Exemple #1
def vote_details(request, congress, session, chamber_code, number):
    vote = load_vote(congress, session, chamber_code, number)
    voters = list(vote.voters.all().select_related('person', 'option'))
    load_roles_at_date([x.person for x in voters if x.person != None],

    # load the role for the VP, since load_roles_at_date only loads
    # MoC roles
    has_vp_vote = False
    for voter in voters:
        if voter.voter_type == VoterType.vice_president:
            from person.types import RoleType
            has_vp_vote = True
                voter.person.role = voter.person.roles.get(
                pass  # wahtever

    # Test if we have a diagram for this vote. The only
    # way to test is to try to make it.
        vote_thumbnail_image(request, congress, session, chamber_code, number,
        has_diagram = True
    except Http404:
        has_diagram = False

    # sorting by party actually sorts by party first and by ideology score
    # second.
    congress = int(congress)
    global ideology_scores
    if ideology_scores[congress]:
        for voter in voters:
            voter.ideolog_score = ideology_scores[congress].get(
                voter.person.id if voter.person else 0,
                    "MEDIAN:" + (voter.person.role.party if voter.person
                                 and voter.person.role else ""),

    # perform an initial sort for display
        key=lambda x: (x.option.key, x.person.role.party if x.person and x.
                       person.role else "", x.person.name_no_details_lastfirst
                       if x.person else x.get_voter_type_display()))

    return {
        'vote': vote,
        'voters': voters,
        'CongressChamber': CongressChamber,
        "VoterType": VoterType,
        "VoteCategory": VoteCategory._items,
        'has_vp_vote': has_vp_vote,
        'has_diagram': has_diagram,
Exemple #2
    def possible_reconsideration_votes(self, voters=None):
        # Identify possible voters who voted against their view in order to be on the winning
        # side so they may make a motion to reconsider later. Senate only. Since we don't
        # know which option represents the winning option, we just look at party leaders who
        # voted against their party.
        if self.chamber != CongressChamber.senate: return []

        # Get vote totals by party.
        if voters == None:
            voters = list(self.voters.all().select_related('person', 'option'))
            load_roles_at_date([x.person for x in voters if x.person != None], vote.created)
        by_party = { }
        for voter in voters:
            if not voter.person or not voter.person.role: continue
            if voter.option.key not in ("+", "-"): continue
            by_party.setdefault(voter.person.role.party, {}).setdefault(voter.option_id, set()).add(voter)

        # Find the plurality option by party.
        for party in by_party:
            by_party[party] = max(by_party[party], key = lambda x : len(by_party[party][x]))
        # See if any party leaders voted against their party.
        candidates = []
        for voter in voters:
            if voter.person and voter.person.role and voter.person.role.leadership_title:
                if voter.option.key in ("+", "-") and voter.option_id != by_party[voter.person.role.party]:
        return candidates
Exemple #3
def vote_export_csv(request, congress, session, chamber_code, number):
    vote = load_vote(congress, session, chamber_code, number)
    voters = vote.voters.all().select_related('person', 'option')
    load_roles_at_date([x.person for x in voters if x.person], vote.created)

    outfile = StringIO()
    writer = csv.writer(outfile)
    for voter in voters:
            voter.person.pk if voter.person else "--",
            if voter.person and voter.person.role else "--",
            if voter.person and voter.person.role else "--",
            if voter.person else voter.get_voter_type_display(),
            if voter.person and voter.person.role else "--",
    output = outfile.getvalue()
    firstline = '%s Vote #%d %s - %s\n' % (
        vote.get_chamber_display(), vote.number, vote.created.isoformat(),
        vote.question)  # strftime doesn't work on dates before 1900
    firstline = firstline.encode('utf-8')
    r = HttpResponse(firstline + output, content_type='text/csv')
    r['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=' + vote.get_absolute_url(
    )[1:].replace("/", "_") + ".csv"
    return r
Exemple #4
    def possible_reconsideration_votes(self, voters=None):
        # Identify possible voters who voted against their view in order to be on the winning
        # side so they may make a motion to reconsider later. Senate only. Since we don't
        # know which option represents the winning option, we just look at party leaders who
        # voted against their party.
        if self.chamber != CongressChamber.senate: return []

        # Get vote totals by party.
        if voters == None:
            voters = list(self.voters.all().select_related('person', 'option'))
            load_roles_at_date([x.person for x in voters if x.person != None],
        by_party = {}
        for voter in voters:
            if not voter.person or not voter.person.role: continue
            if voter.option.key not in ("+", "-"): continue

        # Find the plurality option by party.
        for party in by_party:
            by_party[party] = max(by_party[party],
                                  key=lambda x: len(by_party[party][x]))

        # See if any party leaders voted against their party.
        candidates = []
        for voter in voters:
            if voter.person and voter.person.role and voter.person.role.leadership_title:
                if voter.option.key in (
                        "+", "-"
                ) and voter.option_id != by_party[voter.person.role.party]:
        return candidates
Exemple #5
def vote_details(request, congress, session, chamber_code, number):
    vote = load_vote(congress, session, chamber_code, number)
    voters = list(vote.voters.all().select_related('person', 'option'))
    load_roles_at_date([x.person for x in voters if x.person != None], vote.created)
    # load the role for the VP, since load_roles_at_date only loads
    # MoC roles
    has_vp_vote = False
    for voter in voters:
        if voter.voter_type == VoterType.vice_president:
            from person.types import RoleType
            has_vp_vote = True
                voter.person.role = voter.person.roles.get(role_type=RoleType.vicepresident, startdate__lte=vote.created, enddate__gte=vote.created)
                pass # wahtever
    # Test if we have a diagram for this vote. The only
    # way to test is to try to make it.
        vote_thumbnail_image(request, congress, session, chamber_code, number, "diagram")
        has_diagram = True
    except Http404:
        has_diagram = False
    # sorting by party actually sorts by party first and by ideology score
    # second.
    congress = int(congress)
    global ideology_scores
    if ideology_scores[congress]:
        for voter in voters:
            voter.ideolog_score = ideology_scores[congress].get(
            	voter.person.id if voter.person else 0,
            	ideology_scores[congress].get("MEDIAN:" + (voter.person.role.party if voter.person and voter.person.role else ""),
    # perform an initial sort for display
    voters.sort(key = lambda x : (x.option.key, x.person.role.party if x.person and x.person.role else "", x.person.name_no_details_lastfirst if x.person else x.get_voter_type_display()))

    # did any Senate leaders switch their vote for a motion to reconsider?
    reconsiderers = vote.possible_reconsideration_votes(voters)
    reconsiderers_titles = "/".join(v.person.role.leadership_title for v in reconsiderers)

    # compute statistical outliers (this marks the Voter instances with an is_outlier attribute)
    return {'vote': vote,
            'voters': voters,
            'CongressChamber': CongressChamber,
            "VoterType": VoterType,
            "VoteCategory": VoteCategory._items,
            'has_vp_vote': has_vp_vote,
            'has_diagram': has_diagram,
            'reconsiderers': (reconsiderers, reconsiderers_titles),
Exemple #6
    def simple_record(self):
        # load people and their roles
        all_voters = list(self.voters.all().select_related('person', 'option'))
        persons = [x.person for x in all_voters if x.person != None]
        load_roles_at_date(persons, self.created)

        return [
            { "vote": v.option.value, "moc": v.person.role.simple_record() }
            for v in all_voters
            if v.voter_type_is_member and v.person is not None and v.person.role is not None
Exemple #7
    def simple_record(self):
        # load people and their roles
        all_voters = list(self.voters.all().select_related('person', 'option'))
        persons = [x.person for x in all_voters if x.person != None]
        load_roles_at_date(persons, self.created)

        return [{
            "vote": v.option.value,
            "moc": v.person.role.simple_record()
        } for v in all_voters if v.voter_type_is_member
                and v.person is not None and v.person.role is not None]
Exemple #8
def vote_export_csv(request, congress, session, chamber_code, number):
    vote = load_vote(congress, session, chamber_code, number)
    voters = vote.voters.all().select_related('person', 'option')
    load_roles_at_date([x.person for x in voters if x.person], vote.created)

