Exemple #1
class L1(object):
    def __init__(self, windowSurface, mainClock, SKY_BLUE, gameData, showFPS):

        self.getFiles = File
        #Create game data
        self.lockedGuns = gameData['lockedGuns']
        self.lockedTools = gameData['lockedTools']
        self.sound = gameData['sound']
        self.runGame = True
        self.showFPS = showFPS

        #Setup theme music

        self.BPS = 8 #(Bullets Per Second)
        self.TOTAL_SUPPLIES = 12 #Total Supplies for each powerup
        self.SKY_BLUE = SKY_BLUE #Sky color
        self.TOTAL_COPS = 32 #Total number of all cops in level
        self.windowSurface = windowSurface
        self.clock = mainClock
        #Setup Dr. Taco's Direction
        self.moveRight = False
        self.moveLeft = False
        #Set Start Weapon and tool, and make sure menus are closed.
        self.currentWeapon = '9mm'
        self.currentTool = 'crowbar'
        self.dropDownGun = False
        self.dropDownTool = False
        #Set Basic Values
        self.score = 0
        self.ammo = 30
        self.hit = False
        self.gunButtonCoords = [695, 30, 735, 30, 715, 50]
        self.toolButtonCoords = [395, 30, 435, 30, 415, 50]
        self.officerX = 1500
        self.officerGunX = {'right':abs(self.officerX) + 55, 'left':self.officerX + -3}
        self.gunXlist = []
        self.takeStep = 0
        self.direction = 1
        self.goUp = None
        self.shootBullet = False
        self.message = 'This is the Message Box.'
        self.skill_level = 800
        self.centered = False
        self.drop = False
        self.paused = False
        self.reload = False
        self.endReload = False
        self.endBack = False
        self.die = False
        self.val = None
        self.rapidFire = [0, False]
        self.lifeLeft = 0
        self.endPoint = 0
        self.back = False
        self.tacosCollected = 0
        self.first = True
        self.flame = False

        #Initialize Objects
        self.level_1 = Level_1(self.windowSurface)
        self.tools = Toolbar(self.lockedGuns, self.windowSurface)
        self.gunMenu = selectGunMenu(self.lockedGuns)
        self.toolMenu = selectToolMenu(self.lockedTools)
        self.gunArrowButton = Button(self.windowSurface)
        self.toolArrowButton = Button(self.windowSurface)
        self.DrTaco = Person('Doctor Taco', self.windowSurface, self.officerX, self.officerGunX)
        self.wingame = Popups(self.windowSurface)

        #Default lists
        self.copList = []
        self.Xlist = []
        self.num = 700
        #Add a cop every 250 pixels for the range in TOTAL_COPS
        for i in range(0, self.TOTAL_COPS):
            self.num += 250
        self.num = 0

        #Add the cop object
        self.index = 0
        for cop in range(0, self.TOTAL_COPS):
            self.copList.append(AI(self.windowSurface, self.skill_level, self.Xlist[self.index]))
            self.index += 1

        #Add the cops gun
        self.index = 0
        for i in range(0, self.TOTAL_COPS):
            self.gunXlist.append({'right':abs(self.Xlist[self.index]) + 80, 'left':self.Xlist[self.index] + -10})
            self.index += 1

        #Add Supplies to random locations
        self.healthX = []
        self.tacosX = []
        self.tacosY = []
        self.ammoX = []
        self.ammoBoxes = []
        self.healthBoxes = []
        self.tacos = []
        for i in range(0, self.TOTAL_SUPPLIES):
            self.ammoBoxes.append(Powerups(self.windowSurface, self.score))
            self.healthBoxes.append(Powerups(self.windowSurface, self.score))
            for i in range(0, 2):
                self.tacos.append(Powerups(self.windowSurface, self.score))
                self.tacosX.append(random.randint(300, 9000))
                self.tacosY.append(random.randint(300, 490))
            self.healthX.append(random.randint(300, 9000))
            self.ammoX.append(random.randint(300, 9000))

