Exemple #1
def itermelt(source, key, variables, variablefield, valuefield):
    it = iter(source)

    # normalise some stuff
    flds = it.next()
    if isinstance(key, basestring):
        key = (key,) # normalise to a tuple
    if isinstance(variables, basestring):
        # shouldn't expect this, but ... ?
        variables = (variables,) # normalise to a tuple
    if not key:
        # assume key is fields not in variables
        key = [f for f in flds if f not in variables]
    if not variables:
        # assume variables are fields not in key
        variables = [f for f in flds if f not in key]

    # determine the output fields
    out_flds = list(key)
    yield tuple(out_flds)

    key_indices = [flds.index(k) for k in key]
    getkey = rowgetter(*key_indices)
    variables_indices = [flds.index(v) for v in variables]

    # construct the output data
    for row in it:
        k = getkey(row)
        for v, i in zip(variables, variables_indices):
            o = list(k) # populate with key values initially
            o.append(v) # add variable
            o.append(row[i]) # add value
            yield tuple(o)
Exemple #2
def itermelt(source, key, variables, variablefield, valuefield):
    it = iter(source)

    # normalise some stuff
    flds = it.next()
    if isinstance(key, basestring):
        key = (key, )  # normalise to a tuple
    if isinstance(variables, basestring):
        # shouldn't expect this, but ... ?
        variables = (variables, )  # normalise to a tuple
    if not key:
        # assume key is fields not in variables
        key = [f for f in flds if f not in variables]
    if not variables:
        # assume variables are fields not in key
        variables = [f for f in flds if f not in key]

    # determine the output fields
    out_flds = list(key)
    yield tuple(out_flds)

    key_indices = [flds.index(k) for k in key]
    getkey = rowgetter(*key_indices)
    variables_indices = [flds.index(v) for v in variables]

    # construct the output data
    for row in it:
        k = getkey(row)
        for v, i in zip(variables, variables_indices):
            o = list(k)  # populate with key values initially
            o.append(v)  # add variable
            o.append(row[i])  # add value
            yield tuple(o)
Exemple #3
def iterhashrightjoin(left, right, lkey, rkey, missing, llookup, lprefix,
    lit = iter(left)
    rit = iter(right)

    lflds = lit.next()
    rflds = rit.next()
    # determine indices of the key fields in left and right tables
    lkind = asindices(lflds, lkey)
    rkind = asindices(rflds, rkey)
    # construct functions to extract key values from left table
    rgetk = operator.itemgetter(*rkind)
    # determine indices of non-key fields in the right table
    # (in the output, we only include key fields from the left table - we
    # don't want to duplicate fields)
    rvind = [i for i in range(len(rflds)) if i not in rkind]
    rgetv = rowgetter(*rvind)
    # determine the output fields
    if lprefix is None:
        outflds = list(lflds)
        outflds = [(str(lprefix) + str(f))
                   for f in lflds]
    if rprefix is None:
        outflds.extend([(str(rprefix) + str(f)) for f in rgetv(rflds)])
    yield tuple(outflds)

    # define a function to join rows
    def joinrows(_rrow, _lrows):
        for lrow in _lrows:
            # start with the left row
            _outrow = list(lrow)
            # extend with non-key values from the right row
            yield tuple(_outrow)

    for rrow in rit:
        k = rgetk(rrow)
        if k in llookup:
            lrows = llookup[k]
            for outrow in joinrows(rrow, lrows):
                yield outrow
            # start with missing values in place of the left row
            outrow = [missing] * len(lflds)
            # set key values
            for li, ri in zip(lkind, rkind):
                outrow[li] = rrow[ri]
            # extend with non-key values from the right row  
            yield tuple(outrow)
Exemple #4
def iterhashlookupjoin(left, right, lkey, rkey, missing, lprefix, rprefix):
    lit = iter(left)
    lflds = lit.next()

    rflds, rit = iterpeek(right)  # need the whole lot to pass to lookup
    from petl.util import lookupone
    rlookup = lookupone(rit, rkey, strict=False)

    # determine indices of the key fields in left and right tables
    lkind = asindices(lflds, lkey)
    rkind = asindices(rflds, rkey)

    # construct functions to extract key values from left table
    lgetk = operator.itemgetter(*lkind)

    # determine indices of non-key fields in the right table
    # (in the output, we only include key fields from the left table - we
    # don't want to duplicate fields)
    rvind = [i for i in range(len(rflds)) if i not in rkind]
    rgetv = rowgetter(*rvind)

    # determine the output fields
    if lprefix is None:
        outflds = list(lflds)
        outflds = [(str(lprefix) + str(f))
                   for f in lflds]
    if rprefix is None:
        outflds.extend([(str(rprefix) + str(f))
                        for f in rgetv(rflds)])
    yield tuple(outflds)

    # define a function to join rows
    def joinrows(_lrow, _rrow):
        # start with the left row
        _outrow = list(_lrow)
        # extend with non-key values from the right row
        return tuple(_outrow)

    for lrow in lit:
        k = lgetk(lrow)
        if k in rlookup:
            rrow = rlookup[k]
            yield joinrows(lrow, rrow)
            outrow = list(lrow) # start with the left row
            # extend with missing values in place of the right row
            outrow.extend([missing] * len(rvind))
            yield tuple(outrow)
Exemple #5
    def __iter__(self):
        it = iter(self.table)