    outfile = StringIO()
    writer = csv.writer(outfile)
    for voter in voters:
            voter.person.pk if voter.person else "--",
            voter.person.role.state if voter.person and voter.person.role else "--",
            voter.person.role.district if voter.person and voter.person.role else "--",
            voter.person.name_no_district().encode('utf-8') if voter.person else voter.get_voter_type_display(),
            voter.person.role.party if voter.person and voter.person.role else "--",])
    output = outfile.getvalue()
    firstline = '%s Vote #%d %s - %s\n' % (vote.get_chamber_display(), vote.number,
                                         vote.created.isoformat(), vote.question) # strftime doesn't work on dates before 1900
    firstline = firstline.encode('utf-8')
    r = HttpResponse(firstline + output, content_type='text/csv')
    r['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=' + vote.get_absolute_url()[1:].replace("/", "_") + ".csv"
    return r
Exemple #9
def vote_details(request, congress, session, chamber_code, number):
    vote = load_vote(congress, session, chamber_code, number)
    voters = list(vote.voters.all().select_related('person', 'option'))
    load_roles_at_date([x.person for x in voters if x.person != None], vote.created)
    # load the role for the VP, since load_roles_at_date only loads
    # MoC roles
    has_vp_vote = False
    for voter in voters:
        if voter.voter_type == VoterType.vice_president:
            from person.types import RoleType
            has_vp_vote = True
                voter.person.role = voter.person.roles.get(role_type=RoleType.vicepresident, startdate__lte=vote.created, enddate__gte=vote.created)
                pass # wahtever
    # sorting by party actually sorts by party first and by ideology score
    # second.
    congress = int(congress)
    global ideology_scores
    if ideology_scores[congress]:
        for voter in voters:
            voter.ideolog_score = ideology_scores[congress].get(
            	voter.person.id if voter.person else 0,
            	ideology_scores[congress].get("MEDIAN:" + (voter.person.role.party if voter.person and voter.person.role else ""),
    voters.sort(key = lambda x : (x.option.key, x.person.role.party if x.person and x.person.role else "", x.person.name_no_details_lastfirst if x.person else x.get_voter_type_display()))
    return {'vote': vote,
            'voters': voters,
            'CongressChamber': CongressChamber,
            "VoterType": VoterType,
            "VoteCategory": VoteCategory._items,
            'has_vp_vote': has_vp_vote,
Exemple #10
    def totals(self):
        # If cached value exists then return it
        if hasattr(self, '_cached_totals'):
            return self._cached_totals
        # else do all these things:

        items = []

        # Extract all voters, find their role at the time
        # the vote was
        all_voters = list(self.voters.all().select_related('person', 'option'))
        voters_by_option = {}
        for option in self.options.all():
            voters_by_option[option] = [x for x in all_voters if x.option == option]
        total_count = len(all_voters)

        persons = [x.person for x in all_voters if x.person != None]
        load_roles_at_date(persons, self.created)

        # Find all parties which participated in vote
        # and sort them in order which they should be displayed

        def cmp_party(x):
            Sort the parties by the number of voters in that party.
            return -len([p for p in all_voters if p.person and p.person.role and p.person.role.party == x])
        def get_party(voter):
            if voter.voter_type != VoterType.vice_president:
                if voter.person and voter.person.role:
                    return voter.person.role.party
                    return "Unknown"
                return "Vice President"
        all_parties = list(set(get_party(x) for x in all_voters))
        total_party_stats = dict((x, {'yes': 0, 'no': 0, 'other': 0, 'total': 0})\
                                 for x in all_parties)

        # For each option find party break down,
        # total vote count and percentage in total count
        details = []
        for option in self.options.all():
            voters = voters_by_option.get(option, [])
            percent = round(len(voters) / float(total_count) * 100.0)
            party_stats = dict((x, 0) for x in all_parties)
            for voter in voters:
                party = get_party(voter)
                party_stats[party] += 1
                total_party_stats[party]['total'] += 1
                if option.key == '+':
                    total_party_stats[party]['yes'] += 1
                elif option.key == '-':
                    total_party_stats[party]['no'] += 1
                    total_party_stats[party]['other'] += 1
            party_counts = [party_stats.get(x, 0) for x in all_parties]
            party_counts = [{"party": all_parties[i], "count": c, 'chart_width': 190 * c / total_count} for i, c in enumerate(party_counts)]
            detail = {'option': option, 'count': len(voters),
                'percent': int(percent), 'party_counts': party_counts,
                'chart_width': 190 * int(percent) / 100}
            if option.key == '+':
                detail['yes'] = True
            if option.key == '-':
                detail['no'] = True
            if option.key in ('0', 'P'):
                detail['hide_if_empty'] = True

        party_counts = [total_party_stats[x] for x in all_parties]
        # sort options by well-known keys, then by total number of votes
        option_sort_order = {"+":0, "-":1, "P":2, "0":3}
        details.sort(key = lambda d : (option_sort_order.get(d['option'].key, None), -d['count']))
        # hide Present/Not Voting if no one voted that way
        details = [d for d in details if d["count"] > 0 or "hide_if_empty" not in d]

        totals = {'options': details, 'total_count': total_count,
                'party_counts': party_counts, 'parties': all_parties,
        self._cached_totals = totals
        return totals
def main(options):
    Parse rolls.

    # Setup XML processors
    vote_processor = VoteProcessor()
    option_processor = VoteOptionProcessor()
    voter_processor = VoterProcessor()
    voter_processor.PERSON_CACHE = dict((x.pk, x) for x in Person.objects.all())

    # The pattern which the roll file matches
    # Filename contains info which should be placed to DB
    # along with info extracted from the XML file
    re_path = re.compile("data/us/(\d+)/rolls/([hs])(\w+)-(\d+)\.xml")

    chamber_mapping = {"s": CongressChamber.senate, "h": CongressChamber.house}

    if options.filter:
        files = glob.glob(options.filter)
        log.info("Parsing rolls matching %s" % options.filter)
    elif options.congress:
        files = glob.glob("data/us/%s/rolls/*.xml" % options.congress)
        log.info("Parsing rolls of only congress#%s" % options.congress)
        files = glob.glob("data/us/*/rolls/*.xml")
    log.info("Processing votes: %d files" % len(files))
    total = len(files)
    progress = Progress(total=total, name="files", step=10)

    def log_delete_qs(qs):
        if qs.count() == 0:
        print "Deleting obsoleted records: ", qs
        # if qs.count() > 3:
        #    print "Delete skipped..."
        #    return

    seen_obj_ids = set()
    had_error = False

    for fname in files:

        match = re_path.search(fname)

            existing_vote = Vote.objects.get(
        except Vote.DoesNotExist:
            existing_vote = None

        if (
            not File.objects.is_changed(fname)
            and not options.force
            and existing_vote != None
            and not existing_vote.missing_data

            tree = etree.parse(fname)

            ## Look for votes with VP tie breakers.
            # if len(tree.xpath("/roll/voter[@VP='1']")) == 0:
            #    had_error = True # prevent delete at the end
            #    continue

            # Process role object
            for roll_node in tree.xpath("/roll"):
                vote = vote_processor.process(Vote(), roll_node)
                if existing_vote:
                    vote.id = existing_vote.id
                match = re_path.search(fname)
                vote.congress = int(match.group(1))
                vote.chamber = chamber_mapping[match.group(2)]
                vote.session = match.group(3)
                vote.number = int(match.group(4))

                # Get related bill & amendment.

                for bill_node in roll_node.xpath("bill"):
                    related_bill_num = bill_node.get("number")
                    if 9 <= vote.congress <= 42 and vote.session in ("1", "2"):
                        # Bill numbering from the American Memory colletion is different. The number combines
                        # the session, bill number, and a 0 or 5 for regular or 'half' numbering. Prior to
                        # the 9th congress numbering seems to be wholly assigned by us and not related to
                        # actual numbering, so we skip matching those bills.
                        related_bill_num = "%d%04d%d" % (int(vote.session), int(bill_node.get("number")), 0)
                        vote.related_bill = Bill.objects.get(
                    except Bill.DoesNotExist:
                        if vote.congress >= 93:
                            vote.missing_data = True

                for amdt_node in roll_node.xpath("amendment"):
                    if amdt_node.get("ref") == "regular" and vote.related_bill is not None:
                            vote.related_amendment = Amendment.objects.get(
                        except Amendment.DoesNotExist:
                            if vote.congress >= 93:
                                print "Missing amendment", fname
                                vote.missing_data = True
                    elif amdt_node.get("ref") == "bill-serial":
                        # It is impossible to associate House votes with amendments just from the House
                        # vote XML because the amendment-num might correspond either with the A___ number
                        # or with the "An amendment, numbered ____" number from the amendment purpose,
                        # and there's really no way to figure out which. Maybe we can use the amendment
                        # sponsor instead?
                        # vote.related_amendment = Amendment.objects.get(bill=vote.related_bill, sequence=amdt_node.get("number"))
                        # Instead, we set related_amendment from the amendment parser. Here, we have to
                        # preserve the related_amendment if it is set.
                        if existing_vote:
                            vote.related_amendment = existing_vote.related_amendment

