def test_write_array():
    """Test writing of a array.
    tmpfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
    storage = NetCDFStorage(, mode='w')
    view1 = NetCDFStorageView(storage, 'envname1', 'modname')
    view2 = NetCDFStorageView(storage, 'envname2', 'modname')

    from numpy.random import random
    shape = (10, 3)
    array = random(shape)
    view1.write_array('singleton', array)

    for iteration in range(10):
        array = random(shape)
        view1.write_array('varname', array, iteration=iteration)
        view2.write_array('varname', array, iteration=iteration)

    for iteration in range(10):
        array = storage._ncfile['/envname1/modname/varname'][iteration]
        assert array.shape == shape
        array = storage._ncfile['/envname2/modname/varname'][iteration]
        assert array.shape == shape
def test_write_array():
    """Test writing of a array.
    tmpfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
    storage = NetCDFStorage(, mode='w')
    view1 = NetCDFStorageView(storage, 'envname1', 'modname')
    view2 = NetCDFStorageView(storage, 'envname2', 'modname')

    from numpy.random import random
    shape = (10,3)
    array = random(shape)
    view1.write_array('singleton', array)

    for iteration in range(10):
        array = random(shape)
        view1.write_array('varname', array, iteration=iteration)
        view2.write_array('varname', array, iteration=iteration)

    for iteration in range(10):
        array = storage._ncfile['/envname1/modname/varname'][iteration]
        assert array.shape == shape
        array = storage._ncfile['/envname2/modname/varname'][iteration]
        assert array.shape == shape
Exemple #3
class NCMCEngine(object):
    NCMC switching engine


    Create a transformation for an alanine dipeptide test system where the N-methyl group is eliminated.

    >>> from openmmtools import testsystems
    >>> testsystem = testsystems.AlanineDipeptideVacuum()
    >>> from perses.rjmc.topology_proposal import TopologyProposal
    >>> new_to_old_atom_map = { index : index for index in range(testsystem.system.getNumParticles()) if (index > 3) } # all atoms but N-methyl
    >>> topology_proposal = TopologyProposal(old_system=testsystem.system, old_topology=testsystem.topology, old_chemical_state_key='AA', new_chemical_state_key='AA', new_system=testsystem.system, new_topology=testsystem.topology, logp_proposal=0.0, new_to_old_atom_map=new_to_old_atom_map, metadata=dict())
    >>> ncmc_engine = NCMCEngine(temperature=300.0*unit.kelvin, functions=default_functions, nsteps=50, timestep=1.0*unit.femtoseconds)
    >>> positions = testsystem.positions
    >>> [positions, logP_delete, potential_delete] = ncmc_engine.integrate(topology_proposal, positions, direction='delete')
    >>> [positions, logP_insert, potential_insert] = ncmc_engine.integrate(topology_proposal, positions, direction='insert')

    def __init__(self,
                 integrator_splitting='V R O H R V',
        This is the base class for NCMC switching between two different systems.

        temperature : simtk.unit.Quantity with units compatible with kelvin
            The temperature at which switching is to be run
        functions : dict of str:str, optional, default=default_functions
            functions[parameter] is the function (parameterized by 't' which switched from 0 to 1) that
            controls how alchemical context parameter 'parameter' is switched
        nsteps : int, optional, default=1
            The number of steps to use for switching.
        steps_per_propagation : int, optional, default=1
            The number of intermediate propagation steps taken at each switching step
        timestep : simtk.unit.Quantity with units compatible with femtoseconds, optional, default=1*femtosecond
            The timestep to use for integration of switching velocity Verlet steps.
        constraint_tolerance : float, optional, default=None
            If not None, this relative constraint tolerance is used for position and velocity constraints.
        platform : simtk.openmm.Platform, optional, default=None
            If specified, the platform to use for OpenMM simulations.
        write_ncmc_interval : int, optional, default=None
            If a positive integer is specified, a snapshot frame will be written to storage with the specified interval on NCMC switching.
            'storage' must also be specified.
        measure_shadow_work : bool, optional, default False
            Whether to measure shadow work
        integrator_splitting : str, optional, default='V R O H R V'
            NCMC internal integrator splitting based on OpenMMTools Langevin splittings
        storage : NetCDFStorageView, optional, default=None
            If specified, write data using this class.
        verbose : bool, optional, default=False
            If True, print debug information.
        LRUCapacity : int, default 10
            Capacity of LRU cache for hybrid systems
        pressure : float, default None
            The pressure to use for the simulation. If None, no barostat
        # Handle some defaults.
        if functions == None:
            functions = LambdaProtocol.default_functions
        if nsteps == None:
            nsteps = default_nsteps
        if timestep == None:
            timestep = default_timestep
        if temperature == None:
            temperature = default_temperature

