Exemple #1
 def take_a_selfie(self, filename='.temp.jpg'):
     self.name = raw_input()
     self.selfie = raw_input()
     if 'selfie' in self.selfie:
         img = photos.capture_image()
         if img:
             speech.say(self.name + ', you look stunning!')
             print self.name + ', you look stunning!'
                 'Would you like to save your master piece in a custom album?'
             print 'Would you like to save your master piece in a custom album?'
             self.to_save_or_not_to_save = raw_input()
             if 'ye' in self.to_save_or_not_to_save:
                 photos.create_album(self.name + 's Album')
                     'Okay. I have created your own custom album to save your legendary pic.'
                 print 'Okay. I have created your own custom album to save your legendary pic.'
                     'Hold the image to save your elegant pic in your custom album'
                 print 'Hold the image to save your elegant pic in your custom album'
                     'Affirmative... Your photo will be deleted after this session.'
                 print 'Affirmative... Your photo will be deleted after this session.'
def get_album():
	albums = photos.get_albums()
	albums = [a for a in albums if a.title == ALBUM_NAME]
	if not albums:
		return photos.create_album(ALBUM_NAME)
		return albums[0]
Exemple #3
def get_album(title):
    for coll in photos.get_albums():
        if coll.title == title:
        coll = photos.create_album(title)
    return coll
    def album_create(self, title):
        title = title.strip()

        if title in self.album_titles:
            self._alert_error('Album already exists.')

            album = photos.create_album(title)
            if isinstance(album, photos.AssetCollection):
                return album
                if title in self.album_titles:
                    id = self.album_titles.index(title)
                    return self.albums[id]
                    self._alert_error('An unknown error has occurred resulting in the album not being created.\n' \
                                      'Please restart Pythonista and try again.')
                    return False

        except Exception as e:
            There are no documented expected Exceptions with this call; so our only choice is a generic handler.
            Note: This is working primarily around iOS's internal frameowrks. Determing the exception time, or rather
                  any exception beyond a base exception (captured above).
            self._alert_error('Unable to create album {}. \nError: {}'.format(
                title, e))
def addImagefileToAlbum(imagefilePath, albumName):
        album = [a for a in photos.get_albums() if a.title == albumName][0]
    except IndexError:
        album = photos.create_album(albumName)
    asset = photos.create_image_asset(imagefilePath)
def add_to_album(image_path, album_name):
        album = [a for a in photos.get_albums() if a.title == album_name][0]
    except IndexError:
        album = photos.create_album(album_name)
    asset = photos.create_image_asset(image_path)
Exemple #7
def check_for_album_or_make(album_name):
  all_albums = photos.get_albums()
  found = False
  for some_album in all_albums:
    if found:
    elif some_album.title == album_name:
      found = True
      found_album = some_album
  if not found:
    found_album = photos.create_album(album_name)
  return found_album
Exemple #8
def add_to_album(image_path, album_name):
    # KUDOS to Ole Zorn here!
    # Source: https://forum.omz-software.com/topic/3889/adding-an-image-to-my-own-album-in-photos-how/2
    # Find the album or create it:
        album = [a for a in photos.get_albums() if a.title == album_name][0]
    except IndexError:
        album = photos.create_album(album_name)
    # Add the file as an asset to the library:
    asset = photos.create_image_asset(image_path)
    # Workaround a possible timestamp bug:
    asset.creation_date = datetime.datetime.now()
    # Add the asset to the album:
Exemple #9
def export_images():
    all_images = glob(os.path.join(
    album = photos.create_album('AWS Icon Export')
    album_assets = []
    for image in all_images:
        print('Processing Image: {}'.format(os.path.basename(image)))
        img_asset = photos.create_image_asset(image)
Exemple #10
    def touch_began(self, touch):

        current = location.get_location()
        latLong = (round(current['latitude'],
                         4), round(current['longitude'], 4)
                   )  #solved the close points problem using rounding
        picTaken = latLong in self.photoLocations

        x, y = touch.location

        if self.imageModeOpen == True:
            self.imageModeOpen = False
            self.img.hidden = True

        if self.loopPrompt == True:
            if x > 50 and x < self.size.x / 2 and y < self.size.y / 2 and y > self.size.y / 2 - 50:
                self.loopPrompt = False
                self.loopPromptState = 1
            elif x > self.size.x / 2 and x < self.size.x - 50 and y < self.size.y / 2 and y > self.size.y / 2 - 50:
                self.loopPrompt = False
                self.loopPromptState = 2

