class TestUndirectedGraphCreation(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.graph = UndirectedGraph()

    def test_class_init_without_data(self):
        self.assertIsInstance(self.graph, UndirectedGraph)

    def test_class_init_with_data_string(self):
        self.G = UndirectedGraph([("a", "b"), ("b", "c")])
        self.assertListEqual(sorted(self.G.nodes()), ["a", "b", "c"])
        self.assertListEqual(hf.recursive_sorted(self.G.edges()), [["a", "b"], ["b", "c"]])

    def test_add_node_string(self):
        self.assertListEqual(self.graph.nodes(), ["a"])

    def test_add_node_nonstring(self):
        self.assertListEqual(self.graph.nodes(), [1])

    def test_add_nodes_from_string(self):
        self.graph.add_nodes_from(["a", "b", "c", "d"])
        self.assertListEqual(sorted(self.graph.nodes()), ["a", "b", "c", "d"])

    def test_add_nodes_from_non_string(self):
        self.graph.add_nodes_from([1, 2, 3, 4])

    def test_add_edge_string(self):
        self.graph.add_edge("d", "e")
        self.assertListEqual(sorted(self.graph.nodes()), ["d", "e"])
        self.assertListEqual(hf.recursive_sorted(self.graph.edges()), [["d", "e"]])
        self.graph.add_nodes_from(["a", "b", "c"])
        self.graph.add_edge("a", "b")
        self.assertListEqual(hf.recursive_sorted(self.graph.edges()), [["a", "b"], ["d", "e"]])

    def test_add_edge_nonstring(self):
        self.graph.add_edge(1, 2)

    def test_add_edges_from_string(self):
        self.graph.add_edges_from([("a", "b"), ("b", "c")])
        self.assertListEqual(sorted(self.graph.nodes()), ["a", "b", "c"])
        self.assertListEqual(hf.recursive_sorted(self.graph.edges()), [["a", "b"], ["b", "c"]])
        self.graph.add_nodes_from(["d", "e", "f"])
        self.graph.add_edges_from([("d", "e"), ("e", "f")])
        self.assertListEqual(sorted(self.graph.nodes()), ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"])
            hf.recursive_sorted([("a", "b"), ("b", "c"), ("d", "e"), ("e", "f")]),

    def test_add_edges_from_nonstring(self):
        self.graph.add_edges_from([(1, 2), (2, 3)])

    def test_number_of_neighbors(self):
        self.graph.add_edges_from([("a", "b"), ("b", "c")])
        self.assertEqual(len(self.graph.neighbors("b")), 2)

    def tearDown(self):
        del self.graph
class TestUndirectedGraphCreation(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.graph = UndirectedGraph()

    def test_class_init_without_data(self):
        self.assertIsInstance(self.graph, UndirectedGraph)

    def test_class_init_with_data_string(self):
        self.G = UndirectedGraph([('a', 'b'), ('b', 'c')])
        self.assertListEqual(sorted(self.G.nodes()), ['a', 'b', 'c'])
                             [['a', 'b'], ['b', 'c']])

    def test_add_node_string(self):
        self.assertListEqual(self.graph.nodes(), ['a'])

    def test_add_node_nonstring(self):
        self.assertListEqual(self.graph.nodes(), [1])

    def test_add_nodes_from_string(self):
        self.graph.add_nodes_from(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])
                             ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])

    def test_add_node_with_weight(self):
        self.graph.add_node('weight_a', weight=0.3)
        self.assertEqual(self.graph.node['weight_a']['weight'], 0.3)
        self.assertEqual(self.graph.node['a']['weight'], None)

    def test_add_nodes_from_with_weight(self):
        self.graph.add_nodes_from(['weight_b', 'weight_c'], weights=[0.3, 0.5])
        self.assertEqual(self.graph.node['weight_b']['weight'], 0.3)
        self.assertEqual(self.graph.node['weight_c']['weight'], 0.5)
        self.assertEqual(self.graph.node[1]['weight'], None)

    def test_add_nodes_from_non_string(self):
        self.graph.add_nodes_from([1, 2, 3, 4])

    def test_add_edge_string(self):
        self.graph.add_edge('d', 'e')
        self.assertListEqual(sorted(self.graph.nodes()), ['d', 'e'])
                             [['d', 'e']])
        self.graph.add_nodes_from(['a', 'b', 'c'])
        self.graph.add_edge('a', 'b')
                             [['a', 'b'], ['d', 'e']])

    def test_add_edge_nonstring(self):
        self.graph.add_edge(1, 2)

