Exemple #1
 def toPhrasedml(self):
     if self.sedml_str:
         result = phrasedml.convertString(self.sedml_str)
         if result is None:
             raise RuntimeError(phrasedml.getLastError())
         return self.fixModelRefs(phrasedml.getLastPhraSEDML())
     elif self.sedml_path:
         result = phrasedml.convertFile(self.sedml_str)
         if result is None:
             raise RuntimeError(phrasedml.getLastError())
         return self.fixModelRefs(phrasedml.getLastPhraSEDML())
Exemple #2
    def addPhrasedml(self, phrasedmlStr, antimonyStr, arcname=None):
        """ Adds SEDML file as phraSEDML string into COMBINE archive.
        :param phrasedmlStr: phraSEDML string
        :param antimonyStr: antimony string to be referenced
        :param arcname: (optional) desired name of SEDML file
        warnings.warn('Use inline_omex instead.', DeprecationWarning)
        # FIXME: This does not work for multiple referenced models !.
        reModel = r"""(\w*) = model ('|")(.*)('|")"""
        phrasedmllines = phrasedmlStr.splitlines()
        for k, line in enumerate(phrasedmllines):
            reSearchModel = re.split(reModel, line)
            if len(reSearchModel) > 1:
                modelsource = str(reSearchModel[3])
                modelname = os.path.basename(modelsource)
                modelname = str(modelname).replace(".xml", '')

        sedmlstr = phrasedml.convertString(phrasedmlStr)
        if sedmlstr is None:
            raise Exception(phrasedml.getLastError())

        self.addSEDML(sedmlstr, arcname)
 def toPhrasedml(self):
     # assign sbml resources
     # print('toPhrasedml sbml resources:')
     for sbml_resource in self.sbml_map:
         # print('  {} -> {}'.format(sbml_resource, self.sbml_map[sbml_resource][:30]))
         phrasedml.setReferencedSBML(sbml_resource, self.sbml_map[sbml_resource])
     # convert to phrasedml
     if self.sedml_str:
         result = phrasedml.convertString(self.sedml_str)
         if result is None:
             raise RuntimeError(phrasedml.getLastError())
         return self.fixModelRefs(phrasedml.getLastPhraSEDML())
     elif self.sedml_path:
         result = phrasedml.convertFile(self.sedml_str)
         if result is None:
             raise RuntimeError(phrasedml.getLastError())
         return self.fixModelRefs(phrasedml.getLastPhraSEDML())
 def toPhrasedml(self):
     # assign sbml resources
     # print('toPhrasedml sbml resources:')
     for sbml_resource in self.sbml_map:
         # print('  {} -> {}'.format(sbml_resource, self.sbml_map[sbml_resource][:30]))
         phrasedml.setReferencedSBML(sbml_resource, self.sbml_map[sbml_resource])
     # convert to phrasedml
     if self.sedml_str:
         result = phrasedml.convertString(self.sedml_str)
         if result is None:
             raise RuntimeError(phrasedml.getLastError())
         return self.fixModelRefs(phrasedml.getLastPhraSEDML())
     elif self.sedml_path:
         result = phrasedml.convertFile(self.sedml_str)
         if result is None:
             raise RuntimeError(phrasedml.getLastError())
         return self.fixModelRefs(phrasedml.getLastPhraSEDML())
Exemple #5
    def fromPhrasedML(cls, phrasedmlStr, location, master=None):
        sedmlStr = phrasedml.convertString(phrasedmlStr)
        # necessary to add xml extensions to antimony models
        sedmlStr = phrasedml.getLastSEDML()
        if sedmlStr is None:
            raise Exception(phrasedml.getLastError())

        return cls.fromRaw(raw=sedmlStr, location=location, filetype='sed-ml', master=master)
    def createpython(self):  # Create and return Python script given antimony and phrasedml strings
        rePath = r"(\w*).load\('(.*)'\)"
        reLoad = r"(\w*) = roadrunner.RoadRunner\(\)"
        reModel = r"""(\w*) = model ('|")(.*)('|")"""
        phrasedmllines = self.phrasedmlStr.splitlines()
        for i, s in enumerate(phrasedmllines):
            reSearchModel = re.split(reModel, s)
            if len(reSearchModel) > 1:
                modelsource = str(reSearchModel[3])
                modelname = os.path.basename(modelsource)
                modelname = str(modelname).replace(".xml", "")

