Exemple #1
def createInertials(link, empty=False, preserve_children=False):
    """Creates inertial representations for visual and collision objects in link.

    :param link: The link you want to create the inertial for.
    :type link: bpy_types.Object
    :param empty: If set to True the new inertial object will contain no information.
    :type empty: bool
    :param preserve_children: If set to False already existent inertial objects will be deleted.
    :type preserve_children: bool

    viscols = getInertiaRelevantObjects(link)
    # clean existing data
    if not preserve_children:
        oldinertials = selectionUtils.getImmediateChildren(link, ['inertial'])
            oldinertials = [bpy.data.objects['inertial_' + link.name]]
        except KeyError:
            oldinertials = None
    if oldinertials:
        selectionUtils.selectObjects(oldinertials, clear=True, active=0)
    if not preserve_children:
        for obj in viscols:
            if not empty:
                mass = obj['mass'] if 'mass' in obj else None
                geometry = robotdictionary.deriveGeometry(obj)
                if mass is not None:
                    if geometry['type'] == 'mesh':
                        bpy.context.scene.objects.active = obj
                        inert = calculateMeshInertia(obj.data, mass)
                        #print('mesh:', inert)
                        #print('ellipsoid:', calculateEllipsoidInertia(mass, geometry['size']))
                        #print('box:', calculateBoxInertia(mass, geometry['size']))
                        inert = calculateInertia(mass, geometry)
                    if inert is not None:
                        inertial = createInertial(obj)
                        inertial['mass'] = mass
                        inertial['inertia'] = inert
    # compose inertial object for link
    if not empty:
        mass, com, inert = fuseInertiaData(
            selectionUtils.getImmediateChildren(link, ['inertial']))
        if mass and com and inert:
            inertial = createInertial(link)
            com_translate = mathutils.Matrix.Translation(com)
            inertial.matrix_local = com_translate
                0, 0, 0
            ))  # FIXME: this is a trick to force Blender to apply matrix_local
            inertial['inertial/mass'] = mass
            inertial['inertial/inertia'] = inertiaMatrixToList(inert)
Exemple #2
def getInertiaChildren(link, selected_only=False, include_hidden=False):
    """Returns a list of the inertia objects which are children of a link.

    :param link: The link you want to gather the inertia relevant objects for
    :type link: bpy.types.Object
    :param selected_only: return only relevant objects which are selected
    :type selected_only: bool
    :param include_hidden: include hidden inertia objects
    :type include_hidden: bool

    :return: list of child inertial objects of the link
    :rtype: list
    assert link.phobostype == 'link', "Object is not a link."
    assert isinstance(selected_only,
                      bool), "Not a boolean: " + type(selected_only)
    assert isinstance(include_hidden,
                      bool), "Not a boolean: " + type(include_hidden)

    # Get the inertia objects
    inertiaobjects = sUtils.getImmediateChildren(link, ('inertial'),
                                                 selected_only, include_hidden)

    # Get the visuals and collisions
    viscols = getInertiaRelevantObjects(link, selected_only)

    # Iterate over the objects and get the inertia objects
    for obj in viscols:
        # Add inertia objects to the list
        inertiaobjects += sUtils.getImmediateChildren(obj, ('inertial'),

    return inertiaobjects
Exemple #3
def get_link_information(linkobj):
    """Returns the full link information including joint and motor data from a blender object.
    The link information is derived according to :func:`derive_link`.

      linkobj(bpy.types.Object): blender object to derive the link from

      dict: link representation of the object

    props = initObjectProperties(linkobj,
                                 ignoretypes=['joint', 'motor', 'entity'])

    parent = sUtils.getEffectiveParent(linkobj)
    props['parent'] = parent.name if parent else None
    props['pose'] = deriveObjectPose(linkobj)
    props['joint'] = deriveJoint(linkobj, logging=False, adjust=False)
    del props['joint']['parent']

    # collect collision objs for link
    collisionobjs = sUtils.getImmediateChildren(linkobj,
    collisiondict = {}
    for colobj in collisionobjs:
        collisiondict[colobj.name] = colobj
    props['collision'] = collisiondict

    # collect visual objs for link
    visualobjects = sUtils.getImmediateChildren(linkobj,
    visualdict = {}
    for visualobj in visualobjects:
        visualdict[visualobj.name] = visualobj
    props["visual"] = visualdict

    # collect inertial objects
    inertialdict = {
        nUtils.getObjectName(obj): obj
        for obj in linkobj.children if obj.phobostype == 'inertial'
    props["inertial"] = inertialdict

    # collect sensor objects
    sensorobjects = sUtils.getImmediateChildren(linkobj,
    sensordict = {}
    for sensorobj in sensorobjects:
        sensordict[sensorobj.name] = sensorobj
    if sensordict:
        props["sensor"] = sensordict

    props['approxcollision'] = []
    return props
Exemple #4
def createInertials(link, empty=False, preserve_children=False):
    """Creates inertial representations for visual and collision objects in link.

    :param link: The link you want to create the inertial for.
    :type link: bpy_types.Object
    :param empty: If set to True the new inertial object will contain no information.
    :type empty: bool
    :param preserve_children: If set to False already existent inertial objects will be deleted.
    :type preserve_children: bool

    viscols = getInertiaRelevantObjects(link)
    # clean existing data
    if not preserve_children:
        oldinertials = selectionUtils.getImmediateChildren(link, ['inertial'])
            oldinertials = [bpy.data.objects['inertial_'+link.name]]
        except KeyError:
            oldinertials = None
    if oldinertials:
        selectionUtils.selectObjects(oldinertials, clear=True, active=0)
    if not preserve_children:
        for obj in viscols:
            if not empty:
                mass = obj['mass'] if 'mass' in obj else None
                geometry = robotdictionary.deriveGeometry(obj)
                if mass is not None:
                    if geometry['type'] == 'mesh':
                        bpy.context.scene.objects.active = obj
                        inert = calculateMeshInertia(obj.data, mass)
                        #print('mesh:', inert)
                        #print('ellipsoid:', calculateEllipsoidInertia(mass, geometry['size']))
                        #print('box:', calculateBoxInertia(mass, geometry['size']))
                        inert = calculateInertia(mass, geometry)
                    if inert is not None:
                        inertial = createInertial(obj)
                        inertial['mass'] = mass
                        inertial['inertia'] = inert
    # compose inertial object for link
    if not empty:
        mass, com, inert = fuseInertiaData(selectionUtils.getImmediateChildren(link, ['inertial']))
        if mass and com and inert:
            inertial = createInertial(link)
            com_translate = mathutils.Matrix.Translation(com)
            inertial.matrix_local = com_translate
            bpy.ops.transform.translate(value=(0, 0, 0))  # FIXME: this is a trick to force Blender to apply matrix_local
            inertial['inertial/mass'] = mass
            inertial['inertial/inertia'] = inertiaMatrixToList(inert)
Exemple #5
def get_link_information(linkobj):
    """Returns the full link information including joint and motor data from a blender object.

