Exemple #1
 def test_scatter_update_1d_batched(self):
     for backend in BACKENDS:
         with backend:
             # Only base batched
             base = math.zeros(spatial(x=4)) + math.tensor([0, 1])
             indices = math.wrap([1, 2], instance('points'))
             values = math.wrap([11, 12], instance('points'))
             updated = math.scatter(base, indices, values, mode='update', outside_handling='undefined')
             math.assert_close(updated, math.tensor([(0, 1), (11, 11), (12, 12), (0, 1)], spatial('x'), channel('vector')), msg=backend.name)
             # Only values batched
             base = math.ones(spatial(x=4))
             indices = math.wrap([1, 2], instance('points'))
             values = math.wrap([[11, 12], [-11, -12]], batch('batch'), instance('points'))
             updated = math.scatter(base, indices, values, mode='update', outside_handling='undefined')
             math.assert_close(updated, math.tensor([[1, 11, 12, 1], [1, -11, -12, 1]], batch('batch'), spatial('x')), msg=backend.name)
             # Only indices batched
             base = math.ones(spatial(x=4))
             indices = math.wrap([[0, 1], [1, 2]], batch('batch'), instance('points'))
             values = math.wrap([11, 12], instance('points'))
             updated = math.scatter(base, indices, values, mode='update', outside_handling='undefined')
             math.assert_close(updated, math.tensor([[11, 12, 1, 1], [1, 11, 12, 1]], batch('batch'), spatial('x')), msg=backend.name)
             # Everything batched
             base = math.zeros(spatial(x=4)) + math.tensor([0, 1], batch('batch'))
             indices = math.wrap([[0, 1], [1, 2]], batch('batch'), instance('points'))
             values = math.wrap([[11, 12], [-11, -12]], batch('batch'), instance('points'))
             updated = math.scatter(base, indices, values, mode='update', outside_handling='undefined')
             math.assert_close(updated, math.tensor([[11, 12, 0, 0], [1, -11, -12, 1]], batch('batch'), spatial('x')), msg=backend.name)
Exemple #2
 def test_direct_initializers(self):
     np.testing.assert_equal(math.zeros([1, 16]), np.zeros([1, 16]))
     self.assertEqual(math.zeros([1, 16]).dtype, np.float32)
     np.testing.assert_equal(math.ones([1, 16, 1]), np.ones([1, 16, 1]))
     np.testing.assert_equal(math.zeros_like(math.ones([1, 16, 1])), np.zeros([1, 16, 1]))
     np.testing.assert_equal(math.randn([1, 4]).shape, [1, 4])
     self.assertEqual(math.randn([1, 4]).dtype, np.float32)
Exemple #3
def troubleshoot_torch():
    from phi import math
        import torch
    except ImportError:
        return "Not installed."
        from phi import torch as phi_torch
    except BaseException as err:
        return f"Installed ({torch.__version__}) but not available due to internal error: {err}"
        gpu_count = len(phi_torch.TORCH.list_devices('GPU'))
    except BaseException as err:
        return f"Installed ({torch.__version__}) but device initialization failed with error: {err}"
    with phi_torch.TORCH:
                math.ones(batch(batch=8) & spatial(x=64)) +
                math.ones(batch(batch=8) & spatial(x=64)), 2)
        except BaseException as err:
            return f"Installed ({torch.__version__}) but tests failed with error: {err}"
    if torch.__version__.startswith('1.10.'):
        return f"Installed ({torch.__version__}), {gpu_count} GPUs available. This version has known bugs with JIT compilation. Recommended: 1.11+ or 1.8.2 LTS"
    if torch.__version__.startswith('1.9.'):
        return f"Installed ({torch.__version__}), {gpu_count} GPUs available. You may encounter problems importing torch.fft. Recommended: 1.11+ or 1.8.2 LTS"
    return f"Installed ({torch.__version__}), {gpu_count} GPUs available."
