import photo_module as m import os while True: photo_name = input("請輸入要下載的圖片名稱: ") download_num = int(input("請輸入要下載的數量: ")) photo_list = m.get_photolist(photo_name, download_num) if photo_list == None: print("找不到圖片, 請換關鍵字再試試看") else: if len(photo_list) < download_num: print("找到的相關圖片僅有", len(photo_list), "張") else: print("取得所有圖片連結") break folder_name = m.create_folder(photo_name) print("開始下載...") for i in range(len(photo_list)): m.download_pic(photo_list[i], folder_name + os.sep + photo_name + os.sep + str(i + 1)) print("\n下載完畢")
# photo parser main progaom # Author:Norman Chen # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # import necessary library import photo_module as pm import PicDownload as PD import os while True: photo_name, download_num, folder_name = pm.create_folder() photo_list = pm.getPhotolist(photo_name, download_num) if photo_list == None: print( "[INFO] ===> There is nothing to be found, please correct keyword ....." ) os.rmdir(folder_name + os.sep + photo_name) # remove the wrong folder elif photo_name is False: # there is the same folder name as keyword print( "[INFO] ===> There is same folder name, please input photo folder name again ...." ) else: if len(photo_list) < download_num: print("[INFO] ===> Only can find", len(photo_list), "pictures") else: print(