Exemple #1
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('files', metavar="IMAGE_FILE", nargs="+")
    parser.add_argument('--threshold', type=float, default=0.90)
    args = parser.parse_args()

    if len(args.files) % 2 != 0:
        parser.error("Files must be provided in pairs")

    failures = 0

    # TODO: don't punt on media type detection:
    for img_1, img_2 in grouper(2, args.files):
        digest_1 = image_digest(img_1)
        digest_2 = image_digest(img_2)

        pcc = cross_correlation(digest_1, digest_2)

        if pcc >= args.threshold:
            status = 'pass'
            log_f = sys.stdout
            status = 'FAIL'
            log_f = sys.stderr
            failures += 1

        print('%s\t%s\t%s\t%0.3f' % (status, img_1, img_2, pcc), file=log_f)

    return 1 if failures else 0
def piece_recognizer(filename):
    """ take filename of piece, compare with ref table,
    find one of maximum correlation, return ref name """
    # piece digest (pd)
    pd = image_digest(filename)
    # compute cross correlations
    ccs = map(lambda ref_im: (ref_im[0], cross_correlation(pd, ref_im[1])), ref_images)
    return max(ccs, key=lambda item: item[1])
    def compareDirectoryImagesByPhash(self, inputFileName, path2, threshold):
        files2 = glob.glob(path2+"/*.jpg")
        if (len(files2) == 0):
            print("No matching jpg files under "+ path2)
            return 0, 0, []

        records = len(files2)
        log_f = sys.stdout
        print('**************** %s%s%s%d%s' % ('Compare ', inputFileName, " images against ", records, path2))

        phashList = []
        complete = 1
        #complete = iterations / 10
        success_pct = 0
        #for i, img_1 in enumerate(files):
        if (total != 0):
          success_pct = (total-failures)*100/total
        digest_1 = image_digest(inputFileName)
       # if (i % complete == 0):
        #    print('%s\t%d\t%s\t%d' % ('current iteration ', i, "success_pct", success_pct), file=sys.stdout)
        for img_2 in files2:
            if (inputFileName == img_2):
            #print("Comparing with " + img_2)
            total = total + 1
            digest_2 = image_digest(img_2)
            pcc = cross_correlation(digest_1, digest_2)
            #    continue
            if (math.isnan(pcc) == False):
                phashList.append((pcc, img_2))
                if pcc <= threshold:
                    status = 'pass'
                    #log_f = sys.stdout
                    status = 'fail'
                    failures += 1
                    #log_f = sys.stderr
                #                 failures += 1
                #print('%s\t%s\t%s\t%0.3f' % (status, inputFileName, img_2, pcc))
                print(" Got nan for "+img_2)
                failures += 1
            success_pct = (total-failures)*100/total
        print('%s\t%s\t%d\t%s\t%d\t%s\t%d' % (inputFileName, 'total', total, "failures", failures, ' success_pct ', success_pct))
        phashList.sort(reverse = True, key = lambda pcc:pcc[0])
        return failures, total, phashList
Exemple #4
    def detectCard(self):
        """Detect the card from the active frame

        # The phash python bindings operate on files, so we have to write our
        # current frame to a file to continue
        cv2.imwrite('frame.jpg', self.frame)

        # Use phash on our frame
        ihash = phash.dct_imagehash('frame.jpg')
        idigest = phash.image_digest('frame.jpg')

        candidates = {}
        hashes = self.referencedb.get_hashes()
        for MultiverseID in hashes:
            if (MultiverseID in self.blacklist):

            hamd = phash.hamming_distance(ihash, int(hashes[MultiverseID]))
            if (hamd <= self.threshold):
                candidates[MultiverseID] = hamd

        if (not len(candidates)):
            print('No matches found')
            return None

        finalists = []
        minV = min(candidates.values())
        for MultiverseID in candidates:
            if (candidates[MultiverseID] == minV):

        bestMatch = None
        correlations = {}
        for MultiverseID in finalists:
            hamd = candidates[MultiverseID]
            digest = phash.image_digest(self.referencedb.IMAGE_FILE %
            corr = phash.cross_correlation(idigest, digest)
            if (bestMatch is None or corr > correlations[bestMatch]):
                bestMatch = MultiverseID
            correlations[MultiverseID] = corr

        return bestMatch
Exemple #5
    def detectCard(self):
        """Detect the card from the active frame