    :param linkobj: blender object to derive the link from
    :type linkobj: bpy.types.Object

    :return: representation of the link including motor and joint data
    :rtype: dict

    .. seealso:: derive_link
    assert linkobj.phobostype == 'link', ("Wrong phobostype: " +
                                          linkobj.phobostype +
                                          " instead of link.")

    props = initObjectProperties(linkobj,
                                 ignoretypes=['joint', 'motor', 'entity'])

    parent = sUtils.getEffectiveParent(linkobj)
    props['parent'] = parent.name if parent else None
    props['pose'] = deriveObjectPose(linkobj)
    props['joint'] = deriveJoint(linkobj, adjust=False)
    del props['joint']['parent']

    # derive Motor
    if any(item.startswith('motor') for item in props):
        props['motor'] = deriveMotor(linkobj, props['joint'])

    # collect collision objs for link
    collisionobjs = sUtils.getImmediateChildren(linkobj,
    collisiondict = {}
    for colobj in collisionobjs:
        collisiondict[colobj.name] = colobj
    props['collision'] = collisiondict

    # collect visual objs for link
    visualobjects = sUtils.getImmediateChildren(linkobj,
    visualdict = {}
    for visualobj in visualobjects:
        visualdict[visualobj.name] = visualobj
    props["visual"] = visualdict

    # collect inertial objects
    inertialobjects = inertiamodel.getInertiaChildren(linkobj)
    inertialdict = {}
    for inertialobj in inertialobjects:
        inertialdict[inertialobj.name] = inertialobj
    props["inertial"] = inertialdict
    props['approxcollision'] = []
    return props
Exemple #6
def createLinkInertialObjects(link, autocalc=True, selected_only=False):
    """Creates inertial representations from helper inertials of a link.
    The new link inertial can contain automatically calculated inertia or
    remain empty (based on the autocalc parameter). If the selected_only
    parameter is used the inertia is calculated including only the selected
    helper inertials objects.

    :param link: The link you want to create the inertial for.
    :type link: bpy_types.Object
    :param autocalc: If set to False the new inertial object will contain no
    inertia information.
    :type autocalc: bool.
    :param selected_only: If set to True the inertia calculation uses only the
    currently selected inertial objects.
    :type selected_only: bool.

    inertias = sUtils.getImmediateChildren(link, ('inertial', ), selected_only,
    inertialdata = {
        'mass': 0,
        'inertia': (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
        'pose': {
            'translation': mathutils.Vector((0, 0, 0))
    # compose inertial object for link from helper inertials
    if autocalc:
        mass, com, inert = fuseInertiaData(inertias)
        if mass and com and inert:
            inertialdata['mass'] = mass
            inertialdata['inertia'] = inertiaMatrixToList(inert)
            inertialdata['pose'] = {'translation': com}
    # create empty inertial object
    createInertial(link.name, inertialdata, parentobj=link)
Exemple #7
def deriveLinkfromObject(obj, scale=0.2, parent_link=True, parent_objects=False, nameformat=''):
    """Derives a link from an object using its name, transformation and parenting.

      obj(bpy_types.Object): object to derive a link from
      scale(float, optional): scale factor for bone size (Default value = 0.2)
      parent_link(bool, optional): whether to automate the parenting of the new link or not. (Default value = True)
      parent_objects(bool, optional): whether to parent all the objects to the new link or not (Default value = False)
      nameformat(str, optional): re-formatting template for obj names (Default value = '')

      : newly created link

    log('Deriving link from ' + nUtils.getObjectName(obj), level="INFO")
        nameparts = [p for p in re.split('[^a-zA-Z]', nUtils.getObjectName(obj)) if p != '']
        linkname = nameformat.format(*nameparts)
    except IndexError:
        log('Invalid name format (indices) for naming: ' + nUtils.getObjectName(obj), 'WARNING')
        linkname = 'link_' + nUtils.getObjectName(obj)
    link = createLink({'scale': scale, 'name': linkname, 'matrix': obj.matrix_world})

    # parent link to object's parent
    if parent_link:
        if obj.parent:
            eUtils.parentObjectsTo(link, obj.parent)
    # parent children of object to link
    if parent_objects:
        children = [obj] + sUtils.getImmediateChildren(obj)
        eUtils.parentObjectsTo(children, link, clear=True)
    return link
Exemple #8
def deriveEntity(light, outpath):
    """This function handles a light entity in a scene to export it

      entity(bpy.types.Object): The lights root object.
      outpath(str): The path to export to. Not used for light entity
      savetosubfolder(bool): If True data will be exported into subfolders. Not used for light entity

      : dict - An entry for the scenes entitiesList

    log("Exporting " + light["entity/name"] + " as a light entity", "INFO")
    entitypose = models.deriveObjectPose(light)
    lightobj = sUtils.getImmediateChildren(light)[0]
    color = lightobj.data.color
    entity = {
        "name": light["entity/name"],
        "type": "light",
        "spotlight" if lightobj.data.type == "SPOT" else "omnilight",
        "anchor": light["anchor"] if "anchor" in light else "none",
        "color": {
            "diffuse": [color.r, color.g, color.b],
            "use_specular": lightobj.data.
            use_specular,  # only specular information currently available
        "position": entitypose["translation"],
        "rotation": entitypose["rotation_quaternion"],
    if entity["light_type"] == "spotlight":
        entity["angle"] = lightobj.data.spot_size
    return entity
Exemple #9
def deriveEntity(light, outpath):
    """This function handles a light entity in a scene to export it

      entity(bpy.types.Object): The lights root object.
      outpath(str): The path to export to. Not used for light entity
      savetosubfolder(bool): If True data will be exported into subfolders. Not used for light entity

      : dict - An entry for the scenes entitiesList

    log("Exporting " + light["entity/name"] + " as a light entity", "INFO")
    entitypose = models.deriveObjectPose(light)
    lightobj = sUtils.getImmediateChildren(light)[0]
    color = lightobj.data.color
    entity = {
        "name": light["entity/name"],
        "type": "light",
        "light_type": "spotlight" if lightobj.data.type == "SPOT" else "omnilight",
        "anchor": light["anchor"] if "anchor" in light else "none",
        "color": {
            "diffuse": [color.r, color.g, color.b],
            "use_specular": lightobj.data.use_specular,  # only specular information currently available
        "position": entitypose["translation"],
        "rotation": entitypose["rotation_quaternion"],
    if entity["light_type"] == "spotlight":
        entity["angle"] = lightobj.data.spot_size
    return entity
Exemple #10
def deriveLinkfromObject(obj,
    """Derives a link from an object that defines a joint through its position, orientation and parent-child relationships.