        phrasedml.setReferencedSBML(modelsource, te.antimonyTosbml(self.antimonyStr))
        sedmlstr = phrasedml.convertString(self.phrasedmlStr)
        if sedmlstr == None:
            raise Exception(phrasedml.getLastError())


        fd1, sedmlfilepath = tempfile.mkstemp()
        os.write(fd1, sedmlstr)

        pysedml = te.SedmlToRr.sedml_to_python(sedmlfilepath)
        if self.modelispath == False:
            lines = pysedml.splitlines()
            for i, s in enumerate(lines):
                reSearchPath = re.split(rePath, s)
                if len(reSearchPath) > 1:
                    del lines[i]
            for i, s in enumerate(lines):
                reSearchLoad = re.split(reLoad, s)
                if len(reSearchLoad) > 1:
                    s = s.replace("roadrunner.RoadRunner()", "te.loada(" + str(modelname) + ")")
                    lines[i] = s

            if not "import tellurium" in pysedml:
                if "import roadrunner" in pysedml:
                    for i, s in enumerate(lines):
                        if "import roadrunner" in s:
                            del lines[i]
                            lines.insert(i, "import tellurium as te")

        pysedml = "\n".join(lines)

        # List of replacements
        pysedml = pysedml.replace('"compartment"', '"compartment_"')
        pysedml = pysedml.replace("'compartment'", "'compartment_'")

        outputstr = str(modelname) + " = '''" + self.antimonyStr + "'''\n\n" + pysedml


        return outputstr
Exemple #7
    def fromPhrasedML(cls, phrasedmlStr, location, master=None):
        sedmlStr = phrasedml.convertString(phrasedmlStr)
        # necessary to add xml extensions to antimony models
        sedmlStr = phrasedml.getLastSEDML()
        if sedmlStr is None:
            raise Exception(phrasedml.getLastError())

        return cls.fromRaw(raw=sedmlStr,
Exemple #8
    def get_sedml(self):
        Convert phrasedml into sedml. This method is concrete
        and prevents the need for the user to write their own
        sedml. Instead they provide theiry user input as phrasedml
        which this method automatically converts to sedml
        Returns: str SEDML string

        sedml_str = phrasedml.convertString(self.phrasedml())
        if not sedml_str:
            raise ValueError(phrasedml.getLastError())
        return sedml_str
Exemple #9
    def __init__(self, sources):
        """ Converts a dictionary of PhraSEDML files and list of Antimony files into sedml/sbml.

        :param sources: Sources returned from partitionInlineOMEXString
        from .convert_omex import Omex, SbmlAsset, SedmlAsset, readCreator
        from .convert_antimony import antimonyConverter


        from .. import DumpJSONInfo
        self.omex = Omex(description=DumpJSONInfo(), creator=readCreator())

        # Convert antimony to sbml
        for t, loc, master in ((x['source'],
                                x['location'] if 'location' in x else None,
                                x['master'] if 'master' in x else None)
                               for x in sources if x['type'] == 'antimony'):
            modulename, sbmlstr = antimonyConverter().antimonyToSBML(t)
            outpath = loc if loc is not None else modulename + '.xml'
            self.omex.addSbmlAsset(SbmlAsset(outpath, sbmlstr, master=master))