        self._temperature = temperature
        self._functions = copy.deepcopy(functions)
        self._nsteps = nsteps
        self._timestep = timestep
        self._constraint_tolerance = constraint_tolerance
        self._platform = platform
        self._integrator_splitting = integrator_splitting
        self._steps_per_propagation = steps_per_propagation
        self._verbose = verbose
        self._pressure = pressure
        self._bond_softening_constant = bond_softening_constant
        self._angle_softening_constant = angle_softening_constant
        self._disable_barostat = False
        self._hybrid_cache = LRUCache(capacity=LRUCapacity)
        self._measure_shadow_work = measure_shadow_work

        self._nattempted = 0

        self._storage = None
        if storage is not None:
            self._storage = NetCDFStorageView(storage,
            self._save_configuration = True
            self._save_configuration = False
        if write_ncmc_interval is not None:
            self._write_ncmc_interval = write_ncmc_interval
            self._write_ncmc_interval = 1
        self._work_save_interval = write_ncmc_interval

    def beta(self):
        kT = kB * self._temperature
        beta = 1.0 / kT
        return beta

    def _compute_energy_contribution(self, hybrid_thermodynamic_state,
        Compute NCMC energy contribution to log probability.

        See Eqs. 62 and 63 (two-stage) and Eq. 45 (hybrid) of reference document.
        In both cases, the contribution is u(final_positions, final_lambda) - u(initial_positions, initial_lambda).

        hybrid_thermodynamic_state : openmmtools.states.CompoundThermodynamicState
            The thermodynamic state of the hybrid sampler.
        initial_sampler_state : openmmtools.states.SamplerState
            The sampler state of the nonalchemical system at the start of the NCMC protocol with box vectors
        final_sampler_state : openmmtools.states.SamplerState
            The sampler state of the nonalchemical system at the end of the NCMC protocol

        logP_energy : float
            The NCMC energy contribution to log probability.
        initial_reduced_potential = compute_reduced_potential(
            hybrid_thermodynamic_state, initial_sampler_state)

        final_reduced_potential = compute_reduced_potential(
            hybrid_thermodynamic_state, final_sampler_state)

        return final_reduced_potential - initial_reduced_potential

    def _topology_proposal_to_thermodynamic_states(self, topology_proposal):
        Convert a topology proposal to thermodynamic states for the end systems. This will be used to compute the
        "logP_energy" quantity.

        topology_proposal : perses.rjmc.TopologyProposal
            topology proposal for whose endpoint systems we want ThermodynamicStates

        old_thermodynamic_state : openmmtools.states.ThermodynamicState
            The old system (nonalchemical) thermodynamic state
        new_thermodynamic_state : openmmtools.states.ThermodynamicState
            The new system (nonalchemical) thermodynamic state
        systems = [topology_proposal.old_system, topology_proposal.new_system]
        thermostates = []
        for system in systems:
            thermodynamic_state = ThermodynamicState(
                system, temperature=self._temperature, pressure=self._pressure)

        return thermostates[0], thermostates[1]

    def make_alchemical_system(self, topology_proposal, current_positions,
        Generate an alchemically-modified system at the correct atoms
        based on the topology proposal. This method generates a hybrid system using the new
        HybridTopologyFactory. It memoizes so that calling multiple times (within a recent time period)
        will immediately return a cached object.

        topology_proposal : perses.rjmc.TopologyProposal
            Unmodified real system corresponding to appropriate leg of transformation.
        current_positions : np.ndarray of float
            Positions of "old" system
        new_positions : np.ndarray of float
            Positions of "new" system atoms

        hybrid_factory : perses.annihilation.relative.HybridTopologyFactory
            a factory object containing the hybrid system
            hybrid_factory = self._hybrid_cache[topology_proposal]

            #If we've retrieved the factory from the cache, update it to include the relevant positions
            hybrid_factory._old_positions = current_positions
            hybrid_factory._new_positions = new_positions
        except KeyError:
                hybrid_factory = HybridTopologyFactory(
                self._hybrid_cache[topology_proposal] = hybrid_factory
                hybrid_factory = None

        return hybrid_factory

    def integrate(self,
        Performs NCMC switching to either delete or insert atoms according to the provided `topology_proposal`.