    def play(self, highscore, totalscore):
        #If there is no quit event, (i.e reload or back)
        while self.runGame == True:
            self.stopAll = False
            #Setup rect list and blit background
            self.reload = False
            self.ammoX, self.healthX, self.tacosX, self.endPoint = self.level_1.blitBackground(self.moveRight, self.moveLeft, self.ammoX,
                                                                                               self.healthX, self.tacosX, self.copList, self.centered)
            #Setup all the cops gun position.
            self.index = 0
            for cop in self.copList:
                self.gunXlist[self.index] = {'right':self.copList[self.index].get_rect()[0] + 80, 'left':self.copList[self.index].get_rect()[0] + -10}
                self.index += 1
            for event in pygame.event.get():
                self.sound, self.paused, self.reload, self.back = self.tools.addButtons(self.sound, event)
                if event.type == QUIT:
                    self.runGame = False
                    self.stopAll = True
                if event.type == KEYDOWN:
                    if event.key == K_RIGHT:
                        self.direction = 1
                        self.moveRight = True 
                        self.moveLeft = False
                    if event.key == K_LEFT:
                        self.direction = 0
                        self.moveLeft = True
                        self.moveRight = False
                    if event.key == K_UP:
                        if self.goUp == None:
                            self.goUp = True
                    if event.key == K_SPACE:
                        self.shootBullet = True
                        self.rapidFire[1] = True
                if event.type == KEYUP:
                    self.moveRight = False
                    self.moveLeft = False
                    self.shootBullet = False
                    self.rapidFire[1] = False
                    if self.currentWeapon == 'flamethrower':
                        self.shootBullet =  False

                self.dropDownGun = self.gunArrowButton.arrow(self.dropDownGun, event, self.gunButtonCoords)
                self.dropDownTool = self.toolArrowButton.arrow(self.dropDownTool, event, self.toolButtonCoords)
                if self.dropDownGun:
                    self.currentWeapon = self.gunMenu.selectGunButton(self.currentWeapon, event)
                if self.dropDownTool:
                    self.currentTool = self.toolMenu.selectToolButton(self.currentTool, event)

            self.rapidFire[0] += 1
            if self.rapidFire[0] == self.BPS:
                self.rapidFire[0] = 0
                if self.rapidFire[1]:
                    if self.currentWeapon == 'AK-47':
                        self.shootBullet = True

            #Add Health bar, score, message box, buttons, and ammo text to screen
            self.tools.countAmmo(self.ammo, self.currentWeapon)
            self.sound, self.paused, self.reaload, self.backk = self.tools.addButtons(self.sound, None)

            #Blit select gun menu, select tool menu, and drop down arrows to screen and allow user to select weapon (or gun)
            self.dropDownGun, self.currentWeapon = self.gunMenu.chooseGun(self.windowSurface, self.dropDownGun, self.currentWeapon)
            self.dropDownTool, self.currentTool = self.toolMenu.chooseTool(self.windowSurface, self.dropDownTool, self.currentTool)    
            self.gunArrowButton.blitArrow(self.windowSurface, self.dropDownGun, self.gunButtonCoords)
            self.toolArrowButton.blitArrow(self.windowSurface, self.dropDownTool, self.toolButtonCoords)

            #Get Frames per second and and it to screen
            self.fps = int(self.clock.get_fps())
            self.tools.FPS(self.fps, self.showFPS)

