Exemple #1
from pettingzoo.utils.conversions import parallel_wrapper_fn

from ._mpe_utils.simple_env import SimpleEnv, make_env
from .scenarios.simple_push import Scenario

class raw_env(SimpleEnv):
    def __init__(self, max_cycles=25, continuous_actions=False):
        scenario = Scenario()
        world = scenario.make_world()
        super().__init__(scenario, world, max_cycles, continuous_actions)
        self.metadata['name'] = "simple_push_v2"

env = make_env(raw_env)
parallel_env = parallel_wrapper_fn(env)
def GenerateGeneralSumMatrixGame(matrix, name):
    Modified from prettingzoo rps.py
    Generate a general-sum bimatrix game like rock-paper-scissor.
    assert isinstance(matrix, np.ndarray)
    if len(matrix.shape) > 2:  # bimatrix
        row, col = matrix.shape[1:]
        BIMATRIX = True
    else:  # unimatrix, zero-sum
        row, col = matrix.shape
        BIMATRIX = False

    assert row == col
    MOVES = [chr(65 + i) for i in range(row)]  # ['A', 'B', ...]
    for i in range(row):
        exec(chr(65 + i) + f'={i}',
             globals())  # default as locals() will not work
    NONE = row
    NUM_ITERS = 100

    class raw_env(AECEnv):
        """Two-player environment for rock paper scissors.
        The observation is simply the last opponent action."""

        metadata = {
            'render.modes': ['human'],

        def __init__(self, ):
            self.agents = ["player_" + str(r) for r in range(2)]
            self.possible_agents = self.agents[:]
            self.agent_name_mapping = dict(
                zip(self.agents, list(range(self.num_agents))))
            self.action_spaces = {
                agent: Discrete(row)
                for agent in self.agents
            self.observation_spaces = {
                agent: Discrete(row + 1)
                for agent in self.agents
            self.metadata["name"] = name

        def reinit(self):
            self.agents = self.possible_agents[:]
            self._agent_selector = agent_selector(self.agents)
            self.agent_selection = self._agent_selector.next()
            self.rewards = {agent: 0 for agent in self.agents}
            self._cumulative_rewards = {agent: 0 for agent in self.agents}
            self.dones = {agent: False for agent in self.agents}
            self.infos = {agent: {} for agent in self.agents}
            self.state = {agent: NONE for agent in self.agents}
            self.observations = {agent: NONE for agent in self.agents}
            self.num_moves = 0

        def render(self, mode="human"):
            string = ("Current state: Agent1: {} , Agent2: {}".format(
            return string

        def observe(self, agent):
            # observation of one agent is the previous state of the other
            return np.array(self.observations[agent])

        def close(self):

        def reset(self):

        def step(self, action):
            if self.dones[self.agent_selection]:
                return self._was_done_step(action)
            agent = self.agent_selection

            self.state[self.agent_selection] = action

            # collect reward if it is the last agent to act
            if self._agent_selector.is_last():
                # self.rewards[self.agents[0]], self.rewards[self.agents[1]] = {
                #     (ROCK, ROCK): (0, 0),
                #     (ROCK, PAPER): (-1, 1),
                #     (ROCK, SCISSORS): (1, -1),
                #     (PAPER, ROCK): (1, -1),
                #     (PAPER, PAPER): (0, 0),
                #     (PAPER, SCISSORS): (-1, 1),
                #     (SCISSORS, ROCK): (-1, 1),
                #     (SCISSORS, PAPER): (1, -1),
                #     (SCISSORS, SCISSORS): (0, 0),
                # }[(self.state[self.agents[0]], self.state[self.agents[1]])]
                payoff_list = []
                if BIMATRIX:
                    for i in range(row):
                        for j in range(row):
                                f"({MOVES[i]}, {MOVES[j]}): ({matrix[0][i][j]}, {matrix[1][i][j]})"
                    for i in range(row):
                        for j in range(row):
                                f"({MOVES[i]}, {MOVES[j]}): ({matrix[i][j]}, -{matrix[i][j]})"
                    "self.rewards[self.agents[0]], self.rewards[self.agents[1]] = {"
                    + ','.join(payoff_list) +
                    "}[(self.state[self.agents[0]], self.state[self.agents[1]])]"

                self.num_moves += 1
                self.dones = {
                    agent: self.num_moves >= NUM_ITERS
                    for agent in self.agents

                # observe the current state
                for i in self.agents:
                    self.observations[i] = self.state[self.agents[
                        1 - self.agent_name_mapping[i]]]
                self.state[self.agents[1 -
                                       self.agent_name_mapping[agent]]] = NONE

            self._cumulative_rewards[self.agent_selection] = 0
            self.agent_selection = self._agent_selector.next()

    def env():
        env = raw_env()
        env = wrappers.CaptureStdoutWrapper(env)
        env = wrappers.AssertOutOfBoundsWrapper(env)
        env = wrappers.OrderEnforcingWrapper(env)
        return env

    parallel_env = parallel_wrapper_fn(env)
    return parallel_env()