Exemple #4
 def test_dot_matrix(self):
     for backend in BACKENDS:
         with backend:
             a = math.ones(spatial(x=2, a=4) & batch(batch=10))
             b = math.ones(spatial(y=3, b=4))
             dot = math.dot(a, 'a', b, 'b')
             self.assertEqual(set(spatial(x=2, y=3) & batch(batch=10)), set(dot.shape), msg=backend.name)
             math.assert_close(dot, 4, msg=backend.name)
Exemple #5
 def test_Dict(self):
     d1 = math.Dict(a=1, b=math.ones(), c=math.ones(spatial(x=3)))
     math.assert_close(d1 * 2, d1 + d1, 2 * d1, 2 / d1)
     math.assert_close(0 + d1, d1, d1 - 0, abs(d1), round(d1))
     math.assert_close(-d1, 0 - d1)
     math.assert_close(d1 // 2, d1 * 0, d1 % 1)
     math.assert_close(d1 / 2, d1 * 0.5, 0.5 * d1)
     math.assert_close(math.sin(d1 * 0), d1 * 0)
Exemple #6
 def test_dot_vector(self):
     for backend in BACKENDS:
         with backend:
             a = math.ones(spatial(a=4))
             b = math.ones(spatial(b=4))
             dot = math.dot(a, 'a', b, 'b')
             self.assertEqual(0, dot.rank, msg=backend.name)
             math.assert_close(dot, 4, a.a * b.b, msg=backend.name)
             math.assert_close(math.dot(a, 'a', a, 'a'), 4, msg=backend.name)
Exemple #7
 def test_collapsed_op2(self):
     # Collapsed + Collapsed
     a = math.zeros(vector=4)
     b = math.ones(batch=3)
     c = a + b
     self.assertIsInstance(c, CollapsedTensor)
     self.assertEqual(c.shape.volume, 12)
     self.assertEqual(c._inner.shape.volume, 1)
     # Collapsed + Native
     n = math.ones(vector=3) + (0, 1, 2)
     math.assert_close(n, (1, 2, 3))
Exemple #8
    def test_trace_function(self):
        def f(x: math.Tensor, y: math.Tensor):
            return x + y

        for backend in BACKENDS:
            with backend:
                ft = math.jit_compile(f)
                args1 = math.ones(x=2), math.ones(y=2)
                args2 = math.ones(x=3), math.ones(y=3)
                res1 = ft(*args1)
                self.assertEqual(math.shape(x=2, y=2), res1.shape)
                math.assert_close(res1, 2)
                res2 = ft(*args2)
                self.assertEqual(math.shape(x=3, y=3), res2.shape)
                math.assert_close(res2, 2)
Exemple #9
    def points(self,
               points: Tensor or Number or tuple or list,
               radius: Tensor or float or int or None = None,
               extrapolation: math.Extrapolation = None,
               color: str or Tensor or tuple or list or None = None) -> PointCloud:
        Create a `phi.field.PointCloud` from the given `points`.
        The created field has no channel dimensions and all points carry the value `1`.

