Exemple #1
def test_fieldnames():
    table = (('foo', 'bar'), ('a', 1), ('b', 2))
    actual = fieldnames(table)
    expect = ('foo', 'bar')
    eq_(expect, actual)

    class CustomField(object):

        def __init__(self, key, description):
            self.key = key
            self.description = description

        def __str__(self):
            return self.key

        def __repr__(self):
            return 'CustomField(%r, %r)' % (self.key, self.description)

    table = ((CustomField('foo', 'Get some foo.'),
              CustomField('bar', 'A lot of bar.')),
             ('a', 1),
             ('b', 2))
    actual = fieldnames(table)
    expect = ('foo', 'bar')
    eq_(expect, actual)
Exemple #2
def _build_schema_from_values(table, sample):
    # table2: try not advance iterators
    samples, table2 = iterpeek(table, sample + 1)
    props = fieldnames(samples)
    peek = skip(samples, 1)
    schema_fields = _build_schema_fields_from_values(peek, props)
    schema_source = _build_schema_with(schema_fields)
    return schema_source, table2
Exemple #3
def _fix_missing_headers(table, schema):
    '''add missing columns headers from schema'''
    if schema is None or 'fields' not in schema:
        return table
    # table2: try not advance iterators
    sample, table2 = iterpeek(table, 2)
    cols = fieldnames(sample)
    headers = _get_schema_header_names(schema)
    if len(cols) >= len(headers):
        return table2
    table3 = setheader(table2, headers)
    return table3
Exemple #4
def test_fieldnames():
    table = (('foo', 'bar'), ('a', 1), ('b', 2))
    actual = fieldnames(table)
    expect = ('foo', 'bar')
    eq_(expect, actual)

    class CustomField(object):
        def __init__(self, key, description):
            self.key = key
            self.description = description

        def __str__(self):
            return self.key

        def __repr__(self):
            return 'CustomField(%r, %r)' % (self.key, self.description)

    table = ((CustomField('foo', 'Get some foo.'),
              CustomField('bar', 'A lot of bar.')), ('a', 1), ('b', 2))
    actual = fieldnames(table)
    expect = ('foo', 'bar')
    eq_(expect, actual)
Exemple #5
def _fix_missing_headers(table, schema):
    '''add missing columns headers from schema'''
    if schema is None or not 'fields' in schema:
        return table
    # table2: try not advance iterators
    sample, table2 = iterpeek(table, 2)
    cols = fieldnames(sample)
    fields = schema.get('fields')
    if len(cols) >= len(fields):
        return table2
    header = [field.get('name') for field in fields]
    table3 = setheader(table2, header)
    return table3
Exemple #6
def convertall(table, *args, **kwargs):
    Convenience function to convert all fields in the table using a common
    function or mapping. See also :func:`convert`.

    The ``where`` keyword argument can be given with a callable or expression
    which is evaluated on each row and which should return True if the
    conversion should be applied on that row, else False.


    # TODO don't read the data twice!
    return convert(table, fieldnames(table), *args, **kwargs)
Exemple #7
def toxml(table,
    Write the table into a new xml file according to elements defined in the
    function arguments.

    The `root`, `head` and `rows` (string, optional) arguments define the tags
    and the nesting of the xml file. Each one defines xml elements with tags
    separated by slashes (`/`) like in `root/level/tag`. They can have a
    arbitrary number of tags that will reflect in more nesting levels for the
    header or record/row written in the xml file.

    For details on tag naming and nesting rules check xml `specification`_ or
    xml `references`_.

    The `rows` argument define the elements for each row of data to be written
    in the xml file. When specified, it must have at least 2 tags for defining
    the tags for `row/column`. Additional tags will add nesting enclosing all

    The `head` argument is similar to the rows, but aplies only to one line/row
    of header with fieldnames. When specified, it must have at least 2 tags for
    `fields/name` and the remaining will increase nesting.

    The `root` argument defines the elements enclosing `head` and `rows` and is
    required when using `head` for specifying valid xml documents.

    When none of this arguments are specified, they will default to tags that
    generate output similar to a html table:
    `root='table', head='there/tr/td', rows='tbody/tr/td'`.

    The `prologue` argument (string, optional) could be a snippet of valid xml
    that will be inserted before other elements in the xml. It can optionally
    specify the `XML Prolog` of the file.

    The `epilogue` argument (string, optional) could be a snippet of valid xml
    that will be inserted after all other xml elements except the root closing
    tag. It must specify a closing tag if the `root` argument is not specified. 

    The `style` argument select the format of the elements in the xml file. It
    can be `tag` (default), `name`, `attribute` or a custom string to format
    each row via
    `str.format <http://docs.python.org/library/stdtypes.html#str.format>`_.

    Example usage for writing files::

        >>> import petl as etl
        >>> table1 = [['foo', 'bar'],
        ...           ['a', 1],
        ...           ['b', 2]]
        >>> etl.toxml(table1, 'example.file4.xml')
        >>> # see what we did is similar a html table:
        >>> print(open('example.file4.xml').read())
        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        >>> # define the nesting in xml file:
        >>> etl.toxml(table1, 'example.file5.xml', rows='plan/line/cell')
        >>> print(open('example.file5.xml').read())
        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        >>> # choose other style:
        >>> etl.toxml(table1, 'example.file6.xml', rows='row/col', style='attribute')
        >>> print(open('example.file6.xml').read())
        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
         <col foo="a" bar="1" />
         <col foo="b" bar="2" />
        >>> etl.toxml(table1, 'example.file6.xml', rows='row/col', style='name')
        >>> print(open('example.file6.xml').read())
        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    The `toxml()` function is just a wrapper over :func:`petl.io.text.totext`.
    For advanced cases use a template with `totext()` for generating xml files.

    .. versionadded:: 1.7.0

    .. _specification: https://www.w3.org/TR/xml/
    .. _references: https://www.w3schools.com/xml/xml_syntax.asp

    if not root and not head and not rows:
        root = 'table'
        head = 'thead/tr/th'
        rows = 'tbody/tr/td'

    sample, table2 = iterpeek(table, 2)
    props = fieldnames(sample)

    top = _build_xml_header(style, props, root, head, rows, prologue, encoding)
    template = _build_cols(style, props, rows, True)
    bottom = _build_xml_footer(style, epilogue, rows, root)
