Exemple #1
def _processPendingEvents():
    """Process pending application events."""

    # Quit the event loop when it becomes idle.
    QTimer.singleShot(0, papp.quit)
Exemple #2
def waitForSignal(sender, senderSignal, timeoutMs, expectedSignalParams=None):
    """ Wait up to timeoutMs after calling sender() for senderSignal
    to be emitted.

    It returns True if the senderSignal was emitted; otherwise,
    it returns False. If expectedSignalParams is not None, it
    is compared against the parameters emitted by the senderSignal.
    This function was inspired by http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2629055/qtestlib-qnetworkrequest-not-executed/2630114#2630114.

    # Create a single-shot timer. Could use QTimer.singleShot(),
    # but can't cancel this / disconnect it.
    timer = QTimer()

    # Create a slot which receives a senderSignal with any number
    # of arguments. Check the arguments against their expected
    # values, if requested, storing the result in senderSignalArgsWrong[0].
    # (I can't use senderSignalArgsWrong = True/False, since
    # non-local variables cannot be assigned in another scope).
    senderSignalArgsWrong = []
    def senderSignalSlot(*args):
        # If the senderSignal args should be checked and they
        # don't match, then they're wrong. In all other cases,
        # they're right.
          (expectedSignalParams is not None) and
          (expectedSignalParams != args) )
        # We received the requested signal, so exit the event loop.

    # Connect both signals to a slot which quits the event loop.

    # Start the sender and the timer and at the beginning of the event loop.
    # Just calling sender() may cause signals emitted in sender
    # not to reach their connected slots.
    QTimer.singleShot(0, sender)

    # Catch any exceptions which the EventLoop would otherwise catch
    # and not re-raise.
    ex = []
    def excepthook(type_, value, traceback):
            oeh(type_, value, traceback)
    oeh = sys.excepthook
    sys.excepthook = excepthook

    # Wait for an emitted signal.
    # If an exception occurred in the event loop, re-raise it.
    if ex:
        raise ex[0]
    # Clean up: don't allow the timer to call app.quit after this
    # function exits, which would produce "interesting" behavior.
    ret = timer.isActive()
    # Stopping the timer may not cancel timeout signals in the
    # event queue. Disconnect the signal to be sure that loop
    # will never receive a timeout after the function exits.
    # Likewise, disconnect the senderSignal for the same reason.
    # Restore the old exception hook
    sys.excepthook = oeh

    return ret and senderSignalArgsWrong and (not senderSignalArgsWrong[0])