def index(id, position): g.current = "profile" db = get_db() cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT phone FROM %s_phone WHERE id = '%d'" % (position, id,)) phone = cursor.fetchone() if phone == None: cursor.execute("SELECT, pos.position position, pos.username username, pos.level level, " "pos.birthday birthday, pos.home home" " FROM %s pos" " WHERE = '%d'" % (position, id,)) profiles = cursor.fetchone() profiles['phone'] = None else: cursor.execute("SELECT, pos.position position, pos.username username, pos.level level, " "pos.birthday birthday, pos.home home, MAX( phone" " FROM %s pos, %s_phone phone" " WHERE = '%d' AND" " =" % (position, position, id,)) profiles = cursor.fetchone() if profiles['position'] == 'aftereffect': profiles['position'] = 'After Effect' if profiles['position'] == 'devicemanager': profiles['position'] = 'Device Manager' if profiles['position'] == 'projectmanager': profiles['position'] = 'Project Manager' if profiles['position'] == 'photographer': profiles['position'] = 'Photographer' return render_template('profile/profile_index.html', profiles=profiles)
def get_all_name(position): db = get_db() cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT username FROM %s " % (position, )) names = cursor.fetchall() return names
def delete(id): get_post(id) db = get_db() cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute("DELETE FROM post WHERE id = '%d'" % (id,)) db.commit() return redirect(url_for('dashboard.index',orders=None, sales = None))
def update(id): post = get_post(id) if request.method == 'POST': title = request.form['title'] body = request.form['body'] error = None if not title: error = 'Title is required.' if error is not None: flash(error) else: db = get_db() cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute( "UPDATE post SET title = '%s', body = '%s'" " WHERE id = '%d'" % \ (title, body, id) ) db.commit() return redirect(url_for('dashboard.index')) return render_template('dashboard/update.html', post=post)
def delete(id): position = 'photographer' # just in case g.current = "profile" get_profile(id, position) db = get_db() cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute("DELETE FROM post WHERE id = '%d'" % (id,)) db.commit() return redirect(url_for('dashboard.index'))
def update(id, position): g.current = "profile" profiles = get_profile(id, position) if profiles['position'] == 'aftereffect': profiles['position'] = 'After Effect' if profiles['position'] == 'devicemanager': profiles['position'] = 'Device Manager' if profiles['position'] == 'projectmanager': profiles['position'] = 'Project Manager' if profiles['position'] == 'photographer': profiles['position'] = 'Photographer' if request.method == 'POST': username = request.form['username'] birthday = request.form['birthday'] phone = request.form['phone'] password = request.form['password'] password2 = request.form['password2'] home = request.form['address'] username = str(username) birthday = str(birthday) phone = str(phone) password = str(password) password2 = str(password2) error = None if not username: error = 'Username is required.' if password != password2: error = 'Password is not consistent' if not (len(phone) == 11 or len(phone) == 8) or not phone.isdigit(): error = 'Incorrect phone' if error is not None: flash(error) return render_template('profile/profile_update.html', profiles=profiles, error = error) else: db = get_db() cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute("DELETE FROM %s_phone WHERE id = '%d'" % (position, id)) cursor.execute( "UPDATE %s SET username = '******', birthday = '%s', password = '******', home = '%s'" " WHERE id = '%d'" % \ (position, username, birthday, generate_password_hash(password), home, id) ) cursor.execute("INSERT INTO %s_phone(id, phone) VALUES ('%d', '%s')" % (position, id, phone)) db.commit() return redirect(url_for('profile.index', id=id, position=position)) return render_template('profile/profile_update.html', profiles=profiles, error = error) return render_template('profile/profile_update.html', profiles=profiles)
def detail_delete(id): db = get_db() cursor = db.cursor() val = (id, ) cursor.execute("DELETE FROM takephoto WHERE orderid = %s", val) cursor.execute("DELETE FROM doeffect WHERE orderid = %s", val) cursor.execute("DELETE FROM boughtby WHERE orderid = %s", val) cursor.execute("DELETE FROM photodevice WHERE orderid = %s", val) cursor.execute("DELETE FROM porder WHERE orderid = %s", val) cursor.execute("DELETE FROM vehicle WHERE orderid = %s", val) db.commit() return redirect(url_for('dashboard.index'))
def load_logged_in_user(): user_id = session.get('user_id') user_position = session.get('user_position') user_position = str(user_position) if user_id is None: g.user = None else: db = get_db() cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE id = '%d'" % ( user_position, user_id, )) g.user = cursor.fetchone()
def get_photographers(id, check_author=True): db = get_db() cursor = db.cursor() val = (id, ) cursor.execute( "SELECT id, photo.username name, photo.level level, MAX( phone" " FROM photographer photo, photographer_phone pp" " WHERE = AND" " in (SELECT photographerid" " FROM takephoto" " WHERE orderid = %s)" " GROUP BY, photo.username, photo.level", val) photographers = cursor.fetchall() return photographers
