def main(): print('pgmapcss version %s' % pgmapcss.version.VERSION) args = parser.parse_args() style_id = args.style_id m = re.match('(.*)\.mapcss$', style_id) if m: style_id = file_name = style_id + '.mapcss' conn = pgmapcss.db.connect(args) if args.database_update == 're-init': print('* Re-initializing database') pgmapcss.db.db_init(conn) db_version = pgmapcss.db.db_version() if db_version == None: print('* DB functions not installed; installing') pgmapcss.db.db_init(conn) else: db_check = pgmapcss.db.db_version_check() if db_check == 1 and args.database_update == 'auto': print('* Current DB version: {version} -> updating DB functions'.format(**db_version)) pgmapcss.db.db_update(conn) elif db_check == 2: print('* Current DB version: {version}'.format(**db_version)) print('pgmapcss version too new. Database needs to be re-initialized. Please re-run pgmapcss with parameter "-r re-init". All Mapnik styles need to be re-compiled afterwards.') sys.exit(1) elif args.database_update == 'update': pgmapcss.db.db_update(conn) else: print('* Current DB version: {version}'.format(**db_version)) if args.eval_tests: pgmapcss.eval.functions().test_all() stat = { 'id': style_id } content = open(file_name).read() # check if file is XML -> extract MapCSS code tree = None if re.match('<\?xml', content): import xml.dom.minidom as dom tree = dom.parse(file_name) mapcss = tree.getElementsByTagName("style") if mapcss.length != 1: print("Require exactly one <style type='text/mapcss'> node") sys.exit(1) mapcss = mapcss.item(0) content = mapcss.firstChild.nodeValue try: pgmapcss.parser.parse_file(stat, filename=file_name, content=content, base_style=args.base_style) except pgmapcss.parser.ParseError as e: print(e) sys.exit(1) debug = open(style_id + '.output', 'w') pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter() debug.write("***** Structure of parsed MapCSS style *****\n") debug.write(pp.pformat(stat) + '\n') pgmapcss.mapnik.init(stat) pgmapcss.icons.init(stat) try: style = pgmapcss.compiler.compile_style(stat) except pgmapcss.compiler.CompileError as e: print(e) sys.exit(1) #pp.pprint(style) for i in style: debug.write("\n***** " + i + " *****\n" + style[i]) pgmapcss.db.install(style_id, style, conn) pgmapcss.mapnik.process_mapnik(style_id, args, stat, conn) pgmapcss.icons.process_icons(style_id, args, stat, conn) debug.close() if 'unresolvable_properties' in stat: print('WARNING: Not all values for the following properties could be guessed (e.g. as they are the result of an eval-expression, and therefore some features in the resulting image(s) may be missing: ' + ', '.join(stat['unresolvable_properties'])) # copy result xml to original dom if tree: result_tree = dom.parse(style_id + '.mapnik') current = result_tree.getElementsByTagName("Map").item(0).firstChild while current: if'[^\s]', current.toxml()): if not re.match('<!\-\-', current.toxml()): copy = dom.parseString(current.toxml()) mapcss.parentNode.insertBefore(copy.firstChild, mapcss) current = current.nextSibling mapcss.parentNode.removeChild(mapcss) open(style_id + '.mapnik', 'w').write(tree.toxml()) print('Debug output wrote to ' + style_id + '.output')
def main(): print('pgmapcss version %s' % pgmapcss.version.VERSION) args = parser.parse_args() style_id = args.style_id m = re.match('(.*)\.mapcss$', style_id) if m: style_id = file_name = style_id + '.mapcss' conn = pgmapcss.db.connect(args) if args.database_update == 're-init': print('* Re-initializing database') pgmapcss.db.db_init(conn) db_version = pgmapcss.db.db_version() if db_version == None: print('* DB functions not installed; installing') pgmapcss.db.db_init(conn) else: db_check = pgmapcss.db.db_version_check() if db_check == 1 and args.database_update == 'auto': print('* Current DB version: {version} -> updating DB functions'.format(**db_version)) pgmapcss.db.db_update(conn) elif db_check == 2: print('* Current DB version: {version}'.format(**db_version)) print('pgmapcss version too new. Database needs to be re-initialized. Please re-run pgmapcss with parameter "-r re-init". All Mapnik styles need to be re-compiled afterwards.') sys.exit(1) elif args.database_update == 'update': pgmapcss.db.db_update(conn) else: print('* Current DB version: {version}'.format(**db_version)) if args.eval_tests: pgmapcss.eval.functions().test_all() stat = {} try: pgmapcss.parser.parse_file(stat, filename=file_name, base_style=args.base_style) except pgmapcss.parser.ParseError as e: print(e) sys.exit(1) debug = open(style_id + '.output', 'w') pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter() debug.write("***** Structure of parsed MapCSS style *****\n") debug.write(pp.pformat(stat) + '\n') style = pgmapcss.compiler.compile_style(style_id, stat) #pp.pprint(style) for i in style: debug.write("\n***** " + i + " *****\n" + style[i]) pgmapcss.db.install(style_id, style, conn) pgmapcss.mapnik.process_mapnik(style_id, args, stat, conn) debug.close() print('Debug output wrote to ' + style_id + '.output')