    :param obj: The object you want to derive your link from.
    :type obj: bpy_types.Object
    :param scale: The scale you want to apply to the link.
    :type scale: float
    :param parenting: Whether you want to automate the parenting of the new link or not.
    :type parenting: bool.
    :param parentobjects: Whether you want to parent all the objects to the new link or not.
    :type parentobjects: bool.
    :param namepartindices: Parts of the objects name you want to reuse in the links name.
    :type namepartindices: list with two elements.
    :param separator: The separator you want to use to separate the links name with. Its '_' per default
    :type separator: str
    :param prefix: The prefix you want to use for the new links name. Its 'link' per default.
    :type prefix: str

    print('Deriving link from', namingUtils.getObjectName(obj))
    nameparts = namingUtils.getObjectName(obj).split('_')
    rotation = obj.matrix_world.to_euler()
    if 'invertAxis' in obj and obj['invertAxis'] == 1:
        rotation.x += math.pi if rotation.x < 0 else -math.pi
    tmpname = namingUtils.getObjectName(obj)
    if namepartindices:
            tmpname = separator.join([nameparts[p] for p in namepartindices])
        except IndexError:
            print('Wrong name segment indices given for obj',
    if prefix != '':
        tmpname = prefix + separator + tmpname
    if tmpname == namingUtils.getObjectName(obj):
        obj.name += '*'
    link = createLink(scale, obj.matrix_world.to_translation(),
                      obj.matrix_world.to_euler(), tmpname)
    if parenting:
        if obj.parent:
            selectionUtils.selectObjects([link, obj.parent], True, 1)
            if obj.parent.phobostype == 'link':
        children = selectionUtils.getImmediateChildren(obj)
        if parentobjects:
        for child in children:
            selectionUtils.selectObjects([child], True, 0)
            selectionUtils.selectObjects([child, link], True, 1)
Exemple #11
def initObjectProperties(obj,
    """Initializes phobos dictionary of *obj*, including information stored in custom properties.

      obj(bpy_types.Object): object to derive initial properties from.
      phobostype(str, optional): limit parsing of data fields to this phobostype
      ignoretypes(list, optional): list of properties ignored while initializing the objects properties.
      ignorename(bool, optional): whether or not to add the object's name


    # allow duplicated names differentiated by types
    props = {} if ignorename else {
        'name': nUtils.getObjectName(obj, phobostype)
    # if no phobostype is defined, everything is parsed
    if not phobostype:
        for key, value in obj.items():
            props[key] = value
    # search for type-specific properties if phobostype is defined
        for key, value in obj.items():
            # transform Blender id_arrays into lists
            if hasattr(value, 'to_list'):
                value = list(value)
            if key.startswith(phobostype + '/'):
                if key.count('/') == 1:
                    props[key.replace(phobostype + '/', '')] = value
                elif key.count('/') == 2:
                    category, specifier = key.split('/')[1:]
                    if '$' + category not in props:
                        props['$' + category] = {}
                    props['$' + category][specifier] = value
            # ignore two-level specifiers if phobostype is not present
            elif key.count('/') == 1:
                category, specifier = key.split('/')
                if category not in ignoretypes:
                    if '$' + category not in props:
                        props['$' + category] = {}
                    props['$' + category][specifier] = value
    if includeannotations:
        annotationobjs = sUtils.getImmediateChildren(obj, ('annotation', ),
        for obj in annotationobjs:
    return props
Exemple #12
def deriveFullLinkInformation(obj):
    """This function derives the full link information (including joint and
    motor data) from a blender object and creates its initial phobos data

    :param obj: The blender object to derive the link from.
    :type obj: bpy_types.Object
    :return: dict
    props = initObjectProperties(obj,
                                 ignoretypes=['joint', 'motor', 'entity'])
    parent = sUtils.getEffectiveParent(obj)
    props['parent'] = parent.name if parent else None
    props["pose"] = deriveObjectPose(obj)
    props["joint"] = deriveJoint(obj, adjust=False)
    del props["joint"]["parent"]
    if any(item.startswith('motor') for item in props.keys()):
        props["motor"] = deriveMotor(obj, props['joint'])
    collisionObjects = sUtils.getImmediateChildren(obj,
    collisionDict = {}
    for colobj in collisionObjects:
        collisionDict[colobj.name] = colobj
    props["collision"] = collisionDict
    visualObjects = sUtils.getImmediateChildren(obj,
    visualDict = {}
    for visualobj in visualObjects:
        visualDict[visualobj.name] = visualobj
    props["visual"] = visualDict
    inertialObjects = sUtils.getImmediateChildren(obj,
    inertialDict = {}
    for inertialobj in inertialObjects:
        inertialDict[inertialobj.name] = inertialobj
    props["inertial"] = inertialDict
    props['approxcollision'] = []
    return props
Exemple #13
def getInertiaRelevantObjects(link, selected_only=False):
    """Returns a list of visual and collision objects of a link.
    If name-pairs of visual and collision objects are detected,
    the one with the latest change-date is used. If this is not clear,
    visual objects are omitted in favor of collision objects. If the
    selected_only parameter is used, only the selected objects are considered.

