
max_ec_cnt = 4
Exemple #6
def classical_avoiders(p, n):
    return StaticPermutationSet.from_predicate(lambda x: x.avoids(p),
                                               description='Av(%s)' % str(p))
def from_predicate(pred, desc, n):
    return StaticPermutationSet.from_predicate(pred, n, description=desc)
def classical_avoiders_2_nonempty(p1, p2, n):
    return StaticPermutationSet.from_predicate(lambda x: len(x) > 0 and x.avoids(p1) and x.avoids(p2), n, description='Av(%s, %s) nonempty' % (str(p1), str(p2)))
def classical_avoiders_2(p1, p2, n):
    return StaticPermutationSet.from_predicate(lambda x: x.avoids(p1) and x.avoids(p2), n, description='Av(%s, %s)' % (str(p1), str(p2)))
def input_without_decr(perm_prop, n):
    return StaticPermutationSet.from_predicate(lambda x: perm_prop(x) and not x.avoids([1,2]), n, description='input without decr')
def classical_avoiders(p, n):
    return StaticPermutationSet.from_predicate(lambda x: x.avoids(p), n, description='Av(%s)' % str(p))