        For `delete`, the system is first modified from fully interacting to alchemically modified, and then NCMC switching is used to eliminate atoms.
        For `insert`, the system begins with eliminated atoms in an alchemically noninteracting form and NCMC switching is used to turn atoms on, followed by making system real.

        topology_proposal : TopologyProposal
            Contains old/new Topology and System objects and atom mappings.
        initial_sampler_state : openmmtools.states.SamplerState representing the initial (old) system
            Configurational properties of the atoms at the beginning of the NCMC switching.
        proposed_sampler_state : openmmtools.states.SamplerState representing the proposed (post-geometry new) system
            Configurational properties new system atoms at beginning of NCMC switching
        iteration : int, optional, default=None
            Iteration number, for storage purposes.

        final_old_sampler_state : openmmtools.State.SamplerState
            The final configurational properties of the old system after hybrid alchemical switching
        final_sampler_state : openmmtools.states.SamplerState
            The final configurational properties after `nsteps` steps of alchemical switching, and reversion to the nonalchemical system
        logP_work : float
            The NCMC work contribution to the log acceptance probability (Eqs. 62 and 63)
        logP_initial : float
            The initial logP of the hybrid configuration
        logP_final : float
            The final logP of the hybrid configuration

        assert not initial_sampler_state.has_nan(
        ) and not proposed_sampler_state.has_nan()

        #generate or retrieve the hybrid topology factory:
        hybrid_factory = self.make_alchemical_system(
            topology_proposal, initial_sampler_state.positions,

        if hybrid_factory is None:
                "Unable to construct hybrid system for {} -> {}".format(
            return initial_sampler_state, proposed_sampler_state, -np.inf, 0.0, 0.0

        topology = hybrid_factory.hybrid_topology

        #generate the corresponding thermodynamic and sampler states so that we can use the NonequilibriumSwitchingMove:

        #First generate the thermodynamic state:
        hybrid_system = hybrid_factory.hybrid_system
        hybrid_thermodynamic_state = ThermodynamicState(

        #Now create an RelativeAlchemicalState from the hybrid system:
        alchemical_state = RelativeAlchemicalState.from_system(hybrid_system)

        #Now create a compound thermodynamic state that combines the hybrid thermodynamic state with the alchemical state:
        compound_thermodynamic_state = CompoundThermodynamicState(
            hybrid_thermodynamic_state, composable_states=[alchemical_state])

        #construct a sampler state from the hybrid positions and the box vectors of the initial sampler state:
        initial_hybrid_positions = hybrid_factory.hybrid_positions
        initial_hybrid_box_vectors = initial_sampler_state.box_vectors

        initial_hybrid_sampler_state = SamplerState(
            initial_hybrid_positions, box_vectors=initial_hybrid_box_vectors)
        final_hybrid_sampler_state = copy.deepcopy(

        #create the nonequilibrium move:
        #ne_move = NonequilibriumSwitchingMove(self._functions, self._integrator_splitting, self._temperature, self._nsteps, self._timestep,
        #                                      work_save_interval=self._write_ncmc_interval, top=topology,subset_atoms=None,
        #                                      save_configuration=self._save_configuration, measure_shadow_work=self._measure_shadow_work)

        ne_move = ExternalNonequilibriumSwitchingMove(
            splitting="V R O R V")

        #run the NCMC protocol
        except Exception as e:
            _logger.warn("NCMC failed because {}; rejecting.".format(str(e)))
            logP_work = -np.inf
            return [
                initial_sampler_state, proposed_sampler_state, -np.inf, 0.0,

        #get the total work:
        logP_work = -ne_move.cumulative_work[-1]

        # Compute contribution of transforming to and from the hybrid system:
        context, integrator = global_context_cache.get_context(