        elif self.MoreState == True:
            #SOS State
            if x < self.size.w / 2 + 30 and x > self.size.w / 2 - 30 and y > 50 and y < 100 and self.MoreState == True:

            elif x < 100 and x > 50 and y < 220 and y > 160 and len(
                    self.locations) >= 2:
                googleMapsMaxPoints = 20
                mapLocations = copy.deepcopy(self.locations)
                if len(self.locations) > googleMapsMaxPoints:
                    mapLocations = []
                    jump = math.ceil(len(self.locations) / googleMapsMaxPoints)
                    for i in range(0, len(self.locations), jump):
                        mapLocations += [self.locations[i]]
                self.query = 'safari-https://www.google.com/maps/dir/'
                for loc in mapLocations:
                    self.query += str(loc[0])
                    self.query += ","
                    self.query += str(loc[1])
                    self.query += "/"
                self.query = self.query[:-1]

            elif x < self.size.x / 2 + 40 and x > self.size.x / 2 - 40 and y < 220 and y > 160 and len(
                    self.locations) >= 2:
                googleMapsMaxPoints = 20
                mapLocations = copy.deepcopy(self.locations)
                if len(self.locations) > googleMapsMaxPoints:
                    mapLocations = []
                    jump = math.ceil(len(self.locations) / googleMapsMaxPoints)
                    for i in range(0, len(self.locations), jump):
                        mapLocations += [self.locations[i]]
                self.query = 'safari-https://www.google.com/maps/dir/'
                for loc in mapLocations:
                    self.query += str(loc[0])
                    self.query += ","
                    self.query += str(loc[1])
                    self.query += "/"
                self.query = self.query[:-1]
                self.clipState = True

            elif x < self.size.x - 50 and x > self.size.x - 100 and y < 220 and y > 160 and len(
                    self.locations) > 2:
                self.pathState = True

                self.MoreState = False
                self.clipState = False
                self.pathState = False

        #open landmark
        elif y > 150 and y < 200 and self.imageMode == True:
            self.imageModeOpen = True
            self.imageMode = False

            self.heightFrame = (self.photoHeight /
                                self.photoWidth) * (self.size.x)
            self.widthFrame = (self.photoWidth /
                               self.photoWidth) * (self.size.x)

            self.heightPhoto = (self.photoHeight /
                                self.photoWidth) * (self.size.x - 20)
            self.widthPhoto = (self.photoWidth /
                               self.photoWidth) * (self.size.x - 20)

            self.halfScreenFrame = self.size.y / 2 - self.heightFrame / 2
            self.halfScreen = self.size.y / 2 - self.heightPhoto / 2

            self.img = ui.Button(name='image')
            self.img.frame = (10, self.halfScreen, self.widthPhoto,
            self.img.background_image = self.ui_image
            self.img.enable = False
            self.img.hidden = False

        elif y < 150 and y > 200 and self.imageMode == True:
            self.imageMode = False

        #reset button
        elif x < 100 and x > 50 and y < 100 and y > 50:
            self.measuringOn = False
            self.checkedOnce = 0
            self.background_color = self.theme["backgroundColor"]
            self.locations = []
            self.needMore = False
            self.photoCount = 0
            self.photoLocations = []
            self.locationsLeft = []
            self.needMore = False
            self.timerCount = 0

        #more button
        elif x < self.size.w / 2 + 25 and x > self.size.w / 2 - 25 and y < 30 and y > 0:
            self.MoreState = True

        #take photos and add to album
        elif x < self.size.w / 2 + 30 and x > self.size.w / 2 - 30 and y > 50 and y < 100 and self.MoreState == False and self.measuringOn == True and picTaken == False:
            imageree = photos.capture_image()
            if imageree != None:
                self.photoCount += 1
                allAssets = photos.get_assets()
                theImage = allAssets[-1]
                # Find the album or create it:
                    self.photoLibrary = [
                        a for a in photos.get_albums() if a.title == 'Thread'
                except IndexError:
                    self.photoLibrary = photos.create_album('Thread')
                # Add the file as an asset to the library:
                # asset = photos.create_image_asset(theImage)
                # Add the asset to the album:
                theImage = allAssets[len(allAssets) - 1]

                self.photoLocations += [latLong]