                # clean up some question text and use the question_details field

                if (
                    vote.category in (VoteCategory.passage, VoteCategory.passage_suspension, VoteCategory.veto_override)
                    and vote.related_bill
                    # For passage votes, set the question to the bill title and put the question
                    # details in the details field.
                    vote.question = truncatewords(vote.related_bill.title, 20)
                    vote.question_details = vote.vote_type + " in the " + vote.get_chamber_display()

                elif vote.category == VoteCategory.amendment and vote.related_amendment:
                    # For votes on amendments, make a better title/explanation.
                    vote.question = truncatewords(vote.related_amendment.title, 20)
                    vote.question_details = vote.vote_type + " in the " + vote.get_chamber_display()

                elif vote.related_bill and vote.question.startswith(
                    "On the Cloture Motion " + vote.related_bill.display_number
                    vote.question = "Cloture on " + truncatewords(vote.related_bill.title, 20)
                elif vote.related_bill and vote.question.startswith(
                    "On Cloture on the Motion to Proceed " + vote.related_bill.display_number
                    vote.question = "Cloture on " + truncatewords(vote.related_bill.title, 20)
                    vote.question_details = "On Cloture on the Motion to Proceed in the " + vote.get_chamber_display()
                elif vote.related_bill and vote.question.startswith(
                    "On the Motion to Proceed " + vote.related_bill.display_number
                    vote.question = "Motion to Proceed on " + truncatewords(vote.related_bill.title, 20)

                elif vote.related_amendment and vote.question.startswith(
                    "On the Cloture Motion "
                    + vote.related_amendment.get_amendment_type_display()
                    + " "
                    + str(vote.related_amendment.number)
                    vote.question = "Cloture on " + truncatewords(vote.related_amendment.title, 20)
                    vote.question_details = vote.vote_type + " in the " + vote.get_chamber_display()

                # weird House foratting of bill numbers ("H RES 123 Blah blah")
                if vote.related_bill:
                    vote.question = re.sub(
                        "(On [^:]+): "
                        + vote.related_bill.display_number.replace(". ", " ").replace(".", " ").upper()
                        + " .*",
                        r"\1: " + truncatewords(vote.related_bill.title, 15),


                seen_obj_ids.add(vote.id)  # don't delete me later

                # Process roll options, overwrite existing options where possible.
                seen_option_ids = set()
                roll_options = {}
                for option_node in roll_node.xpath("./option"):
                    option = option_processor.process(VoteOption(), option_node)
                    option.vote = vote
                    if existing_vote:
                            option.id = VoteOption.objects.filter(vote=vote, key=option.key)[
                            ].id  # get is better, but I had the database corruption problem
                        except IndexError:
                    roll_options[option.key] = option
                )  # may cascade and delete the Voters too?

                # Process roll voters, overwriting existing voters where possible.
                if existing_vote:
                    existing_voters = dict(Voter.objects.filter(vote=vote).values_list("person", "id"))
                seen_voter_ids = set()
                voters = list()
                for voter_node in roll_node.xpath("./voter"):
                    voter = voter_processor.process(roll_options, Voter(), voter_node)
                    voter.vote = vote
                    voter.created = vote.created

                    # for VP votes, load the actual person...
                    if voter.voter_type == VoterType.vice_president:
                            r = PersonRole.objects.get(
                                role_type=RoleType.vicepresident, startdate__lte=vote.created, enddate__gte=vote.created
                            voter.person_role = r
                            voter.person = r.person
                            # overlapping roles? missing data?
                            log.error("Could not resolve vice president in %s" % fname, exc_info=ex)

                    if existing_vote and voter.person:
                            voter.id = existing_voters[voter.person.id]
                        except KeyError:


                    if voter.voter_type == VoterType.unknown and not vote.missing_data:
                        vote.missing_data = True

                # pre-fetch the role of each voter
                load_roles_at_date([x.person for x in voters if x.person != None], vote.created)
                for voter in voters:
                    voter.person_role = voter.person.role
                    if voter.person_role is None:
                        log.error("%s: Could not find role for %s on %s." % (fname, voter.person, vote.created))
                        vote.missing_data = True

                # save all of the records (inserting/updating)
                for voter in voters:

                # remove obsolete voter records
                )  # possibly already deleted by cascade above

                # pre-calculate totals

                if not options.disable_events:


        except Exception, ex:
            log.error("Error in processing %s" % fname, exc_info=ex)
            had_error = True
import csv, sys

from django.conf import settings

from vote.models import *
from person.util import load_roles_at_date

w = csv.writer(sys.stdout)
	"congress", "session", "number", "date", "question", "link", "person", "vote"
for vote in Vote.objects.filter(congress=113, chamber=CongressChamber.house).order_by('created'):
	voters = list(vote.voters.all().select_related('person', 'option'))
	voters = sorted(voters, key = lambda v : v.person.sortname)
	load_roles_at_date([x.person for x in voters if x.person != None], vote.created)
	for voter in voters:
		if voter.person.role.state != "AZ": continue
		row = [
				vote.created.strftime("%x %X"),
				settings.SITE_ROOT_URL + vote.get_absolute_url(),
		w.writerow([unicode(v).encode("utf8") for v in row])
	total_has_companion = 0
	total_companion_bipartisan = 0
	for bill in Bill.objects.filter(congress=congress, bill_type__in=(BillType.house_bill, BillType.senate_bill)).select_related("sponsor"):
		#.filter(introduced_date__gte=date(2011, 8, 1)):
		total += 1
		# People we care about. Batch load party information for sponsors
		# and cosponsors to be fast. Load roles at the bill introduced date.
		# Only look at cosponsors who joined on the introduced date (otherwise
		# they may have changed party between those two dates).
		persons = []
		if not bill.sponsor: continue
		persons.extend([c.person for c in Cosponsor.objects.filter(bill=bill, joined=bill.introduced_date).select_related("person")])
		load_roles_at_date(persons, bill.introduced_date)
		if len(persons) > 1: has_initial_cosponsors += 1
		# How bipartisan_cosp is this bill?
		parties = set()
		for p in persons:
			if p.role:
		if "Democrat" in parties and "Republican" in parties:
			bipartisan_cosp += 1
		if bill.bill_type == BillType.senate_bill:
			related_bill = None
				relation = bill.relatedbills.filter(relation='identical', related_bill__bill_type=BillType.house_bill).select_related("related_bill", "related_bill__sponsor").get()
Exemple #14
    def totals(self):
        # If cached value exists then return it
        if hasattr(self, '_cached_totals'):
            return self._cached_totals
        # else do all these things:

        items = []

        # Extract all voters, find their role at the time
        # the vote was
        all_voters = list(self.voters.all().select_related('person', 'option'))
        voters_by_option = {}
        for option in self.options.all():
            voters_by_option[option] = [
                x for x in all_voters if x.option == option
        total_count = len(all_voters)

        persons = [x.person for x in all_voters if x.person != None]
        load_roles_at_date(persons, self.created)

        # Find all parties which participated in vote
        # and sort them in order which they should be displayed

        def cmp_party(x):
            Sort the parties by the number of voters in that party.
            return -len([
                p for p in all_voters
                if p.person and p.person.role and p.person.role.party == x

        def get_party(voter):
            if voter.voter_type != VoterType.vice_president:
                if voter.person and voter.person.role:
                    return voter.person.role.party
                    return "Unknown"
                return "Vice President"

        all_parties = list(set(get_party(x) for x in all_voters))
        total_party_stats = dict((x, {'yes': 0, 'no': 0, 'other': 0, 'total': 0})\
                                 for x in all_parties)