            points: point locations in physical units
            radius: (optional) size of the particles
            extrapolation: (optional) extrapolation to use, defaults to extrapolation.ZERO
            color: (optional) color used when plotting the points

            `phi.field.PointCloud` object
        extrapolation = extrapolation or math.extrapolation.ZERO
        if radius is None:
            radius = math.mean(self.bounds.size) * 0.005
        # --- Parse points: tuple / list ---
        if isinstance(points, (tuple, list)):
            if len(points) == 0:  # no points
                points = math.zeros(points=0, vector=1)
            elif isinstance(points[0], Number):  # single point
                points = math.wrap([points], 'points, vector')
                points = math.wrap(points, 'points, vector')
        elements = Sphere(points, radius)
        return PointCloud(elements, math.ones(), extrapolation, add_overlapping=False, bounds=self.bounds, color=color)
Exemple #10
 def test_extrapolate_valid_3D_3x3x3_2(self):
     valid = tensor([[[0, 0, 0],
                      [0, 0, 0],
                      [0, 0, 0]],
                     [[0, 0, 1],
                      [0, 0, 0],
                      [1, 0, 0]],
                     [[0, 0, 0],
                      [0, 0, 0],
                      [0, 0, 0]]], spatial('x, y, z'))
     values = tensor([[[0, 0, 0],
                       [0, 0, 0],
                       [0, 0, 0]],
                      [[1, 0, 4],
                       [0, 0, 0],
                       [2, 0, 0]],
                      [[0, 0, 0],
                       [0, 0, 0],
                       [0, 0, 0]]], spatial('x, y, z'))
     expected_valid = math.ones(spatial(x=3, y=3, z=3))
     expected_values = tensor([[[3, 4, 4],
                                [2, 3, 4],
                                [2, 2, 3]],
                               [[3, 4, 4],
                                [2, 3, 4],
                                [2, 2, 3]],
                               [[3, 4, 4],
                                [2, 3, 4],
                                [2, 2, 3]]], spatial('x, y, z'))
     extrapolated_values, extrapolated_valid = math.extrapolate_valid_values(values, valid, 2)
     math.assert_close(extrapolated_values, expected_values)
     math.assert_close(extrapolated_valid, expected_valid)
Exemple #11
    def test_jit_compile(self):
        def scalar_mul(x, fac=1):
            return x * fac

        for backend in BACKENDS:
            with backend:
                x = math.ones(spatial(x=4))
                trace_count_0 = len(scalar_mul.traces)
                math.assert_close(scalar_mul(x, fac=1), 1, msg=backend)
                if backend.supports(Backend.jit_compile):
                    self.assertEqual(len(scalar_mul.traces), trace_count_0 + 1)
                math.assert_close(scalar_mul(x, fac=1), 1, msg=backend)
                if backend.supports(Backend.jit_compile):
                    self.assertEqual(len(scalar_mul.traces), trace_count_0 + 1)
                math.assert_close(scalar_mul(x, fac=2), 2, msg=backend)
                if backend.supports(Backend.jit_compile):
                    self.assertEqual(len(scalar_mul.traces), trace_count_0 + 2)
                math.assert_close(scalar_mul(math.zeros(spatial(x=4)), fac=2),
                if backend.supports(Backend.jit_compile):
                    self.assertEqual(len(scalar_mul.traces), trace_count_0 + 2)
                math.assert_close(scalar_mul(math.zeros(spatial(y=4)), fac=2),
                if backend.supports(Backend.jit_compile):
                    self.assertEqual(len(scalar_mul.traces), trace_count_0 + 3)
Exemple #12
 def test_zeros_nonuniform(self):
     nonuniform = shape_stack('stack', BATCH_DIM, shape(time=1, x=3, y=3),
                              shape(x=3, y=4), shape())
     self.assertEqual(math.zeros(nonuniform).shape, nonuniform)
     self.assertEqual(math.ones(nonuniform).shape, nonuniform)
     self.assertEqual(math.random_normal(nonuniform).shape, nonuniform)
     self.assertEqual(math.random_uniform(nonuniform).shape, nonuniform)
Exemple #13
 def test_stacked_shapes(self):
     t0 = math.ones(batch(batch=10) & spatial(x=4, y=3) & channel(vector=2))
     for dim in t0.shape.names:
         tensors = t0.unstack(dim)
         stacked = math.stack(tensors, t0.shape[dim].with_sizes([None]))
         self.assertEqual(set(t0.shape.names), set(stacked.shape.names))
         self.assertEqual(t0.shape.volume, stacked.shape.volume)
Exemple #14
def divergence_free(velocity, domain=None, obstacles=(), pressure_solver=None, return_info=False):
Projects the given velocity field by solving for and subtracting the pressure.
