Exemple #1
def all_topics():
    cur = pg.cursor()
    cur.execute("SELECT sid, name, read_increase, pages_increase, num_pages, count_read FROM alerts")
    rows = cur.fetchall()
    data = map(lambda x: row_to_topic(x), rows)
    print json.dumps(data)

    return json.dumps(data)
Exemple #2
def remember():
    """Remember what's already in the database to avoid re-scraping."""
    global memo
    cursor = pg.cursor()
    for key in memo.keys():
        cursor.execute("SELECT sid FROM {0}".format(pg.tables[key[:-1]]))
        rows = cursor.fetchall()
        for row in rows:
    return True
def remember():
    """Remember what's already in the database to avoid re-scraping."""
    global memo
    cursor = pg.cursor()
    for key in memo.keys():
        cursor.execute("SELECT sid FROM {0}".format(pg.tables[key[:-1]]))
        rows = cursor.fetchall()
        for row in rows:
    return True
Exemple #4
def latest(bot, update):
    cur = pg.cursor()
    cur.execute("SELECT sid, name FROM topic ORDER BY sid DESC LIMIT 10")

    def format(row):
        return """{0}
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic={1}""".format(row[1], row[0])

    messages = map(lambda x: format(x), cur.fetchall())
    message = "\r\n".join(messages)

Exemple #5
    def tearDown(self):
        """Teardown tables for test and restore memo."""
        # Drop test tables
        cur = pg.cursor()
        for table in pg.tables.values():
            cur.execute("""DROP TABLE IF EXISTS

        # Undo swap / sub of tables
        pg.tables = self.tablesOriginal

        # Undo swap / sub of memo
        global memo
        memo = self.memoOriginal
    def tearDown(self):
        """Teardown tables for test and restore memo."""
        # Drop test tables
        cur = pg.cursor()
        for table in pg.tables.values():
            cur.execute("""DROP TABLE IF EXISTS

        # Undo swap / sub of tables
        pg.tables = self.tablesOriginal

        # Undo swap / sub of memo
        global memo
        memo = self.memoOriginal
Exemple #7
    def setUp(self):
        """Setup tables and memo for test."""
        # Swap and sub tables
        self.tablesOriginal = pg.tables
        pg.tables = {}
        for key, table in self.tablesOriginal.iteritems():
            pg.tables[key] = "{0}_test".format(table)

        # Create test tables
        cur = pg.cursor()
        for key, table in pg.tables.iteritems():
            cur.execute("""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS
                {0} (LIKE {1} INCLUDING ALL)""".format(
                table, self.tablesOriginal[key]))

        # Reset memo
        global memo
        self.memoOriginal = memo
        memo = {'boards': set(), 'members': set(), 'topics': set()}
    def setUp(self):
        """Setup tables and memo for test."""
        # Swap and sub tables
        self.tablesOriginal = pg.tables
        pg.tables = {}
        for key, table in self.tablesOriginal.iteritems():
            pg.tables[key] = "{0}_test".format(table)

        # Create test tables
        cur = pg.cursor()
        for key, table in pg.tables.iteritems():
            cur.execute("""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS
                {0} (LIKE {1} INCLUDING ALL)""".format(
                table, self.tablesOriginal[key]))

        # Reset memo
        global memo
        self.memoOriginal = memo
        memo = {
            'boards': set(),
            'members': set(),
            'topics': set()
Exemple #9
    dict["pages_increase"] = row[4]
    dict["read_increase"] = row[5]
    dict["last_day_pages"] = row[6]
    dict["last_day_reads"] = row[7]

    return dict

def get_alarms(query, cur, topics):
    rows = cur.fetchall()
    print "{0} alarms found.".format(len(rows))
    return map(lambda x: create_dict(x, topics), rows)

cur = pg.cursor()
topics = get_topics(cur)
alarms = get_alarms(query, cur, topics)

def chunkify(l, n):
    """Yield successive n-sized chunks from l."""
    for i in xrange(0, len(l), n):
        yield l[i:i + n]

if len(alarms) > 0:
    counter = 0
    messages = [
        u"🔔🔔 Announcements com aumento de relevância: 🔔🔔", "\r\n"