        # The phash python bindings operate on files, so we have to write our
        # current frame to a file to continue
        cv2.imwrite("frame.jpg", self.frame)

        # Use phash on our frame
        ihash = phash.dct_imagehash("frame.jpg")
        idigest = phash.image_digest("frame.jpg")

        candidates = {}
        hashes = self.referencedb.get_hashes()
        for MultiverseID in hashes:
            if MultiverseID in self.blacklist:

            hamd = phash.hamming_distance(ihash, int(hashes[MultiverseID]))
            if hamd <= self.threshold:
                candidates[MultiverseID] = hamd

        if not len(candidates):
            print("No matches found")
            return None

        finalists = []
        minV = min(candidates.values())
        for MultiverseID in candidates:
            if candidates[MultiverseID] == minV:

        bestMatch = None
        correlations = {}
        for MultiverseID in finalists:
            hamd = candidates[MultiverseID]
            digest = phash.image_digest(self.referencedb.IMAGE_FILE % MultiverseID)
            corr = phash.cross_correlation(idigest, digest)
            if bestMatch is None or corr > correlations[bestMatch]:
                bestMatch = MultiverseID
            correlations[MultiverseID] = corr

        return bestMatch
Exemple #6
    def detectCard(self):
        """Detect the card from the active frame

        # The phash python bindings operate on files, so we have to write our
        # current frame to a file to continue
        cv2.imwrite('frame.jpg', self.frame)

        # Use phash on our frame
        ihash = phash.dct_imagehash('frame.jpg')
        idigest = phash.image_digest('frame.jpg')
        candidates = {}
        hashes = self.referencedb.get_hashes()
        for MultiverseID in hashes:
            #print('id %i' % MultiverseID)
            if (MultiverseID in self.blacklist):
            hamd = phash.hamming_distance(ihash, int(hashes[MultiverseID]))
            #print('ham: %i tresh: %i id: %i' % (hamd, self.threshold, MultiverseID))
            #print(hamd <= self.threshold)
            if (hamd <= self.threshold):
                candidates[MultiverseID] = hamd
        if (not len(candidates)):
            print('No matches found')
            return None

        finalists = []
        minV = min(candidates.values())
        for MultiverseID in candidates:
            if (candidates[MultiverseID] == minV):

        bestMatch = None
        correlations = {}
        for MultiverseID in finalists:

            hamd = candidates[MultiverseID]
            #print(self.ROOT_PATH % self.referencedb.IMAGE_FILE % MultiverseID)
            s = self.referencedb.IMAGE_FILE % MultiverseID
            s = '%s/%s' % (self.ROOT_PATH, s)
            #digest = phash.image_digest(self.referencedb.IMAGE_FILE % MultiverseID)
            digest = phash.image_digest(s)
            corr = phash.cross_correlation(idigest, digest)
            if (bestMatch is None or corr > correlations[bestMatch]):
                bestMatch = MultiverseID
            correlations[MultiverseID] = corr
            name, code, rarity = self.referencedb.get_card_info(MultiverseID)
            print('Candidate: ' + name + ' [' + code + '] ' + str(corr))
        bestMatches = []
        ACCURACY = 1000
        for MultiverseID in finalists:
            if correlations[MultiverseID] + ACCURACY > correlations[bestMatch]:
        return bestMatches       
        #return more finallist        
        return bestMatch
Exemple #7
def compare_two_hash(h1,h2):
    return phash.cross_correlation(h1,h2)