        #set all alchemical parameters to zero:
        for parameter in self._functions.keys():
            context.setParameter(parameter, 0.0)

        initial_reduced_potential = hybrid_thermodynamic_state.reduced_potential(

        #set all alchemical parameters to one:
        for parameter in self._functions.keys():
            context.setParameter(parameter, 1.0)

        final_reduced_potential = hybrid_thermodynamic_state.reduced_potential(

        #reset the parameters back to zero just in case
        for parameter in self._functions.keys():
            context.setParameter(parameter, 0.0)

        #compute the output SamplerState, which has the atoms only for the new system post-NCMC:
        new_positions = hybrid_factory.new_positions(
        new_box_vectors = final_hybrid_sampler_state.box_vectors
        final_sampler_state = SamplerState(new_positions,

        #compute the output SamplerState for the atoms only in the old system (required for geometry_logP_reverse)
        old_positions = hybrid_factory.old_positions(
        old_box_vectors = copy.deepcopy(
            new_box_vectors)  #these are the same as the new system
        final_old_sampler_state = SamplerState(old_positions,

        #extract the trajectory and box vectors from the move:
        trajectory = ne_move.trajectory[::-self.
                                        _write_ncmc_interval, :, :][::-1]
        topology = hybrid_factory.hybrid_topology
        position_varname = "ncmcpositions"
        nframes = np.shape(trajectory)[0]

        #extract box vectors:
        box_vec_varname = "ncmcboxvectors"
        box_lengths = ne_move.box_lengths[::-self.
                                          _write_ncmc_interval, :][::-1]
        box_angles = ne_move.box_angles[::-self._write_ncmc_interval, :][::-1]
        box_lengths_and_angles = np.stack([box_lengths, box_angles])

        #write out the positions of the topology
        if self._storage:
            for frame in range(nframes):
                                                  trajectory[frame, :, :],

        #write out the periodict box vectors:
        if self._storage:

        #retrieve the protocol work and write that out too:
        protocol_work = ne_move.cumulative_work
        if self._storage:

        # Return
        return [
            final_old_sampler_state, final_sampler_state, logP_work,
            -initial_reduced_potential, -final_reduced_potential
Exemple #4
class NCMCEngine(object):
    NCMC switching engine


    Create a transformation for an alanine dipeptide test system where the N-methyl group is eliminated.

    >>> from openmmtools import testsystems
    >>> testsystem = testsystems.AlanineDipeptideVacuum()
    >>> from perses.rjmc.topology_proposal import TopologyProposal
    >>> new_to_old_atom_map = { index : index for index in range(testsystem.system.getNumParticles()) if (index > 3) } # all atoms but N-methyl
    >>> topology_proposal = TopologyProposal(old_system=testsystem.system, old_topology=testsystem.topology, old_chemical_state_key='AA', new_chemical_state_key='AA', new_system=testsystem.system, new_topology=testsystem.topology, logp_proposal=0.0, new_to_old_atom_map=new_to_old_atom_map, metadata=dict())
    >>> ncmc_engine = NCMCEngine(temperature=300.0*unit.kelvin, functions=default_functions, nsteps=50, timestep=1.0*unit.femtoseconds)
    >>> positions = testsystem.positions
    >>> [positions, logP_delete, potential_delete] = ncmc_engine.integrate(topology_proposal, positions, direction='delete')
    >>> [positions, logP_insert, potential_insert] = ncmc_engine.integrate(topology_proposal, positions, direction='insert')


    def __init__(self, temperature=default_temperature, functions=None, nsteps=default_nsteps,
                 steps_per_propagation=default_steps_per_propagation, timestep=default_timestep,
                 constraint_tolerance=None, platform=None, write_ncmc_interval=1, measure_shadow_work=False,
                 integrator_splitting='V R O H R V', storage=None, verbose=False, LRUCapacity=10, pressure=None, bond_softening_constant=1.0, angle_softening_constant=1.0):
        This is the base class for NCMC switching between two different systems.

