Exemple #1
    def plot(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Translates arguments and keywords to matplotlib.axes.Axes.plot() method so they can be passed to
        pg.PlotItem.plot() instead.

        See https://matplotlib.org/3.1.1/api/_as_gen/matplotlib.axes.Axes.plot.html

        :param args: Plot arguments
            They will be passed straight through to plot()

        :param kwargs: Plot keywords
            They will be translated from mpl to pg conventions and then passed to plot()

        :return: plotItem instance returned by pg.PlotItem.plot()
        need_cycle = any(
            [k not in kwargs.keys() for k in self.prop_cycle.keys])
        if need_cycle:
            printd('keys needed', list(self.prop_cycle.keys), level=2)
            cur = self.cyc
            for k in self.prop_cycle.keys:
                if k not in kwargs.keys():
                    kwargs[str(k)] = cur[self.prop_cycle_index][k]
                    printd('kwargs["{}"] = {}'.format(k, kwargs[str(k)]),
            self.prop_cycle_index += 1
            if self.prop_cycle_index > len(self.prop_cycle):
                self.prop_cycle_index = 0
        return super(Axes, self).plot(*args, **plotkw_translator(**kwargs))
Exemple #2
 def _process_errorbar_keywords(self, **kwargs):
     """Separate keywords affecting error bars from those affecting nominal values & translate to pyqtgraph"""
     ekwargs = copy.deepcopy(kwargs)
     if kwargs.get('ecolor', None) is not None:
         ekwargs['color'] = kwargs.pop('ecolor')
     if kwargs.get('elinewidth', None) is not None:
         ekwargs['linewidth'] = kwargs.pop('elinewidth')
     epgkw = plotkw_translator(**ekwargs)
     return epgkw
Exemple #3
    def scatter(self, x=None, y=None, **kwargs):
        Translates arguments and keywords for matplotlib.axes.Axes.scatter() method so they can be passed to pyqtgraph.


        :param x: array-like
            Values for the X-axis, with length n

        :param y: array-like
            Values for the Y-axis, with length n

        :param s: array-like or scalar [optional]
            Size or sizes for the markers. If iterable, must have length n.

        :param c: color, sequence, or sequence of color [optional]
            Colors for the markers. If specifying more than one color, there must be n colors.

        :param marker: string [optional]
            Code for marker symbol, like 'o'

        :param cmap: string [optional]
            Matplotlib colormap name

        :param norm: Normalize class instance [optional]
            An instance of one of Matplotlib's normalization classes, like mpl.colors.Normalize
            If not provided, a new instance of mpl.colors.Normalize will be created.

        :param vmin: numeric scalar [optional]
            Minimum value for color axis. Used to initialize mpl.colors.Normalize, if needed. Otherwise, ignored.

        :param vmax: numeric scalar [optional]
            Maximum value for color axis. Used to initialize mpl.colors.Normalize, if needed. Otherwise, ignored.

        :param alpha: numeric scalar [optional]
            Opacity, between 0 (invisible) and 1 (fully opaque)

        :param linewidths: numeric scalar or array-like [optional]
            If array-like, must match length n

        :param verts: sequence of (x, y) [optional]
            Used for creating custom symbols. Set marker=None to use this.

        :param edgecolors: color specification or sequence of color specifications
            Colors for edges

        :param data: dict, optional
            Alternative way to specify some keywords. Must contain x and y.
            Can also contain s, c, edgecolors, and linewidths, which will override any duplicates passed in directly.

        :return: plotItem instance created by plot()
        x, y, kwargs = self._interpret_xy_scatter_data(x, y, **kwargs)
        n = len(x)
        linewidths = kwargs.pop('linewidths', None)
        brush_colors, brush_edges = self._prep_scatter_colors(n, **kwargs)

        for popit in [
                'cmap', 'norm', 'vmin', 'vmax', 'alpha', 'edgecolors', 'c'
                popit, None
            )  # Make sure all the color keywords are gone now that they've been used.

        # Catch & translate other keywords
        kwargs['markersize'] = kwargs.pop('s', 10)
        kwargs.setdefault('marker', 'o')
        plotkw = plotkw_translator(**kwargs)

        # Fill in keywords we already prepared
        plotkw['symbolPen'] = self._setup_scatter_symbol_pen(
            brush_edges, linewidths)
        plotkw['pen'] = None
        plotkw['symbolBrush'] = [pg.mkBrush(color=cc) for cc in brush_colors]

        plotkw['symbol'] = plotkw.get('symbol',
                                      None) or self._make_custom_verts(
                                          kwargs.pop('verts', None))
        return super(Axes, self).plot(x=x, y=y, **plotkw)
Exemple #4
 def axvline(self, value, **kwargs):
     Direct imitation of matplotlib axvline
     return self.addLine(x=value, **plotkw_translator(**kwargs))
Exemple #5
 def test_plotkw_translator(self):
     newk = [{}] * self.nt
     for i in range(self.nt):
         newk[i] = plotkw_translator(**self.plot_kw_tests[i])