Exemple #1
    def calcCenterWidthLST(self, minLst = None, maxLst = None):
        Returns the center LST and LST width based off the min &
        max LST's (all in radians).

        if minLst is None:
            minLst = self.min_lst
        if maxLst is None:
            maxLst = self.max_lst
        if minLst is None or maxLst is None:    
            return (None, None)

        # our utility tool - it takes everything in degrees
        if self.elevation_min is not None:
            h = Horizon(rad2deg(self.elevation_min))
            h = Horizon()

        # and the tool returns DateTimeDelta's
        minLst = DateTime.DateTimeDelta(0, rad2hr(minLst), 0, 0)
        maxLst = DateTime.DateTimeDelta(0, rad2hr(maxLst), 0, 0)
        center, width = h.riseSet2centerWidth(minLst, maxLst)

        return (hr2rad(center.hours), hr2rad(width.hours))
Exemple #2
    def calcLSTrange(self):
        Returns the minimum and maximum LST from the position
        and the minimum elevation (in radians).

        if self.ra is None or self.dec is None:
            return (None, None)

        # our utility tool - it takes everything in degrees
        if self.elevation_min is not None:
            h = Horizon(rad2deg(self.elevation_min))
            h = Horizon()

        # and the tool returns DateTimeDelta's
        rise, set = h.riseSetLSTs(rad2deg(self.ra)
                                , rad2deg(self.dec))

        # unless this is a special case!
        if set is None:
            # our source never sets - it's always up!
            return (0.0, hr2rad(24.0))
        if rise is None:
            # our source never rises 
            return (0.0, 0.0)

        minLst = hr2rad(h.normalizeHours(rise))
        maxLst = hr2rad(h.normalizeHours(set))

        return (minLst, maxLst)
Exemple #3
    def test_riseSet2centerWidth(self):

        h = Horizon()

        rise = DateTime.DateTimeDelta(0, 12, 0, 0)
        set  = DateTime.DateTimeDelta(0, 18, 0, 0)

        center, width = h.riseSet2centerWidth(rise, set)
        self.assertEqual(15.0, center.hours)
        self.assertEqual(6.0, width.hours)

        # make sure wrap around works
        rise = DateTime.DateTimeDelta(0, 22, 0, 0)
        set  = DateTime.DateTimeDelta(0,  4, 0, 0)

        center, width = h.riseSet2centerWidth(rise, set)
        self.assertEqual(1.0, center.hours)
        self.assertEqual(6.0, width.hours)

        rise = DateTime.DateTimeDelta(0, 18, 0, 0)
        set  = DateTime.DateTimeDelta(0, 12, 0, 0)

        center, width = h.riseSet2centerWidth(rise, set)
        self.assertEqual(18.0, width.hours)
        self.assertEqual(3.0, center.hours)

        # 0 - 24 is a popular range
        rise = DateTime.DateTimeDelta(0, 0, 0, 0)
        set  = DateTime.DateTimeDelta(0, 24, 0, 0)

        center, width = h.riseSet2centerWidth(rise, set)
        self.assertEqual(24.0, width.hours)
        self.assertEqual(12.0, center.hours)
Exemple #4
 def test_hourAngleIntersection(self):
     h = Horizon()
     # doesn't rise
     self.assertEquals(0.0, h.hourAngleIntersection(-80.0))
     # never sets
     self.assertEquals(12.0, h.hourAngleIntersection(90.0))
     # in between
     self.assertAlmostEquals(5.567149, h.hourAngleIntersection(0.0), 3)
     self.assertAlmostEquals(8.62116, h.hourAngleIntersection(45.0), 3)
Exemple #5
    def test_getRiseSet(self):

        now = DateTime.DateTime(2006, 5, 31, 18, 6, 4)

        # default elevation limit
        h = Horizon()
        rise, set = h.riseSetLSTs(20.0, 20.0, now)
        self.assertEqual('18:41:12.03', str(rise))
        self.assertEqual('07:58:47.97', str(set))

        # raise the el. limit and watch things rise later 
        # and set earlier
        h = Horizon(20.0)
        rise, set = h.riseSetLSTs(20.0, 20.0, now)
        self.assertEqual('20:00:15.72', str(rise))
        self.assertEqual('06:39:44.28', str(set))

        # a lower dec should mean less time up  
        h = Horizon(20.0)
        rise, set = h.riseSetLSTs(20.0, 0.0, now)
        self.assertEqual('21:03:18.21', str(rise))
        self.assertEqual('05:36:41.79', str(set))

        # demonstrates that we need to normalize results
        h = Horizon()
        ra = rad2deg(hr2rad(22.0))
        rise, set = h.riseSetLSTs(ra, 10.0, now)
        self.assertEqual('15:54:14.83', str(rise))
        # watch for > 24 hours
        self.assertEqual('1:04:05:45.17', str(set))
        self.assertAlmostEqual(28.0958, set.hours, 2)

        self.assertAlmostEquals(4.09588185187, h.normalizeHours(set), 3)

        # source that is always up
        rise, set = h.riseSetLSTs(ra, 80.0, now)
        self.assertTrue(set is None) 

        # source that is never up
        rise, set = h.riseSetLSTs(ra, -80.0, now)
        self.assertTrue(rise is None) 

        # but a source that is always up may not survive the el limit 
        h = Horizon(30)
        elLimHr = rad2hr(deg2rad(30))
        rise, set = h.riseSetLSTs(ra, 80.0, now)
        self.assertTrue(set is not None)