      link(bpy_types.Object): The link you want to gather the inertia relevant objects for.
      selected_only(bool, optional): return only relevant objects which are selected (Default value = False)


    objdict = {
        obj.name: obj
        for obj in sUtils.getImmediateChildren(link, ['visual', 'collision'],
    basenames = set()
    inertiaobjects = []
    for objname in objdict.keys():
        if 'mass' in objdict[objname]:
            if not objname.startswith('visual_') and not objname.startswith(
                basename = objname.replace(objdict[objname].phobostype + '_',
                if basename not in basenames:
                    collision = 'collision_'+basename if 'collision_'+basename in objdict.keys()\
                        and 'mass' in objdict['collision_'+basename] else None
                    visual = 'visual_'+basename if 'visual_'+basename in objdict.keys()\
                        and 'mass' in objdict['visual_'+basename] else None
                    if visual and collision:
                            tv = gUtils.datetimeFromIso(
                            tc = gUtils.datetimeFromIso(
                            # if collision information is older than visual information
                            if tc < tv:
                        # if masschanged not present in both
                        except KeyError:
                        inertiaobjects.append(objdict[collision] if collision
                                              else objdict[visual])
    return inertiaobjects
Exemple #14
def deriveLinkfromObject(
    obj, scale=0.2, parenting=True, parentobjects=False, namepartindices=[], separator="_", prefix="link"
    """Derives a link from an object that defines a joint through its position, orientation and parent-child relationships.

    :param obj: The object you want to derive your link from.
    :type obj: bpy_types.Object
    :param scale: The scale you want to apply to the link.
    :type scale: float
    :param parenting: Whether you want to automate the parenting of the new link or not.
    :type parenting: bool.
    :param parentobjects: Whether you want to parent all the objects to the new link or not.
    :type parentobjects: bool.
    :param namepartindices: Parts of the objects name you want to reuse in the links name.
    :type namepartindices: list with two elements.
    :param separator: The separator you want to use to separate the links name with. Its '_' per default
    :type separator: str
    :param prefix: The prefix you want to use for the new links name. Its 'link' per default.
    :type prefix: str

    print("Deriving link from", namingUtils.getObjectName(obj))
    nameparts = namingUtils.getObjectName(obj).split("_")
    rotation = obj.matrix_world.to_euler()
    if "invertAxis" in obj and obj["invertAxis"] == 1:
        rotation.x += math.pi if rotation.x < 0 else -math.pi
    tmpname = namingUtils.getObjectName(obj)
    if namepartindices:
            tmpname = separator.join([nameparts[p] for p in namepartindices])
        except IndexError:
            print("Wrong name segment indices given for obj", namingUtils.getObjectName(obj))
    if prefix != "":
        tmpname = prefix + separator + tmpname
    if tmpname == namingUtils.getObjectName(obj):
        obj.name += "*"
    link = createLink(scale, obj.matrix_world.to_translation(), obj.matrix_world.to_euler(), tmpname)
    if parenting:
        if obj.parent:
            selectionUtils.selectObjects([link, obj.parent], True, 1)
            if obj.parent.phobostype == "link":
        children = selectionUtils.getImmediateChildren(obj)
        if parentobjects:
        for child in children:
            selectionUtils.selectObjects([child], True, 0)
            selectionUtils.selectObjects([child, link], True, 1)
Exemple #15
def createInertials(link, empty=False, preserve_children=False):
    # create inertial representations for visual and collision objects in link
    viscols = getInertiaRelevantObjects(link)
    # clean existing data
    if not preserve_children:
        oldinertials = selectionUtils.getImmediateChildren(link, ['inertial'])
            oldinertials = [bpy.data.objects['inertial_'+link.name]]
        except KeyError:
            oldinertials = None
    if oldinertials:
        selectionUtils.selectObjects(oldinertials, clear=True, active=0)
    if not preserve_children:
        for obj in viscols:
            if not empty:
                mass = obj['mass'] if 'mass' in obj else None
                geometry = robotdictionary.deriveGeometry(obj)
                if mass is not None:
                    inert = calculateInertia(mass, geometry)
                    if inert is not None:
                        inertial = createInertial(obj)
                        inertial['mass'] = mass
                        inertial['inertia'] = inert
    # compose inertial object for link
    if not empty:
        mass, com, inert = fuseInertiaData(selectionUtils.getImmediateChildren(link, ['inertial']))
        if mass and com and inert:
            inertial = createInertial(link)
            com_translate = mathutils.Matrix.Translation(com)
            inertial.matrix_local = com_translate
            bpy.ops.transform.translate(value=(0, 0, 0))  # FIXME: this is a trick to force Blender to apply matrix_local
            inertial['inertial/mass'] = mass
            inertial['inertial/inertia'] = inertiaMatrixToList(inert)
Exemple #16
    def addPCCombinations(parent):
        """Function to add parent/child link combinations for all parents an children that are not already set via collision bitmask.

        :param parent: This is the parent object.
        :type parent: dict.

        children = selectionUtils.getImmediateChildren(parent, 'link')
        if len(children) > 0:
            for child in children:
                #output.append(xmlline(2, 'disable_collisions', ('link1', 'link2'), (mother.name, child.name)))
                if ((parent, child) not in collisionExclusives) or ((child, parent) not in collisionExclusives):
                    collisionExclusives.append((parent.name, child.name))
Exemple #17
def getInertiaRelevantObjects(link):
    """Returns a list of visual and collision objects of a link.
    If name-pairs of visual and collision objects are detected,
    the one with the latest change-date is used. If this is not clear,
    visual objects are omitted in favor of collision objects.

    :param link: The link you want to gather the inertia relevant objects for.
    :type link: bpy_types.Object
    :return: list

    objdict = {
        obj.name: obj
        for obj in selectionUtils.getImmediateChildren(link,
                                                       ['visual', 'collision'])
    basenames = set()
    inertiaobjects = []
    for objname in objdict.keys():
        if 'mass' in objdict[objname]:
            if not objname.startswith('visual_') and not objname.startswith(
                basename = objname.replace(objdict[objname].phobostype + '_',
                if not basename in basenames:
                    collision = 'collision_'+basename if 'collision_'+basename in objdict.keys()\
                        and 'mass' in objdict['collision_'+basename] else None
                    visual = 'visual_'+basename if 'visual_'+basename in objdict.keys()\
                        and 'mass' in objdict['visual_'+basename] else None
                    if visual and collision:
                            tv = generalUtils.datetimeFromIso(
                            tc = generalUtils.datetimeFromIso(
                            if tc < tv:  # if collision information is older than visual information
                        except KeyError:  # if masschanged not present in both
                        inertiaobjects.append(objdict[collision] if collision
                                              else objdict[visual])
    return inertiaobjects
Exemple #18
def calculateMassOfLink(link):
    """Calculates the masses of visual and collision objects found in a link,
    compares it to mass in link inertial object if present and returns the max of both, warning if they are not equal.