        #compass State: Letters (NWSE) or degrees
        elif x < 325 and x > 275 and y < 100 and y > 50:
            self.compassStat = not (self.compassStat)

        elif self.measuringOn == False and self.checkedOnce == 0:
            self.measuringOn = True
            self.background_color = self.theme["backgroundColor"]
            self.checkedOnce += 1

        elif self.measuringOn == True and self.checkedOnce == 1 and len(
                self.locations) < 4:
            self.needMore = True

        elif self.measuringOn == True and self.checkedOnce == 1 and len(
                self.locations) > 3:
            self.needMore = False
            self.measuringOn = False
            self.background_color = self.theme["backgroundColor"]
            self.checkedOnce += 1

        elif self.measuringOn == False and self.checkedOnce == 3:
            self.background_color = self.theme["backgroundColor"]
            self.checkedOnce += 1
    def touch_began(self, touch):

        #creates a query of the locations recorded and opens it on google maps
        #because the query accepts at most around 20 points, if you have more
        #than 20 points it will create a new list and get points evenly spaced
        #throughout the path to a total of less than 20. Looks representative
        #and accurate.
        def mapView(self):
            googleMapsMaxPoints = 20
            mapLocations = copy.deepcopy(self.locations)
            if len(self.locations) > googleMapsMaxPoints:
                mapLocations = []
                jump = math.ceil(len(self.locations) / googleMapsMaxPoints)
                for i in range(0, len(self.locations), jump):
                    mapLocations += [self.locations[i]]
            self.query = 'safari-https://www.google.com/maps/dir/'
            for loc in mapLocations:
                self.query += str(loc[0])
                self.query += ","
                self.query += str(loc[1])
                self.query += "/"
            self.query = self.query[:-1]

        #when you run across a landmark (photo) you placed down, it will
        #notify you its present and you can tap to reveal the photo
        def openLandmark(self):
            self.imageModeOpen = True
            self.imageMode = False

            self.heightPhoto = (self.photoHeight/self.photoWidth) * \
            self.widthPhoto = (self.photoWidth/self.photoWidth) * \

            self.heightFrame = self.heightPhoto + 10
            self.widthFrame = self.widthPhoto + 10

            self.halfScreenFrame = self.size.y / 2 - self.heightFrame / 2
            self.halfScreen = self.size.y / 2 - self.heightPhoto / 2

            #asked a question on the omz (Pythonista) forum and they answered!
            #opens the image and has it hidden.
            self.img = ui.Button(name='image')
            self.img.frame = (10, self.halfScreen, self.widthPhoto,
            self.img.background_image = self.ui_image
            self.img.enable = False
            self.img.hidden = False

        #when you tap, get the current location to perform functions
        current = location.get_location()
        #solved the close points problem using rounding
        latLong = (round(current['latitude'],
                         4), round(current['longitude'], 4))
        picTaken = latLong in self.photoLocations

        #get the location on the screen of the touch
        x, y = touch.location

        #if the image is open, close it when you tap (has to be off the image)
        if self.imageModeOpen == True:
            self.imageModeOpen = False
            self.img.hidden = True

        #if you have the loop Prompt, you must tap an answer in order to use
        #the other functions
        if self.loopPrompt == True:
            if x > 50 and x < self.size.x/2 and y < self.size.y/2 \
            and y > self.size.y/2 - 50:
                self.loopPrompt = False
                self.loopPromptState = 1
            elif x > self.size.x/2 and x < self.size.x-50 \
            and y < self.size.y/2 and y > self.size.y/2 - 50:
                self.loopPrompt = False
                self.loopPromptState = 2

        #when it has the more menu open, you must are not able to tap any of
        #the other buttons, other than the ones in the more menu
        elif self.MoreState == True:
            #SOS State tap, call the cops if you tap
            if x < self.size.w/2 + 30 and x > self.size.w/2 - 30 \
            and y > 50 and y < 100 and self.MoreState == True:

            #MapView tap
            elif x < 100 and x > 50 and y < 220 and y > 160 and \
            len(self.locations) >= 2:

