def test_phone_country_dk(): assert phone_country(45) == 'DK' assert phone_country(4566118311) == 'DK' assert phone_country('+4566118311') == 'DK' assert phone_country('+38640118311') == 'SI' assert phone_country('+38340118311') == 'XK' assert phone_country('+37740118311') == 'MC' assert phone_country('+77401183119') == 'KZ' assert phone_country('+79901185311') == 'RU' assert phone_country('+97040118311') == 'PS'
def try_resolve_location_by_name(cls, name: str, phonenumber: str): from import phone_country country = Country.objects.filter(alpha2=phone_country(phonenumber)).first() location = Location.objects.in_country(country).filter(name__icontains=name).first() if location is not None: return location gmaps = googlemaps.Client(key=settings.GOOGLE_API_KEY) try: name += ", " + geocode_result = gmaps.geocode(name) result = geocode_result[0] geometry = result["geometry"] location = geometry["location"] bounds = geometry["bounds"] address_components = result["address_components"] address = address_components[0] location_obj = Location() = address["long_name"] = country location_obj.latitude = location["lat"] location_obj.longitude = location["lng"] location_obj.bounds_northeast_longitude = bounds["northeast"]["lng"] location_obj.bounds_southwest_longitude = bounds["southwest"]["lng"] location_obj.bounds_northeast_latitude = bounds["northeast"]["lat"] location_obj.bounds_southwest_latitude = bounds["southwest"]["lat"] location_obj.googlemaps_place_id = result["place_id"] return location_obj except Exception as e: logging.error(str(e)) return None
def get_country_name_and_flag(phone): try: country = phone_country(phone) return flag.flag(country) + country except: None return flag.flagize(":MX: MX")
def Track_location(self, event): phone_number = self.phone_number.get() country = "Country is Unknown" if phone_number: tracked = pycountry.countries.get(alpha_2=phone_country(phone_number)) print(tracked) if tracked: country = tracked.official_name self.country_label.configure(text=country)
def send_sms(to_number, text): cc = phone_country(to_number) src = {'US': '17077776191', 'CA': '13433441234'}.get(cc, '17077776191') p = plivo.RestAPI(current_app.config['PLIVO_AUTH_ID'], current_app.config['PLIVO_AUTH_TOKEN']) params = {'src': src, 'dst': str(to_number), 'text': text} res = p.send_message(params) return '', 200
def put_user(username): """ PUT: Changes an attribute of the user. """ if username != g.user.username: return authenticate() json = request.get_json(force=True, silent=True) if not json: return jsonify({ 'error': 'Request is not valid JSON' }), 400 try: userSchema(json) except Exception as e: return jsonify({ 'error': 'Improper request. Check documentation and try again.' }), 400 try: for i in list(json): if i == 'password': g.user.change_password(json[i]) elif i == 'email': if json['email'] != setattr(g.user, 'email', json['email']) setattr(g.user, 'email_verified', False) setattr(g.user, 'email_verified_on', None) elif i == 'sms_number': if json['sms_number'] != g.user.sms_number: setattr(g.user, 'sms_number', json['sms_number']) setattr(g.user, 'sms_verified', False) setattr(g.user, 'sms_verified_on', None) else: setattr(g.user, i, json[i]) db.session.commit() res = dict( username = g.user.username, email =, sms_number = g.user.sms_number, sms_country_code = phone_country(g.user.sms_number), sms_verified = g.user.sms_verified, email_verified = g.user.email_verified, api_key = g.user.api_key ) return jsonify({'profile': res}), 200 except Exception as e: return jsonify({ 'error': 'unknown error' }), 400
def test_phone_country_dk(): assert phone_country(45) == 'DK' assert phone_country(4566118311) == 'DK' assert phone_country('+4566118311') == 'DK' assert phone_country('+38640118311') == 'SI' assert phone_country('+38340118311') == 'XK' assert phone_country('+37740118311') == 'MC'