    :param link: The link you want to calculate the visuals and collision objects mass of.
    :type link: dict
    :return: double
    objects = getInertiaRelevantObjects(link, ['visual', 'collision'])
    inertials = sUtils.getImmediateChildren(link, ['inertial'])
    objectsmass = sUtils.calculateSum(objects, 'mass')
    if len(inertials) == 1:
        inertialmass = inertials[0]['mass'] if 'mass' in inertials[0] else 0
    if objectsmass != inertialmass:
        log("Warning: Masses are inconsistent, sync masses of link!",
    return max(objectsmass, inertialmass)
Exemple #19
def calculateMassOfLink(link):
    """Calculates the masses of visual and collision objects found in a link,
    compares it to mass in link inertial object if present and returns the max of both, warning if they are not equal.

    :param link: The link you want to calculate the visuals and collision objects mass of.
    :type link: dict.
    :return: double.

    objects = getInertiaRelevantObjects(link, ['visual', 'collision'])
    inertials = selectionUtils.getImmediateChildren(link, ['inertial'])
    objectsmass = selectionUtils.calculateSum(objects, 'mass')
    if len(inertials) == 1:
        inertialmass = inertials[0]['mass'] if 'mass' in inertials[0] else 0
    if objectsmass != inertialmass:
        log("Warning: Masses are inconsistent, sync masses of link!", "WARNING")
    return max(objectsmass, inertialmass)
Exemple #20
def getInertiaRelevantObjects(link):
    """Returns a list of visual and collision objects of a link.
    If name-pairs of visual and collision objects are detected,
    the one with the latest change-date is used. If this is not clear,
    visual objects are omitted in favor of collision objects.

    :param link: The link you want to gather the inertia relevant objects for.
    :type link: Blender object.
    :return: list.

    objdict = {obj.name: obj for obj in selectionUtils.getImmediateChildren(link, ['visual', 'collision'])}
    basenames = set()
    inertiaobjects = []
    for objname in objdict.keys():
        if 'mass' in objdict[objname]:
            if not objname.startswith('visual_') and not objname.startswith('collision_'):
                basename = objname.replace(objdict[objname].phobostype + '_', '')
                if not basename in basenames:
                    collision = 'collision_'+basename if 'collision_'+basename in objdict.keys()\
                        and 'mass' in objdict['collision_'+basename] else None
                    visual = 'visual_'+basename if 'visual_'+basename in objdict.keys()\
                        and 'mass' in objdict['visual_'+basename] else None
                    if visual and collision:
                            tv = generalUtils.datetimeFromIso(objdict[visual]['masschanged'])
                            tc = generalUtils.datetimeFromIso(objdict[collision]['masschanged'])
                            if tc < tv:  # if collision information is older than visual information
                        except KeyError:  # if masschanged not present in both
                        inertiaobjects.append(objdict[collision] if collision else objdict[visual])
    return inertiaobjects
Exemple #21
def buildRobotDictionary():
    """Builds a python dictionary representation of a Blender robot model for export and inspection.

    objectlist = bpy.context.selected_objects
    #notifications, faulty_objects = robotupdate.updateModel(bpy.context.selected_objects)
    robot = {
        'links': {},
        'joints': {},
        'sensors': {},
        'motors': {},
        'controllers': {},
        'materials': {},
        'groups': {},
        'chains': {},
        'lights': {}
    #save timestamped version of model
    robot["date"] = datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d_%H:%M")
    root = selectionUtils.getRoot(bpy.context.selected_objects[0])
    if root.phobostype != 'link':
        raise Exception("Found no 'link' object as root of the robot model.")
        if 'modelname' in root:
            robot['modelname'] = root["modelname"]
            robot['modelname'] = 'unnamed_robot'

    # digest all the links to derive link and joint information
    print('\nParsing links, joints and motors...')
    for obj in bpy.context.selected_objects:
        if obj.phobostype == 'link':
            link, joint, motor = deriveKinematics(obj)
                obj, phobostype="link"
            )] = link  # it's important that this is really the object's name
            if joint:  # joint can be None if link is a root
                robot['joints'][joint['name']] = joint
            if motor:
                robot['motors'][joint['name']] = motor
            obj.select = False

    # add inertial information to link
    print('\n\nParsing inertials...')
    for l in robot['links']:
        #link = bpy.data.objects[l] NEW NAMING!
        link = selectionUtils.getObjectByName(
            l)[0] if selectionUtils.getObjectByName(
                l) is not None else "ERROR!"
        inertials = selectionUtils.getImmediateChildren(link, ['inertial'])
        if len(inertials) == 1:
            props, parent = deriveDictEntry(inertials[0])
            if not (
                    props is None or parent is None
            ):  # this may be the case if there is inertia information missing
                    parent)]['inertial'] = props
            inertials[0].select = False
        elif len(inertials) > 1:
            for i in inertials:
                if i.name == 'inertial_' + l:
                    props, parent = deriveDictEntry(i)
                        parent, phobostype="link")]['inertial'] = props
            # FIXME: this has to be re-implemented
            #if linkinertial == None:
            #    mass, com, inertia = inertia.fuseInertiaData(inertials)
            #    parent = inertials[0].parent
            #    matrix_local = mathutils.Matrix.Translation(mathutils.Vector(com))
            #    pose = {}
            #    pose['matrix'] = [list(vector) for vector in list(matrix_local)]
            #    pose['translation'] = list(matrix_local.to_translation())
            #    pose['rotation_euler'] = list(matrix_local.to_euler())
            #    pose['rotation_quaternion'] = list(matrix_local.to_quaternion())
            #    props = {'mass': mass, 'pose': pose, 'inertia': inertia}
            #    robot['links'][parent.name]['inertial'] = props
            for i in inertials:
                i.select = False

