def _final_frame(self, im, fill, lcurv, rcurv, offset, font=cv.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, scale_font=1, color_font=(255, 0, 0), show=False): fill = prsp.warp(fill, inverse=True) out = im.copy() out = cv.addWeighted(out, 0.7, fill, 0.5, 0) xtxt = 50 lcurv_text = 'Left curvature={0:.01f}m'.format(lcurv) rcurv_text = 'Right curvature={0:.01f}m'.format(rcurv) offset_text = 'Offset={0:.02f}m'.format(offset) out = cv.putText(out, lcurv_text, (xtxt, 30), font, scale_font, color_font) out = cv.putText(out, rcurv_text, (xtxt, 60), font, scale_font, color_font) out = cv.putText(out, offset_text, (xtxt, 90), font, scale_font, color_font) if show == True: show_images(im, out, 'origin', 'lanes', 'Lanes detected') return out
def test(filename, n=0, show=False): import importlib importlib.reload(mask) print(persp._perspective) im_ = plt.imread(filename) im = clb.undistort(im_) if n == -1: return persp.warp(im, show=show) elif n == 0: im2 = persp.warp(im, show=show) color_mask.hls_channel(im2, channel='h', thresh=(100, 255), show=show) color_mask.hls_channel(im2, channel='l', thresh=(200, 255), show=show) color_mask.hls_channel(im2, channel='s', thresh=(100, 255), show=show) elif n == 1: im_eq = equalize_hist(im, show=show) im2 = persp.warp(im_eq, show=show) color_mask.hls_channel(im2, channel='h', thresh=(0, 100), show=show) color_mask.hls_channel(im2, channel='l', thresh=(200, 255), show=show) color_mask.hls_channel(im2, channel='s', thresh=(100, 255), show=show) elif n == 2: im2 = persp.warp(im, show=show) color_mask.rgb_channel(im2, channel='r', thresh=(220, 255), show=show) color_mask.rgb_channel(im2, channel='g', thresh=(210, 255), show=show) color_mask.rgb_channel(im2, channel='b', thresh=(0, 100), show=show) elif n == 3: im2 = persp.warp(im, show=show) color_mask.hls_channel(im2, channel='h', thresh=(0, 90), show=show) color_mask.hls_channel(im2, channel='l', thresh=(200, 255), show=show) color_mask.hls_channel(im2, channel='s', thresh=(110, 255), show=show) elif n == 4: im2 = persp.warp(im, show=show) return custom_mask.special_mask(im2, show=show)
def process(self, frame, show=False): im = clb.undistort(frame) warped = prsp.warp(im) masked = custom_mask.apply(warped, show=show) lp, rp = self._find_lane_points(masked, num_strips=10, radius=70, show=show) height = masked.shape[0] width = masked.shape[1] llane = Lane(lp, end=height - 1, num=height) rlane = Lane(rp, end=height - 1, num=height) offset = Lane.offset(llane, rlane, y=masked.shape[0] - 1, frame_width=width) lcurv = llane.curvature(height // 2) rcurv = rlane.curvature(height // 2) fill = Lane.fill_lanes(warped, llane, rlane, show=show) return self._final_frame(im, fill, lcurv, rcurv, offset, show=show)
class WhiteBoard: running = False mouseclicked = False calibrating = False KEEPLIGHTTIME = 3 #will not consider if we lose the light for x frames CLICKMAXTIME = 5 #longest that we will consider as a click for touchpad mode CLICKMINTIME = 3 # will not move the pointer for the first x frames after click to help a singleclic with shaky hand MAXTIMEBETWEENCLICKDRAG = 5 #... def __init__(self): self.mouse = MouseControl() self.XRES,self.YRES = self.mouse.get_screen_resolution() self.XRES, self.YRES = float(self.XRES), float(self.YRES) self.ABCD = [(0,0),(self.XRES-5,0),(0,self.YRES-5),(self.XRES-5,self.YRES-5)] self.perspective = Perspective() self.perspective.setdst((0.0,0.0),(self.XRES,0.0),(0.0,self.YRES),(self.XRES,self.YRES)) self.cursor = Cursor(self) self.Options = Options() def printOut(self,strList,newLine = True): for all in strList: print all, #if newLine: print "" print "" def GetBattery(self): try: bat = self.wiimote.WiimoteState.Battery except