        # For each option find party break down,
        # total vote count and percentage in total count
        details = []
        for option in self.options.all():
            voters = voters_by_option.get(option, [])
            percent = round(len(voters) / float(total_count) * 100.0)
            party_stats = dict((x, 0) for x in all_parties)
            for voter in voters:
                party = get_party(voter)
                party_stats[party] += 1
                total_party_stats[party]['total'] += 1
                if option.key == '+':
                    total_party_stats[party]['yes'] += 1
                elif option.key == '-':
                    total_party_stats[party]['no'] += 1
                    total_party_stats[party]['other'] += 1
            party_counts = [party_stats.get(x, 0) for x in all_parties]
            party_counts = [{
                "party": all_parties[i],
                "count": c,
                'chart_width': 190 * c / total_count
            } for i, c in enumerate(party_counts)]

            detail = {
                'option': option,
                'count': len(voters),
                'percent': int(percent),
                'party_counts': party_counts,
                'chart_width': 190 * int(percent) / 100
            if option.key == '+':
                detail['yes'] = True
            if option.key == '-':
                detail['no'] = True
            if option.key in ('0', 'P'):
                detail['hide_if_empty'] = True

        party_counts = [total_party_stats[x] for x in all_parties]

        # sort options by well-known keys, then by total number of votes
        option_sort_order = {"+": 0, "-": 1, "P": 2, "0": 3}
        details.sort(key=lambda d: (option_sort_order.get(
            d['option'].key, None), -d['count']))

        # hide Present/Not Voting if no one voted that way
        details = [
            d for d in details if d["count"] > 0 or "hide_if_empty" not in d

        totals = {
            'options': details,
            'total_count': total_count,
            'party_counts': party_counts,
            'parties': all_parties,
        self._cached_totals = totals
        return totals
def main(options):
    Parse rolls.
    # Setup XML processors
    vote_processor = VoteProcessor()
    option_processor = VoteOptionProcessor()
    voter_processor = VoterProcessor()
    voter_processor.PERSON_CACHE = dict((x.pk, x) for x in Person.objects.all())

    chamber_mapping = {'s': CongressChamber.senate,
                       'h': CongressChamber.house}

    if options.filter:
        files = glob.glob(options.filter)
        log.info('Parsing rolls matching %s' % options.filter)
    elif options.congress:
        files = glob.glob(settings.CONGRESS_DATA_PATH + '/%s/votes/*/*/data.xml' % options.congress)
        log.info('Parsing rolls of only congress#%s' % options.congress)
        files = glob.glob('data/congress/*/votes/*/*/data.xml')
    log.info('Processing votes: %d files' % len(files))
    total = len(files)
    progress = Progress(total=total, name='files', step=10)

    def log_delete_qs(qs):
        if qs.count() == 0: return
        print("Deleting obsoleted records: ", qs)
        #if qs.count() > 3:
        #    print "Delete skipped..."
        #    return

    seen_obj_ids = set()
    had_error = False

    for fname in files:

        match = re.match(r"data/congress/(?P<congress>\d+)/votes/(?P<session>[ABC0-9]+)/(?P<chamber>[hs])(?P<number>\d+)/data.xml$", fname)
            existing_vote = Vote.objects.get(congress=int(match.group("congress")), chamber=chamber_mapping[match.group("chamber")], session=match.group("session"), number=int(match.group("number")))
        except Vote.DoesNotExist:
            existing_vote = None
        if not File.objects.is_changed(fname) and not options.force and existing_vote != None and not existing_vote.missing_data:
            tree = etree.parse(fname)
            ## Look for votes with VP tie breakers.
            #if len(tree.xpath("/roll/voter[@VP='1']")) == 0:
            #    had_error = True # prevent delete at the end
            #    continue
            # Process role object
            roll_node = tree.xpath('/roll')[0]

            # Sqlite is much faster when lots of saves are wrapped in a transaction,
            # and we do a lot of saves because it's a lot of voters.
            from django.db import transaction
            with transaction.atomic():

                vote = vote_processor.process(Vote(), roll_node)
                if existing_vote: vote.id = existing_vote.id
                vote.congress = int(match.group("congress"))
                vote.chamber = chamber_mapping[match.group("chamber")]
                vote.session = match.group("session")
                vote.number = int(match.group("number"))
                # Get related bill & amendment.
                for bill_node in roll_node.xpath("bill"):
                    related_bill_num = bill_node.get("number")
                    if 9 <= vote.congress <= 42 and vote.session in ('1', '2'):
                         # Bill numbering from the American Memory colletion is different. The number combines
                         # the session, bill number, and a 0 or 5 for regular or 'half' numbering. Prior to
                         # the 9th congress numbering seems to be wholly assigned by us and not related to
                         # actual numbering, so we skip matching those bills.
                         related_bill_num = "%d%04d%d" % (int(vote.session), int(bill_node.get("number")), 0)
                        vote.related_bill = Bill.objects.get(congress=bill_node.get("session"), bill_type=BillType.by_xml_code(bill_node.get("type")), number=related_bill_num)
                    except Bill.DoesNotExist:
                        if vote.congress >= 93:
                            vote.missing_data = True

                for amdt_node in roll_node.xpath("amendment"):
                    if amdt_node.get("ref") == "regular" and vote.related_bill is not None:
                            vote.related_amendment = Amendment.objects.get(congress=vote.related_bill.congress, amendment_type=AmendmentType.by_slug(amdt_node.get("number")[0]+"amdt"), number=amdt_node.get("number")[1:])
                        except Amendment.DoesNotExist:
                            if vote.congress >= 93:
                                print("Missing amendment", fname)
                                vote.missing_data = True
                    elif amdt_node.get("ref") == "bill-serial":
                        # It is impossible to associate House votes with amendments just from the House
                        # vote XML because the amendment-num might correspond either with the A___ number
                        # or with the "An amendment, numbered ____" number from the amendment purpose,
                        # and there's really no way to figure out which. Maybe we can use the amendment
                        # sponsor instead?
                        #vote.related_amendment = Amendment.objects.get(bill=vote.related_bill, sequence=amdt_node.get("number"))
                        # Instead, we set related_amendment from the amendment parser. Here, we have to
                        # preserve the related_amendment if it is set.
                        if existing_vote: vote.related_amendment = existing_vote.related_amendment

                # clean up some question text and use the question_details field
                if vote.category in (VoteCategory.passage, VoteCategory.passage_suspension, VoteCategory.veto_override) and vote.related_bill:
                    # For passage votes, set the question to the bill title and put the question
                    # details in the details field.
                    vote.question = vote.related_bill.title
                    vote.question_details = vote.vote_type + " in the " + vote.get_chamber_display()
                elif vote.category == VoteCategory.amendment and vote.related_amendment:
                    # For votes on amendments, make a better title/explanation.
                    vote.question = vote.related_amendment.title
                    vote.question_details = vote.vote_type + " in the " + vote.get_chamber_display()
                elif vote.related_bill and vote.question.startswith("On the Cloture Motion " + vote.related_bill.display_number):
                    vote.question = "Cloture on " + vote.related_bill.title
                elif vote.related_bill and vote.question.startswith("On Cloture on the Motion to Proceed " + vote.related_bill.display_number):
                    vote.question = "Cloture on " + vote.related_bill.title
                    vote.question_details = "On Cloture on the Motion to Proceed in the " + vote.get_chamber_display()
                elif vote.related_bill and vote.question.startswith("On the Motion to Proceed " + vote.related_bill.display_number):
                    vote.question = "Motion to Proceed on " + vote.related_bill.title
                elif vote.related_amendment and vote.question.startswith("On the Cloture Motion " + vote.related_amendment.get_amendment_type_display() + " " + str(vote.related_amendment.number)):
                    vote.question = "Cloture on " + vote.related_amendment.title
                    vote.question_details = vote.vote_type + " in the " + vote.get_chamber_display()
                # weird House foratting of bill numbers ("H RES 123 Blah blah")
                if vote.related_bill:
                    vote.question = re.sub(
                        "(On [^:]+): " + vote.related_bill.display_number.replace(". ", " ").replace(".", " ").upper() + " .*",
                        r"\1: " + truncatewords(vote.related_bill.title, 15),
                seen_obj_ids.add(vote.id) # don't delete me later
                # Process roll options, overwrite existing options where possible.
                seen_option_ids = set()
                roll_options = {}
                for option_node in roll_node.xpath('./option'):
                    option = option_processor.process(VoteOption(), option_node)
                    option.vote = vote
                    if existing_vote:
                            option.id = VoteOption.objects.filter(vote=vote, key=option.key)[0].id # get is better, but I had the database corruption problem
                        except IndexError:
                    roll_options[option.key] = option
                log_delete_qs(VoteOption.objects.filter(vote=vote).exclude(id__in=seen_option_ids)) # may cascade and delete the Voters too?