    def test_add_edges_from_string(self):
        self.graph.add_edges_from([('a', 'b'), ('b', 'c')])
        self.assertListEqual(sorted(self.graph.nodes()), ['a', 'b', 'c'])
                             [['a', 'b'], ['b', 'c']])
        self.graph.add_nodes_from(['d', 'e', 'f'])
        self.graph.add_edges_from([('d', 'e'), ('e', 'f')])
                             ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'])
                             hf.recursive_sorted([('a', 'b'), ('b', 'c'),
                                                  ('d', 'e'), ('e', 'f')]))

    def test_add_edges_from_nonstring(self):
        self.graph.add_edges_from([(1, 2), (2, 3)])

    def test_number_of_neighbors(self):
        self.graph.add_edges_from([('a', 'b'), ('b', 'c')])
        self.assertEqual(len(self.graph.neighbors('b')), 2)

    def tearDown(self):
        del self.graph
class TestUndirectedGraphCreation(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.graph = UndirectedGraph()

    def test_class_init_without_data(self):
        self.assertIsInstance(self.graph, UndirectedGraph)

    def test_class_init_with_data_string(self):
        self.G = UndirectedGraph([('a', 'b'), ('b', 'c')])
        self.assertListEqual(sorted(self.G.nodes()), ['a', 'b', 'c'])
                             [['a', 'b'], ['b', 'c']])

    def test_add_node_string(self):
        self.assertListEqual(self.graph.nodes(), ['a'])

    def test_add_node_nonstring(self):
        self.assertListEqual(self.graph.nodes(), [1])

    def test_add_nodes_from_string(self):
        self.graph.add_nodes_from(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])
                             ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])

    def test_add_nodes_from_non_string(self):
        self.graph.add_nodes_from([1, 2, 3, 4])

    def test_add_edge_string(self):
        self.graph.add_edge('d', 'e')
        self.assertListEqual(sorted(self.graph.nodes()), ['d', 'e'])
                             [['d', 'e']])
        self.graph.add_nodes_from(['a', 'b', 'c'])
        self.graph.add_edge('a', 'b')
                             [['a', 'b'], ['d', 'e']])

    def test_add_edge_nonstring(self):
        self.graph.add_edge(1, 2)

    def test_add_edges_from_string(self):
        self.graph.add_edges_from([('a', 'b'), ('b', 'c')])
        self.assertListEqual(sorted(self.graph.nodes()), ['a', 'b', 'c'])
                             [['a', 'b'], ['b', 'c']])
        self.graph.add_nodes_from(['d', 'e', 'f'])
        self.graph.add_edges_from([('d', 'e'), ('e', 'f')])
                             ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'])
                             hf.recursive_sorted([('a', 'b'), ('b', 'c'),
                                                  ('d', 'e'), ('e', 'f')]))

    def test_add_edges_from_nonstring(self):
        self.graph.add_edges_from([(1, 2), (2, 3)])

    def test_number_of_neighbors(self):
        self.graph.add_edges_from([('a', 'b'), ('b', 'c')])
        self.assertEqual(len(self.graph.neighbors('b')), 2)

    def tearDown(self):
        del self.graph
Exemple #4
    def build_skeleton(nodes, independencies):
        """Estimates a graph skeleton (UndirectedGraph) from a set of independencies
        using (the first part of) the PC algorithm. The independencies can either be
        provided as an instance of the `Independencies`-class or by passing a
        decision function that decides any conditional independency assertion.
        Returns a tuple `(skeleton, separating_sets)`.

        If an Independencies-instance is passed, the contained IndependenceAssertions
        have to admit a faithful BN representation. This is the case if
        they are obtained as a set of d-seperations of some Bayesian network or
        if the independence assertions are closed under the semi-graphoid axioms.
        Otherwise the procedure may fail to identify the correct structure.

        nodes: list, array-like
            A list of node/variable names of the network skeleton.

        independencies: Independencies-instance or function.
            The source of independency information from which to build the skeleton.
            The provided Independencies should admit a faithful representation.
            Can either be provided as an Independencies()-instance or by passing a
            function `f(X, Y, Zs)` that returns `True` when X _|_ Y | Zs,
            otherwise `False`. (X, Y being individual nodes and Zs a list of nodes).

        skeleton: UndirectedGraph
            An estimate for the undirected graph skeleton of the BN underlying the data.

        separating_sets: dict
            A dict containing for each pair of not directly connected nodes a
            separating set ("witnessing set") of variables that makes then
            conditionally independent. (needed for edge orientation procedures)