        # Convert phrasedml to sedml
        for t, loc, master in ((x['source'],
                                x['location'] if 'location' in x else None,
                                x['master'] if 'master' in x else None)
                               for x in sources if x['type'] == 'phrasedml'):

            for sbml_asset in self.omex.getSbmlAssets():
                if sbml_asset.location:
                    if loc:
                        path = os.path.relpath(sbml_asset.location,
                        path = sbml_asset.location
                    path = sbml_asset.getModuleName()
                # make windows paths like unix paths
                if os.path.sep == '\\':
                    path = path.replace(os.path.sep, '/')
                phrasedml.setReferencedSBML(path, sbml_asset.getContent())
            sedml = phrasedml.getLastSEDML()
            if sedml is None:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    'Unable to convert PhraSEDML to SED-ML: {}'.format(
            outpath = loc if loc is not None else 'main.xml'
            self.omex.addSedmlAsset(SedmlAsset(outpath, sedml, master=master))
    def getSedmlString(self):
        reModel = r"""(\w*) = model ('|")(.*)('|")"""
        phrasedmllines = self.phrasedmlStr.splitlines()
        for i, s in enumerate(phrasedmllines):
            reSearchModel = re.split(reModel, s)
            if len(reSearchModel) > 1:
                modelsource = str(reSearchModel[3])

        phrasedml.setReferencedSBML(modelsource, te.antimonyToSbml(self.antimonyStr))
        sedmlstr = phrasedml.convertString(self.phrasedmlStr)
        if sedmlstr == None:
            raise Exception(phrasedml.getLastError())


        return sedmlstr
    def _phrasedmlToSEDML(self, phrasedmlStr):
        """ Convert phrasedml string to SEDML.

        Necessary to set the reference models via

        :param phrasedmlStr:
        :type phrasedmlStr:
        sedmlstr = phrasedml.convertString(phrasedmlStr)
        if sedmlstr is None:
            raise Exception(phrasedml.getLastError())
        return sedmlstr
Exemple #12
    def _phrasedmlToSEDML(self, phrasedmlStr):
        """ Convert phrasedml string to SEDML.

        Necessary to set the reference models via

        :param phrasedmlStr:
        :type phrasedmlStr:
        sedmlstr = phrasedml.convertString(phrasedmlStr)
        if sedmlstr is None:
            raise Exception(phrasedml.getLastError())
        return sedmlstr
Exemple #13
    def _phrasedmlToSEDML(self, phrasedmlStr):
        """ Convert phrasedml string to SEDML.

        Necessary to set the reference models via

        :param phrasedmlStr:
        :type phrasedmlStr:
        warnings.warn('Use inline_omex instead.', DeprecationWarning)
        sedmlstr = phrasedml.convertString(phrasedmlStr)
        if sedmlstr is None:
            raise Exception(phrasedml.getLastError())
        return sedmlstr
Exemple #14
    def addPhrasedml(self, phrasedmlStr, antimonyStr, arcname=None):
        """ Adds phrasedml via conversion to SEDML. """
        # FIXME: This does not work for multiple referenced models !.
        reModel = r"""(\w*) = model ('|")(.*)('|")"""
        phrasedmllines = phrasedmlStr.splitlines()
        for k, line in enumerate(phrasedmllines):
            reSearchModel = re.split(reModel, line)
            if len(reSearchModel) > 1:
                modelsource = str(reSearchModel[3])
                modelname = os.path.basename(modelsource)
                modelname = str(modelname).replace(".xml", '')

        phrasedml.setReferencedSBML(modelsource, te.antimonyToSBML(antimonyStr))
        sedmlstr = phrasedml.convertString(phrasedmlStr)
        if sedmlstr is None:
            raise Exception(phrasedml.getLastError())

        self.addSEDML(sedmlstr, arcname)
    def phrasedmltosedml(self, phrasedml_str, sbml_file, **kwargs):
        """Generate SEDML file from phrasedml.
        Example of phrasedml_str:
        phrasedml_str = '''
        model1 = model "{}"

        :param phrasedml_str: text-based way to represent SEDML
        :type phrasedml_str: str
        :param sbml_file: the SBML xml file/path to the file
        :type sbml_file: str
        :return: the sedml string
        :rtype: str

            with open(sbml_file, "r+") as f:
                sbml_str = f.read()
        except IOError:
            print("Error in opening sbml file")

        phrasedml_str = phrasedml_str.format(sbml_file)

        phrasedml.setReferencedSBML(sbml_file, sbml_str)
        sedml_str = phrasedml.convertString(phrasedml_str)

        if sedml_str is None:
            raise RuntimeError(phrasedml.getLastError())

        sedml_file = os.path.join(self.workingdir0, "sedml.xml")

        for key, value in kwargs.items():
            if "outputfile" in key:
                sedml_file = value

        with open(sedml_file, "wb") as f:

        return sedml_str
Exemple #16
def create_sedml(sedml_location, sbml_location, directory, dt, tend,
                 species_ids, reaction_ids):
    """ Creates SED-ML file for the given simulation.