                # Process roll voters, overwriting existing voters where possible.
                if existing_vote:
                    existing_voters = dict(Voter.objects.filter(vote=vote).values_list("person", "id"))
                seen_voter_ids = set()
                voters = list()
                for voter_node in roll_node.xpath('./voter'):
                    voter = voter_processor.process(roll_options, Voter(), voter_node)
                    voter.vote = vote
                    voter.created = vote.created
                    # for VP votes, load the actual person & role...
                    if voter.voter_type == VoterType.vice_president:
                            r = PersonRole.objects.get(role_type=RoleType.vicepresident, startdate__lte=vote.created, enddate__gte=vote.created)
                            voter.person_role = r
                            voter.person = r.person
                        except PersonRole.DoesNotExist:
                            # overlapping roles? missing data?
                            log.error('Could not resolve vice president in %s' % fname)
                    if existing_vote and voter.person:
                            voter.id = existing_voters[voter.person.id]
                        except KeyError:
                    if voter.voter_type == VoterType.unknown and not vote.missing_data:
                        vote.missing_data = True
                # pre-fetch the role of each voter
                load_roles_at_date([x.person for x in voters if x.person != None], vote.created, vote.congress)
                for voter in list(voters):
                    if voter.voter_type != VoterType.vice_president:
                        voter.person_role = voter.person.role
                    # If we couldn't match a role for this person on the date of the vote, and if the voter was Not Voting,
                    # and we're looking at historical data, then this is probably a data error --- the voter wasn't even in office.
                    # At the start of each Congress, the House does a Call by States and Election of the Speaker, before swearing
                    # in. In the 116th Congress, these votes had a Not Voting for Walter Jones who had not yet made it to DC, and
                    # then omitted Jones in the votes after swearing in. In those cases, look for a role coming up.
                    if voter.person_role is None and voter.option.key == "0" and vote.question in ("Call by States", "Election of the Speaker"):
                        voter.person_role = voter.person.roles.filter(startdate__gt=vote.created, startdate__lt=vote.created+timedelta(days=30)).first()
                    if voter.person_role is None:
                        if vote.source == VoteSource.keithpoole and voter.option.key == "0":
                            # Drop this record.
                            log.error("%s: Could not find role for %s on %s." % (fname, voter.person, vote.created))
                            vote.missing_data = True

                # save all of the records (inserting/updating)
                for voter in voters:
                # remove obsolete voter records
                log_delete_qs(Voter.objects.filter(vote=vote).exclude(id__in=seen_voter_ids)) # possibly already deleted by cascade above

                # pre-calculate totals

                if not options.disable_events:

        except Exception as ex:
            log.error('Error in processing %s' % fname, exc_info=ex)
            had_error = True
    # delete vote objects that are no longer represented on disk
    if options.congress and not options.filter and not had_error:
        log_delete_qs(Vote.objects.filter(congress=options.congress).exclude(id__in = seen_obj_ids))
Exemple #16
def main(options):
    Parse rolls.

    # Setup XML processors
    vote_processor = VoteProcessor()
    option_processor = VoteOptionProcessor()
    voter_processor = VoterProcessor()
    voter_processor.PERSON_CACHE = dict(
        (x.pk, x) for x in Person.objects.all())

    # The pattern which the roll file matches
    # Filename contains info which should be placed to DB
    # along with info extracted from the XML file
    re_path = re.compile('data/us/(\d+)/rolls/([hs])(\w+)-(\d+)\.xml')

    chamber_mapping = {'s': CongressChamber.senate, 'h': CongressChamber.house}

    if options.filter:
        files = glob.glob(options.filter)
        log.info('Parsing rolls matching %s' % options.filter)
    elif options.congress:
        files = glob.glob('data/us/%s/rolls/*.xml' % options.congress)
        log.info('Parsing rolls of only congress#%s' % options.congress)
        files = glob.glob('data/us/*/rolls/*.xml')
    log.info('Processing votes: %d files' % len(files))
    total = len(files)
    progress = Progress(total=total, name='files', step=10)

    def log_delete_qs(qs):
        if qs.count() == 0: return
        print "Deleting obsoleted records: ", qs
        #if qs.count() > 3:
        #    print "Delete skipped..."
        #    return

    seen_obj_ids = set()
    had_error = False

    for fname in files:

        match = re_path.search(fname)

            existing_vote = Vote.objects.get(
        except Vote.DoesNotExist:
            existing_vote = None

        if not File.objects.is_changed(
        ) and not options.force and existing_vote != None and not existing_vote.missing_data:

            tree = etree.parse(fname)

            ## Look for votes with VP tie breakers.
            #if len(tree.xpath("/roll/voter[@VP='1']")) == 0:
            #    had_error = True # prevent delete at the end
            #    continue

            # Process role object
            roll_node = tree.xpath('/roll')[0]

            # Sqlite is much faster when lots of saves are wrapped in a transaction,
            # and we do a lot of saves because it's a lot of voters.
            from django.db import transaction
            with transaction.atomic():

                vote = vote_processor.process(Vote(), roll_node)
                if existing_vote: vote.id = existing_vote.id
                match = re_path.search(fname)
                vote.congress = int(match.group(1))
                vote.chamber = chamber_mapping[match.group(2)]
                vote.session = match.group(3)
                vote.number = int(match.group(4))

                # Get related bill & amendment.

                for bill_node in roll_node.xpath("bill"):
                    related_bill_num = bill_node.get("number")
                    if 9 <= vote.congress <= 42 and vote.session in ('1', '2'):
                        # Bill numbering from the American Memory colletion is different. The number combines
                        # the session, bill number, and a 0 or 5 for regular or 'half' numbering. Prior to
                        # the 9th congress numbering seems to be wholly assigned by us and not related to
                        # actual numbering, so we skip matching those bills.
                        related_bill_num = "%d%04d%d" % (int(
                            vote.session), int(bill_node.get("number")), 0)
                        vote.related_bill = Bill.objects.get(
                    except Bill.DoesNotExist:
                        if vote.congress >= 93:
                            vote.missing_data = True

                for amdt_node in roll_node.xpath("amendment"):
                    if amdt_node.get(
                    ) == "regular" and vote.related_bill is not None:
                            vote.related_amendment = Amendment.objects.get(
                        except Amendment.DoesNotExist:
                            if vote.congress >= 93:
                                print "Missing amendment", fname
                                vote.missing_data = True
                    elif amdt_node.get("ref") == "bill-serial":
                        # It is impossible to associate House votes with amendments just from the House
                        # vote XML because the amendment-num might correspond either with the A___ number
                        # or with the "An amendment, numbered ____" number from the amendment purpose,
                        # and there's really no way to figure out which. Maybe we can use the amendment
                        # sponsor instead?
                        #vote.related_amendment = Amendment.objects.get(bill=vote.related_bill, sequence=amdt_node.get("number"))
                        # Instead, we set related_amendment from the amendment parser. Here, we have to
                        # preserve the related_amendment if it is set.
                        if existing_vote:
                            vote.related_amendment = existing_vote.related_amendment