    # complete link information by parsing visuals and collision objects
    print('\n\nParsing visual and collision (approximation) objects...')
    capsules_list = []
    for obj in bpy.context.selected_objects:
        print("Parsing object " + namingUtils.getObjectName(obj))
        if obj.phobostype in ['visual', 'collision']:
            props, parent = deriveDictEntry(obj)
            if all([
                    key in props for key in ['cylinder', 'sphere1', 'sphere2']
            ]):  # this is the case with simulated capsules
                    props['cylinder']['geometry']['length'] +
                    2 * props['cylinder']['geometry']['radius'],
                    #'bitmask': props['cylinder']['bitmask']
                for key in props:
                        phobostype="link")][obj.phobostype][key] = props[key]
                    parent, phobostype="link")][obj.phobostype][
                            obj, phobostype=obj.phobostype)] = props
            obj.select = False
        elif obj.phobostype == 'approxsphere':
            props, parent = deriveDictEntry(obj)
            obj.select = False

    robot['capsules'] = capsules_list

    # combine collision information for links
    for linkname in robot['links']:
        link = robot['links'][linkname]
        bitmask = 0
        for collname in link['collision']:
                bitmask = bitmask | link['collision'][collname]['bitmask']
            except KeyError:
        link['collision_bitmask'] = bitmask

    # parse sensors and controllers
    print('\n\nParsing sensors and controllers...')
    for obj in bpy.context.selected_objects:
        if obj.phobostype in ['sensor', 'controller']:
            robot[obj.phobostype +
                  's'][namingUtils.getObjectName(obj)] = deriveDictEntry(obj)
            obj.select = False

    # parse materials
    print('\n\nParsing materials...')
    robot['materials'] = collectMaterials(objectlist)
    for obj in objectlist:
        if obj.phobostype == 'visual' and len(obj.data.materials) > 0:
            mat = obj.data.materials[0]
            if not namingUtils.getObjectName(mat) in robot['materials']:
                    mat)] = deriveMaterial(
                        mat)  #this should actually never happen
                    obj, phobostype="visual"
                )]['material'] = namingUtils.getObjectName(mat)

    # gather information on groups of objects
    print('\n\nParsing groups...')
    for group in bpy.data.groups:  # TODO: get rid of the "data" part
        if len(group.objects) > 0 and namingUtils.getObjectName(
                group) != "RigidBodyWorld":
                group)] = deriveGroupEntry(group)

    # gather information on chains of objects
    print('\n\nParsing chains...')
    chains = []
    for obj in bpy.data.objects:
        if obj.phobostype == 'link' and 'endChain' in obj:
    for chain in chains:
        robot['chains'][chain['name']] = chain

    # gather information on global lights
    print('\n\nParsing lights...')
    for obj in bpy.context.selected_objects:
        if obj.phobostype == 'light':
            robot['lights'][namingUtils.getObjectName(obj)] = deriveLight(obj)

    robot['poses'] = deriveStoredPoses()

    #shorten numbers in dictionary to n decimalPlaces and return it
    print('\n\nRounding numbers...')
    epsilon = 10**(-bpy.data.worlds[0].decimalPlaces
                   )  # TODO: implement this separately
    return generalUtils.epsilonToZero(robot, epsilon,
Exemple #22
def buildRobotDictionary():
    """Builds a python dictionary representation of a Blender robot model for export and inspection."""
    objectlist = bpy.context.selected_objects
    #notifications, faulty_objects = robotupdate.updateModel(bpy.context.selected_objects)
    robot = {'links': {},
            'joints': {},
            'sensors': {},
            'motors': {},
            'controllers': {},
            'materials': {},
            'groups': {},
            'chains': {},
            'lights': {}
    #save timestamped version of model
    robot["date"] = datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d_%H:%M")
    root = selectionUtils.getRoot(bpy.context.selected_objects[0])
    if root.phobostype != 'link':
        raise Exception("Found no 'link' object as root of the robot model.")
        if 'modelname' in root:
            robot['modelname'] = root["modelname"]
            robot['modelname'] = 'unnamed_robot'

    # digest all the links to derive link and joint information
    print('\nParsing links, joints and motors...')
    for obj in bpy.context.selected_objects:
        if obj.phobostype == 'link':
            link, joint, motor = deriveKinematics(obj)
            robot['links'][namingUtils.getObjectName(obj, phobostype="link")] = link  # it's important that this is really the object's name
            if joint:  # joint can be None if link is a root
                robot['joints'][joint['name']] = joint
            if motor:
                robot['motors'][joint['name']] = motor
            obj.select = False

    # add inertial information to link
    print('\n\nParsing inertials...')
    for l in robot['links']:
        #link = bpy.data.objects[l] NEW NAMING!
        link = selectionUtils.getObjectByName(l)[0] if selectionUtils.getObjectByName(l) is not None else "ERROR!"
        inertials = selectionUtils.getImmediateChildren(link, ['inertial'])
        if len(inertials) == 1:
            props, parent = deriveDictEntry(inertials[0])
            if not (props is None or parent is None):  # this may be the case if there is inertia information missing
                robot['links'][namingUtils.getObjectName(parent)]['inertial'] = props
            inertials[0].select = False
        elif len(inertials) > 1:
            for i in inertials:
                if namingUtils.getObjectName(i, phobostype="inertial") == 'inertial_' + l:
                    props, parent = deriveDictEntry(i)
                    robot['links'][namingUtils.getObjectName(parent, phobostype="link")]['inertial'] = props
            # FIXME: this has to be re-implemented
            #if linkinertial == None:
            #    mass, com, inertia = inertia.fuseInertiaData(inertials)
            #    parent = inertials[0].parent
            #    matrix_local = mathutils.Matrix.Translation(mathutils.Vector(com))
            #    pose = {}
            #    pose['matrix'] = [list(vector) for vector in list(matrix_local)]
            #    pose['translation'] = list(matrix_local.to_translation())
            #    pose['rotation_euler'] = list(matrix_local.to_euler())
            #    pose['rotation_quaternion'] = list(matrix_local.to_quaternion())
            #    props = {'mass': mass, 'pose': pose, 'inertia': inertia}
            #    robot['links'][parent.name]['inertial'] = props
            for i in inertials:
                i.select = False

    # complete link information by parsing visuals and collision objects
    print('\n\nParsing visual and collision (approximation) objects...')
    for obj in bpy.context.selected_objects:
        print("Parsing object " + namingUtils.getObjectName(obj))
        if obj.phobostype in ['visual', 'collision']:
            props, parent = deriveDictEntry(obj)
            robot['links'][namingUtils.getObjectName(parent, phobostype="link")][obj.phobostype][namingUtils.getObjectName(obj, phobostype=obj.phobostype)] = props
            obj.select = False
        elif obj.phobostype == 'approxsphere':
            props, parent = deriveDictEntry(obj)
            obj.select = False