    :param return_info: if True, returns a dict holding information about the solve as a second object
    :param velocity: StaggeredGrid
    :param domain: Domain matching the velocity field, used for boundary conditions
    :param obstacles: list of Obstacles
    :param pressure_solver: PressureSolver. Uses default solver if none provided.
    :return: divergence-free velocity as StaggeredGrid
    assert isinstance(velocity, StaggeredGrid)
    # --- Set up FluidDomain ---
    if domain is None:
        domain = Domain(velocity.resolution, OPEN)
    obstacle_mask = union_mask([obstacle.geometry for obstacle in obstacles])
    if obstacle_mask is not None:
        obstacle_grid = obstacle_mask.at(velocity.center_points, collapse_dimensions=False).copied_with(extrapolation='constant')
        active_mask = 1 - obstacle_grid
        active_mask = math.ones(domain.centered_shape(name='active', extrapolation='constant'))
    accessible_mask = active_mask.copied_with(extrapolation=Material.accessible_extrapolation_mode(domain.boundaries))
    fluiddomain = FluidDomain(domain, active=active_mask, accessible=accessible_mask)
    # --- Boundary Conditions, Pressure Solve ---
    velocity = fluiddomain.with_hard_boundary_conditions(velocity)
    divergence_field = velocity.divergence(physical_units=False)
    pressure, iterations = solve_pressure(divergence_field, fluiddomain, pressure_solver=pressure_solver)
    pressure *= velocity.dx[0]
    gradp = StaggeredGrid.gradient(pressure)
    velocity -= fluiddomain.with_hard_boundary_conditions(gradp)
    return velocity if not return_info else (velocity, {'pressure': pressure, 'iterations': iterations})
Exemple #15
 def test_domain_grid_from_function(self):
     grid = Domain(x=4, y=3).scalar_grid(lambda x: math.sum(x**2, 'vector'))
     math.assert_close(grid.values.x[0].y[0], 0.5)
     self.assertEqual(grid.shape.volume, 12)
     grid = Domain(
         x=4, y=3).scalar_grid(lambda x: math.ones(x.shape.non_channel))
     math.assert_close(grid.values, 1)
Exemple #16
 def test_semi_collapsed(self):
     scalar = math.ones(spatial(x=4, y=3))
     scalar = CollapsedTensor(scalar, scalar.shape._expand(batch(batch=10)))
     self.assertEqual((10, 4, 3), scalar.shape.sizes)
     self.assertEqual(4, len(scalar.x.unstack()))
     self.assertEqual(10, len(scalar.batch.unstack()))
     self.assertEqual(0, scalar.y[0].batch[0].x[0].shape.rank)
Exemple #17
 def test_semi_collapsed(self):
     scalar = math.ones(x=4, y=3)
     scalar = CollapsedTensor(scalar, scalar.shape.expand(10, 'batch', BATCH_DIM))
     self.assertEqual('(batch=10, x=4, y=3)', repr(scalar.shape))
     self.assertEqual(4, len(scalar.x.unstack()))
     self.assertEqual(10, len(scalar.batch.unstack()))
     self.assertEqual('()', repr(scalar.y[0].batch[0].x[0].shape))
Exemple #18
 def test_stacked_shapes(self):
     t0 = math.ones(batch=10, x=4, y=3, vector=2)
     for dim in t0.shape.names:
         tensors = t0.unstack(dim)
         stacked = TensorStack(tensors, dim, t0.shape.get_type(dim))
         self.assertEqual(set(t0.shape.names), set(stacked.shape.names))
         self.assertEqual(t0.shape.volume, stacked.shape.volume)
Exemple #19
 def test_dimension_types(self):
     v = math.ones(batch(batch=10) & spatial(x=4, y=3) & channel(vector=2))
     self.assertEqual(v.x.index, 1)
     self.assertEqual(v.x.name, 'x')
     self.assertEqual(('batch', 'spatial', 'spatial', 'channel'), v.shape.types)
     b = v.x.as_batch()
     self.assertEqual(('batch', 'batch', 'spatial', 'channel'), b.shape.types)
Exemple #20