                # clean up some question text and use the question_details field

                if vote.category in (
                        VoteCategory.passage, VoteCategory.passage_suspension,
                        VoteCategory.veto_override) and vote.related_bill:
                    # For passage votes, set the question to the bill title and put the question
                    # details in the details field.
                    vote.question = vote.related_bill.title
                    vote.question_details = vote.vote_type + " in the " + vote.get_chamber_display(

                elif vote.category == VoteCategory.amendment and vote.related_amendment:
                    # For votes on amendments, make a better title/explanation.
                    vote.question = vote.related_amendment.title
                    vote.question_details = vote.vote_type + " in the " + vote.get_chamber_display(

                elif vote.related_bill and vote.question.startswith(
                        "On the Cloture Motion " +
                    vote.question = "Cloture on " + vote.related_bill.title
                elif vote.related_bill and vote.question.startswith(
                        "On Cloture on the Motion to Proceed " +
                    vote.question = "Cloture on " + vote.related_bill.title
                    vote.question_details = "On Cloture on the Motion to Proceed in the " + vote.get_chamber_display(
                elif vote.related_bill and vote.question.startswith(
                        "On the Motion to Proceed " +
                    vote.question = "Motion to Proceed on " + vote.related_bill.title

                elif vote.related_amendment and vote.question.startswith(
                        "On the Cloture Motion " +
                        vote.related_amendment.get_amendment_type_display() +
                        " " + str(vote.related_amendment.number)):
                    vote.question = "Cloture on " + vote.related_amendment.title
                    vote.question_details = vote.vote_type + " in the " + vote.get_chamber_display(

                # weird House foratting of bill numbers ("H RES 123 Blah blah")
                if vote.related_bill:
                    vote.question = re.sub(
                        "(On [^:]+): " +
                            ". ", " ").replace(".", " ").upper() + " .*",
                        r"\1: " + truncatewords(vote.related_bill.title, 15),


                seen_obj_ids.add(vote.id)  # don't delete me later

                # Process roll options, overwrite existing options where possible.
                seen_option_ids = set()
                roll_options = {}
                for option_node in roll_node.xpath('./option'):
                    option = option_processor.process(VoteOption(),
                    option.vote = vote
                    if existing_vote:
                            option.id = VoteOption.objects.filter(
                                vote=vote, key=option.key
                            )[0].id  # get is better, but I had the database corruption problem
                        except IndexError:
                    roll_options[option.key] = option
                )  # may cascade and delete the Voters too?

                # Process roll voters, overwriting existing voters where possible.
                if existing_vote:
                    existing_voters = dict(
                            "person", "id"))
                seen_voter_ids = set()
                voters = list()
                for voter_node in roll_node.xpath('./voter'):
                    voter = voter_processor.process(roll_options, Voter(),
                    voter.vote = vote
                    voter.created = vote.created

                    # for VP votes, load the actual person & role...
                    if voter.voter_type == VoterType.vice_president:
                            r = PersonRole.objects.get(
                            voter.person_role = r
                            voter.person = r.person
                        except PersonRole.DoesNotExist:
                            # overlapping roles? missing data?
                                'Could not resolve vice president in %s' %

                    if existing_vote and voter.person:
                            voter.id = existing_voters[voter.person.id]
                        except KeyError:


                    if voter.voter_type == VoterType.unknown and not vote.missing_data:
                        vote.missing_data = True

                # pre-fetch the role of each voter
                    [x.person for x in voters if x.person != None],
                    vote.created, vote.congress)
                for voter in list(voters):
                    if voter.voter_type != VoterType.vice_president:
                        voter.person_role = voter.person.role
                    # If we couldn't match a role for this person on the date of the vote, and if the voter was Not Voting,
                    # and we're looking at historical data, then this is probably a data error --- the voter wasn't even in office.
                    if voter.person_role is None:
                        if vote.source == VoteSource.keithpoole and voter.option.key == "0":
                            # Drop this record.
                            log.error("%s: Could not find role for %s on %s." %
                                      (fname, voter.person, vote.created))
                            vote.missing_data = True

                # save all of the records (inserting/updating)
                for voter in voters:

                # remove obsolete voter records
                )  # possibly already deleted by cascade above

                # pre-calculate totals

                if not options.disable_events:


        except Exception, ex:
            log.error('Error in processing %s' % fname, exc_info=ex)
            had_error = True
Exemple #17
def vote_thumbnail_image(request, congress, session, chamber_code, number, image_type):
	vote = load_vote(congress, session, chamber_code, number)
	import cairo, re, math
	from StringIO import StringIO
	# general image properties
	font_face = "DejaVu Serif Condensed"
	image_width = 300
	image_height = 250 if image_type == "thumbnail" else 170
	# format text to print on the image
	vote_title = re.sub(r"^On the Motion to ", "To ", vote.question)
	if re.match(r"Cloture .*Rejected", vote.result):
		vote_result_2 = "Filibustered"
	elif re.match(r"Cloture .*Agreed to", vote.result):
		vote_result_2 = "Proceed"
		vote_result_2 = re.sub("^(Bill|Amendment|Resolution|Conference Report|Nomination|Motion|Motion to \S+) ", "", vote.result)
	if vote_result_2 == "unknown": vote_result_2 = ""
	vote_date = vote.created.strftime("%x") if vote.created.year > 1900 else vote.created.isoformat().split("T")[0]
	vote_citation = vote.get_chamber_display() + " Vote #" + str(vote.number) + " -- " + vote_date
	# get vote totals by option and by party
	totals = vote.totals()
	total_count = 0
	total_counts = { } # key: total ({ "+": 123 }, etc.)
	yea_counts_by_party = [0,0,0] # D, I, R (+ votes totals)
	nay_counts_by_party = [0,0,0] # D, I, R (+/- votes totals)
	nonvoting_members_totals = [0,0,0] # D, I, R
	party_index = { "Democrat": 0, "Republican": 2 }
	for opt in totals["options"]:
		total_counts[opt["option"].key] = opt["count"]
		for i in xrange(len(totals["parties"])):
			j = party_index.get(totals["parties"][i], 1)
			if opt["option"].key not in ("+", "-"):
				# most votes are by proportion of those voting (not some cloture etc.),
				# so put present/not-voting tallies in a separate group
				nonvoting_members_totals[j] += opt["party_counts"][i]["count"]
			total_count += opt["party_counts"][i]["count"]
			if opt["option"].key == "+":
				yea_counts_by_party[j] += opt["party_counts"][i]["count"]
				nay_counts_by_party[j] += opt["party_counts"][i]["count"]
	if total_count == 0 or "+" not in total_counts or "-" not in total_counts: raise Http404() # no thumbnail for other sorts of votes
	vote_result_1 = "%d-%d" % (total_counts["+"], total_counts["-"])
	def show_text_centered(ctx, text, max_width=None):
		while True:
			(x_bearing, y_bearing, width, height, x_advance, y_advance) = ctx.text_extents(text)
			if max_width is not None and width > max_width:
				text2 = re.sub(r" \S+(\.\.\.)?$", "...", text)
				if text2 != text:
					text = text2
		ctx.rel_move_to(-width/2, height)
	im = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, image_width, image_height)
	ctx = cairo.Context(im)
	ctx.select_font_face(font_face, cairo.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, cairo.FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD)
	# clear background
	ctx.line_to(0, 0)
	ctx.line_to(image_width, 0)
	ctx.line_to(image_width, image_height)
	ctx.line_to(0, image_height)
	chart_top = 0
	if image_type == "thumbnail":
		# Title
		show_text_centered(ctx, vote_title, max_width=.95*image_width)
		chart_top = 50
	# Vote Tally
	font_size = 26 if len(vote_result_2) < 10 else 22
	ctx.set_source_rgb(.1, .1, .1)
	show_text_centered(ctx, vote_result_1)
	# Vote Result
	show_text_centered(ctx, vote_result_2) 
	w = max(ctx.text_extents(vote_result_1)[2], ctx.text_extents(vote_result_2)[2])
	# Line
	ctx.line_to(150-w/2, chart_top+5+font_size)
	ctx.rel_line_to(w, 0)
	if image_type == "thumbnail":
		# Vote Chamber/Date/Number
		ctx.select_font_face(font_face, cairo.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, cairo.FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL)
		show_text_centered(ctx, vote_citation, max_width=.98*image_width) 
	# Seats
	# Construct an array of rows of seats, where each entry maps to a particular
	# voter.
	# How many rows of seats? That is hard coded by chamber.
	seating_rows = 8 if vote.chamber == CongressChamber.house else 4
		# 4 for Senate (http://www.senate.gov/artandhistory/art/special/Desks/chambermap.cfm)
		# about 8 for the House
	# Long ago Congress had very few people.
	seating_rows = min(total_count / 8 + 1, seating_rows)
	# Determine the seating chart dimensions: the radius of the inside row of
	# seats and the radius of the outside row of seats.
	inner_r = w/2 * 1.25 + 5 # wrap closely around the text in the middle
	if seating_rows <= 4: inner_r = max(inner_r, 75) # don't make the inner radius too small
	outer_r = image_width * .45 # end close to the image width
	# If we assume the absolute spacing of seats is constant from row to row, then
	# the number of seats per row grows linearly with the radius, following the
	# circumference. If s0 is the number of seats on the inner row, then
	# floor(s0 * outer_r/inner_r) is the number of seats on the outer row. The total
	# number of seats is found by the sum of the arithmetic sequence (n/2 * (a_1+a_n)):
	#  n = (seating_rows/2)*(s0 + s0*outer_r/inner_r)
	# We want exactly total_count seats, so solving for s0...
	seats_per_row = 2.0 * total_count / (seating_rows*(1.0 + outer_r/inner_r))