            #create the query, but make it a link for phone users, and copy
            #it to the clipboard
            elif x < self.size.x/2+40 and x > self.size.x/2-40 and \
            y < 220 and y > 160 and len(self.locations) >= 2:
                googleMapsMaxPoints = 20
                mapLocations = copy.deepcopy(self.locations)
                if len(self.locations) > googleMapsMaxPoints:
                    mapLocations = []
                    jump = math.ceil(len(self.locations) / googleMapsMaxPoints)
                    for i in range(0, len(self.locations), jump):
                        mapLocations += [self.locations[i]]
                self.query = 'safari-https://www.google.com/maps/dir/'
                for loc in mapLocations:
                    self.query += str(loc[0])
                    self.query += ","
                    self.query += str(loc[1])
                    self.query += "/"
                self.query = self.query[:-1]
                self.clipState = True

            #tap on Trace button to reveal the path
            elif x < self.size.x-50 and x > self.size.x-100 and y < 220 \
            and y > 160 and len(self.locations) > 2:
                self.pathState = True

            #tap on theme button to switch the theme
            elif x < self.size.w/2 + 30 and x > self.size.w/2 - 30 \
            and y > self.size.y-95-40 and y < self.size.y-95+40:
                self.themeSwitch += 1
                if self.themeSwitch % 2 == 0:
                    self.theme = self.lightMode
                elif self.themeSwitch % 2 == 1:
                    self.theme = self.darkMode

            #tap off a button while in the more menu, and it exits the menu
                self.MoreState = False
                self.clipState = False
                self.pathState = False

        #open landmark by tapping on the banner
        elif y > 150 and y < 200 and self.imageMode == True:

        #if in image mode, tap off the image to get rid of it off the screen
        elif y < 150 and y > 200 and self.imageMode == True:
            self.imageMode = False

        #reset button resets everything
        elif x < 100 and x > 50 and y < 100 and y > 50:
            self.measuringOn = False
            self.functionState = 0
            self.background_color = self.theme["backgroundColor"]
            self.locations = []
            self.needMore = False
            self.photoCount = 0
            self.photoLocations = []
            self.locationsLeft = []
            self.needMore = False
            self.timerCount = 0

        #more button is a small and out of the way, opens up more menu
        elif x < self.size.w/2 + 25 and x > self.size.w/2 - 25 and y < 30 \
        and y > 0:
            self.MoreState = True

        #take photos and add to album
        elif x < self.size.w/2 + 30 and x > self.size.w/2 - 30 \
        and y > 50 and y < 100 and self.MoreState == False and \
        self.measuringOn == True and picTaken == False:
            imageree = photos.capture_image()
            if imageree != None:
                #open up the camera and you can take photo
                self.photoCount += 1
                allAssets = photos.get_assets()
                theImage = allAssets[-1]
                #if there is no album, create album 'Thread'
                    self.photoLibrary = [a for a in photos.get_albums() \
                    if a.title == 'Thread'][0]
                except IndexError:
                    self.photoLibrary = photos.create_album('Thread')

                #add the image to the album for the user to have and for
                #future use in the app's use (landmarks!)
                theImage = allAssets[len(allAssets) - 1]

                self.photoLocations += [latLong]

        #compass State: Letters (NWSE) or degrees
        elif x < 325 and x > 275 and y < 100 and y > 50:
            self.compassStat = not (self.compassStat)

        #go to measuring mode when tapped for the first time
        elif self.measuringOn == False and self.functionState == 0:
            self.measuringOn = True
            self.background_color = self.theme["backgroundColor"]
            self.functionState += 1

        #if you need more values do not let the user stop recording
        elif self.measuringOn == True and self.functionState == 1 \
        and len(self.locations) < 4:
            self.needMore = True

        #if you have enough locations, when you tap you can move to next state
        elif self.measuringOn == True and self.functionState == 1 \
        and len(self.locations) > 3:
            self.needMore = False
            self.measuringOn = False
            self.background_color = self.theme["backgroundColor"]
            self.functionState += 1