        temperature : simtk.unit.Quantity with units compatible with kelvin
            The temperature at which switching is to be run
        functions : dict of str:str, optional, default=default_functions
            functions[parameter] is the function (parameterized by 't' which switched from 0 to 1) that
            controls how alchemical context parameter 'parameter' is switched
        nsteps : int, optional, default=1
            The number of steps to use for switching.
        steps_per_propagation : int, optional, default=1
            The number of intermediate propagation steps taken at each switching step
        timestep : simtk.unit.Quantity with units compatible with femtoseconds, optional, default=1*femtosecond
            The timestep to use for integration of switching velocity Verlet steps.
        constraint_tolerance : float, optional, default=None
            If not None, this relative constraint tolerance is used for position and velocity constraints.
        platform : simtk.openmm.Platform, optional, default=None
            If specified, the platform to use for OpenMM simulations.
        write_ncmc_interval : int, optional, default=None
            If a positive integer is specified, a snapshot frame will be written to storage with the specified interval on NCMC switching.
            'storage' must also be specified.
        measure_shadow_work : bool, optional, default False
            Whether to measure shadow work
        integrator_splitting : str, optional, default='V R O H R V'
            NCMC internal integrator splitting based on OpenMMTools Langevin splittings
        storage : NetCDFStorageView, optional, default=None
            If specified, write data using this class.
        verbose : bool, optional, default=False
            If True, print debug information.
        LRUCapacity : int, default 10
            Capacity of LRU cache for hybrid systems
        pressure : float, default None
            The pressure to use for the simulation. If None, no barostat
        # Handle some defaults.
        if functions == None:
            functions = python_hybrid_functions
        if nsteps == None:
            nsteps = default_nsteps
        if timestep == None:
            timestep = default_timestep
        if temperature == None:
            temperature = default_temperature

        self._temperature = temperature
        self._functions = copy.deepcopy(functions)
        self._nsteps = nsteps
        self._timestep = timestep
        self._constraint_tolerance = constraint_tolerance
        self._platform = platform
        self._integrator_splitting = integrator_splitting
        self._steps_per_propagation = steps_per_propagation
        self._verbose = verbose
        self._pressure = pressure
        self._bond_softening_constant = bond_softening_constant
        self._angle_softening_constant = angle_softening_constant
        self._disable_barostat = False
        self._hybrid_cache = LRUCache(capacity=LRUCapacity)
        self._measure_shadow_work = measure_shadow_work

        self._nattempted = 0

        self._storage = None
        if storage is not None:
            self._storage = NetCDFStorageView(storage, modname=self.__class__.__name__)
            self._save_configuration = True
            self._save_configuration = False
        if write_ncmc_interval is not None:
            self._write_ncmc_interval = write_ncmc_interval
            self._write_ncmc_interval = 1
        self._work_save_interval = write_ncmc_interval

    def beta(self):
        kT = kB * self._temperature
        beta = 1.0 / kT
        return beta

    def _compute_energy_contribution(self, hybrid_thermodynamic_state, initial_sampler_state, final_sampler_state):
        Compute NCMC energy contribution to log probability.

        See Eqs. 62 and 63 (two-stage) and Eq. 45 (hybrid) of reference document.
        In both cases, the contribution is u(final_positions, final_lambda) - u(initial_positions, initial_lambda).

        hybrid_thermodynamic_state : openmmtools.states.CompoundThermodynamicState
            The thermodynamic state of the hybrid sampler.
        initial_sampler_state : openmmtools.states.SamplerState
            The sampler state of the nonalchemical system at the start of the NCMC protocol with box vectors
        final_sampler_state : openmmtools.states.SamplerState
            The sampler state of the nonalchemical system at the end of the NCMC protocol

        logP_energy : float
            The NCMC energy contribution to log probability.
        initial_reduced_potential = compute_reduced_potential(hybrid_thermodynamic_state, initial_sampler_state)

        final_reduced_potential = compute_reduced_potential(hybrid_thermodynamic_state, final_sampler_state)

        return final_reduced_potential - initial_reduced_potential

    def _topology_proposal_to_thermodynamic_states(self, topology_proposal):
        Convert a topology proposal to thermodynamic states for the end systems. This will be used to compute the
        "logP_energy" quantity.