	# How wide to draw a seat?
	seat_size = min(.8 * (outer_r-inner_r) / seating_rows, .35 * (2*3.14159*inner_r) / seats_per_row)

	# Determine how many seats on each row.
	seats_so_far = 0
	rowcounts = []
	for row in xrange(seating_rows):
		# What's the radius of this row?
		if seating_rows > 1:
			r = inner_r + (outer_r-inner_r) * row / float(seating_rows-1)
			r = inner_r
		# How many seats should we put on this row?
		if row < seating_rows-1:
			# Start with seats_per_row on the inner row and grow linearly.
			# Round to an integer. Alternate rounding down and up.
			n_seats = seats_per_row * r/inner_r
			n_seats = int(math.floor(n_seats) if (row % 2 == 0) else math.ceil(n_seats))
			# On the outermost row, just put in how many left we need
			# so we always have exactly the right number of seats.
			n_seats = total_count - seats_so_far
		seats_so_far += n_seats
	# Make a list of all of the seats as a list of tuples of the
	# form (rownum, seatnum) where seatnum is an index from the
	# left side.
	seats = []
	for row, count in enumerate(rowcounts):
		for i in xrange(count):
			seats.append( (row, i) )
	# Sort the seats in the order we will fill them from left to right,
	# bottom to top.
	seats.sort(key = lambda seat : (seat[1]/float(rowcounts[seat[0]]), -seat[0]) )
	# We can draw in two modes. In one mode, we don't care which actual
	# person corresponds to which seat. We just draw the groups of voters
	# in blocks. Or we can draw the actual people in seats we assign
	# according to their ideology score, from left to right.

    # See if we have ideology scores.
	voter_details = None
	if True:
		global ideology_scores
		if ideology_scores[vote.congress]:
			voter_details = [ ]
			# Load the voters, getting their role at the time they voted.
			voters = list(vote.voters.all().select_related('person', 'option'))
			load_roles_at_date([x.person for x in voters if x.person != None], vote.created)
			# Store ideology scores
			for voter in voters:
				if voter.option.key not in ("+", "-"): continue
				party = party_index.get(voter.person.role.party if voter.person and voter.person.role else "Unknown", 1)
				option = 0 if voter.option.key == "+" else 1
				coord =  ideology_scores[vote.congress].get(voter.person.id if voter.person else "UNKNOWN",
					ideology_scores[vote.congress].get("MEDIAN:" + (voter.person.role.party if voter.person and voter.person.role else ""),
				voter_details.append( (coord, (party, option)) )
			# Sort voters by party, then by ideology score, then by vote.
			voter_details.sort(key = lambda x : (x[1][0], x[0], x[1][1]))
			if len(voter_details) != len(seats):
				raise ValueError("Gotta check this.")
				voter_details = None # abort
	if not voter_details:
		# Just assign voters to seats in blocks.
		# We're fill the seats from left to right different groups of voters:
		#   D+, D-, I+, I-, R-, R+
		# For each group, for each voter in the group, pop off a seat and
		# draw him in that seat.
		# for each group of voters...
		seat_idx = 0
		for (party, vote) in [ (0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1), (2, 1), (2, 0) ]:
			# how many votes in this group?
			n_voters = (yea_counts_by_party if vote == 0 else nay_counts_by_party)[party]
			# for each voter...
			for i in xrange(n_voters):
				seats[seat_idx] = (seats[seat_idx], (party, vote)) 
				seat_idx += 1
		# Assign voters to seats in order.
		for i in xrange(len(voter_details)):
			seats[i] = (seats[i], voter_details[i][1])

	# Draw the seats.
	group_colors = {
		(0, 0): (0.05, 0.24, 0.63), # D+
		(0, 1): (0.85, 0.85, 1.0), # D-
		(1, 0): (0.07, 0.05, 0.07), # I+
		(1, 1): (0.85, 0.85, 0.85), # I-
		(2, 0): (0.90, 0.05, 0.07), # R+
		(2, 1): (1.0, 0.85, 0.85), # R-
	for ((row, seat_pos), (party, vote)) in seats:	
		# radius of this row (again, code dup)
		if seating_rows > 1:
			r = inner_r + (outer_r-inner_r) * row / float(seating_rows-1)
			r = inner_r
		# draw
		ctx.set_source_rgb(*group_colors[(party, vote)])
		ctx.translate(image_width/2, chart_top+25)
		ctx.rotate(3.14159 - 3.14159 * seat_pos/float(rowcounts[row]-1))
		ctx.translate(r, 0)
		ctx.rectangle(-seat_size/2, -seat_size/2, seat_size, seat_size)

	# Convert the image buffer to raw PNG bytes.
	buf = StringIO()
	v = buf.getvalue()
	# Form the response.
	r = HttpResponse(v, content_type='image/png')
	r["Content-Length"] = len(v)
	return r
Exemple #18
def vote_thumbnail_image(request, congress, session, chamber_code, number, image_type):
	vote = load_vote(congress, session, chamber_code, number)
	import cairo, re, math
	from StringIO import StringIO
	# general image properties
	font_face = "DejaVu Serif Condensed"
	image_width = 300
	image_height = 250 if image_type == "thumbnail" else 170
	# format text to print on the image
	vote_title = re.sub(r"^On the Motion to ", "To ", vote.question)
	if re.match(r"Cloture .*Rejected", vote.result):
		vote_result_2 = "Filibustered"
	elif re.match(r"Cloture .*Agreed to", vote.result):
		vote_result_2 = "Proceed"
		vote_result_2 = re.sub("^(Bill|Amendment|Resolution|Conference Report|Nomination|Motion|Motion to \S+) ", "", vote.result)
	if vote_result_2 == "unknown": vote_result_2 = ""
	vote_date = vote.created.strftime("%x") if vote.created.year > 1900 else vote.created.isoformat().split("T")[0]
	vote_citation = vote.get_chamber_display() + " Vote #" + str(vote.number) + " -- " + vote_date
	# get vote totals by option and by party
	totals = vote.totals()
	total_count = 0
	total_counts = { } # key: total ({ "+": 123 }, etc.)
	yea_counts_by_party = [0,0,0] # D, I, R (+ votes totals)
	nay_counts_by_party = [0,0,0] # D, I, R (+/- votes totals)
	nonvoting_members_totals = [0,0,0] # D, I, R
	party_index = { "Democrat": 0, "Republican": 2 }
	for opt in totals["options"]:
		total_counts[opt["option"].key] = opt["count"]
		for i in xrange(len(totals["parties"])):
			j = party_index.get(totals["parties"][i], 1)
			if opt["option"].key not in ("+", "-"):
				# most votes are by proportion of those voting (not some cloture etc.),
				# so put present/not-voting tallies in a separate group
				nonvoting_members_totals[j] += opt["party_counts"][i]["count"]
			total_count += opt["party_counts"][i]["count"]
			if opt["option"].key == "+":
				yea_counts_by_party[j] += opt["party_counts"][i]["count"]
				nay_counts_by_party[j] += opt["party_counts"][i]["count"]
	if total_count == 0 or "+" not in total_counts or "-" not in total_counts: raise Http404() # no thumbnail for other sorts of votes
	vote_result_1 = "%d-%d" % (total_counts["+"], total_counts["-"])
	def show_text_centered(ctx, text, max_width=None):
		while True:
			(x_bearing, y_bearing, width, height, x_advance, y_advance) = ctx.text_extents(text)
			if max_width is not None and width > max_width:
				text2 = re.sub(r" \S+(\.\.\.)?$", "...", text)
				if text2 != text:
					text = text2
		ctx.rel_move_to(-width/2, height)
	im = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, image_width, image_height)
	ctx = cairo.Context(im)
	ctx.select_font_face(font_face, cairo.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, cairo.FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD)
	# clear background
	ctx.line_to(0, 0)
	ctx.line_to(image_width, 0)
	ctx.line_to(image_width, image_height)
	ctx.line_to(0, image_height)
	chart_top = 0
	if image_type == "thumbnail":
		# Title
		show_text_centered(ctx, vote_title, max_width=.95*image_width)
		chart_top = 50
	# Vote Tally
	font_size = 26 if len(vote_result_2) < 10 else 22
	ctx.set_source_rgb(.1, .1, .1)
	show_text_centered(ctx, vote_result_1)
	# Vote Result
	show_text_centered(ctx, vote_result_2) 
	w = max(ctx.text_extents(vote_result_1)[2], ctx.text_extents(vote_result_2)[2])
	# Line
	ctx.line_to(150-w/2, chart_top+5+font_size)
	ctx.rel_line_to(w, 0)
	if image_type == "thumbnail":
		# Vote Chamber/Date/Number
		ctx.select_font_face(font_face, cairo.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, cairo.FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL)
		show_text_centered(ctx, vote_citation, max_width=.98*image_width) 
	# Seats
	# Construct an array of rows of seats, where each entry maps to a particular
	# voter.
	# How many rows of seats? That is hard coded by chamber.
	seating_rows = 8 if vote.chamber == CongressChamber.house else 4
		# 4 for Senate (http://www.senate.gov/artandhistory/art/special/Desks/chambermap.cfm)
		# about 8 for the House
	# Long ago Congress had very few people.
	seating_rows = min(total_count / 8 + 1, seating_rows)
	# Determine the seating chart dimensions: the radius of the inside row of
	# seats and the radius of the outside row of seats.
	inner_r = w/2 * 1.25 + 5 # wrap closely around the text in the middle
	if seating_rows <= 4: inner_r = max(inner_r, 75) # don't make the inner radius too small
	outer_r = image_width * .45 # end close to the image width
	# If we assume the absolute spacing of seats is constant from row to row, then
	# the number of seats per row grows linearly with the radius, following the
	# circumference. If s0 is the number of seats on the inner row, then
	# floor(s0 * outer_r/inner_r) is the number of seats on the outer row. The total
	# number of seats is found by the sum of the arithmetic sequence (n/2 * (a_1+a_n)):
	#  n = (seating_rows/2)*(s0 + s0*outer_r/inner_r)
	# We want exactly total_count seats, so solving for s0...
	seats_per_row = 2.0 * total_count / (seating_rows*(1.0 + outer_r/inner_r))