        # determine output fields
        fields = list(it.next())
        newfields = [f for f in fields if f != self.field]
        newfields.insert(self.index, self.field)
        yield tuple(newfields)

        # define a function to transform each row in the source data
        # according to the field selection
        indices = asindices(fields, newfields)
        transform = rowgetter(*indices)

        # construct the transformed data
        for row in it:
                yield transform(row)
            except IndexError:
                # row is short, let's be kind and fill in any missing fields
                yield tuple(row[i] if i < len(row) else self.missing for i in indices)
Exemple #6
    def __iter__(self):
        it = iter(self.table)

        # determine output fields
        fields = list(it.next())
        newfields = [f for f in fields if f != self.field]
        newfields.insert(self.index, self.field)
        yield tuple(newfields)

        # define a function to transform each row in the source data
        # according to the field selection
        indices = asindices(fields, newfields)
        transform = rowgetter(*indices)

        # construct the transformed data
        for row in it:
                yield transform(row)
            except IndexError:
                # row is short, let's be kind and fill in any missing fields
                yield tuple(row[i] if i < len(row) else self.missing
                            for i in indices)
Exemple #7
def itercut(source, spec, missing=None):
    it = iter(source)
    spec = tuple(spec)  # make sure no-one can change midstream

    # convert field selection into field indices
    flds = it.next()
    indices = asindices(flds, spec)

    # define a function to transform each row in the source data
    # according to the field selection
    transform = rowgetter(*indices)

    # yield the transformed field names
    yield transform(flds)

    # construct the transformed data
    for row in it:
            yield transform(row)
        except IndexError:
            # row is short, let's be kind and fill in any missing fields
            yield tuple(row[i] if i < len(row) else missing for i in indices)
Exemple #8
def itercut(source, spec, missing=None):
    it = iter(source)
    spec = tuple(spec)  # make sure no-one can change midstream
    # convert field selection into field indices
    flds = it.next()
    indices = asindices(flds, spec)

    # define a function to transform each row in the source data 
    # according to the field selection
    transform = rowgetter(*indices)
    # yield the transformed field names
    yield transform(flds)
    # construct the transformed data
    for row in it:
            yield transform(row) 
        except IndexError:
            # row is short, let's be kind and fill in any missing fields
            yield tuple(row[i] if i < len(row) else missing for i in indices)
Exemple #9
def iterlookupjoin(left, right, lkey, rkey, missing=None, lprefix=None,
    lit = iter(left)
    rit = iter(right)

    lflds = lit.next()
    rflds = rit.next()

    # determine indices of the key fields in left and right tables
    lkind = asindices(lflds, lkey)
    rkind = asindices(rflds, rkey)

    # construct functions to extract key values from both tables
    lgetk = operator.itemgetter(*lkind)
    rgetk = operator.itemgetter(*rkind)

    # determine indices of non-key fields in the right table
    # (in the output, we only include key fields from the left table - we
    # don't want to duplicate fields)
    rvind = [i for i in range(len(rflds)) if i not in rkind]
    rgetv = rowgetter(*rvind)

    # determine the output fields
    if lprefix is None:
        outflds = list(lflds)
        outflds = [(str(lprefix) + str(f))
                   for f in lflds]
    if rprefix is None:
        outflds.extend([(str(rprefix) + str(f)) for f in rgetv(rflds)])
    yield tuple(outflds)

    # define a function to join two groups of rows
    def joinrows(lrowgrp, rrowgrp):
        if rrowgrp is None:
            for lrow in lrowgrp:
                outrow = list(lrow)  # start with the left row
                # extend with missing values in place of the right row
                outrow.extend([missing] * len(rvind))
                yield tuple(outrow)
            rrow = iter(rrowgrp).next()  # pick first arbitrarily
            for lrow in lrowgrp:
                # start with the left row
                outrow = list(lrow)
                # extend with non-key values from the right row
                yield tuple(outrow)

    # construct group iterators for both tables
    lgit = itertools.groupby(lit, key=lgetk)
    rgit = itertools.groupby(rit, key=rgetk)

    # loop until *either* of the iterators is exhausted
    lkval, rkval = None, None  # initialise here to handle empty tables

        # pick off initial row groups
        lkval, lrowgrp = lgit.next()
        rkval, rrowgrp = rgit.next()

        while True:
            if lkval < rkval:
                for row in joinrows(lrowgrp, None):
                    yield tuple(row)
                # advance left
                lkval, lrowgrp = lgit.next()
            elif lkval > rkval:
                # advance right
                rkval, rrowgrp = rgit.next()
                for row in joinrows(lrowgrp, rrowgrp):
                    yield tuple(row)
                # advance both
                lkval, lrowgrp = lgit.next()
                rkval, rrowgrp = rgit.next()

    except StopIteration:

    # make sure any left rows remaining are yielded
    if lkval > rkval:
        # yield anything that got left hanging
        for row in joinrows(lrowgrp, None):
            yield tuple(row)
    # yield the rest
    for lkval, lrowgrp in lgit:
        for row in joinrows(lrowgrp, None):
            yield tuple(row)