def history_index(): if (g.user): g.current = "history_order.history_index" db = get_db() cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute( "SELECT *" " FROM porder" " WHERE status = 'complete'" " ORDER BY satisfaction DESC" ) orders = cursor.fetchall() return render_template('history_order/history_index.html', orders=orders) else: return redirect(url_for('auth.login'))
def get_aftereffects(id, check_author=True): db = get_db() cursor = db.cursor() val = (id, ) cursor.execute( "SELECT id, effect.username name, effect.level level, MAX( phone" " FROM aftereffect effect, aftereffect_phone ap" " WHERE = AND" " in (SELECT effectid" " FROM doeffect" " WHERE orderid = %s)" " GROUP BY, effect.username, effect.level", val) aftereffects = cursor.fetchall() return aftereffects
def index(): if (g.user): g.current = "index" db = get_db() cursor = db.cursor() if g.user['position'] == 'projectmanager': cursor.execute( "SELECT *" " FROM porder" " WHERE NOT status = 'complete' AND managerid = '%d' " " ORDER BY orderid" % (g.user['id']) ) if g.user['position'] == 'photographer': cursor.execute( "SELECT *" " FROM porder" " WHERE NOT status = 'complete' AND orderid IN (SELECT" " orderid FROM takephoto WHERE photographerid = '%d')" " ORDER BY orderid" % (g.user['id']) ) if g.user['position'] == 'aftereffect': cursor.execute( "SELECT *" " FROM porder" " WHERE NOT status = 'complete' AND orderid IN (SELECT " "orderid FROM doeffect WHERE effectid = '%d')" " ORDER BY orderid" % (g.user['id']) ) print(g.user['position']) orders = cursor.fetchall() cursor.execute( "SELECT MONTH(startdate) month, SUM(price) sale" " FROM porder" " WHERE YEAR(startdate) = YEAR(CURDATE())" " GROUP BY MONTH(startdate)" ) sales = cursor.fetchall() # cursor.execute( # "SELECT o.managerid o.SUM(price) m.username" # "FROM porder o, projectmanager m" # "WHERE o.managerid = AND" # ) return render_template('dashboard/index.html', orders=orders, sales = sales) else: return redirect(url_for('auth.login'))
def login(): g.current = "unlogin" if request.method == 'POST': username = request.form['username'] password = request.form['password'] position = request.form['position'] position = str(position) db = get_db() error = None cursor = db.cursor() if position == 'boss' or position == 'Device Manager': error = 'This position is not available in the demo' position = position.lower() if error is None: if position == 'project manager': position = 'projectmanager' val = (username) cursor.execute( "SELECT * FROM projectmanager WHERE username = %s", val) if position == 'after effect': position = 'aftereffect' val = (username) cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM aftereffect WHERE username = %s", val) if position == 'photographer': val = (username) cursor.execute( "SELECT * FROM photographer WHERE username = %s", val) user = cursor.fetchone() if user is None: error = 'Incorrect username.' else: if not check_password_hash(user['password'], password): error = 'Incorrect password.' if error is None: session.clear() session['user_id'] = user['id'] session['user_position'] = user['position'] return redirect(url_for('index')) return render_template('auth/login.html', error=error) return render_template('auth/login.html')
def get_post(id, check_author=True): db = get_db() cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute( "SELECT, title, body, created, author_id, username" " FROM post p JOIN user u ON p.author_id =" " WHERE = '%d'" % \ (id,) ) post = cursor.fetchone() if post is None: abort(404, "Post id {0} doesn't exist.".format(id)) if check_author and post['author_id'] != g.user['id']: abort(403) return post
def get_order(id, check_author=True): db = get_db() cursor = db.cursor() val = (id, ) cursor.execute( "SELECT ord.orderid orderid, ord.startdate startdate," " ord.status status, ord.expectduration expectduration," " ord.price price, place, ord.ordertype ordertype, ord.description description," " ord.satisfaction satisfaction, ma.username managername" " FROM porder ord, projectmanager ma" " WHERE ord.orderid = %s AND" " ord.managerid =", val) order = cursor.fetchone() if order is None: abort(404, "Order id {0} doesn't exist.".format(id)) # if check_author and post['author_id'] != g.user['id']: # abort(403) return order
def get_profile(id, position, check_author=True): db = get_db() cursor = db.cursor() # position = "".join(position.split()) ## remove space sql = ("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE id = '%d'" % (position, id,)) cursor.execute(sql) profiles = cursor.fetchone() cursor.execute("SELECT phone FROM %s_phone WHERE id = '%d'" % (position, id,)) phone = cursor.fetchone() if phone == None: profiles['phone'] = None else: profiles['phone'] = phone['phone'] if profiles is None: abort(404, "Post id {0} doesn't exist.".format(id)) if check_author and profiles['id'] != g.user['id']: abort(403) return profiles