AttributeError: return None if bat: return bat*100/200 else: return None def Connect(self): self.wiimote = Wiimote() self.OnConnecting() if sys.platform != 'win32': self.printOut(["Press 1 and 2 on wiimote"]) #try: self.wiimote.Connect() #except: # self.OnNoWiimoteFound() # raise SystemExit self.OnConnected() self.wiimote.SetLEDs(True,False,False,False) self.wiimote.SetReportType(self.wiimote.InputReport.IRAccel,True) def IsConnected(self): try: cn = self.wiimote.running except: return False return cn def IsRunning(self): return self.running def OnRun(self): #to be overloaded pass def OnConnected(self): #to be overloaded self.printOut(["Battery: ", self.GetBattery(), "%"]) def OnConnecting(self): #to be overloaded pass def OnDisconnect(self): #to be overloaded pass def OnStop(self): #to be overloaded pass def OnCalibrated(self): #to be overloaded pass def OnCalibrating(self): pass def OnNoWiimoteFound(self): print "No Wiimote or no Bluetooth found..." pass def OnOptionsChanged(self): pass def Run(self): self.running = True keep_light = self.KEEPLIGHTTIME x,y = (0,0) first_x, first_y = (0,0) light_state = False timer = 0 self.OnRun() while self.running: if self.wiimote.WiimoteState.ButtonState.A: self.Stop() continue time.sleep(0.030) if self.wiimote.WiimoteState.IRState.Found1: if not light_state: #if the light appears light_state = True first_x,first_y = map(int,self.perspective.warp(self.wiimote.WiimoteState.IRState.RawX1, self.wiimote.WiimoteState.IRState.RawY1)) x,y = first_x, first_y timer = 0 #reset timer self.cursor.update(light_state, True, (first_x,first_y), (x,y), timer) else: #if the light is still lit x,y = map(int,self.perspective.warp(self.wiimote.WiimoteState.IRState.RawX1, self.wiimote.WiimoteState.IRState.RawY1)) timer += 1 keep_light = self.KEEPLIGHTTIME #keep it high while light is seen. self.cursor.update(light_state, False, (first_x,first_y), (x,y), timer) else: if keep_light and timer > self.KEEPLIGHTTIME: keep_light -= 1 #keep_light will not prevent cut-off if the light goes out quick else: if light_state: light_state = False self.cursor.update(light_state, True, (first_x,first_y), (x,y), timer) timer = self.KEEPLIGHTTIME - keep_light #this is the true delay since the light has gone off, not 0 else: timer += 1 self.cursor.update(light_state, False, (first_x,first_y), (x,y), timer) def Stop(self): self.running = False self.OnStop() def Disconnect(self): if self.IsRunning: self.Stop() self.wiimote.Disconnect() self.OnDisconnect() if self.calibrating: raise SystemExit del self.wiimote def Calibrate(self): self.Stop() self.calibrating = True self.OnCalibrating() self.printOut(["Point to the top left corner of the screen... "],False) self.ABCD[0] = self.WaitForLight() self.printOut(["OK"]) self.WaitNoLight() self.printOut(["Point to the top right corner of the screen... "],False) self.ABCD[1] = self.WaitForLight() self.printOut([ "OK"]) self.WaitNoLight() self.printOut([ "Point to the bottom left corner of the screen... "],False) self.ABCD[2] = self.WaitForLight() self.printOut([ "OK"]) self.WaitNoLight() self.printOut([ "Point to the bottom right corner of the screen... "],False) self.ABCD[3] = self.WaitForLight() self.printOut([ "OK"]) self.WaitNoLight() x0,y0 = self.ABCD[0] x1,y1 = self.ABCD[1] x2,y2 = self.ABCD[2] x3,y3 = self.ABCD[3] self.perspective.setsrc((x0,y0),(x1,y1),(x2,y2),(x3,y3)) self.calibrating = False self.printOut([ "Calibration complete!"]) self.OnCalibrated() def WaitForLight(self): dot = False while not dot: checkdot = self.wiimote.WiimoteState.IRState.RawX1, self.wiimote.WiimoteState.IRState.RawY1 if self.wiimote.WiimoteState.IRState.Found1: dot = checkdot return dot time.sleep(0.030) def WaitNoLight(self): time.sleep(0.5) while 1: time.sleep(0.030) if self.wiimote.WiimoteState.IRState.Found1 == False: return