    :param sedml_location:
    :param sbml_location:
    :param directory:
    :param dt:
    :param tend:
    steps = int(1.0 * tend / dt)

    p = """
          model1 = model "{}"
          sim1 = simulate uniform(0, {}, {})
          sim1.algorithm = kisao.500
          task1 = run sim1 on model1
          plot "Figure 1: DFBA species vs. time" time vs {}
          plot "Figure 2: DFBA fluxes vs. time" time vs {}
          report "Report 1: DFBA species vs. time" time vs {}
          report "Report 2: DFBA fluxes vs. time" time vs {}

    """.format(sbml_location, tend, steps, species_ids, reaction_ids,
               species_ids, reaction_ids)

    return_code = phrasedml.convertString(p)
    if return_code is None:

    sedml = phrasedml.getLastSEDML()
    # print(sedml)

    sedml_file = os.path.join(directory, sedml_location)
    with open(sedml_file, "w") as f:
Exemple #17
    def addPhrasedml(self, phrasedmlStr, antimonyStr, arcname=None):
        """ Adds SEDML file as phraSEDML string into COMBINE archive.
        :param phrasedmlStr: phraSEDML string
        :param antimonyStr: antimony string to be referenced
        :param arcname: (optional) desired name of SEDML file
        warnings.warn('Use inline_omex instead.', DeprecationWarning)
        # FIXME: This does not work for multiple referenced models !.
        reModel = r"""(\w*) = model ('|")(.*)('|")"""
        phrasedmllines = phrasedmlStr.splitlines()
        for k, line in enumerate(phrasedmllines):
            reSearchModel = re.split(reModel, line)
            if len(reSearchModel) > 1:
                modelsource = str(reSearchModel[3])
                modelname = os.path.basename(modelsource)
                modelname = str(modelname).replace(".xml", '')

        phrasedml.setReferencedSBML(modelsource, te.antimonyToSBML(antimonyStr))
        sedmlstr = phrasedml.convertString(phrasedmlStr)
        if sedmlstr is None:
            raise Exception(phrasedml.getLastError())

        self.addSEDML(sedmlstr, arcname)
    sim1 = simulate uniform(0, 6, 100)
    task1 = run sim1 on model1
    task2 = run sim1 on model2
    plot "Timecourse test1" task1.time vs task1.S1, task1.S2
    plot "Timecourse test2" task2.time vs task2.X1, task2.X2

# phrasedml.setReferencedSBML("test1")
exp = te.experiment(phrasedmlList=[phrasedmlStr], antimonyList=[antTest1Str])

# set first model
phrasedml.setReferencedSBML("test1", te.antimonyToSBML(antTest1Str))
phrasedml.setReferencedSBML("test2", te.antimonyToSBML(antTest2Str))

sedmlstr = phrasedml.convertString(phrasedmlStr)
if sedmlstr is None:
    raise Exception(phrasedml.getLastError())

# In[3]:

# In[3]:

    def test_repressilator(self):

        # Get SBML from URN and set for phrasedml
        urn = "urn:miriam:biomodels.db:BIOMD0000000012"
        sbml_str = temiriam.getSBMLFromBiomodelsURN(urn=urn)
        return_code = phrasedml.setReferencedSBML(urn, sbml_str)
        assert return_code  # valid SBML

        # <SBML species>
        #   PX - LacI protein
        #   PY - TetR protein
        #   PZ - cI protein
        #   X - LacI mRNA
        #   Y - TetR mRNA
        #   Z - cI mRNA