        topology_proposal : perses.rjmc.TopologyProposal
            topology proposal for whose endpoint systems we want ThermodynamicStates
        old_thermodynamic_state : openmmtools.states.ThermodynamicState
            The old system (nonalchemical) thermodynamic state
        new_thermodynamic_state : openmmtools.states.ThermodynamicState
            The new system (nonalchemical) thermodynamic state
        systems = [topology_proposal.old_system, topology_proposal.new_system]
        thermostates = []
        for system in systems:
            thermodynamic_state = ThermodynamicState(system, temperature=self._temperature, pressure=self._pressure)
        return thermostates[0], thermostates[1]

    def make_alchemical_system(self, topology_proposal, current_positions, new_positions):
        Generate an alchemically-modified system at the correct atoms
        based on the topology proposal. This method generates a hybrid system using the new 
        HybridTopologyFactory. It memoizes so that calling multiple times (within a recent time period)
        will immediately return a cached object.

        topology_proposal : perses.rjmc.TopologyProposal
            Unmodified real system corresponding to appropriate leg of transformation.
        current_positions : np.ndarray of float
            Positions of "old" system
        new_positions : np.ndarray of float
            Positions of "new" system atoms

        hybrid_factory : perses.annihilation.new_relative.HybridTopologyFactory
            a factory object containing the hybrid system
            hybrid_factory = self._hybrid_cache[topology_proposal]

            #If we've retrieved the factory from the cache, update it to include the relevant positions
            hybrid_factory._old_positions = current_positions
            hybrid_factory._new_positions = new_positions
        except KeyError:
                hybrid_factory = HybridTopologyFactory(topology_proposal, current_positions, new_positions, bond_softening_constant=self._bond_softening_constant, angle_softening_constant=self._angle_softening_constant)
                self._hybrid_cache[topology_proposal] = hybrid_factory
                hybrid_factory = None

        return hybrid_factory

    def integrate(self, topology_proposal, initial_sampler_state, proposed_sampler_state, iteration=None):
        Performs NCMC switching to either delete or insert atoms according to the provided `topology_proposal`.

        For `delete`, the system is first modified from fully interacting to alchemically modified, and then NCMC switching is used to eliminate atoms.
        For `insert`, the system begins with eliminated atoms in an alchemically noninteracting form and NCMC switching is used to turn atoms on, followed by making system real.

        topology_proposal : TopologyProposal
            Contains old/new Topology and System objects and atom mappings.
        initial_sampler_state : openmmtools.states.SamplerState representing the initial (old) system
            Configurational properties of the atoms at the beginning of the NCMC switching.
        proposed_sampler_state : openmmtools.states.SamplerState representing the proposed (post-geometry new) system
            Configurational properties new system atoms at beginning of NCMC switching
        iteration : int, optional, default=None
            Iteration number, for storage purposes.

        final_old_sampler_state : openmmtools.State.SamplerState
            The final configurational properties of the old system after hybrid alchemical switching
        final_sampler_state : openmmtools.states.SamplerState
            The final configurational properties after `nsteps` steps of alchemical switching, and reversion to the nonalchemical system
        logP_work : float
            The NCMC work contribution to the log acceptance probability (Eqs. 62 and 63)
        logP_initial : float
            The initial logP of the hybrid configuration
        logP_final : float
            The final logP of the hybrid configuration

        assert not initial_sampler_state.has_nan() and not proposed_sampler_state.has_nan()

        #generate or retrieve the hybrid topology factory:
        hybrid_factory = self.make_alchemical_system(topology_proposal, initial_sampler_state.positions, proposed_sampler_state.positions)

        if hybrid_factory is None:
            _logger.warning("Unable to construct hybrid system for {} -> {}".format(topology_proposal.old_chemical_state_key, topology_proposal.new_chemical_state_key))
            return initial_sampler_state, proposed_sampler_state, -np.inf, 0.0, 0.0

        topology = hybrid_factory.hybrid_topology

        #generate the corresponding thermodynamic and sampler states so that we can use the NonequilibriumSwitchingMove:
        #First generate the thermodynamic state:
        hybrid_system = hybrid_factory.hybrid_system
        hybrid_thermodynamic_state = ThermodynamicState(hybrid_system, temperature=self._temperature, pressure=self._pressure)

        #Now create an RelativeAlchemicalState from the hybrid system:
        alchemical_state = RelativeAlchemicalState.from_system(hybrid_system)

        #Now create a compound thermodynamic state that combines the hybrid thermodynamic state with the alchemical state:
        compound_thermodynamic_state = CompoundThermodynamicState(hybrid_thermodynamic_state, composable_states=[alchemical_state])