class WhiteBoard: running = False mouseclicked = False calibrating = False KEEPLIGHTTIME = 3 #will not consider if we lose the light for x frames CLICKMAXTIME = 5 #longest that we will consider as a click for touchpad mode CLICKMINTIME = 3 # will not move the pointer for the first x frames after click to help a singleclic with shaky hand MAXTIMEBETWEENCLICKDRAG = 5 #... def __init__(self): self.mouse = MouseControl() self.XRES, self.YRES = self.mouse.get_screen_resolution() self.XRES, self.YRES = float(self.XRES), float(self.YRES) self.ABCD = [(0, 0), (self.XRES - 5, 0), (0, self.YRES - 5), (self.XRES - 5, self.YRES - 5)] self.perspective = Perspective() self.perspective.setdst((0.0, 0.0), (self.XRES, 0.0), (0.0, self.YRES), (self.XRES, self.YRES)) self.cursor = Cursor(self) self.Options = Options() def printOut(self, strList, newLine=True): for all in strList: print all, #if newLine: print "" print "" def GetBattery(self): try: bat = self.wiimote.WiimoteState.Battery except AttributeError: return None if bat: return bat * 100 / 200 else: return None def Connect(self): self.wiimote = Wiimote() self.OnConnecting() if sys.platform != 'win32': self.printOut(["Press 1 and 2 on wiimote"]) #try: self.wiimote.Connect() #except: # self.OnNoWiimoteFound() # raise SystemExit self.OnConnected() self.wiimote.SetLEDs(True, False, False, False) self.wiimote.SetReportType(self.wiimote.InputReport.IRAccel, True) def IsConnected(self): try: cn = self.wiimote.running except: return False return cn def IsRunning(self): return self.running def OnRun(self): #to be overloaded pass def OnConnected(self): #to be overloaded self.printOut(["Battery: ", self.GetBattery(), "%"]) def OnConnecting(self): #to be overloaded pass def OnDisconnect(self): #to be overloaded pass def OnStop(self): #to be overloaded pass def OnCalibrated(self): #to be overloaded pass def OnCalibrating(self): pass def OnNoWiimoteFound(self): print "No Wiimote or no Bluetooth found..." pass def OnOptionsChanged(self): pass def Run(self): self.running = True keep_light = self.KEEPLIGHTTIME x, y = (0, 0) first_x, first_y = (0, 0) light_state = False timer = 0 self.OnRun() while self.running: if self.wiimote.WiimoteState.ButtonState.A: self.Stop() continue time.sleep(0.030) if self.wiimote.WiimoteState.IRState.Found1: if not light_state: #if the light appears light_state = True first_x, first_y = map( int, self.perspective.warp( self.wiimote.WiimoteState.IRState.RawX1, self.wiimote.WiimoteState.IRState.RawY1)) x, y = first_x, first_y timer = 0 #reset timer self.cursor.update(light_state, True, (first_x, first_y), (x, y), timer) else: #if the light is still lit x, y = map( int, self.perspective.warp( self.wiimote.WiimoteState.IRState.RawX1, self.wiimote.WiimoteState.IRState.RawY1)) timer += 1 keep_light = self.KEEPLIGHTTIME #keep it high while light is seen. self.cursor.update(light_state, False, (first_x, first_y), (x, y), timer) else: if keep_light and timer > self.KEEPLIGHTTIME: keep_light -= 1 #keep_light will not prevent cut-off if the light goes out quick else: if light_state: light_state = False self.cursor.update(light_state, True, (first_x, first_y), (x, y), timer) timer = self.KEEPLIGHTTIME - keep_light #this is the true delay since the light has gone off, not 0 else: timer += 1 self.cursor.update(light_state, False, (first_x, first_y), (x, y), timer) def Stop(self): self.running = False self.OnStop() def Disconnect(self): if self.IsRunning: self.Stop() self.wiimote.Disconnect() self.OnDisconnect() if self.calibrating: raise SystemExit del self.wiimote