        [1] Neapolitan, Learning Bayesian Networks, Section 10.1.2, Algorithm 10.2 (page 550)
        [2] Koller & Friedman, Probabilistic Graphical Models - Principles and Techniques, 2009
            Section (page 85), Algorithm 3.3

        >>> from pgmpy.estimators import ConstraintBasedEstimator
        >>> from pgmpy.models import BayesianModel
        >>> from pgmpy.independencies import Independencies

        >>> # build skeleton from list of independencies:
        ... ind = Independencies(['B', 'C'], ['A', ['B', 'C'], 'D'])
        >>> # we need to compute closure, otherwise this set of independencies doesn't
        ... # admit a faithful representation:
        ... ind = ind.closure()
        >>> skel, sep_sets = ConstraintBasedEstimator.build_skeleton("ABCD", ind)
        >>> print(skel.edges())
        [('A', 'D'), ('B', 'D'), ('C', 'D')]

        >>> # build skeleton from d-seperations of BayesianModel:
        ... model = BayesianModel([('A', 'C'), ('B', 'C'), ('B', 'D'), ('C', 'E')])
        >>> skel, sep_sets = ConstraintBasedEstimator.build_skeleton(model.nodes(), model.get_independencies())
        >>> print(skel.edges())
        [('A', 'C'), ('B', 'C'), ('B', 'D'), ('C', 'E')]

        nodes = list(nodes)

        if isinstance(independencies, Independencies):

            def is_independent(X, Y, Zs):
                return IndependenceAssertion(X, Y, Zs) in independencies
        elif callable(independencies):
            is_independent = independencies
            raise ValueError(
                "'independencies' must be either Independencies-instance " +
                "or a ternary function that decides independencies.")

        graph = UndirectedGraph(combinations(nodes, 2))
        lim_neighbors = 0
        separating_sets = dict()
        while not all(
            [len(graph.neighbors(node)) < lim_neighbors for node in nodes]):
            for node in nodes:
                for neighbor in graph.neighbors(node):
                    # search if there is a set of neighbors (of size lim_neighbors)
                    # that makes X and Y independent:
                    for separating_set in combinations(
                            set(graph.neighbors(node)) - set([neighbor]),
                        if is_independent(node, neighbor, separating_set):
                                (node, neighbor))] = separating_set
                            graph.remove_edge(node, neighbor)
            lim_neighbors += 1

        return graph, separating_sets
class TestUndirectedGraphCreation(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.graph = UndirectedGraph()

    def test_class_init_without_data(self):
        self.assertIsInstance(self.graph, UndirectedGraph)

    def test_class_init_with_data_string(self):
        self.G = UndirectedGraph([("a", "b"), ("b", "c")])
        self.assertListEqual(sorted(self.G.nodes()), ["a", "b", "c"])
                             [["a", "b"], ["b", "c"]])

    def test_add_node_string(self):
        self.assertListEqual(list(self.graph.nodes()), ["a"])

    def test_add_node_nonstring(self):
        self.assertListEqual(list(self.graph.nodes()), [1])

    def test_add_nodes_from_string(self):
        self.graph.add_nodes_from(["a", "b", "c", "d"])
        self.assertListEqual(sorted(self.graph.nodes()), ["a", "b", "c", "d"])

    def test_add_node_with_weight(self):
        self.graph.add_node("weight_a", weight=0.3)
        self.assertEqual(self.graph.nodes["weight_a"]["weight"], 0.3)
        self.assertEqual(self.graph.nodes["a"]["weight"], None)

    def test_add_nodes_from_with_weight(self):
        self.graph.add_nodes_from(["weight_b", "weight_c"], weights=[0.3, 0.5])
        self.assertEqual(self.graph.nodes["weight_b"]["weight"], 0.3)
        self.assertEqual(self.graph.nodes["weight_c"]["weight"], 0.5)
        self.assertEqual(self.graph.nodes[1]["weight"], None)

    def test_add_nodes_from_non_string(self):
        self.graph.add_nodes_from([1, 2, 3, 4])

    def test_add_edge_string(self):
        self.graph.add_edge("d", "e")
        self.assertListEqual(sorted(self.graph.nodes()), ["d", "e"])
                             [["d", "e"]])
        self.graph.add_nodes_from(["a", "b", "c"])
        self.graph.add_edge("a", "b")
                             [["a", "b"], ["d", "e"]])

    def test_add_edge_nonstring(self):
        self.graph.add_edge(1, 2)