	# How wide to draw a seat?
	seat_size = min(.8 * (outer_r-inner_r) / seating_rows, .35 * (2*3.14159*inner_r) / seats_per_row)

	# Determine how many seats on each row.
	seats_so_far = 0
	rowcounts = []
	for row in xrange(seating_rows):
		# What's the radius of this row?
		if seating_rows > 1:
			r = inner_r + (outer_r-inner_r) * row / float(seating_rows-1)
			r = inner_r
		# How many seats should we put on this row?
		if row < seating_rows-1:
			# Start with seats_per_row on the inner row and grow linearly.
			# Round to an integer. Alternate rounding down and up.
			n_seats = seats_per_row * r/inner_r
			n_seats = int(math.floor(n_seats) if (row % 2 == 0) else math.ceil(n_seats))
			# On the outermost row, just put in how many left we need
			# so we always have exactly the right number of seats.
			n_seats = total_count - seats_so_far
		seats_so_far += n_seats
	# Make a list of all of the seats as a list of tuples of the
	# form (rownum, seatnum) where seatnum is an index from the
	# left side.
	seats = []
	for row, count in enumerate(rowcounts):
		for i in xrange(count):
			seats.append( (row, i) )
	# Sort the seats in the order we will fill them from left to right,
	# bottom to top.
	seats.sort(key = lambda seat : (seat[1]/float(rowcounts[seat[0]]), -seat[0]) )
	# We can draw in two modes. In one mode, we don't care which actual
	# person corresponds to which seat. We just draw the groups of voters
	# in blocks. Or we can draw the actual people in seats we assign
	# according to their ideology score, from left to right.

    # See if we have ideology scores.
	voter_details = None
	if True:
		global ideology_scores
		if ideology_scores[vote.congress]:
			voter_details = [ ]
			# Load the voters, getting their role at the time they voted.
			voters = list(vote.voters.all().select_related('person', 'option'))
			load_roles_at_date([x.person for x in voters if x.person != None], vote.created)
			# Store ideology scores
			for voter in voters:
				if voter.option.key not in ("+", "-"): continue
				party = party_index.get(voter.person.role.party if voter.person and voter.person.role else "Unknown", 1)
				option = 0 if voter.option.key == "+" else 1
				coord =  ideology_scores[vote.congress].get(voter.person.id if voter.person else "UNKNOWN",
					ideology_scores[vote.congress].get("MEDIAN:" + (voter.person.role.party if voter.person and voter.person.role else ""),
				voter_details.append( (coord, (party, option)) )
			# Sort voters by party, then by ideology score, then by vote.
			voter_details.sort(key = lambda x : (x[1][0], x[0], x[1][1]))
			if len(voter_details) != len(seats):
				raise ValueError("Gotta check this.")
				voter_details = None # abort
	if not voter_details:
		# Just assign voters to seats in blocks.
		# We're fill the seats from left to right different groups of voters:
		#   D+, D-, I+, I-, R-, R+
		# For each group, for each voter in the group, pop off a seat and
		# draw him in that seat.
		# for each group of voters...
		seat_idx = 0
		for (party, vote) in [ (0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1), (2, 1), (2, 0) ]:
			# how many votes in this group?
			n_voters = (yea_counts_by_party if vote == 0 else nay_counts_by_party)[party]
			# for each voter...
			for i in xrange(n_voters):
				seats[seat_idx] = (seats[seat_idx], (party, vote)) 
				seat_idx += 1
		# Assign voters to seats in order.
		for i in xrange(len(voter_details)):
			seats[i] = (seats[i], voter_details[i][1])

	# Draw the seats.
	group_colors = {
		(0, 0): (0.05, 0.24, 0.63), # D+
		(0, 1): (0.85, 0.85, 1.0), # D-
		(1, 0): (0.07, 0.05, 0.07), # I+
		(1, 1): (0.85, 0.85, 0.85), # I-
		(2, 0): (0.90, 0.05, 0.07), # R+
		(2, 1): (1.0, 0.85, 0.85), # R-
	for ((row, seat_pos), (party, vote)) in seats:	
		# radius of this row (again, code dup)
		if seating_rows > 1:
			r = inner_r + (outer_r-inner_r) * row / float(seating_rows-1)
			r = inner_r
		# draw
		ctx.set_source_rgb(*group_colors[(party, vote)])
		ctx.translate(image_width/2, chart_top+25)
		ctx.rotate(3.14159 - 3.14159 * seat_pos/float(rowcounts[row]-1))
		ctx.translate(r, 0)
		ctx.rectangle(-seat_size/2, -seat_size/2, seat_size, seat_size)

	# Convert the image buffer to raw PNG bytes.
	buf = StringIO()
	v = buf.getvalue()
	# Form the response.
	r = HttpResponse(v, content_type='image/png')
	r["Content-Length"] = len(v)
	return r
Exemple #19
        #.filter(introduced_date__gte=date(2011, 8, 1)):
        total += 1

        # People we care about. Batch load party information for sponsors
        # and cosponsors to be fast. Load roles at the bill introduced date.
        # Only look at cosponsors who joined on the introduced date (otherwise
        # they may have changed party between those two dates).
        persons = []
        if not bill.sponsor: continue
            c.person for c in Cosponsor.objects.filter(
                bill=bill, joined=bill.introduced_date).select_related(
        load_roles_at_date(persons, bill.introduced_date)

        if len(persons) > 1: has_initial_cosponsors += 1

        # How bipartisan_cosp is this bill?
        parties = set()
        for p in persons:
            if p.role:
        if "Democrat" in parties and "Republican" in parties:
            bipartisan_cosp += 1

        if bill.bill_type == BillType.senate_bill:
            related_bill = None
                relation = bill.relatedbills.filter(