def Calibrate(self): self.Stop() self.calibrating = True self.OnCalibrating() self.printOut(["Point to the top left corner of the screen... "], False) self.ABCD[0] = self.WaitForLight() self.printOut(["OK"]) self.WaitNoLight() self.printOut(["Point to the top right corner of the screen... "], False) self.ABCD[1] = self.WaitForLight() self.printOut(["OK"]) self.WaitNoLight() self.printOut(["Point to the bottom left corner of the screen... "], False) self.ABCD[2] = self.WaitForLight() self.printOut(["OK"]) self.WaitNoLight() self.printOut(["Point to the bottom right corner of the screen... "], False) self.ABCD[3] = self.WaitForLight() self.printOut(["OK"]) self.WaitNoLight() x0, y0 = self.ABCD[0] x1, y1 = self.ABCD[1] x2, y2 = self.ABCD[2] x3, y3 = self.ABCD[3] self.perspective.setsrc((x0, y0), (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3)) self.calibrating = False self.printOut(["Calibration complete!"]) self.OnCalibrated() def WaitForLight(self): dot = False while not dot: checkdot = self.wiimote.WiimoteState.IRState.RawX1, self.wiimote.WiimoteState.IRState.RawY1 if self.wiimote.WiimoteState.IRState.Found1: dot = checkdot return dot time.sleep(0.030) def WaitNoLight(self): time.sleep(0.5) while 1: time.sleep(0.030) if self.wiimote.WiimoteState.IRState.Found1 == False: return
plt.ylim(720, 0) plt.axis("off") # Save visualization if save_image: plt.savefig('./output_images/vis_area.png', bbox_inches='tight') if __name__ == '__main__': polyfit = Polyfit() perspective = Perspective() image_file = 'test_images/test2.jpg' image = mpimg.imread(image_file) undistorted = undistort(image) # Create binary outputs abs_thresh, mag_thresh, dir_thresh, hls_thresh, hsv_thresh, combined_output = combined_threshold( undistorted) plt.imshow(combined_output, cmap='gray') warped = perspective.warp(combined_output) plt.imshow(warped, cmap='gray') # Find lanes left_fit, right_fit, vars = polyfit.poly_fit_skip(warped) left_curve_rad, right_curve_rad = polyfit.curvature() position = polyfit.vehicle_position(warped) print('curvature: {:.2f}m'.format((left_curve_rad + right_curve_rad) / 2)) print('vehicle position: {:.2f}m from center'.format(position)) # Visualize lane finding polyfit.visualize_window(warped, vars, save_image=True) polyfit.visualize_area(warped, vars, save_image=True)
class LaneLines: def __init__(self, camera_matrix, distortion_coefficients, buffer_size = 50, img_size = (1280,720)): self.camera_matrix = camera_matrix self.distortion_coefficients = distortion_coefficients src = np.float32( [[(img_size[0] / 2) - 75, img_size[1] / 2 + 100], [((img_size[0] / 6) - 10), img_size[1]], [(img_size[0] * 5 / 6) + 60, img_size[1]], [(img_size[0] / 2 + 75), img_size[1] / 2 + 100]]) dst = np.float32( [[(img_size[0] / 4), 0], [(img_size[0] / 4), img_size[1]], [(img_size[0] * 3 / 4), img_size[1]], [(img_size[0] * 3 / 4), 0]]) self.perspective = Perspective(src,dst) self.search_engine = HistogramSearch( window_width = 200, window_height = 80, min_pixels_to_recenter=50, visualisation = None) self.left = Lane(buffer_size) self.right = Lane(buffer_size) def draw(self, img): preprocessed_img = self.preprocess(img) left, right = self.find_lanes(preprocessed_img) result = img if left.best_fit is not None and right.best_fit is not None: area = self.lane_area(preprocessed_img, left, right) area = cv2.warpPerspective(area, self.perspective.matrix, (img.shape[1], img.shape[0]), flags=cv2.WARP_INVERSE_MAP) result = cv2.addWeighted(img, 1, area, 0.3, 0) ls = LaneStatistics(preprocessed_img, left) rs = LaneStatistics(preprocessed_img, right) radius = "radius of curvature {0:.0f} m" \ .format((ls.radius_of_curvature_in_m + rs.radius_of_curvature_in_m)/2) offset = "offset {0:.2f} m" \ .format(np.abs(ls.distance_to_vehicle_center_in_m - rs.distance_to_vehicle_center_in_m)) cv2.putText(result, radius, (50, 65), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 3,(255,255,255),2); cv2.putText(result, offset, (50, 135), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 3,(255,255,255),2); return result def find_lanes(self, preprocessed_img): l_detection, r_detection = self.search_engine.find_lane_polynomials( preprocessed_img, self.left.best_fit, self.right.best_fit) if l_detection is None or r_detection is None or not l_detection.trustful() or not r_detection.trustful(): l_detection, r_detection = self.search_engine.find_lane_polynomials(preprocessed_img) self.left.update(l_detection) self.right.update(r_detection) return (self.left, self.right) def lane_area(self, warped, left_lane, right_lane): warp_zero = np.zeros_like(warped).astype(np.uint8) color_warp = np.dstack((warp_zero, warp_zero, warp_zero)) arguments_y = np.linspace(0, warped.shape[0]-1, warped.shape[0] ) left_values_x = left_lane.best_fit[0]*arguments_y**2 + left_lane.best_fit[1]*arguments_y + left_lane.best_fit[2] right_values_x = right_lane.best_fit[0]*arguments_y**2 + right_lane.best_fit[1]*arguments_y + right_lane.best_fit[2] # Recast the x and y points into usable format for cv2.fillPoly() pts_left = np.array([np.transpose(np.vstack([left_values_x, arguments_y]))]) pts_right = np.array([np.flipud(np.transpose(np.vstack([right_values_x, arguments_y])))]) pts = np.hstack((pts_left, pts_right)) # Draw the lane onto the warped blank image cv2.fillPoly(color_warp, np.int_([pts]), (0,255, 0)) return color_warp def preprocess(self, img): img = self.undistort(img) img = self.blur(img) img = self.threshold(img) img = self.warp(img) return img def warp(self, img): return self.perspective.warp(img) def blur(self, img, kernel_size = 5): return cv2.GaussianBlur(img, (kernel_size, kernel_size), 0) def undistort(self, img): return cv2.undistort(img, self.camera_matrix, self.distortion_coefficients, None, self.camera_matrix) def threshold(self, img): img_hls = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HLS).astype(np.float) img_lab = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2LAB).astype(np.float) img_luv = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2LUV).astype(np.float) threshold = Threshold() w_binary = threshold.white(img_luv, min_max= (180, 255)) l_x = threshold.gradient_magnitude_x(img_luv[:,:,0], sobel_kernel=5, min_max = (15,255)) l_d = threshold.gradient_direction_xy(img_luv[:,:,0], sobel_kernel=3, min_max = (0.7, 1.3)) white = np.zeros_like(w_binary) white[(img[:,:,0] >= 200) & (img[:,:,1] >= 200) & (img[:,:,2] >= 200)] = 1 r_x = threshold.gradient_magnitude_x(white, sobel_kernel=5, min_max = (10,255)) l_binary = threshold.lightness(img_hls, min_max = (210, 255)) g_m = threshold.gradient_magnitude_x(l_binary, sobel_kernel=31, min_max = (100, 255)) white_lane = np.zeros_like(w_binary) white_lane [(r_x == 1) | ((l_d == 1) & (l_x == 1) & (w_binary == 1)) | (g_m == 1)] = 1 y_binary = threshold.blue_yellow(img_lab, min_max= (145, 255)) y_m = threshold.gradient_magnitude_xy(img_lab[:,:,2], sobel_kernel=3, min_max = (50, 255)) s_binary = threshold.saturation(img_hls, min_max = (10,255)) s_x = threshold.gradient_magnitude_x(img_hls[:,:,2], sobel_kernel=31, min_max = (100,255)) s_d = threshold.gradient_direction_xy(img_hls[:,:,2], sobel_kernel=31, min_max = (0.6, 1.2)) yellow_line = np.zeros_like(y_binary) yellow_line[(y_binary == 1) | (y_m == 1) | ((s_d == 1) & (s_x == 1) & (s_binary == 1))] = 1 result = np.zeros_like(w_binary) result[(yellow_line == 1) | (white_lane == 1)] = 1 return result