        # <SBML parameters>
        #   ps_a - tps_active: Transcription from free promotor in transcripts per second and promotor
        #   ps_0 - tps_repr: Transcription from fully repressed promotor in transcripts per second and promotor
        phrasedml_str = """
            model1 = model "{}"
            model2 = model model1 with ps_0=1.3E-5, ps_a=0.013
            sim1 = simulate uniform(0, 1000, 1000)
            task1 = run sim1 on model1
            task2 = run sim1 on model2

            # A simple timecourse simulation
            plot "Timecourse of repressilator" task1.time vs task1.PX, task1.PZ, task1.PY

            # Applying preprocessing
            plot "Timecourse after pre-processing" task2.time vs task2.PX, task2.PZ, task2.PY

            # Applying postprocessing
            plot "Timecourse after post-processing" task1.PX/max(task1.PX) vs task1.PZ/max(task1.PZ), \
                                                               task1.PY/max(task1.PY) vs task1.PX/max(task1.PX), \
                                                               task1.PZ/max(task1.PZ) vs task1.PY/max(task1.PY)

        # convert to sedml
        sedml_str = phrasedml.convertString(phrasedml_str)
        if sedml_str is None:
            raise IOError("sedml could not be generated")

        # run SEDML directly
            tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
            executeSEDML(sedml_str, workingDir=tmp_dir)

        # create combine archive and execute
            tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
            sedml_location = "repressilator_sedml.xml"
            sedml_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, sedml_location)
            omex_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, "repressilator.omex")
            with open(sedml_path, "w") as f:

            entries = [
            executeCombineArchive(omex_path, workingDir=tmp_dir)
    # A simple timecourse simulation
    plot "Figure 1.1 Timecourse of repressilator" task1.time vs task1.PX, task1.PZ, task1.PY

    # Applying preprocessing
    plot "Figure 1.2 Timecourse after pre-processing" task2.time vs task2.PX, task2.PZ, task2.PY

    # Applying postprocessing
    plot "Figure 1.3 Timecourse after post-processing" task1.PX/max(task1.PX) vs task1.PZ/max(task1.PZ), \
                                                       task1.PY/max(task1.PY) vs task1.PX/max(task1.PX), \
                                                       task1.PZ/max(task1.PZ) vs task1.PY/max(task1.PY)

# convert to SED-ML
sedmlStr = phrasedml.convertString(phrasedmlStr)
if sedmlStr == None:

# Run the SED-ML file with results written in workingDir
import tempfile
import shutil

workingDir = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix="_sedml")
te.executeSEDML(sedmlStr, workingDir=workingDir)

# ### Execute Combine Archive
# Executing the SED-ML from a combine archive.

# In[2]:

import tellurium as te
Exemple #21
    # A simple timecourse simulation
    plot "Figure 1.1 Timecourse of repressilator" task1.time vs task1.PX, task1.PZ, task1.PY

    # Applying preprocessing
    plot "Figure 1.2 Timecourse after pre-processing" task2.time vs task2.PX, task2.PZ, task2.PY

    # Applying postprocessing
    plot "Figure 1.3 Timecourse after post-processing" task1.PX/max(task1.PX) vs task1.PZ/max(task1.PZ), \
                                                       task1.PY/max(task1.PY) vs task1.PX/max(task1.PX), \
                                                       task1.PZ/max(task1.PZ) vs task1.PY/max(task1.PY)

# convert to SED-ML
sedmlStr = phrasedml.convertString(phrasedmlStr)
if sedmlStr == None:

# Run the SED-ML file with results written in workingDir
import tempfile
import shutil
workingDir = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix="_sedml")
te.executeSEDML(sedmlStr, workingDir=workingDir)

# ### Execute Combine Archive
# Executing the SED-ML from a combine archive.

# In[2]:

import tellurium as te
Exemple #22
    def test_repressilator(self):

        # Get SBML from URN and set for phrasedml
        urn = "urn:miriam:biomodels.db:BIOMD0000000012"
        sbml_str = temiriam.getSBMLFromBiomodelsURN(urn=urn)
        return_code = phrasedml.setReferencedSBML(urn, sbml_str)
        assert return_code  # valid SBML