        #construct a sampler state from the hybrid positions and the box vectors of the initial sampler state:
        initial_hybrid_positions = hybrid_factory.hybrid_positions
        initial_hybrid_box_vectors = initial_sampler_state.box_vectors

        initial_hybrid_sampler_state = SamplerState(initial_hybrid_positions, box_vectors=initial_hybrid_box_vectors)
        final_hybrid_sampler_state = copy.deepcopy(initial_hybrid_sampler_state)

        #create the nonequilibrium move:
        #ne_move = NonequilibriumSwitchingMove(self._functions, self._integrator_splitting, self._temperature, self._nsteps, self._timestep,
        #                                      work_save_interval=self._write_ncmc_interval, top=topology,subset_atoms=None,
        #                                      save_configuration=self._save_configuration, measure_shadow_work=self._measure_shadow_work)

        ne_move = ExternalNonequilibriumSwitchingMove(self._functions, nsteps_neq=self._nsteps,
                                                      timestep=self._timestep, temperature=self._temperature,
                                                      splitting="V R O R V")

        #run the NCMC protocol
            ne_move.apply(compound_thermodynamic_state, final_hybrid_sampler_state)
        except Exception as e:
            _logger.warn("NCMC failed because {}; rejecting.".format(str(e)))
            logP_work = -np.inf
            return [initial_sampler_state, proposed_sampler_state, -np.inf, 0.0, 0.0]

        #get the total work:
        logP_work = - ne_move.cumulative_work[-1]

        # Compute contribution of transforming to and from the hybrid system:
        context, integrator = global_context_cache.get_context(hybrid_thermodynamic_state)

        #set all alchemical parameters to zero:
        for parameter in self._functions.keys():
            context.setParameter(parameter, 0.0)

        initial_hybrid_sampler_state.apply_to_context(context, ignore_velocities=True)
        initial_reduced_potential = hybrid_thermodynamic_state.reduced_potential(context)

        #set all alchemical parameters to one:
        for parameter in self._functions.keys():
            context.setParameter(parameter, 1.0)

        final_hybrid_sampler_state.apply_to_context(context, ignore_velocities=True)
        final_reduced_potential = hybrid_thermodynamic_state.reduced_potential(context)

        #reset the parameters back to zero just in case
        for parameter in self._functions.keys():
            context.setParameter(parameter, 0.0)

        #compute the output SamplerState, which has the atoms only for the new system post-NCMC:
        new_positions = hybrid_factory.new_positions(final_hybrid_sampler_state.positions)
        new_box_vectors = final_hybrid_sampler_state.box_vectors
        final_sampler_state = SamplerState(new_positions, box_vectors=new_box_vectors)

        #compute the output SamplerState for the atoms only in the old system (required for geometry_logP_reverse)
        old_positions = hybrid_factory.old_positions(final_hybrid_sampler_state.positions)
        old_box_vectors = copy.deepcopy(new_box_vectors) #these are the same as the new system
        final_old_sampler_state = SamplerState(old_positions, box_vectors=old_box_vectors)

        #extract the trajectory and box vectors from the move:
        trajectory = ne_move.trajectory[::-self._write_ncmc_interval, :, :][::-1]
        topology = hybrid_factory.hybrid_topology
        position_varname = "ncmcpositions"
        nframes = np.shape(trajectory)[0]

        #extract box vectors:
        box_vec_varname = "ncmcboxvectors"
        box_lengths = ne_move.box_lengths[::-self._write_ncmc_interval, :][::-1]
        box_angles = ne_move.box_angles[::-self._write_ncmc_interval, :][::-1]
        box_lengths_and_angles = np.stack([box_lengths, box_angles])

        #write out the positions of the topology
        if self._storage:
            for frame in range(nframes):
                self._storage.write_configuration(position_varname, trajectory[frame, :, :], topology, iteration=iteration, frame=frame, nframes=nframes)

        #write out the periodict box vectors:
        if self._storage:
            self._storage.write_array(box_vec_varname, box_lengths_and_angles, iteration=iteration)

        #retrieve the protocol work and write that out too:
        protocol_work = ne_move.cumulative_work
        if self._storage:
            self._storage.write_array("protocolwork", protocol_work, iteration=iteration)

        # Return
        return [final_old_sampler_state, final_sampler_state, logP_work, -initial_reduced_potential, -final_reduced_potential]