 def test_dot_batched_vector(self):
     for backend in BACKENDS:
         with backend:
             a = math.ones(batch(batch=10) & spatial(a=4))
             b = math.ones(batch(batch=10) & spatial(b=4))
             dot = math.dot(a, 'a', b, 'b')
             self.assertEqual(batch(batch=10), dot.shape, msg=backend.name)
             math.assert_close(dot, 4, a.a * b.b, msg=backend.name)
             dot = math.dot(a, 'a', a, 'a')
             self.assertEqual(batch(batch=10), dot.shape, msg=backend.name)
             math.assert_close(dot, 4, a.a * a.a, msg=backend.name)
             # more dimensions
             a = math.ones(batch(batch=10) & spatial(a=4, x=2))
             b = math.ones(batch(batch=10) & spatial(y=3, b=4))
             dot = math.dot(a, 'a', b, 'b')
             self.assertEqual(set(spatial(x=2, y=3) & batch(batch=10)), set(dot.shape), msg=backend.name)
             math.assert_close(dot, 4, msg=backend.name)
Exemple #21
 def test_scatter_add_2d(self):
     for backend in BACKENDS:
         with backend:
             base = math.ones(spatial(x=3, y=2))
             indices = math.wrap([(0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 1), (2, 1)], instance('points'), channel('vector'))
             values = math.wrap([11, 11, 12, 13], instance('points'))
             updated = math.scatter(base, indices, values, mode='add', outside_handling='undefined')
             math.assert_close(updated, math.tensor([[23, 1, 1], [13, 1, 14]], spatial('y,x')))
Exemple #22
    def test_custom_gradient_scalar(self):
        def f(x):
            return x

        def grad(_x, _y, df):
            return df * 0,

        for backend in BACKENDS:
            if backend.supports(Backend.functional_gradient):
                with backend:
                    normal_gradient, = math.functional_gradient(
                        f, get_output=False)(math.ones())
                    math.assert_close(normal_gradient, 1)
                    f_custom_grad = math.custom_gradient(f, grad)
                    custom_gradient, = math.functional_gradient(
                        f_custom_grad, get_output=False)(math.ones())
                    math.assert_close(custom_gradient, 0)
Exemple #23
 def test_stacked_get(self):
     t0 = math.ones(batch=10, x=4, y=3, vector=2)
     tensors = t0.unstack('vector')
     stacked = TensorStack(tensors, 'channel', CHANNEL_DIM)
     self.assertEqual(tensors, stacked.channel.unstack())
     assert tensors[0] is stacked.channel[0]
     assert tensors[1] is stacked.channel[1:2].channel.unstack()[0]
     self.assertEqual(4, len(stacked.x.unstack()))
Exemple #24
 def test_stacked_native(self):
     t0 = math.ones(batch=10, x=4, y=3, vector=2)
     tensors = t0.unstack('vector')
     stacked = TensorStack(tensors, 'vector2', CHANNEL_DIM)
     math.assert_close(stacked, t0)
     self.assertEqual((10, 4, 3, 2), stacked.native().shape)
     self.assertEqual((4, 3, 2, 10), stacked.native(order=('x', 'y', 'vector2', 'batch')).shape)
     self.assertEqual((2, 10, 3, 4), stacked.native(order=('vector2', 'batch', 'y', 'x')).shape)  # this should re-stack since only the stacked dimension position is different
 def test_pad(self):
     test_in_func_out = [
         (math.zeros(spatial(x=3, y=4, z=5,
                             a=1)), lambda tensor: ConstantExtrapolation(0).
          pad(tensor, dict(x=[1, 1], y=[1, 0], z=[0, 1], a=[0, 0])),
          math.zeros(spatial(x=5, y=5, z=6, a=1))),
         (math.ones(spatial(x=3, y=4, z=5,
                            a=1)), lambda tensor: ConstantExtrapolation(1).