    # combine collision information for links
    for linkname in robot['links']:
        link = robot['links'][linkname]
        bitmask = 0
        for collname in link['collision']:
                bitmask = bitmask | link['collision'][collname]['bitmask']
            except KeyError:
        link['collision_bitmask'] = bitmask

    # parse sensors and controllers
    print('\n\nParsing sensors and controllers...')
    for obj in bpy.context.selected_objects:
        if obj.phobostype in ['sensor', 'controller']:
            robot[obj.phobostype+'s'][namingUtils.getObjectName(obj)] = deriveDictEntry(obj)
            obj.select = False

    # parse materials
    print('\n\nParsing materials...')
    robot['materials'] = collectMaterials(objectlist)
    for obj in objectlist:
        if obj.phobostype == 'visual' and len(obj.data.materials) > 0:
            mat = obj.data.materials[0]
            if not namingUtils.getObjectName(mat) in robot['materials']:
                robot['materials'][namingUtils.getObjectName(mat)] = deriveMaterial(mat) #this should actually never happen
            robot['links'][namingUtils.getObjectName(obj.parent)]['visual'][namingUtils.getObjectName(obj, phobostype="visual")]['material'] = namingUtils.getObjectName(mat)

    # gather information on groups of objects
    print('\n\nParsing groups...')
    for group in bpy.data.groups:  # TODO: get rid of the "data" part
        if len(group.objects) > 0 and namingUtils.getObjectName(group) != "RigidBodyWorld":
            robot['groups'][namingUtils.getObjectName(group)] = deriveGroupEntry(group)

    # gather information on chains of objects
    print('\n\nParsing chains...')
    chains = []
    for obj in bpy.data.objects:
        if obj.phobostype == 'link' and 'endChain' in obj:
    for chain in chains:
        robot['chains'][chain['name']] = chain

    # gather information on global lights
    print('\n\nParsing lights...')
    for obj in bpy.context.selected_objects:
        if obj.phobostype == 'light':
            robot['lights'][namingUtils.getObjectName(obj)] = deriveLight(obj)

    robot['poses'] = deriveStoredPoses()

    #shorten numbers in dictionary to n decimalPlaces and return it
    print('\n\nRounding numbers...')
    epsilon = 10**(-bpy.data.worlds[0].decimalPlaces)  # TODO: implement this separately
    return generalUtils.epsilonToZero(robot, epsilon, bpy.data.worlds[0].decimalPlaces)
Exemple #23
def deriveEntity(entity, outpath):
    """This function handles a heightmap entity in a scene to export it

      smurf(bpy.types.Object): The heightmap root object.
      outpath(str): The path to export to.
      savetosubfolder(bool): If True data will be exported into subfolders.

      : dict - An entry for the scenes entitiesList


    heightmap = entity

    # determine outpath for the heightmap export
    heightmap_outpath = securepath(os.path.join(outpath, structure_subfolder))

    log("Exporting " + heightmap["entity/name"] + " as a heightmap entity", "INFO")
    entitypose = models.deriveObjectPose(heightmap)
    heightmapMesh = sUtils.getImmediateChildren(heightmap)[0]
    if bpy.data.window_managers[0].heightmapMesh:
        exMesh = heightmapMesh.to_mesh(bpy.context.scene, True, "PREVIEW")
        exMesh.name = "hm_" + heightmap["entity/name"]
        oldMesh = heightmapMesh.data
        heightmapMesh.data = exMesh
        heightmapMesh.modifiers["displace_heightmap"].show_render = False
        heightmapMesh.modifiers["displace_heightmap"].show_viewport = False
        # CHECK are the heightmaps exported to the right directory?
        if bpy.data.window_managers[0].useObj:
            ioUtils.exportObj(heightmap_outpath, heightmapMesh)
            filename = os.path.join("heightmaps", exMesh.name + ".obj")
        elif bpy.data.window_managers[0].useStl:
            ioUtils.exportStl(heightmap_outpath, heightmapMesh)
            filename = os.path.join("heightmaps", exMesh.name + ".stl")
        elif bpy.data.window_managers[0].useDae:
            ioUtils.exportDae(heightmap_outpath, heightmapMesh)
            filename = os.path.join("heightmaps", exMesh.name + ".dae")
            log("No mesh export type checked! Aborting heightmap export.", "ERROR")
            return {}
        heightmapMesh.modifiers["displace_heightmap"].show_render = True
        heightmapMesh.modifiers["displace_heightmap"].show_viewport = True
        heightmapMesh.data = oldMesh
        entry = {
            "name": heightmap["entity/name"],
            "type": "mesh",
            "file": filename,
            "anchor": heightmap["anchor"] if "anchor" in heightmap else "none",
            "position": entitypose["translation"],
            "rotation": entitypose["rotation_quaternion"],

        imagepath = os.path.abspath(
            os.path.join(os.path.split(bpy.data.filepath)[0], heightmap["image"])
        shutil.copy2(imagepath, heightmap_outpath)
        entry = {
            "name": heightmap["entity/name"],
            "type": "heightmap",
            "file": os.path.join("heightmaps", os.path.basename(imagepath)),
            "anchor": heightmap["anchor"] if "anchor" in heightmap else "none",
            "width": heightmapMesh.dimensions[1],
            "length": heightmapMesh.dimensions[0],
            "height": heightmapMesh.modifiers["displace_heightmap"].strength,
            "position": entitypose["translation"],
            "rotation": entitypose["rotation_quaternion"],
    return entry
Exemple #24
def deriveMotor(obj, jointdict=None):
    """Derives motor information from an object.

      obj(bpy_types.Object): Blender object to derive the motor from
      jointdict(dict, optional): phobos representation of the respective joint (Default value = None)

      : dict -- phobos representation of a motor

    import phobos.model.models as models
    import phobos.model.controllers as controllermodel

    props = models.initObjectProperties(obj, phobostype='motor')

    # return None if no motor is attached (there will always be at least a name in the props)
    if len(props) < 2:
        return None

    # make sure the parent is a joint
    if not obj.parent or obj.parent.phobostype != 'link' or 'joint/type' not in obj.parent:
            "Can not derive motor from {}. Insufficient requirements from parent object!"
        return None

    props['joint'] = nUtils.getObjectName(obj.parent, phobostype='joint')

