Exemple #1
def _distribute_forces(supercell, disp, forces, filename, symprec):
    natom = supercell.get_number_of_atoms()
    lattice = supercell.get_cell()
    symbols = supercell.get_chemical_symbols()
    positions = supercell.get_positions()
    positions[disp[0]] += disp[1]
    cell = Atoms(cell=lattice, positions=positions, symbols=symbols, pbc=True)
    symmetry = Symmetry(cell, symprec)
    independent_atoms = symmetry.get_independent_atoms()

    # Rotation matrices in Cartesian
    rotations = []
    for r in symmetry.get_symmetry_operations()["rotations"]:
        rotations.append(similarity_transformation(lattice.T, r))

    map_operations = symmetry.get_map_operations()
    map_atoms = symmetry.get_map_atoms()

    atoms_in_dot_scf = _get_independent_atoms_in_dot_scf(filename)

    if len(forces) != len(atoms_in_dot_scf):
        print("%s does not contain necessary information." % filename)
        print('Plese check if there are "FGL" lines with')
        print('"total forces" are required.')
        return False

    if len(atoms_in_dot_scf) == natom:
        print("It is assumed that there is no symmetrically-equivalent " "atoms in ")
        print("'%s' at wien2k calculation." % filename)
        force_set = forces
    elif len(forces) != len(independent_atoms):
        print("Non-equivalent atoms of %s could not be recognized by phonopy." % filename)
        return False
        # 1. Transform wien2k forces to those on independent atoms
        indep_atoms_to_wien2k = []
        forces_remap = []
        for i, pos_wien2k in enumerate(atoms_in_dot_scf):
            for j, pos in enumerate(cell.get_scaled_positions()):
                diff = pos_wien2k - pos
                diff -= np.rint(diff)
                if (abs(diff) < symprec).all():
                    forces_remap.append(np.dot(rotations[map_operations[j]], forces[i]))

        if len(forces_remap) != len(forces):
            print("Atomic position mapping between Wien2k and phonopy failed.")
            print("If you think this is caused by a bug of phonopy")
            print("please report it in the phonopy mainling list.")
            return False

        # 2. Distribute forces from independent to dependent atoms.
        force_set = []
        for i in range(natom):
            j = indep_atoms_to_wien2k.index(map_atoms[i])
            force_set.append(np.dot(rotations[map_operations[i]].T, forces_remap[j]))

    return force_set
Exemple #2
def get_cell_from_phonopy_structure(ph_structure: PhonopyAtoms,
                                    use_atomic_number: bool = False) -> tuple:
    Get cell from phonopy structure

        ph_structure: PhonopyAtoms object
        use_atomic_number: if True, use atomic number intead of atomic symbol

        tuple: (lattice, scaled_positions, symbols).

    lattice = ph_structure.get_cell()
    scaled_positions = ph_structure.get_scaled_positions()
    if use_atomic_number:
        elements = list(ph_structure.get_atomic_numbers())
        elements = ph_structure.get_chemical_symbols()
    return (lattice, scaled_positions, elements)
Exemple #3
def _distribute_forces(supercell, disp, forces, filename, symprec):
    natom = supercell.get_number_of_atoms()
    lattice = supercell.get_cell()
    symbols = supercell.get_chemical_symbols()
    positions = supercell.get_positions()
    positions[disp[0]] += disp[1]
    cell = Atoms(cell=lattice, positions=positions, symbols=symbols, pbc=True)
    symmetry = Symmetry(cell, symprec)
    independent_atoms = symmetry.get_independent_atoms()

    # Rotation matrices in Cartesian
    rotations = []
    for r in symmetry.get_symmetry_operations()['rotations']:
        rotations.append(similarity_transformation(lattice.T, r))

    map_operations = symmetry.get_map_operations()
    map_atoms = symmetry.get_map_atoms()

    atoms_in_dot_scf = _get_independent_atoms_in_dot_scf(filename)

    if len(forces) != len(atoms_in_dot_scf):
        print("%s does not contain necessary information." % filename)
        print("Plese check if there are \"FGL\" lines with")
        print("\"total forces\" are required.")
        return False

    if len(atoms_in_dot_scf) == natom:
        print("It is assumed that there is no symmetrically-equivalent "
              "atoms in ")
        print("\'%s\' at wien2k calculation." % filename)
        force_set = forces
    elif len(forces) != len(independent_atoms):
            "Non-equivalent atoms of %s could not be recognized by phonopy." %
        return False
        # 1. Transform wien2k forces to those on independent atoms
        indep_atoms_to_wien2k = []
        forces_remap = []
        for i, pos_wien2k in enumerate(atoms_in_dot_scf):
            for j, pos in enumerate(cell.get_scaled_positions()):
                diff = pos_wien2k - pos
                diff -= np.rint(diff)
                if (abs(diff) < symprec).all():
                        np.dot(rotations[map_operations[j]], forces[i]))

        if len(forces_remap) != len(forces):
            print("Atomic position mapping between Wien2k and phonopy failed.")
            print("If you think this is caused by a bug of phonopy")
            print("please report it in the phonopy mainling list.")
            return False

        # 2. Distribute forces from independent to dependent atoms.
        force_set = []
        for i in range(natom):
            j = indep_atoms_to_wien2k.index(map_atoms[i])
                np.dot(rotations[map_operations[i]].T, forces_remap[j]))

    return force_set
def assert_same_phonopy_atoms(actual: PhonopyAtoms, expected: PhonopyAtoms):
    assert (actual.get_cell() == expected.get_cell()).all()
    assert (actual.get_scaled_positions() == expected.get_scaled_positions()
    assert actual.symbols == expected.symbols