          pad(tensor, dict(x=[1, 1], y=[1, 0], z=[0, 1], a=[0, 0])),
          math.ones(spatial(x=5, y=5, z=6, a=1))),
         (-math.ones(spatial(x=3, y=4, z=5, a=1)),
          lambda tensor: ConstantExtrapolation(-1).pad(
              tensor, dict(x=[1, 1], y=[1, 0], z=[0, 1], a=[0, 0])),
          -math.ones(spatial(x=5, y=5, z=6, a=1))),
     for val_in, func, val_out in test_in_func_out:
         math.assert_close(val_out, func(val_in))
Exemple #26
 def test_zeros_nonuniform(self):
     nonuniform = shape_stack(batch('stack'),
                              batch(time=1) & spatial(x=3, y=3),
                              spatial(x=3, y=4), channel())
     self.assertEqual(math.zeros(nonuniform).shape, nonuniform)
     self.assertEqual(math.ones(nonuniform).shape, nonuniform)
     self.assertEqual(math.random_normal(nonuniform).shape, nonuniform)
     self.assertEqual(math.random_uniform(nonuniform).shape, nonuniform)
Exemple #27
 def test_stacked_get(self):
     t0 = math.ones(batch(batch=10) & spatial(x=4, y=3) & channel(vector=2))
     tensors = t0.unstack('vector')
     stacked = math.stack(tensors, channel('channel'))
     self.assertEqual(tensors, stacked.channel.unstack())
     assert tensors[0] is stacked.channel[0]
     assert tensors[1] is stacked.channel[1:2].channel.unstack()[0]
     self.assertEqual(4, len(stacked.x.unstack()))
Exemple #28
    def test_trace_function(self):
        def f(x: math.Tensor, y: math.Tensor):
            return x + y

        for backend in [
                math.NUMPY_BACKEND, tf.TF_BACKEND, torch.TORCH_BACKEND
            with backend:
                ft = math.trace_function(f)
                args1 = math.ones(x=2), math.ones(y=2)
                args2 = math.ones(x=3), math.ones(y=3)
                res1 = ft(*args1)
                self.assertEqual(math.shape(x=2, y=2), res1.shape)
                math.assert_close(res1, 2)
                res2 = ft(*args2)
                self.assertEqual(math.shape(x=3, y=3), res2.shape)
                math.assert_close(res2, 2)
Exemple #29
 def test_dimension_types(self):
     v = math.ones(batch=10, x=4, y=3, vector=2)
     self.assertEqual(v.x.index, 1)
     self.assertEqual(v.x.name, 'x')
     b = v.x.as_batch()
 def test_pad(self):
     test_in_func_out = [
         (math.zeros(x=3, y=4, z=5, a=1),
          lambda tensor: ConstantExtrapolation(0).pad(tensor, dict(x=[1, 1], y=[1, 0], z=[0, 1], a=[0, 0])),
          math.zeros(x=5, y=5, z=6, a=1)),
         (math.ones(x=3, y=4, z=5, a=1),
          lambda tensor: ConstantExtrapolation(1).pad(tensor, dict(x=[1, 1], y=[1, 0], z=[0, 1], a=[0, 0])),
          math.ones(x=5, y=5, z=6, a=1)),
         (-math.ones(x=3, y=4, z=5, a=1),
          lambda tensor: ConstantExtrapolation(-1).pad(tensor, dict(x=[1, 1], y=[1, 0], z=[0, 1], a=[0, 0])),
          - math.ones(x=5, y=5, z=6, a=1)),
     for val_in, func, val_out in test_in_func_out:
             math.assert_close(val_out, func(val_in))
             # TypeError('__bool__ should return bool, returned NotImplementedType')
             # self.assertEqual(val_out, func(val_in))
         except Exception as e:
             raise BaseException(AssertionError(e, val_in, func, val_out))