    # todo: transfer joint limits to motor properties
    # check for a mimic motor
    for k in (obj.parent).keys():
        # Check for mimic motor
        if "mimic" in k:
            # Find the name
            mimic_driver = sUtils.getObjectByName(
                (obj.parent)['joint/mimic_joint'], phobostypes=['link'])
            c_motor = sUtils.getImmediateChildren(mimic_driver,
            props['mimic_motor'] = nUtils.getObjectName(c_motor[0],
            props['mimic_multiplier'] = (obj.parent)['joint/mimic_multiplier']
            props['mimic_offset'] = (obj.parent)['joint/mimic_offset']

    # try to derive the motor controller
    controllerobjs = [
        control for control in obj.children
        if control.phobostype == 'controller'
    if controllerobjs:
        controller = controllermodel.deriveController(controllerobjs[0])
        controller = None

    # assign the derived controller
    if controller:
        props['controller'] = controller['name']
        del props['controller']

    return props
Exemple #25
def deriveEntity(entity, outpath, savetosubfolder):
    """This function handles a heightmap entity in a scene to export it

    :param smurf: The heightmap root object.
    :type smurf: bpy.types.Object
    :param outpath: The path to export to.
    :type outpath: str
    :param savetosubfolder: If True data will be exported into subfolders.
    :type savetosubfolder: bool
    :return: dict - An entry for the scenes entitiesList


    heightmap = entity

    # determine outpath for the heightmap export
    heightmap_outpath = securepath(
        os.path.join(outpath, structure_subfolder
                     ) if savetosubfolder else outpath)

    log("Exporting " + heightmap["entity/name"] + " as a heightmap entity",
    entitypose = models.deriveObjectPose(heightmap)
    heightmapMesh = sUtils.getImmediateChildren(heightmap)[0]
    if bpy.data.worlds[0].heightmapMesh:
        exMesh = heightmapMesh.to_mesh(bpy.context.scene, True, "PREVIEW")
        exMesh.name = "hm_" + heightmap["entity/name"]
        oldMesh = heightmapMesh.data
        heightmapMesh.data = exMesh
        heightmapMesh.modifiers["displace_heightmap"].show_render = False
        heightmapMesh.modifiers["displace_heightmap"].show_viewport = False
        if bpy.data.worlds[0].useObj:
            iUtils.exportObj(heightmap_outpath, heightmapMesh)
            filename = os.path.join("heightmaps", exMesh.name + ".obj")
        elif bpy.data.worlds[0].useStl:
            iUtils.exportStl(heightmap_outpath, heightmapMesh)
            filename = os.path.join("heightmaps", exMesh.name + ".stl")
        elif bpy.data.worlds[0].useDae:
            iUtils.exportDae(heightmap_outpath, heightmapMesh)
            filename = os.path.join("heightmaps", exMesh.name + ".dae")
            log("No mesh export type checked! Aborting heightmap export.",
                "ERROR", __name__ + ".handleScene_heightmap")
            return {}
        heightmapMesh.modifiers["displace_heightmap"].show_render = True
        heightmapMesh.modifiers["displace_heightmap"].show_viewport = True
        heightmapMesh.data = oldMesh
        entry = {
            "name": heightmap["entity/name"],
            "type": "mesh",
            "file": filename,
            "anchor": heightmap["anchor"] if "anchor" in heightmap else "none",
            "position": entitypose["translation"],
            "rotation": entitypose["rotation_quaternion"]

        imagepath = os.path.abspath(
                os.path.split(bpy.data.filepath)[0], heightmap["image"]))
        shutil.copy2(imagepath, heightmap_outpath)
        entry = {
            "name": heightmap["entity/name"],
            "type": "heightmap",
            "file": os.path.join("heightmaps", os.path.basename(imagepath)),
            "anchor": heightmap["anchor"] if "anchor" in heightmap else "none",
            "width": heightmapMesh.dimensions[1],
            "length": heightmapMesh.dimensions[0],
            "height": heightmapMesh.modifiers["displace_heightmap"].strength,
            "position": entitypose["translation"],
            "rotation": entitypose["rotation_quaternion"]
    return entry
Exemple #26
def initObjectProperties(
    obj, phobostype=None, ignoretypes=(), includeannotations=True, ignorename=False
    """Initializes phobos dictionary of *obj*, including information stored in custom properties.

      obj(bpy_types.Object): object to derive initial properties from.
      phobostype(str, optional): limit parsing of data fields to this phobostype (Default value = None)
      ignoretypes(list, optional): list of properties ignored while initializing the objects properties. (Default value = ())
      ignorename(bool, optional): whether or not to add the object's name (Default value = False)
      includeannotations: (Default value = True)

      : dict -- phobos properties of the object

    # allow duplicated names differentiated by types
    props = {} if ignorename else {'name': nUtils.getObjectName(obj, phobostype)}

    # if no phobostype is defined, everything is parsed
    if not phobostype:
        for key, value in obj.items():
            # transform Blender id_arrays into lists
            if hasattr(value, 'to_list'):
                value = list(value)
            elif hasattr(value, 'to_dict'):
                value = value.to_dict()
            props[key] = value

    # search for type-specific properties if phobostype is defined
        for key, value in obj.items():
            # transform Blender id_arrays into lists
            if hasattr(value, 'to_list'):
                value = list(value)
            elif hasattr(value, 'to_dict'):
                value = value.to_dict()

            # remove phobostype namespaces for the object
            if key.startswith(phobostype + '/'):
                if key.count('/') == 1:
                    props[key.replace(phobostype + '/', '')] = value
                # TODO make this work for all levels of hierarchy
                elif key.count('/') == 2:
                    category, specifier = key.split('/')[1:]
                    if '$' + category not in props:
                        props['$' + category] = {}
                    props['$' + category][specifier] = value

            # ignore two-level specifiers if phobostype is not present
            elif key.count('/') == 1:
                category, specifier = key.split('/')
                if category not in ignoretypes:
                    if '$' + category not in props:
                        props['$' + category] = {}
                    props['$' + category][specifier] = value

    # collect phobostype specific annotations from child objects
    if includeannotations:
        annotationobjs = sUtils.getImmediateChildren(obj, ('annotation',), selected_only=True)
        for annot in annotationobjs:
                "  Adding annotations from {}.".format(
                    nUtils.getObjectName(annot, phobostype='annotation')
                    annot, phobostype, ignoretypes, includeannotations, ignorename=True

    # recursively enrich the property dictionary
    props = recursive_dictionary_cleanup(props)

    return props