def create(): if request.method == 'POST': title = request.form['title'] body = request.form['body'] error = None if not title: error = 'Title is required.' if error is not None: flash(error) else: db = get_db() cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute( "INSERT INTO post (title, body, author_id)" " VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%d')" % \ (title, body, g.user['id']) ) db.commit() return redirect(url_for('dashboard.index')) return render_template('dashboard/create.html')
def order_check(id=-1): error = None flag = False if request.method == 'POST': status = request.form['status'] startdate = request.form['startdate'] expectduration = request.form['expectduration'] price = request.form['price'] ordertype = request.form['ordertype'] managername = request.form['managername'] description = request.form['description'] photographernames = request.form.getlist('photographer_name') aftereffectnames = request.form.getlist('aftereffect_name') status = str(status) startdate = str(startdate) expectduration = int(expectduration) price = int(price) ordertype = str(ordertype) managername = str(managername) description = str(description) ordertype = ordertype.lower() error = None flag = True if not status or not startdate or not expectduration or not price \ or not ordertype or not managername or not photographernames or \ not aftereffectnames or not description: error = 'Basic information is not complete.' if not photographernames or not aftereffectnames: error = 'Photographer and aftereffect information is not complete.' if ordertype != 'wedding' and ordertype != 'art' and ordertype != 'business': error = 'This order type does not exist' if expectduration > 1000: error = 'Expect duration is larger than 1000 days' db = get_db() cursor = db.cursor() val = (managername, ) cursor.execute("SELECT id from projectmanager WHERE username = %s", val) manager = cursor.fetchone() if manager is None: error = 'Incorrect manager' if error is not None: # flash(error) flag = False else: flag = True managerid = manager['id'] managerid = int(managerid) if id == -1: val = (startdate, status, expectduration, price, ordertype, managerid) cursor.execute( "INSERT INTO porder(startdate, status, expectduration, price, ordertype, managerid)" "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s);", val) cursor.execute( " SELECT orderid FROM porder ORDER BY orderid DESC") return_order = cursor.fetchone() id = return_order['orderid'] if id != -1: val = (startdate, status, expectduration, price, ordertype, managerid, description, id) cursor.execute( "UPDATE porder SET startdate = %s, status = %s," " expectduration = %s, price = %s, ordertype = %s," " managerid = %s, description = %s" " WHERE orderid = %s", val) val = (id, ) cursor.execute("DELETE FROM takephoto WHERE orderid = %s", val) cursor.execute("DELETE FROM doeffect WHERE orderid = %s", val) for photographername in photographernames: val = (photographername) cursor.execute( "SELECT id FROM photographer WHERE username = %s", val) photographerid = cursor.fetchone() val = (id, photographerid['id']) cursor.execute( "INSERT INTO takephoto(orderid, photographerid) VALUES (%s, %s)", val) for aftereffectname in aftereffectnames: val = (aftereffectname) cursor.execute( "SELECT id FROM aftereffect WHERE username = %s", val) aftereffectid = cursor.fetchone() val = (id, aftereffectid['id']) cursor.execute( "INSERT INTO doeffect(orderid, effectid) VALUES (%s, %s)", val) db.commit() return flag, error, id
def register(): g.current = "unlogin" if request.method == 'POST': username = request.form['username'] password = request.form['password'] password2 = request.form['password2'] position = request.form['position'] position = str(position) db = get_db() error = None cursor = db.cursor() if not username: error = 'Username is required.' elif password != password2: error = 'Password is inconsistant.' elif not position: error = 'position is required.' elif position == 'Boss' or position == 'Device Manager': error = 'This position is not available in the demo' else: position = position.lower() if position == 'project manager': position = 'projectmanager' val = (username) cursor.execute( "SELECT id FROM projectmanager WHERE username = %s", val) if position == 'after effect': position = 'aftereffect' val = (username) cursor.execute( "SELECT id FROM aftereffect WHERE username = %s", val) if position == 'photographer': val = (username) cursor.execute( "SELECT id FROM photographer WHERE username = %s", val) if cursor.fetchone() == None: error = 'User {} Does not exist. Or you enter the wrong position'.format( username) if error is None: cursor.execute( "UPDATE %s SET password = '******' WHERE username = '******'" % \ (position, generate_password_hash(password), username)) if position == 'projectmanager': val = (generate_password_hash(password), username) cursor.execute( "UPDATE projectmanager SET password = %s WHERE username = %s", val) if position == 'photographer': val = (generate_password_hash(password), username) cursor.execute( "UPDATE photographer SET password = %s WHERE username = %s", val) if position == 'aftereffect': val = (generate_password_hash(password), username) cursor.execute( "UPDATE aftereffect SET password = %s WHERE username = %s", val) db.commit() return redirect(url_for('auth.login')) print("resigter page error is: ", error) return render_template('auth/register.html', error=error) return render_template('auth/register.html')