        # <SBML species>
        #   PX - LacI protein
        #   PY - TetR protein
        #   PZ - cI protein
        #   X - LacI mRNA
        #   Y - TetR mRNA
        #   Z - cI mRNA

        # <SBML parameters>
        #   ps_a - tps_active: Transcription from free promotor in transcripts per second and promotor
        #   ps_0 - tps_repr: Transcription from fully repressed promotor in transcripts per second and promotor
        phrasedml_str = """
            model1 = model "{}"
            model2 = model model1 with ps_0=1.3E-5, ps_a=0.013
            sim1 = simulate uniform(0, 1000, 1000)
            task1 = run sim1 on model1
            task2 = run sim1 on model2

            # A simple timecourse simulation
            plot "Timecourse of repressilator" task1.time vs task1.PX, task1.PZ, task1.PY

            # Applying preprocessing
            plot "Timecourse after pre-processing" task2.time vs task2.PX, task2.PZ, task2.PY

            # Applying postprocessing
            plot "Timecourse after post-processing" task1.PX/max(task1.PX) vs task1.PZ/max(task1.PZ), \
                                                               task1.PY/max(task1.PY) vs task1.PX/max(task1.PX), \
                                                               task1.PZ/max(task1.PZ) vs task1.PY/max(task1.PY)

        # convert to sedml
        sedml_str = phrasedml.convertString(phrasedml_str)
        if sedml_str is None:
            raise IOError("sedml could not be generated")

        # run SEDML directly
            tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
            executeSEDML(sedml_str, workingDir=tmp_dir)

        # create combine archive and execute
            tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
            sedml_location = "repressilator_sedml.xml"
            sedml_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, sedml_location)
            omex_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, "repressilator.omex")
            with open(sedml_path, "w") as f:

            entries = [
                omex.Entry(location=sedml_location, formatKey="sedml", master=True)
            omex.combineArchiveFromEntries(omexPath=omex_path, entries=entries, workingDir=tmp_dir)
            executeCombineArchive(omex_path, workingDir=tmp_dir)
Exemple #23
 def getSEDMLStr(self):
     sedmlstr = phrasedml.convertString(self.getRawStr())
     if sedmlstr == None:
         raise Exception(phrasedml.getLastError())
     return sedmlstr
Exemple #24
    def __init__(self, sources):
        """ Converts a dictionary of PhraSEDML files and list of Antimony files into sedml/sbml.

        :param sources: Sources returned from partitionInlineOMEXString
        from .convert_omex import Omex, SbmlAsset, SedmlAsset, readCreator
        from .convert_antimony import antimonyConverter


        from .. import DumpJSONInfo
        self.omex = Omex(
        # Convert antimony to sbml
        for t, loc, master in (
        (x['source'], x['location'] if 'location' in x else None, x['master'] if 'master' in x else None)
        for x in sources if x['type'] == 'antimony'):
            modulename, sbmlstr = antimonyConverter().antimonyToSBML(t)
            outpath = loc if loc is not None else modulename + '.xml'
            self.omex.addSbmlAsset(SbmlAsset(outpath, sbmlstr, master=master))

        # Convert phrasedml to sedml
        for t, loc, master in (
        (x['source'], x['location'] if 'location' in x else None, x['master'] if 'master' in x else None)
        for x in sources if x['type'] == 'phrasedml'):

            for sbml_asset in self.omex.getSbmlAssets():
                if sbml_asset.location:
                    if loc:
                        path = os.path.relpath(sbml_asset.location, os.path.dirname(loc))
                        path = sbml_asset.location
                    path = sbml_asset.getModuleName()
                # make windows paths like unix paths
                if os.path.sep == '\\':
                    path = path.replace(os.path.sep, '/')
                phrasedml.setReferencedSBML(path, sbml_asset.getContent())
            sedml = phrasedml.getLastSEDML()
            if sedml is None:
                raise RuntimeError('Unable to convert PhraSEDML to SED-ML: {}'.format(phrasedml.getLastError()))
            outpath = loc if loc is not None else 'main.xml'
            self.omex.addSedmlAsset(SedmlAsset(outpath, sedml, master=master))