        #move function state up to state 4 so you can begin tracing back
        elif self.measuringOn == False and self.functionState == 3:
            self.background_color = self.theme["backgroundColor"]
            self.functionState += 1
Exemple #12
def getAlbum(album_name):
	albums = photos.get_albums()
	for ab in albums:
		if ab.title == album_name:
			return ab
	return photos.create_album(album_name)
import photos

if __name__ == '__main__':
	albums = photos.get_albums()
	for k, a in enumerate(albums):
		if a.title in ('Test1', 'Test2'):
			print(f'Deleting album "{a.title}"...')
			print(f'"{a.title}" is gone, dude!')
Exemple #14
    def touch_began(self, touch):
        x, y = touch.location

        if self.loopPrompt == True:
            if x > 50 and x < self.size.x / 2 and y < self.size.y / 2 and y > self.size.y / 2 - 50:
                self.loopPrompt = False
                self.loopPromptState = 1
            elif x > self.size.x / 2 and x < self.size.x - 50 and y < self.size.y / 2 and y > self.size.y / 2 - 50:
                self.loopPrompt = False
                self.loopPromptState = 2

        elif self.MoreState == True:
            #SOS State
            if x < self.size.w / 2 + 30 and x > self.size.w / 2 - 30 and y > 50 and y < 100 and self.MoreState == True:

            elif x < 100 and x > 50 and y < 220 and y > 160 and len(
                    self.locations) >= 2:
                googleMapsMaxPoints = 20
                mapLocations = copy.deepcopy(self.locations)
                if len(self.locations) > googleMapsMaxPoints:
                    mapLocations = []
                    jump = math.ceil(len(self.locations) / googleMapsMaxPoints)
                    for i in range(0, len(self.locations), jump):
                        mapLocations += [self.locations[i]]
                self.query = 'safari-https://www.google.com/maps/dir/'
                for loc in mapLocations:
                    self.query += str(loc[0])
                    self.query += ","
                    self.query += str(loc[1])
                    self.query += "/"
                self.query = self.query[:-1]

            elif x < self.size.x / 2 + 40 and x > self.size.x / 2 - 40 and y < 220 and y > 160 and len(
                    self.locations) >= 2:
                googleMapsMaxPoints = 20
                mapLocations = copy.deepcopy(self.locations)
                if len(self.locations) > googleMapsMaxPoints:
                    mapLocations = []
                    jump = math.ceil(len(self.locations) / googleMapsMaxPoints)
                    for i in range(0, len(self.locations), jump):
                        mapLocations += [self.locations[i]]
                self.query = 'safari-https://www.google.com/maps/dir/'
                for loc in mapLocations:
                    self.query += str(loc[0])
                    self.query += ","
                    self.query += str(loc[1])
                    self.query += "/"
                self.query = self.query[:-1]
                self.clipState = True

            elif x < self.size.x - 50 and x > self.size.x - 100 and y < 220 and y > 160:
                self.pathState = True

                self.MoreState = False
                self.clipState = False
                self.pathState = False

        #reset button
        elif x < 100 and x > 50 and y < 100 and y > 50:
            self.measuringOn = False
            self.checkedOnce = 0
            self.background_color = 'white'
            self.locations = []
            self.needMore = False

        #more button
        elif x < self.size.w / 2 + 25 and x > self.size.w / 2 - 25 and y < 30 and y > 0:
            self.MoreState = True

        elif x < self.size.w / 2 + 30 and x > self.size.w / 2 - 30 and y > 50 and y < 100 and self.MoreState == False:
            imageree = photos.capture_image()
            self.photoCount += 1
            all_assets = photos.get_assets()
            theImage = all_assets[-1]
            # Find the album or create it:
                album = [
                    a for a in photos.get_albums() if a.title == 'Thread'
            except IndexError:
                album = photos.create_album('Thread')
            # Add the file as an asset to the library:
            # asset = photos.create_image_asset(theImage)
            # Add the asset to the album:
            theImage = all_assets[len(all_assets) - 1]

        #compass State: Letters (NWSE) or degrees
        elif x < 325 and x > 275 and y < 100 and y > 50:
            self.compassStat = not (self.compassStat)

        elif self.measuringOn == False and self.checkedOnce == 0:
            self.measuringOn = True
            self.background_color = 'white'
            self.checkedOnce += 1

        elif self.measuringOn == True and self.checkedOnce == 1 and len(
                self.locations) < 4:
            self.needMore = True

        elif self.measuringOn == True and self.checkedOnce == 1 and len(
                self.locations) > 3:
            self.needMore = False
            self.measuringOn = False
            self.background_color = 'white'
            self.checkedOnce += 1

        elif self.measuringOn == False and self.checkedOnce == 3:
            self.background_color = 'white'
            self.checkedOnce += 1