def put_user(username): """ PUT: Changes an attribute of the user. """ if username != g.user.username: return authenticate() json = request.get_json(force=True, silent=True) if not json: return jsonify({'error': 'Request is not valid JSON'}), 400 try: userSchema(json) except Exception as e: return jsonify( {'error': 'Improper request. Check documentation and try again.'}), 400 try: for i in list(json): if i == 'password': g.user.change_password(json[i]) elif i == 'email': if json['email'] != setattr(g.user, 'email', json['email']) setattr(g.user, 'email_verified', False) setattr(g.user, 'email_verified_on', None) elif i == 'sms_number': if json['sms_number'] != g.user.sms_number: setattr(g.user, 'sms_number', json['sms_number']) setattr(g.user, 'sms_verified', False) setattr(g.user, 'sms_verified_on', None) else: setattr(g.user, i, json[i]) db.session.commit() res = dict(username=g.user.username,, sms_number=g.user.sms_number, sms_country_code=phone_country(g.user.sms_number), sms_verified=g.user.sms_verified, email_verified=g.user.email_verified, api_key=g.user.api_key) return jsonify({'profile': res}), 200 except Exception as e: return jsonify({'error': 'unknown error'}), 400
def get_user(username): """ GET: Fetches a user's profile. """ if username != g.user.username: return authenticate() res = dict(username=g.user.username,, sms_number=g.user.sms_number, sms_country_code=phone_country(g.user.sms_number), sms_verified=g.user.sms_verified, email_verified=g.user.email_verified, api_key=g.user.api_key) return jsonify({'profile': res}), 200
def send_sms(to_number, text): cc = phone_country(to_number) src = { 'US': '17077776191', 'CA': '13433441234' }.get(cc, '17077776191') p = plivo.RestAPI( current_app.config['PLIVO_AUTH_ID'], current_app.config['PLIVO_AUTH_TOKEN']) params = { 'src': src, 'dst': str(to_number), 'text': text } res = p.send_message(params) return '', 200
def get_user(username): """ GET: Fetches a user's profile. """ if username != g.user.username: return authenticate() res = dict( username = g.user.username, email =, sms_number = g.user.sms_number, sms_country_code = phone_country(g.user.sms_number), sms_verified = g.user.sms_verified, email_verified = g.user.email_verified, api_key = g.user.api_key ) return jsonify({'profile': res}), 200
def test_whitehouse(): # White house comment line assert phone_country('+1 202-456-1111') == 'US'
def test_missing(): with pytest.raises(InvalidPhone): phone_country(999) with pytest.raises(InvalidPhone): phone_country('999')
def test_invalid(): with pytest.raises(InvalidPhone): phone_country(0)
def reserveSeatFunction(): os.system("cls"); print('\033[1;33;40m\nRESERVE SEAT MENU:'); # INserting the user ID into the database; print('ID'); number_of_IDs = 0; userID = 0; cur.execute("SELECT (user_id) FROM passengers"); for rows in cur: number_of_IDs += 1; if (number_of_IDs == 0): userID = 0; print('Your ID: 0'); else: userID = number_of_IDs; print("Your ID: ", userID); userInformation.append(userID); # username confirmation; os.system("cls"); sleep(1) print('-'*40); print('NAME'); print('-'*40); while True: userFullName = str(input('Name: ')).strip().split(); if (len(userFullName) > 2): first_name = userFullName[0].capitalize(); second_name = userFullName[1].capitalize(); last_name = userFullName[2].capitalize(); userInformation.append(first_name); userInformation.append(second_name); userInformation.append(last_name); break; else: print('Please, you nedd inser a valid username! Try again.'); # user birthdate confirmation; os.system("cls"); sleep(1) print("\n", '-'*40); print('BIRTHDATE'); print('-'*40); while True: # Asking user birthday (DD); userBirthday = str(input("DAY (DD): ")).strip(); if len(userBirthday) == 2: if "01" <= userBirthday <= "31": while True: # asking user birth month (MM); userBirthmonth = str(input("Month (MM): ")).strip(); if len(userBirthmonth) == 2: if "0" <= userBirthmonth <= "12": while True: # Asking user birth year (YYYY); userBirthyear = str(input("Year (YYYY): ")).strip(); if len(userBirthyear) == 4: if userBirthyear < str(actual_year): DATE = datetime(int(userBirthyear), int(userBirthmonth), int(userBirthday)) # Formating