            #If game is not paused, let Dr. Taco walk, jump, and shoot selected weapon
            if self.paused != True:
                #Make it so Dr. Taco can jump and move
                self.takeStep, self.centered = self.DrTaco.walk(self.takeStep, self.direction, self.moveLeft, self.moveRight, self.currentWeapon)
                self.goUp = self.DrTaco.jump(self.goUp)
                #If weapon is the Pistol, put it in Dr. Taco's hand and enable it for use.
                if self.currentWeapon == '9mm':
                    self.shootBullet, self.hit, self.ammo, self.message, self.score, self.officerX, self.drop, self.val, self.val, self.lifeLeft = self.DrTaco.shootPistol(
                        self.shootBullet, self.hit, self.direction, self.officerGunX, self.sound, self.copList, self.ammo, self.message, self.score,
                        lifeLeft = self.lifeLeft)
                #If weapon is the Shotgun, put it in Dr. Taco's hand and enable it for use.
                if self.currentWeapon == 'shotgun':
                    self.shootBullet, self.hit, self.ammo, self.message, self.score, self.officerX, self.drop, self.val, self.lifeLeft = self.DrTaco.shootShotgun(
                        self.shootBullet, self.hit, self.direction, self.officerGunX, self.sound, self.copList, self.ammo, self.message, self.score,
                        lifeLeft = self.lifeLeft)
                #If weapon is the AK-47, put it in Dr. Taco's hand and enable it for use.
                if self.currentWeapon == 'AK-47':
                    self.shootBullet, self.hit, self.ammo, self.message, self.score, self.officerX, self.drop, self.val, self.lifeLeft = self.DrTaco.shootAK(
                        self.shootBullet, self.hit, self.direction, self.officerGunX, self.sound, self.copList, self.ammo, self.message, self.score,
                        lifeLeft = self.lifeLeft)
                    self.shootBullet = False
                #If weapon is the bazooka, put it in Dr. Taco's hand and enable it for use.
                if self.currentWeapon == 'bazooka':
                    self.shootBullet, self.hit, self.ammo, self.message, self.score, self.officerX, self.drop, self.val, self.lifeLeft = self.DrTaco.shootBazooka(
                        self.shootBullet, self.hit, self.direction, self.officerGunX, self.sound, self.copList, self.ammo, self.message, self.score,
                        self.currentWeapon, lifeLeft = self.lifeLeft)
                #If weapon is the flamethrower, put it in Dr. Taco's hand and enable it for use.
                if self.currentWeapon == 'flamethrower':
                    self.shootBullet, self.hit, self.ammo, self.message, self.score, self.officerX, self.drop, self.val, self.lifeLeft, self.flame = self.DrTaco.shootFlame(
                        self.shootBullet, self.hit, self.direction, self.officerGunX, self.sound, self.copList, self.ammo, self.message, self.score,
                        self.currentWeapon, self.lifeLeft)                

                #Make all the cops think
                self.index = 0
                for cop in self.copList:                
                    self.hit, self.endReload, self.endBack, self.lifeLeft = cop.think(self.DrTaco.get_rect(), self.copList[self.index].get_rect()[0], self.gunXlist[self.index],
                                                         self.drop, self.hit, self.sound, self.lifeLeft, self.flame)
                    #If Dr. Taco is dead break out of loop
                    if self.endReload:
                    if self.endBack:
                    self.index += 1

            #Blit all the supplies to the screen by running their functions
            self.index = 0
            for box in self.ammoBoxes:
                self.score, self.ammo = box.ammoBox(self.ammoX[self.index], 490, self.DrTaco.get_rect(), self.ammo, self.score, self.sound)
                self.index += 1
            self.index = 0
            for box in self.healthBoxes:
                self.score, self.lifeLeft = box.healthBox(self.healthX[self.index], 490, self.DrTaco.get_rect(), self.lifeLeft, self.sound, self.score)
                self.index += 1
            self.index = 0
            for box in self.tacos:
                self.score, self.tacosCollected = box.taco(self.tacosX[self.index], self.tacosY[self.index],
                                                           self.DrTaco.get_rect(), self.sound, self.score, self.tacosCollected)
                self.index += 1

            #If Dr. Taco has reached the end of the level, display level completed popup and exit loop
            if self.endPoint < 298:
                self.endReload, self.back = self.wingame.wingame(self.score, self.tacosCollected)
            #If the health bar length is too much set it to right size
            if self.lifeLeft >= 20:
                self.lifeLeft = 20

            #Update screen and fill background

            #If reload button is clicked exit loop and enter another object
            if self.endReload:
                self.runGame = False
                self.reload = True
            if self.reload:
                self.runGame = False
            if self.back:
                self.runGame = False
            if self.endBack:
                self.runGame = False
                self.back = True

            #Add score to total score
            if self.runGame != True:
                totalscore += self.score
            #Check for high score
            if highscore < self.score:
                highscore = self.score

            #Play music
            if self.sound == True:
                if self.first:
                    pygame.mixer.music.play(-1, 0.0)
                    self.first = False
                self.first = True
        return self.reload, self.back, highscore, totalscore, self.stopAll