    def test_add_edges_from_string(self):
        self.graph.add_edges_from([("a", "b"), ("b", "c")])
        self.assertListEqual(sorted(self.graph.nodes()), ["a", "b", "c"])
                             [["a", "b"], ["b", "c"]])
        self.graph.add_nodes_from(["d", "e", "f"])
        self.graph.add_edges_from([("d", "e"), ("e", "f")])
                             ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"])
            hf.recursive_sorted([("a", "b"), ("b", "c"), ("d", "e"),
                                 ("e", "f")]),

    def test_add_edges_from_nonstring(self):
        self.graph.add_edges_from([(1, 2), (2, 3)])

    def test_number_of_neighbors(self):
        self.graph.add_edges_from([("a", "b"), ("b", "c")])
        self.assertEqual(len(list(self.graph.neighbors("b"))), 2)

    def tearDown(self):
        del self.graph
    def build_skeleton(nodes, independencies):
        """Estimates a graph skeleton (UndirectedGraph) from a set of independencies
        using (the first part of) the PC algorithm. The independencies can either be
        provided as an instance of the `Independencies`-class or by passing a
        decision function that decides any conditional independency assertion.
        Returns a tuple `(skeleton, separating_sets)`.

        If an Independencies-instance is passed, the contained IndependenceAssertions
        have to admit a faithful BN representation. This is the case if
        they are obtained as a set of d-seperations of some Bayesian network or
        if the independence assertions are closed under the semi-graphoid axioms.
        Otherwise the procedure may fail to identify the correct structure.

        nodes: list, array-like
            A list of node/variable names of the network skeleton.

        independencies: Independencies-instance or function.
            The source of independency information from which to build the skeleton.
            The provided Independencies should admit a faithful representation.
            Can either be provided as an Independencies()-instance or by passing a
            function `f(X, Y, Zs)` that returns `True` when X _|_ Y | Zs,
            otherwise `False`. (X, Y being individual nodes and Zs a list of nodes).

        skeleton: UndirectedGraph
            An estimate for the undirected graph skeleton of the BN underlying the data.

        separating_sets: dict
            A dict containing for each pair of not directly connected nodes a
            separating set ("witnessing set") of variables that makes then
            conditionally independent. (needed for edge orientation procedures)

        [1] Neapolitan, Learning Bayesian Networks, Section 10.1.2, Algorithm 10.2 (page 550)
        [2] Koller & Friedman, Probabilistic Graphical Models - Principles and Techniques, 2009
            Section (page 85), Algorithm 3.3

        >>> from pgmpy.estimators import ConstraintBasedEstimator
        >>> from pgmpy.models import BayesianModel
        >>> from pgmpy.independencies import Independencies

        >>> # build skeleton from list of independencies:
        ... ind = Independencies(['B', 'C'], ['A', ['B', 'C'], 'D'])
        >>> # we need to compute closure, otherwise this set of independencies doesn't
        ... # admit a faithful representation:
        ... ind = ind.closure()
        >>> skel, sep_sets = ConstraintBasedEstimator.build_skeleton("ABCD", ind)
        >>> print(skel.edges())
        [('A', 'D'), ('B', 'D'), ('C', 'D')]

        >>> # build skeleton from d-seperations of BayesianModel:
        ... model = BayesianModel([('A', 'C'), ('B', 'C'), ('B', 'D'), ('C', 'E')])
        >>> skel, sep_sets = ConstraintBasedEstimator.build_skeleton(model.nodes(), model.get_independencies())
        >>> print(skel.edges())
        [('A', 'C'), ('B', 'C'), ('B', 'D'), ('C', 'E')]

        nodes = list(nodes)

        if isinstance(independencies, Independencies):
            def is_independent(X, Y, Zs):
                return IndependenceAssertion(X, Y, Zs) in independencies
        elif callable(independencies):
            is_independent = independencies
            raise ValueError("'independencies' must be either Independencies-instance " +
                             "or a ternary function that decides independencies.")

        graph = UndirectedGraph(combinations(nodes, 2))
        lim_neighbors = 0
        separating_sets = dict()
        while not all([len(graph.neighbors(node)) < lim_neighbors for node in nodes]):
            for node in nodes:
                for neighbor in graph.neighbors(node):
                    # search if there is a set of neighbors (of size lim_neighbors)
                    # that makes X and Y independent:
                    for separating_set in combinations(set(graph.neighbors(node)) - set([neighbor]), lim_neighbors):
                        if is_independent(node, neighbor, separating_set):
                            separating_sets[frozenset((node, neighbor))] = separating_set
                            graph.remove_edge(node, neighbor)
            lim_neighbors += 1

        return graph, separating_sets