to data before insert into mySQL database; userBirthDATE =; userAge = actual_year - int(userBirthyear); break; else: print("Please, the year inserted is invalid! Try again.") else: print("Please, the year is invalid! Try again.") break; else: print("Please, the month inserted is invalid! Try again.") else: print("Please, you need insert a month! Try again.") break; else: print("Please, the day inserted is invalid! Try again.") else: print("Please you need insert a day! Try again.") # user email address confirmation; os.system("cls"); sleep(1) print("\n", '-'*40); print('EMAIL ADDRESS'); print('-'*40); while True: userEmailAddress = str(input('Email address: ')).strip(); if (len(userEmailAddress) != 0 and userEmailAddress.find('@') != -1 and userEmailAddress.find('.') != -1): userInformation.append(userEmailAddress); break; else: print("Please, you need insert a valid email address! Try again.") # user phone number confirmation; os.system("cls"); sleep(1) print("\n", '-'*40); print('PHONE'); print('-'*40); while True: userPhoneNo = str(input('Phone: ')); if (len(userPhoneNo) != 0): userPhoneNo = "+" + userPhoneNo; # checking user country since phone number inseted; country = pycountry.countries.get(alpha_2=phone_country(userPhoneNo)); userCountry =; userOfficialCountryName = country.official_name; break; else: print('Please, you need insert a phone number valid! Try again.'); # user country confirmation; '''os.system("cls"); sleep(1) print("\n", '-'*40); print('COUNTRY'); print('-'*40); while True: userCountry = str(input('Country: ')).upper().strip().capitalize(); if (len(userCountry) != 0): userInformation.append(userCountry); break; else: print('Please, you need insert a country valid! Try again.');''' # user city confirmation; os.system("cls"); sleep(1) print("\n", '-'*40); print('CITY') print('-'*40) while True: userCity = str(input('City: ')).upper().strip().capitalize(); if (len(userCity) != 0): userInformation.append(userCity); break; else: print('Please, you need insert a valid city! Try again.'); # user passport confirmation; os.system("cls"); sleep(1) print("\n", '-'*40); print('PASSPORT'); print('-'*40); while True: userPassport = str(input('Passport: ')) if (len(userPassport) != 0): userInformation.append(userPassport); break; else: print('Please, you need insert a passport number valid! Try again.'); # user ticket confirmation; os.system("cls"); sleep(1); print("\n", '-'*40); print('TICKET'); print('-'*40); while True: userTicket = str(input('Ticket: ')) if (len(userTicket) != 0): userInformation.append(userTicket); break; else: print('Please, you need insert a ticket number valid! Try again.'); os.system("cls"); print("INSERTING USER TO DATABASE") print('-\033[m'*30) # Function inside the database package where the user will be inserted into the database; databaseconnection.insertUserToDatabase(userID, first_name, second_name, last_name, userAge, userBirthDATE, userEmailAddress, userOfficialCountryName, userCountry, userCity, userPhoneNo, userPassport, userTicket);
#0645632754 #import phone_iso3166 import pycountry import tkinter from import phone_country import phonenumbers from phonenumbers import geocoder, carrier number = "33645632754" code = phone_country(number) print("code=" + code) C = pycountry.countries.get(alpha_2=code) print("C={}".format(C)) print("getitng continent") ch_number = phonenumbers.parse(number, "CH") #country name print("ch_number={}".format(ch_number)) print("geocoder={}".format(geocoder.description_for_number(ch_number, "en"))) print("getting operator") service_number = phonenumbers.parse(number, "RO") print("carrier={}".format(carrier.name_for_number(service_number, "en")))
def test_bermuda(): # Bermuda city hall assert phone_country(14412921234) == 'BM'
def test_phone_country_dk(): assert phone_country(45) == 'DK' assert phone_country(4566118311) == 'DK' assert phone_country('+4566118311') == 'DK'
def get_country_code(): code = phone_country(settings.PHONE_NUMBER) print(code)