def main(): print('pgmapcss version %s' % pgmapcss.version.VERSION) args = parser.parse_args() style_id = args.style_id m = re.match('(.*)\.mapcss$', style_id) if m: style_id = file_name = style_id + '.mapcss' parameters = { } if args.parameters is not None: parameters = { p[0:p.find('=')]: p[p.find('=')+1:] for p in args.parameters } if args.lang: lang = args.lang elif 'lang' in parameters: pass else: lang = os.environ.get('LANG') if lang: m = re.match('(.*)_', lang) if m: lang = else: # default: english lang = 'en' stat = pgmapcss.compiler.stat._stat({ 'id': style_id, 'config': {}, 'base_style': args.base_style, 'icons_dir': style_id + '.icons', 'global_data': None, 'mode': args.mode, 'args': args, 'lang': lang, 'parameters': parameters, }) if args.config: for v in args.config: v = v.split("=") if len(v) > 1: stat['config'][v[0]] = v[1] else: stat['config'][v[0]] = True conn = pgmapcss.db.connect(args, stat) stat['database'] = conn.database if not 'unit.srs' in stat['config']: stat['config']['unit.srs'] = 900913 if not 'srs' in stat['config']: if stat['mode'] == 'database-function': stat['config']['srs'] = 900913 else: stat['config']['srs'] = 4326 if stat['config'].get('offline', False) in (False, 'false', 'no') and args.database_update in ('init', 're-init'): print('* Re-initializing database') pgmapcss.db.db_init(conn, stat) if stat['config'].get('offline', False) not in (False, 'false', 'no'): print('* Using offline mode. Attention! Some functionality might be missing.') else: db_version = pgmapcss.db.db_version() if db_version == None: print('* DB functions not installed; installing') pgmapcss.db.db_init(conn, stat) else: db_check = pgmapcss.db.db_version_check() if db_check == 1 and args.database_update == 'auto': print('* Current DB version: {version} -> updating DB functions'.format(**db_version)) pgmapcss.db.db_update(conn) elif db_check == 2: print('* Current DB version: {version}'.format(**db_version)) print('pgmapcss version too new. Database needs to be re-initialized. Please re-run pgmapcss with parameter "-r init". All Mapnik styles need to be re-compiled afterwards.') sys.exit(1) elif args.database_update == 'update': pgmapcss.db.db_update(conn) else: print('* Current DB version: {version}'.format(**db_version)) if args.eval_tests is not False: if len(args.eval_tests): pgmapcss.eval.functions(stat).test_all(args.eval_tests) else: pgmapcss.eval.functions(stat).test_all() print('* All tests completed successfully.') try: os.mkdir(stat['icons_dir']) except OSError: pass eval_functions = pgmapcss.eval.functions(stat).list() content = open(file_name).read() # check if file is XML -> extract MapCSS code tree = None if re.match('<\?xml', content): import xml.dom.minidom as dom tree = dom.parse(file_name) mapcss = tree.getElementsByTagName("style") if mapcss.length != 1: print("Require exactly one <style type='text/mapcss'> node") sys.exit(1) mapcss = mapcss.item(0) content = mapcss.firstChild.nodeValue try: pgmapcss.parser.parse_file(stat, filename=file_name, content=content, base_style=args.base_style, defaults=args.defaults) except pgmapcss.parser.ParseError as e: print(e) sys.exit(1) debug = open(style_id + '.output', 'w') pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter() debug.write("***** Structure of parsed MapCSS style *****\n") debug.write(pp.pformat(stat) + '\n') pgmapcss.renderer.init(stat) pgmapcss.icons.init(stat) pgmapcss.symbols.init(stat) try: style = pgmapcss.compiler.compile_style(stat) except pgmapcss.compiler.CompileError as e: print(e) sys.exit(1) #pp.pprint(style) for i in style: debug.write("\n***** " + i + " *****\n" + style[i]) if stat['mode'] == 'database-function': pgmapcss.db.install(style_id, style, conn) pgmapcss.renderer.process_renderer(style_id, args, stat, conn) elif stat['mode'] == 'standalone': open(style_id + '.py', 'w').write(style['function_match']) os.chmod(style_id + '.py', 0o755) print('Created executable {}.py'.format(style_id)) pgmapcss.icons.process_icons(style_id, args, stat, conn) pgmapcss.symbols.process_symbols(style_id, args, stat, conn) debug.close() if 'unresolvable_properties' in stat: print('WARNING: Not all values for the following properties could be guessed (e.g. as they are the result of an eval-expression, and therefore some features in the resulting image(s) may be missing: ' + ', '.join(stat['unresolvable_properties'])) # copy result xml to original dom if tree: result_tree = dom.parse(style_id + '.mapnik') current = result_tree.getElementsByTagName("Map").item(0).firstChild while current: if'[^\s]', current.toxml()): if not re.match('<!\-\-', current.toxml()): copy = dom.parseString(current.toxml()) mapcss.parentNode.insertBefore(copy.firstChild, mapcss) current = current.nextSibling mapcss.parentNode.removeChild(mapcss) open(style_id + '.mapnik', 'w').write(tree.toxml()) print('Debug output wrote to ' + style_id + '.output')